October 13, 2017


I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com Welcome to I LOVE LISTS. It’s Friday, here’s a list for you!

  1. Not sure how I feel about this….
  2. Tips for talking about mental health/depression
  3. Things I want to eat: apple cake /mint white chocolate ice cream shell
  4. When your favorite is problematic.
  5. Freelance achievement stickers. LOL
  6. Swedish Death Cleaning is the new Marie Kondo
  7. Important read: how smartphones hijack our minds
  8. More important reading: The New Midlife Crisis
  9. Let children dawdle & dream
  10. A perfect dress for Fall.
  11. Regrets you may have in 10 years
  12. Puerto Rico 100 years ago
  13. Animal facts you never learned in school.
  14. A skillshare class I wanna take
  15. Pins: for the introvert/ for someone doing their best/ for the designer
  16. RIP AIM
  17. The line between fact & fiction is def blurred on the internet
  18. Ways to make realistic fake blood– just in time for Halloween!
  19. Weeknight dinner across the US.
  20. Life Lessons from Anthony Bourdain
  21. Kinda creepy/kinda interesting
  22. For the procrastinators.
  23. To put in the freezer: homemade pizza bagels

have a great weekend!

October 11, 2017

Pork & Scallion Wontons

Forget takeout! Make Pork Scallion Wontons at home. They're so easy! Find the recipe at Shutterbean.com

My kid devours dumplings, wontons and pot stickers. They’re all a perfect vehicle for soy sauce….which is one of his favorite things. Instead of going out to a Chinese restaurant to satisfy our cravings, I made these Pork Scallion Wontons at home.

Forget takeout! Make Pork Scallion Wontons at home. They're so easy! Find the recipe at Shutterbean.com

Appetizer turned dinner? SIGN ME UP.

Forget takeout! Make Pork Scallion Wontons at home. They're so easy! Find the recipe at Shutterbean.com

I can’t wait to experiment with fillings!


October 9, 2017

Intentions for the Week

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:Happy Monday! Writing this Sunday night. Listening to Led Zeppelin and drinking iced tea. It feels too good to close my eyes. That’s how tired I am. We had a full weekend with family and it was awesome!

We were in the city with family for Fleet Week and we spent the whole time eating and drinking. This is why I am not on the Whole30 plan right now.  Is anyone on it? Maybe I’ll start soon…

This week is a catchup and get organized week. There are some trouble dumping zones around my house right now that I have to clean up. The pantry is looking a little rough and I need to do some straightening.

My Everyday Life: Week 40 on Shutterbean.com

Intentions for the Week:

  • catch up on writing letters
  • take pen pal photos/post on @thehandwritingclub
  • bookkeeping
  • catch up on social media
  • meet with Madeleine
  • play date with class mates
  • school conference
  • make a pasta dish for the blog
  • figure out a new pumpkin recipe
  • plan another ladies craft night
  • go on a hike/do yoga/EXERCISE
  • return library books/find two rogue library books
  • LAUNDRY like a mofo
  • research plants for front
  • drink more water (this is helping)
  • clean up workspace
  • keep the sink CLEAR this week
  • return Stitchfix order
  • continue working on morning pages/artist’s way
  • don’t eat bread/crackers


October 8, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 40

Here’s what this past week looked like on My Everyday Life- Week 40

Happy 9th birthday, Cooper!

My Everyday Life: Week 40 on Shutterbean.com

We celebrated at Buckeye in Mill Valley.

My Everyday Life: Week 40 on Shutterbean.com

I made brown butter chocolate chip cookies from Joy the Baker for school (I added marshmallows!) and they were well received!

My Everyday Life: Week 40 on Shutterbean.com

10:20 am in my kitchen.

My Everyday Life: Week 40 on Shutterbean.com

Trip into the city!


October 6, 2017

I Love Lists

I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com

Welcome to I LOVE LISTS. It’s Friday, let’s surf the internet together.

  1. Hello, future me.
  2. What Not to Say to a New Mom with Postpartum Depression
  3. I want to live in this house
  4. No kidding…
  5. This made me laugh so hard.  This also- PAPYRUS
  6. I’ve never wanted a greenhouse until now.
  7. Anyone else watch Jeopardy? This guy was hilarious.
  8. Oprah, the farmer!
  9. I am so glad that I didn’t grow up with this.
  10. A little bit about creepy Hugh Hefner.
  11. AMEN
  12. My favorite pens- Part 1 and Part 2
  13. You can visit horror movie locations in real life.
  14. Advice on how to spend less online.
  15. A story of how to make brown sugar from scratch. Thanks Maj!
  16. Why digital notetaking will never replace the physical journal. YES.
  17. How to get kids to really talk about their day at school.
  18. If you have a mosquito buzzing around your room at night. 
  19. Goodbye, middle class, goodbye TGI Fridays.
  20. Book alert:  Feed the Resistance /Braving the Wilderness /A Glorious Freedom
  21. A house made of shipping containers. Interesting.
  22. Jealousy will kill your creative freedom.
  23. Tom Petty was a music video innovator. RIPhave a great weekend!
October 3, 2017

Currently: September 2017


Currently September 2017 on Shutterbean.com

Currently September 2017

Let’s wrap September up, shall we? Since we’re already 3 days into October. September was a pretty hectic month with the start of school and all. We’re developing a new rhythm and routine. More homework, more hustling, MORE to remember and a whole bunch of get-togethers thrown in the mix!  Fall baseball season is in full swing too so our weekends occupied for awhile. I honestly don’t know how people do it with more than one child.

All of my healthcare checkups are done for the year….just in time to put HOURS into figuring out what healthcare plan isn’t going to kill us. Literally? I just knocked on wood. Worry not. It’s incredible what it goes into maintaining life.  OK SO SEPTEMBER. Let’s get into it.

Inspired by:

My Everyday Life: Week 39 on Shutterbean.com

My zen garden has been inspiring me. It’s coming along slowly but surely. I’m curious how it will hold up during the rainy seasons. I’m going to be sad when there are no leaves on my Japanese maple.

It’s teaching me how to have patience, pay attention and be hopeful. Most of my garden has been made with propagations from other plants in my yard and that makes me happy.

We also got rid of a giant dead tree in our yard. It brought like back in and I am grateful for that.


This is my dream for our front yard…. it’s the Sun Garden at Marin Arts & Gardens Center. 

My Everyday Life: Week 35 on Shutterbean.com

I sat there for 15 minutes and made notes.

My Everyday Life: Week 35 on Shutterbean.com

Have you seen Lady Gaga’s new documentary Five Foot Two on Netflix? It’s really good. What she doesn’t talk about is that she has fibromyalgia. I thought it was cool to see the behind the scenes of record making. I’ve been listening to it non-stop, so I suppose it worked!

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

For about a week and a half, I woke up early and did morning pages a la Artist’s Way. This week I’m having a hard time getting out of bed. In the process, I’ve also been looking through some of my old diaries and finding some interesting things. It feels like time travel…and I like seeing little clues of my past self that I left for present Tracy.


October 2, 2017

Intentions for the Week

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Happy Monday! We had a pretty lowkey weekend and I’m quite happy about that. I caught up on a bunch of cleaning and we ended Sunday with baseball and watching home videos of Cooper because today he is NINE!!!  NINE years old. Unbelievable.  We’re baking Joy’s Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies to celebrate at school. Let’s hope I don’t get into any.

Last week was pretty hectic. I never felt like I got my bearings and it actually went by quite fast. I finally went to the dentist and chiropractor! YAY. I think I am going to make a rule for myself that I will plan all my doc/dentist appointments around my birthday so I won’t forget. This week I have a bunch to catch up on. I can’t believe it’s October already!  Here goes a brain dump of my Intentions for the week!

Intentions for the Week:

  • Celebrate Cooper’s birthday
  • hang out with family during Fleet Week
  • make kombucha
  • shoot recipe(s) for One Potato
  • make an epic cheese board for my parent’s party
  • drink more water (this is helping)
  • laundry
  • return Gap order
  • write letters
  • shoot two recipes for one potato
  • get ahold of my calendar
  • plan dates for LA trip
  • work through morning pages/artist’s way
  • invoicing/bookkeeping
  • currently September 2017- finish/post
  • yoga
  • bank visit
  • delete photos on phone


Last Week’s Intentions:

Mantra for the week:

I love lists Friday on Shutterbean.com

What are your intentions for the week? Leave them in the comments!