August 27, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 34

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life: Week 34

This flower caught my eye and then I saw a bee in there!

My Everyday Life: Week 34 on Shutterbean.com

On an introvert excursion in Tahoe.

My Everyday Life: Week 34 on Shutterbean.com

I took myself to a nursery.


Stopped at the side of the road to see what was up.

My Everyday Life: Week 34 on Shutterbean.com

Donner Lake. I wish I jumped in.

My Everyday Life: Week 34 on Shutterbean.com

When the light is just right.

My Everyday Life: Week 34 on Shutterbean.com

Cooper, age almost 9.

My Everyday Life: Week 34 on Shutterbean.com

Our last night in Tahoe.

My Everyday Life: Week 34 on Shutterbean.com

We totally missed the eclipse because we were driving home but at least we got to stop for Five Guys. Silver lining?

My Everyday Life: Week 34 on Shutterbean.com


August 25, 2017


 I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com

Welcome to I LOVE LISTS!!! It’s Friday. What’s up with the internet this week? 

  1. These videos freak me out but I can’t help but watch them sometimes.
  2. To all the moms whose children went back to school.
  3. I want this job.
  4. Some awesome photos of the eclipse.
  5. I wish someone would do this where I live.
  6. Incredible lost & found stories.
  7. Life is too short to be around fakers. That’s just my opinion.
  8. There Their They’re
  9. Now I need to rewatch Memento.
  10. It’s important to think things through.
  11. What do you love watching someone else’s movie on a plane?
  12. Have you had the cauliflower pizza crust at Trader Joe’s? How is it?
  13. How Martha gets it allllll done.
  14. Some camera hacks for you. Some of them are really clever!
  15. How Life Changes with Age
  16. I got Science which is pretty false. Musta been that cosmos notebook.
  17. For all my introvert buddies.
  18. Omg these photo collages are the best.
  19. What’s with all this mindfulness?
  20. If you don’t have a good answer in a job interview….
  21. This is pretty neat!
  22. This was me in school.
  23. #7 is one of my favorite tricks
  24. Cooking from Ready or Not this weekend! Stay tuned for a recipe.

Books I picked up at the library this week:

have a great weekend!

August 23, 2017

Tahini Cookies

Tahini Cookies are like a grown up peanut butter cookie! Check out the recipe on Shutterbean.com

On the last day of our Summer vacation, I started the morning by making these Tahini Cookies and then spent the rest of the day gathering school supplies and getting our household in order with laundry and a whole list of Intentions.  It didn’t dawn on me until 3PM that I had only eaten 2 cookies and nothing else. I had gone to Target on an empty stomach and survived! What is that all about???!

Tahini Cookies are like a grown up peanut butter cookie! Check out the recipe on Shutterbean.com

Bottom line- These little cookies fueled one of the biggest organizing-fests I’ve had in awhile. Maybe it had something to do with the tahini? Who knows!

They’re sweet and slightly savory with an earthy flavor. They’re like a shortbread meets fudge. Bon Appetit describes them as “grown up” peanut butter cookies and I can totally see why.

Tahini Cookies are like a grown up peanut butter cookie! Check out the recipe on Shutterbean.com

They’re a great option for anyone with nut allergies since their made with tahini & sesame seeds. I’m gonna stash some in the cupboard so I can have a moment to myself with them later….with a book…and some tea…


August 21, 2017

Intentions for the Week

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Happy Monday! This week, we go BACK TO SCHOOL.

That means:

This week I’d like to take a moment and write some intentions for the school year. It will be a good way to get my head in the game with my journal.

This Week’s Intentions:

  • unpack from trip
  • go to the dentist
  • haircut for Cooper
  • gather back to school supplies
  • go to a yoga class
  • grocery shop for school lunches
  • make a list of school lunches (maybe write a post about it?)
  • spend extra time with the cats this week
  • edit photos from trip/import them into a blurb book
  • prepare for speaking on an Instagram panel at TechMunch
  • ease back into the school routine
  • write some intentions for the school year
  • eat dinner outside
  • work in the garden
  • write a few letters
  • keep reading Cheaper by the Dozen
  • put a few get togethers on the calendar

Last Week’s Intentions:

  • enjoy the last week of summer vacation
  • less internet, more love
  • edit photos
  • spend quality time with my family   (that we did!)
  • put my feet and or body in lake Tahoe
  • chocolate dipped ice cream cone
  • one late night talkfest with my mom (shopping afternoon!)
  • recharge my battery
  • learn something new   (drawing letters fundamentals!)
  • draw in my sketchbook
  • write letters
  • paint the view
  • go to a yoga class (didn’t make it to one.WOMP)
  • go for hikes (went on a few walks)
  • teach Cooper Rummikub
  • put together a puzzle (didn’t get to this)
  • coffee date(s) with my dad
  • grocery shop with my mom
  • nighttime cocktail hour walks (we hung outside & watched the view)
  • stargaze
  • meditate on my career path
  • make an epic cheese board
  • read a book   (finished It’s Always Something)
  • take a picture of a sunset
  • date night with my husband
  • enjoy my 38th birthday with my family in Tahoe

MANTRA for the WEEK:

I love lists Friday // shutterbean

What about you? What do you have going on this week??

August 20, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 33

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 33:

Hello from Tahoe!

My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

This is our view this week.

My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

We’re in vacation mode.


I brought some of my favorite art supplies so I can paint in the mornings.


Morning cuddles.

My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

It’s been relaxing!

My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

We met a dog named Luna.


This picture made me laugh.

My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

Papa + Cooper

My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

I re-read the yellow wallpaper this week.  I remember it really making an impact on me when I was younger. I think it’s because I grew up with yellow wallpaper in my room that I hated.

My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

The transition from bright outdoors into dark bars is always weird.

My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

I saw a little heart in the clouds.

My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

Peanut Butter + Chocolate fro yo.

My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

We’ve been playing Pay Day this week. It’s been so good for Cooper!

My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

Snack dinner.

My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

Morning walk.

My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

Working on the backlog of penpal letters.


In the car…plus a sharpie…


Vietnamese in Reno.


Pika pika.


We love playing the quarter game at Circus Circus.

My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

He won almost 1500 tickets.


We went bowling and Cooper and I had orange bowling balls.

My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

Painting + cocktails

My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

I’ve been eating a lot of peanut butter lately.

My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

Chocolate dipped cone!

My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

This is 38!  Thank you for all of the birthday wishes.

My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

Mother daughter.

My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

Birthday cocktails.

My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

Complete with an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen.

My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

Been waking up early this trip. I am hoping it becomes a new habit.

My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

Every morning, I do word searches with my coffee. This morning my Dad gave me a pep talk while doing so.

My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

Joy sent my family bagels + lox + cream cheese from NYC for my birthday!


My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

On a morning walk with Casey.

My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

My heart.

My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

It rained in Tahoe today. It smells so good when it rains here!

My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

Followed by Date Night!

My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

In September, I might do another round of Whole30. Wanna do it with me?

My Everyday Life: Week 33 on Shutterbean.com


Week 33 in 2016

Week 33 in 2015

 Week 33 in 2014

Week 33 in 2013

Week 33 in 2012

Week 33 in 2011

August 18, 2017


i love lists //shutterbean.comWelcome to I LOVE LISTS! It’s Friday. Let’s surf the internet together!

  1. If it fits, I sits.
  2. All with a blue ballpoint pen. WOW
  3. Surprising truths about millennial parents.
  4. My dorm room looked NOTHING like this. What a time to be alive!
  5. I can’t believe this is colored pencil.
  6. How some people treat rental cars….
  7. Jennifer Lawrence reads wine reviews.
  8. This looks messy.
  9. The reinvention of the strawberry.
  10. What do we think about silent book clubs? 
  11. Life hacks learned from fiction.
  12. Wikipedia’s list of common misconceptions 
  13. Two enchilada pizzas for me, please!
  14. The many looks of Madonna. I’m definitely into #18
  15. Pantone + Prince = the perfect shade of purple
  16. My sundae choices make me a labradoodle. WHAT IS THIS WORLD??!
  17. I’d love a camper one day.
  18. Everything in this Etsy shop, please.
  19. How to photograph the solar eclipse.
  20. This dress with these clogs with this jean jacket and purse
  21. The Top 10 restaurants in the US in 2017 are….
  22. I’ve never heard about tree’s having crown shyness until now.
  23. 10 small ways to be happy!
  24. It’s my birthday today. I wish someone would make me this cake….



Don’t forget that Skillshare is offering a Two Month Premium Subscription to Shutterbean readers. You could do some water coloring this weekend!

Everyday Pancakes are simple enough to make EVERYDAY. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com!

Also, make some pancakes this weekend and tag me @shutterbean on Instagram! 🙂

August 17, 2017

Everyday Pancakes

Everyday Pancakes are simple enough to make EVERYDAY. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com!

I typed pancake recipe in google a few weeks ago and Mark Bittman’s Everyday Pancake recipe from the NY Times popped up first, followed by thousands of other pancake recipes. The internet is just BURSTING with information, isn’t it! Where to start??! A quick glance at the ingredients (no buttermilk! which I never have!) and a 5-star rating made this recipe a no brainer. Made the pancakes. Loved them and my child is so grateful for my google searches, I am sure of it.

Everyday Pancakes are simple enough to make EVERYDAY. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com!

A week later, I used the recipe to make pancakes (again!) for Cooper’s sleepover. It’s in the rotation, folks!

The pancakes are light and fluffy. The batter is really so easy to whip up. I don’t know why I relied heavily on pancake mix all of these years when I usually find most of these ingredients in my kitchen.

Everyday Pancakes are simple enough to make EVERYDAY. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com!

I’m pretty close to memorizing the proportions and we all know that’s probably the best sign of a well-loved recipe. Make sure you pin this one for the future!