September 8, 2017


I love lists // shutterbean


  1. Digital ads on college campus. This is 2017.
  2. New York Street Life + Stanley Kubrick
  3. Blame tech for your high priced back to school shopping list.
  4. This makes me want to take notes.
  5. Something for hiking. Can we call it a fanny pack?
  6. I know a few writers who are teachers.
  7. How the famous vacation.
  8. This could open up a whole other world of possibilities. 
  9. I am mildly intrigued by pizza potatoes.
  10. This salad looks incredible.
  11. Mom! Look at how cute this is.
  12. Definitely Type A
  13. Adventure Kit: bag / pen case /art supplies / time alone / a good book
  14. Tbh, GAP hasn’t impressed me in years.
  15. Nature = 100% NOPE
  16. I listened to this while writing the other day – it’s very good!
  17. Peanut butter on a sourdough roll with apricot jam.
  18. The Ambition Collision. 
  19. Don’t bug your server.
  20. You’ll never be famous and that’s OK.
  21. How to Accept Your Body
  22. Something to make soon- Easy Little Bread
  23. How to Write a Love Letter



September 6, 2017

School Lunch Ideas

Tracy from Shutterbean shares some of her School Lunch Ideas!

Cooper’s school lunches have morphed quite a bit throughout the years. Cooper is now in third grade and has been giving the responsibility of making his own lunch. YAAAAAAY!!!  I’ve already discussed this before, but Cooper is a finicky eater and in some ways, it’s actually a blessing. He likes pretty much the same thing for lunch most days, so I don’t there isn’t a need to always try new things when it comes to lunch. I like how sometimes it becomes an auto-pilot situation.

It took us quite awhile to figure out what he likes in his lunch. Now we have a base that we stick to and swap things out from time to time. Sometimes I repurpose leftovers to make life easier and every once in awhile I’ll throw a treat in there because I believe that if he had one every day, it wouldn’t be as much of a treat 😉 We shake up the snacks and rotate those out but for the most part his lunch looks something like this:

Tracy from Shutterbean shares some of her School Lunch Ideas!

Most of his lunches look like this: 

  • Sandwich (turkey, lettuce, mustard)
  • Snack (sometimes 2 depending on school)
  • Chips/pretzels
  • Fruit/Vegetable
  • water

To start the new school year off right, I wrote out a list of things he likes right now. This is the template that I keep in my bullet journal so that I have something to refer to when I am out grocery shopping. I can’t recommend this enough. It’s been so helpful to know all the ingredients I can to work with.


Tracy from Shutterbean shares some of her School Lunch Ideas!

I am thinking of printing this out, laminating it and keeping it in my bag. Is that too much? I think I just really want to use my laminator.

Tracy from Shutterbean shares some of her School Lunch Ideas!

Current Equipment:


TUNA SALAD SANDWICH // shutterbeanSandwiches/Sandwich Alternatives


Apples + Lime Juice // shutterbean



Chocolate Chip Cookie Energy Bars // shutterbean


Tracy from Shutterbean shares some of her School Lunch Ideas!

Don’t forget to leave a love note!

I like to write random notes for Cooper on post-its and washi tape  🙂  The best part? Sometimes Cooper will leave me notes around the house because he knows how nice it feels to get one in his lunchbox. It’s the sweetest.  Jokes are always fun too. I have this joke book for kids  in our kitchen and sometimes I’ll write a joke out and put it in his lunch. He LOVES it.

Shutterbean School Lunch Ideas

You can see some of our past lunches here: #shutterbeanschoollunch

I hope this inspires you to get your ideas together and write out your own School Lunch Ideas list. If you’re looking to get your kids in the kitchen, you might like this post I wrote- Kids in the Kitchen.

Is there anything that’s been a huge hit in your family? I’d love to hear. Leave a comment!


September 4, 2017

Intentions for the Week:

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Happy Monday everyone! I spent most of Saturday introverting/organizing my desk. Sunday was spent with friends and catching up on work.  It feels good to have a RESET to my work space. New systems of organization make me happy. It was so cluttered before and I had the hardest time focusing. If you’re feeling uninspired, try cleaning your desk. It will set the tone for your day.  Also, make your bed. Always.

If you have today off from work (here in America it’s Labor day!), try to take the time to recharge your battery. Perhaps you can make a list of intentions for this week?

Should we start a hashtag on instagram? #intentionsfortheweek How does that sound?

Here are my Intentions for the Week

This Week’s Intentions:

  • drop off donations
  • continue sorting through office supplies
  • yoga + dance class
  • return library books
  • photography lighting testing
  • catch up on social media
  • work on handwriting workbook
  • spend time with friends
  • spent time with family
  • see if Cooper still likes curried chicken & rice
  • put together photography proposals
  • photograph recipe for one potato
  • invoice/send photos
  • make a video for @thehandwritingclub
  • make kombucha
  • make banana bread
  • continue to clean up the files on my computer
  • keep fridge clean/use up what we have
  • Cooper birthday party planning
  • practice some self care (pluck eyebrows! take a bath?)
  • book chiropractor appointment
  • drink more water (this cup is REALLY helping!)
  • rest when I need to

Last Week’s Intentions:

  • make a list of lunches for lunch post/map it out (almost done! stay tuned)
  • yoga + dance class
  • grocery shop 
  • prep for photoshoot for One Potato
  • clean out fridge
  • clean the bathrooms
  • library visit
  • book a chiropractor appointment (will do this week)
  • make it so I have two eyebrows and not one… (still walking around with a unibrow)
  • give myself a pedicure
  • work on Currently post for August
  • figure out if I will do the Whole30 in September (OCTOBER!)
  • map out/plan Cooper’s birthday party
  • make banana bread with leftover overripe bananas (made banana ice cream instead)
  • make kombucha
  • try to make good food choices this week (too much bread)
  • work on editorial calendar (didn’t)
  • catch up on letter writing (didn’t make enough time for this this week)
  • catch up on emails (always an ongoing process)
  • catch up on podcasts while I do house cleaning
  • transfer photos to external hard drive   (I did it! YAY!)
  • DRINK WATER (this helps greatly!)
  • make some time to keep my creativity going
  • spread the word about The Handwriting Club on Instagram!

Mantra for the Week:

I love lists // shutterbean

What can you do to make your week run smoothly?

How can you be present for those you love? 

Write down your intentions on a piece of paper.

take a pic and tag #intentionsfortheweek

or leave a comment below!


September 3, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 35

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 35

Another Einstein spotting!


My Everyday Life: Week 35 on Shutterbean.com

I spent 15 minutes making notes while in Marin Art & Garden Center.

My Everyday Life: Week 35 on Shutterbean.com.

Rise + shine

My Everyday Life: Week 35 on Shutterbean.com

A vision for my front yard, perhaps.


My Everyday Life: Week 35 on Shutterbean.com

Very Hansel + Gretel like.


My Everyday Life: Week 35 on Shutterbean.com

Their love makes me so happy.


My Everyday Life: Week 35 on Shutterbean.com

Biggest item on my TO DO list:


My Everyday Life: Week 35 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 35 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 35 on Shutterbean.com

Cake + pool

My Everyday Life: Week 35 on Shutterbean.com

Look at that face! This is Spencer.


My Everyday Life: Week 35 on Shutterbean.com

Burgers protein style (mine with mushrooms) plus tots


My Everyday Life: Week 35 on Shutterbean.com


September 1, 2017


 I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com

Happy Friday! Here’s a list because I LOVE LISTS!!! 

  1. 2017 tech + Ikea
  2. Make a customised letter board cake. 
  3. Does anyone have one of these Yonanas machines? It’s on my wishlist.
  4. People are already making jokes about Whole Foods + Amazon
  5. Also, here are the products you can get at Whole Foods now
  6. Proof that you can take great photos with simple hacks.
  7. Why women make better butchers than men
  8. The greatest goths in literary history
  9. These charcoal portraits are STUNNING
  10. I wish I grew up with playgrounds like these
  11. Are you embracing gray hair? I’m settling in with it.
  12. Underwater Hotels in Dubai look cool/eerie.
  13. Man caves are B.S.
  14. A perfect weeknight dinner.
  15. Quotation marks used “wrong”
  16. This photo gives me anxiety.
  17. Snack horoscopes. I’m goldfish!
  18. I could use one of these for my bullet journal.
  19. Food Banks in action during Hurricane Harvey. People helping people!
  20. How colors become trademarks
  21. Game changer in the Benjamin household: Automatic Cat Feeder
  22. If you want to be a better cook, here are some essentials
  23. Change your voice to sound more confident. (Mom- look who it is!)
  24. Where to donate to Hurricane Harvey besides Red Cross
  25. Food for Labor Day Weekend!

 have a great weekend!

August 30, 2017

Currently: August 2017

Currently August 2017 on Shutterbean.com

Currently August 2017

AUGUST!!  Dang. It was kind of a nutty month. Was it the eclipse? Mercury in retrograde?

We had a flurry of unexpected bills, I got a crazy bee sting on my head, keys were lost, my cat went through a puking thing, technology has been screwy and my birthday was also thrown into the mix!

A lot of shifts are happening. Things are being worked out/through/changing. We’re in the middle of it!  I am trying to remember:

I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com

I’m interested in what September will bring. We have a lot of school events and fall baseball coming up. We’re headed into a pretty busy season. Things are picking up work wise too!  I am so glad we ended our Summer vacation with a trip Tahoe. It was just what we needed. My creative battery was depleted. I felt super low and scattered in August.  I’m ready to get things going.


Currently August 2017 on Shutterbean.com

Inspired By:

This month, I spent more time working on my artwork and less time in the kitchen. Who wants to really cook when it’s hot out??! In total, I took about 10 classes on Skillshare this month. You can see more of that here. It really helped me work through a lot of stuff going on in my head.


My Everyday Life: Week 34 on Shutterbean.com

I brought my art supplies to us in Tahoe and made a few illustrations and journal spreads. It was nice to not have all of the clutter of my office around me. I set up shop in our rental house and got to work. Every morning and evening I worked on something creative and I read/unplugged as much as possible. I needed that mental space sooooooo bad.

My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

The best part is that I have a journal filled with new work.


You can see more on @thehandwritingclub



This month we binged on Ozark. Have you seen it? Gahhhhh. I loved it. I WAS HOOKED. It took me two weeks to settle into the fact that I have to wait a long time before the next season. Is there a next season? I hope so. That show was so good and my life feels empty without Jason Bateman.

The Red Sox games are on in our house. It’s that time of year! Let’s go RED SOX.

We also watched Magnus with Cooper and we all really enjoyed it. Anyone have a kid who is into chess? I have no idea how to play and Cooper’s kinda curious about it. Do you play? Is there an app you like?


Cheaper by the Dozen– I’ve been reading this off & on for what seems like FOREVER. It’s all because I didn’t know where the cable was for my Kindle. Sometimes you just can’t beat an actual BOOK.

It’s Always Something – I have to finish this one soon cuz it’s due at the library. Fun fact: I almost always renew my books because I can never finish anything that quick. Perhaps it’s because I can’t leave the library with less than 5 books….

Art Thinking– this one is on my nightstand right now. I have been reading a few pages at a time and then I fall asleep. It’s good though. It’s helping me figure out structure in what I want to do.

Active Dreaming – finished this one. Going to do some of the exercises soon. It’s definitely changing my dream landscape for the better!


 Thinking About:

I am in back to school mode. Things feel different this year. Cooper is in 3rd grade. I know all the parents so much better now. I feel hopeful for the school year ahead.

I’m putting together some workshops. I just need to finish my workbook! I have to give myself some goals. And I have to ask myself a bunch of questions like….

when do people have time to take a workshop?

how many people?


how long?

how much time do I have to put into this while juggling other things?

how do I ask for help?



I do know that the next round of workshops I do will be geared around handwriting. It’s gonna be fun. Pen lovers, watch out.

Listening To:

Peaceful Piano- for when I need to concentrate, relax or slow down.

Into the Groove- this one helps us in the mornings. I put it on while I’m driving and need to rock out.

I’ve also added The Simple Show to my podcast lineup. I’m glad I have Tsh back in my rotation. She always gives me food for thought.


Dream Life:

I had some weird/really deep sleep when I was in Tahoe. I woke up super early every morning (WHICH WAS AWESOME!) and I meditated/made coffee before everyone woke up. I had dreams about trees and thought there might have been a ghost in my room.

Also, I visited Dominican University in San Rafael and realized that a lot of my dream life takes place there! I think it’s because I did high school theater productions there. There’s something in the trees there. It’s pretty magical.


At the beginning of the month, I tried a local organic food delivery service called Thistle. I really enjoyed it. It gave me a boost of vegetables that my body had been missing and it was nice to have healthy food already made for me. I felt very pampered (no one cooks for me!).

I am trying to figure out whether or not to do another Whole30. I have 4 events this month that involve FOOD + BOOZE + EXTROVERT time. Maybe I can do it in October?

Some food/craft highlights include:


Tahini Cookies are like a grown up peanut butter cookie! Check out the recipe on Shutterbean.com

Tahini Cookies –

They were so good! I can’t wait to make more.

My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

All the peanut butter.

My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

Birthday cake in Tahoe. It was an ice cream cake with Reese’s peanut butter cups up in.

Everyday Pancakes are simple enough to make EVERYDAY. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com!

Everyday Pancakes

I’m so glad these are part of our rotation! Cooper loves them and they’re so simple to make.

Creating a Homework Station is a great way to get yourself ready for the new school year! See more on Shutterbean.com

I also made a Homework Station to get ready for the school year. It’s been so helpful!!!!!!

My Everyday Life: Week 31 on Shutterbean.com

We added some shrimp to the rotation. Yay! Cooper likes shrimp now.

I also made this shrimp/kale noodle salad at my friend Helen Jane’s house and I’m going to have to bring it to the blog cuz it was good.

My Everyday Life: Week 31 on Shutterbean.com

We made gratitude journals this month too. Thank you!

Self Portrait for August:

My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

Message for September:

My Everyday Life: Week 30 on Shutterbean.com

Let’s check in:

How was your August? What are you looking forward to in September? 

August 28, 2017

Intentions for the Week

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Happy Monday! This is our first full week of school. We’re back in the mix! My house is in disarray after the weekend. A few obligations took away some of my cleaning time, so I have some extra work to do.  It was worth it, though!  Some weekends are busier than others and it seems like that’s how our whole September will be. Before we say goodbye to August, we’ve got a holiday weekend ahead of us. If you need some food ideas for your weekend plans, I put together a Labor Day Weekend Food Idea list to inspire you.

Let’s see what’s up for the week!

Intentions for the Week

  • make a list of lunches for lunch post/map it out
  • yoga + dance class
  • grocery shop
  • prep for photoshoot for One Potato
  • clean out fridge
  • clean the bathrooms
  • library visit
  • book a chiropractor appointment
  • make it so I have two eyebrows and not one…
  • give myself a pedicure
  • work on Currently post for August
  • figure out if I will do the Whole30 in September
  • map out/plan Cooper’s birthday party
  • make banana bread with leftover overripe bananas
  • make kombucha
  • try to make good food choices this week
  • work on editorial calendar
  • catch up on letter writing
  • catch up on emails
  • catch up on podcasts while I do house cleaning
  • transfer photos to external hard drive
  • DRINK WATER (this helps greatly!)
  • make some time to keep my creativity going
  • spread the word about The Handwriting Club on Instagram!

Last Week’s Intentions:

  • unpack from trip
  • haircut for Cooper
  • gather back to school supplies
  • go to a yoga class (went to dance class!)
  • grocery shop for school lunches
  • make a list of school lunches (maybe write a post about it?)
  • spend extra time with the cats this week
  • edit photos from trip/import them into a blurb book
  • prepare for speaking on an Instagram panel at TechMunch
  • ease back into the school routine
  • write some intentions for the school year (working on it)
  • eat dinner outside
  • work in the garden
  • write a few letters  (working on it)
  • keep reading Cheaper by the Dozen (didn’t get to read this week)
  • put a few get-togethers on the calendar (calendar is booking up!)

What about you? What are you up to this week?

Leave your Intentions for the Week in the comments!