August 14, 2017

Watercolor Classes with Skillshare

Looking to brush up on your watercolor painting? Take some Watercolor Classes with Skillshare! Tracy from Shutterbean.com shows you how fun it is!

My watercolors have totally been neglected this year and that’s sad because playing around with watercolors is one of my greatest stress relievers!

Looking to brush up on your watercolor painting? Take some Watercolor Classes with Skillshare! Tracy from Shutterbean.com shows you how fun it is!

To get myself back in the rhythm of painting, I took several Watercoloring Classes with Skillshare this Summer and I’m happy to say that I GOT MY GROOVE BACK. Watercoloring and playing around with ink is back on my radar. Praise be!

If you’re not familiar with Skillshare, it’s an online community for learning & teaching creative skills. Skillshare connects expert practitioners with students around the world who collaborate on everyday skills from culinary arts, photography to design.

They have kindly offered my readers TWO MONTHS free  of Skillshare Premium!  Let me show you what you could work on if you want to improve your watercolor skills.

These are the classes I just took:


Looking to brush up on your watercolor painting? Take some Watercolor Classes with Skillshare! Tracy from Shutterbean.com shows you how fun it is!


August 13, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 32

Here’s what this past week looked like on My Everyday Life- Week 32

Tomato overload at the market.

My Everyday Life: Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

Tacos for three.

My Everyday Life: Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

Curry for one.

My Everyday Life: Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

Rib dinner with tots & salad.

My Everyday Life: Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

Spaghetti, please.

My Everyday Life: Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

Cooper got to be my hand model this week while I was shooting recipes cards for One Potato.

My Everyday Life: Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

I made so much pasta this week!

My Everyday Life: Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

Casey ate so much pasta this week! 🙂

My Everyday Life: Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

Roasted broccoli is back in our meal rotation.

My Everyday Life: Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

Hey Jere! Here’s Ella!

My Everyday Life: Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

I’m excited to show you all the art I’ve been working on lately. Coming up soon!

My Everyday Life: Week 32 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

Doing yoga in the living room…with company.

My Everyday Life: Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

Found at Goodwill. After I went to the DMV. Yay errand that’s been nagging me is done!

My Everyday Life: Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

My dream sandwich.


The commodity of children.

My Everyday Life: Week 32 on Shutterbean.com


August 11, 2017


 I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com

Welcome to I Love Lists. It’s Friday! Here’s a list for you:

  1. Loneliness and isolation = today’s modern life
  2. Church signs are my favorite.
  3. Next time you get a window seat….
  4. Champagne vending machines exist now.
  5. IKEA made a 25 minute ASMR video. Oh boy.
  6. To get kids into a good routine
  7. Raising creative kids – loved this.
  8. A solution for all of us with an iPhone.
  9. This is why plastic surgery freaks me out. It all depends on the doctor’s vision.
  10. If you’re traveling to Seattle, my friend Heather knows what’s up!
  11. Spaghetti + pie
  12. Wanted: for my laptop / for my jean jacket  / for my bathroom / for my library visits
  13. I’ve been waiting for this Trader Joe’s information!!!
  14. A good read about Multi-Level-Marketing Companies.
  15. Do you agree? I do…but Cooper does not.
  16. I don’t need a quiz to tell me I’m awkward. I already know I am.
  17. The 90s looks from Wet Hot American Summer (are you watching??!)
  18. Well, this is interesting!
  19. To be honest with you and Trust Me are red flags
  20. One of my goals is to host a party like this one!
  21. This hits close to home. 
  22. Stop Motion Music Video made with stickers. This is rad.
  23. Use your ideas before they expire.
  24. Just in case…. sigh.
August 9, 2017

Creating a Homework Station

Creating a Homework Station is a great way to get yourself ready for the new school year! See more on Shutterbean.com

Yesterday, I spent an hour Creating a Homework Station for Cooper so we can get ahead of the school year.  I know he’s going to have a lot more homework this year so we might as well be prepared to tackle it, right??

What goes in our homework station? Let’s make a list:

Creating a Homework Station is a great way to get yourself ready for the new school year! See more on Shutterbean.com

Homework stations start with a caddy.

Here’s ours:

Creating a Homework Station is a great way to get yourself ready for the new school year! See more on Shutterbean.com

This is what our homework station looked like after last year. Time to clean it out!

A lot of random things end up in there if we aren’t diligent….

Creating a Homework Station is a great way to get yourself ready for the new school year! See more on Shutterbean.com

Dump it out and SORT. That’s my favorite part!

Creating a Homework Station is a great way to get yourself ready for the new school year! See more on Shutterbean.com

I decided that we should use some labels.  If I make it fun to look at, I’ll want to use it, right?

Perhaps it will make us more likely to put things back where they belong?

Whatever it takes!

Creating a Homework Station is a great way to get yourself ready for the new school year! See more on Shutterbean.com

(tape / favorite pen / other favorite pen)

And this is what it looks like inside now.

As you can see, I used mason jars to separate the crayons/pencils/pens.

On the other side, I actually used small beakers for the erasers and paperclips.

I think this will be the key to us keeping the caddy nice and neat.

Creating a Homework Station is a great way to get yourself ready for the new school year! See more on Shutterbean.com

I slipped some index cards in there because we could always use some!

Creating a Homework Station is a great way to get yourself ready for the new school year! See more on Shutterbean.com

I added the labels on the caddy and then put packing tape on top to make sure the label stays on longer.

Creating a Homework Station is a great way to get yourself ready for the new school year! See more on Shutterbean.com

We’re ready for the school year now.

Creating a Homework Station is a great way to get yourself ready for the new school year! See more on Shutterbean.com

Creating a Homework Station will help you corral all of your office supplies.

I hope this inspires you to come up with a good solution for your homework needs!

If you’re also an office supply lover, you might love:


August 7, 2017

Intentions for the Week

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Happy Monday! We have two weeks left of Summer here before we head back to school! I’ve been glancing over my Bucket List, trying to figure out some things to knock out before we’re into full on school schedule.  I’m hoping to take Cooper to an art museum this week.

The GAME PLAN on my fridge looks like this week:

Intentions for the Week: Shutterbean.com

(You can get the magnetic whiteboard here)


Intentions this week:

  • prep for One Potato photoshoot
  • trip to the library
  • DMV appointment
  • doctor’s appointment
  • hike/yoga (at least once!)
  • finish cleaning schedule spreadsheets
  • finish handwriting workbook
  • write letters to pen pals
  • put together water-coloring post
  • do an art project with Cooper
  • make 2 recipes for the blog
  • wash car
  • catch up on social media
  • go through notes on computer and delete
  • delete at least 2000 photos on phone
  • sort through paper work on desk
  • back to school supply/clothes shopping
  • create a homework station
  • make kombucha
  • trip to salvation army
  • catch up on bookkeeping work
  • make Thai Basil Beef
  • work on summer book
  • maybe figure out a fall capsule wardrobe (I only did winter, spring & summer!)
  • continue reading Cheaper by the Dozen 
  • enjoy the last two weeks of SUMMER!!!!!!

Last Week’s Intentions:

  • start my new bullet journal!!! 
  • check when DMV appointment is (it’s this week!)
  • yoga x 2 + hike (didn’t get to do it and really suffered)
  • work on timeline for Etsy launch (before or after trip?) (AFTER)
  • straighten up makeup drawer
  • take pictures of vignettes around the house (working on it)
  • grocery shop/meal prep
  • trip to the post office/write letters (getting behind!)
  • finish spreadsheet of master house cleaning list/chart (almost done)
  • order some clothes for school online/find a backpack for Cooper (this week)
  • finish Currently post for July  (you can read it here)
  • trip to the library- return books
  • go over school shopping supply list (this week)
  • give myself a pedicure
  • do a face mask
  • get haircut
  • take some classes at night on skillshare I’ve got my eye on this one.
  • work on books (and upload photos for a new summer book) (in progress)
  • plan blog posts for the next few weeks 
  • talk to CPA
  • enjoy the few last weeks of Summer (working on it!)
  • read more of Cheaper by the Dozen (really digging it so far)

What about you? What are you up to this week?

Leave your intentions in the comments!

August 6, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 31

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life: Week 31

Impromptu trip to the Russian River for a dip.

My Everyday Life: Week 31 on Shutterbean.com

Not too shabby!

My Everyday Life: Week 31 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 31 on Shutterbean.com

Stalking flowers on my deck.

My Everyday Life: Week 31 on Shutterbean.com

Afternoon light.

My Everyday Life: Week 31 on Shutterbean.com

Just right.

My Everyday Life: Week 31 on Shutterbean.com

This week I crossed something off on the summer bucket list!

My Everyday Life: Week 31 on Shutterbean.com


August 4, 2017


 Welcome to I LOVE LISTS. It's Friday and Tracy of Shutterbean.com shares her finds from the internet on a weekly list called I LOVE LISTS!

Welcome to I LOVE LISTS! It’s Friday, here’s a list for you!

  1. If you have some extra yarn to use up.
  2. Bullet Journal for your mental health.
  3. I don’t like being on the phone….
  4. Looking over last year’s Summer Capsule wardrobe. Still wearing most of it.
  5. What happens in Vegas….changed the way people travel
  6. If you have kids or watch them, you should be aware of this
  7. People are so talented.
  8. Mark Duplass is one of my heroes.
  9. How much legroom you get on each airplane carrier.
  10. Office Life.
  11. Nobody wants your stuff
  12. What a fun series
  13. Super cute pen cases: one / two / three / four
  14. One of my favorite dishes at The Slanted Door
  15. All of these lego kits are sooo rad!
  16. Social media warps a lot of things.
  17. Questions about Dying
  18. Long exposure carnival ride photos are so cool.
  19. I don’t really remember the Embarcadero Freeway… I just remember watching it on TV after the earthquake.
  20. One of my favorite places to shop for pantry stuff + snacks online=  Thrive Market 
  21. If you have too many zucchini, make cake or fritters!
  22. Dali does Alice in Wonderland. Wow!