July 24, 2017

Intentions for the Week


Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Happy Monday!! How’s your Monday so far? Cooper is with me all week while I work from home, so we have a lot to tackle. It’s meant that I work late into the night. But on the flip side, it means we don’t have to rush around in the morning to get to Cooper off to school.  The Summer schedule has been quite an adjustment, but just when we get into a good routine/rhythmIntentions for the Week:

  • yoga + hike
  • clean out fridge
  • go through pantry/sort/organize
  • straighten up makeup drawer
  • work on recipes for the blog
  • figure out what organizing projects to blog about
  • deep clean bathrooms – wash shower curtain
  • return library books
  • empty out car/wash it
  • work on a few art classes with Cooper
  • trip into the city for an adventure with Cooper
  • delete photos from phone to clear off space
  • transfer photos to hard drive
  • tackle inbox
  • be mindful about eating
  • drink more water
  • go through Cooper’s closet + donate clothes he’s outgrown
  • eat dinner outside as much as possible
  • start forming post about succulents
  • work on zines/Esty shop stuff
  • write letters to pen pals
  • work on  Currently post for July


Last Week’s Intentions:

  • write/post about cheeseboard  (check it out here!)
  • make kombucha  (this week I made guava mango bucha)
  • make a meal plan
  • work on book(s)/zines
  • photograph products Etsy shop
  • tackle Inbox/DELETE like a mad woman (this week!)
  • finish tax stuff
  • make waffles (ended up making banana bread instead)
  • do meal prep  (done! check it out here)
  • finish skillshare course on making zines
  • listen to this podcast for the first time (listened to half of it!)
  • yoga x2 / walk  (went to yoga once)
  • delete photos on phone (deleted about 300, need to do more)
  • work on art with Cooper
  • spend less (wasted) time on the internet/social media (was better at leaving phone in other rooms)
  • go for a night time walk with family (maybe this week?)
  • eat outside
  • make plans for a BBQ (did not do)
  • research a good watering can (abandoned search, going to keep looking)
  • mindful eating- track with MyFitnessPal? (nope! there’s always this week!)
  • keep the house clean/go slow (hahaha impossible with child at home right now)
  • do nighttime reading 
  • dye my hair
  • drink more water (I sucked at this)
  • write letters (definitely getting behind on this)

What about you? What are you up to this week?

Leave your intentions for this week in the comments.

I love seeing what you’re up to!

July 23, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 29

Here’s what this past week looked like on My Everyday Life: week 29

Goodbye, Carmel! You’re pretty great.

My Everyday Life: Week 29 on Shutterbean.com


You can feel the history when you’re there! That’s what I like about it.My Everyday Life: Week 29 on Shutterbean.com

My friend’s parent’s house is so beautiful.

My Everyday Life: Week 29 on Shutterbean.com

A collection I brought home.

My Everyday Life: Week 29 on Shutterbean.com

This morning: Avocado toast + word searches.

My Everyday Life: Week 29 on Shutterbean.com

Cooper takes photos of the cats on my phone without me knowing. This one was a good one!

My Everyday Life: Week 29 on Shutterbean.com


Once I got in the rhythm, I spelled wrong. Oh, the irony!


Art after breakfast

My Everyday Life: Week 29 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 29 on Shutterbean.com

Playing around with ink & color this weekend.

My Everyday Life: Week 29 on Shutterbean.com



July 21, 2017


I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com

Welcome to I Love Lists. It’s Friday, let’s surf the internet together!

  1. People recreate Beyonce Twins photo. LOL
  2. My friend Andrea came to SF for a visit last year & made this.
  3. Speaking of…I could get lost on this site. Such beautiful work.
  4. I mean… I already knew that but I don’t need to be reminded of it.
  5. The reason why everyone is drinking Rosé now…..
  6. Life tip: take a photo so you’re not anxious while you’re away from home
  7. These fish farms look like astrological charts to me.
  8. Super Cute Beach Bags: one / two / three / four
  9. Magic found in an old camera.
  10. In & Out Burger intel
  11. Some sanity tips if you work alone.
  12. I’ve seen one of these in person...I am not surprised it failed.
  13. Avoid Kid’s Menu Traps!
  14. SFMOMA now texts you art if you’d like!
  15. Zucchini Pasta Bake of my dreams.
  16. This Blueberry Lime Poppy Seed Cake looks pretty/epic.
  17. This is our future? Can we not?
  18. Dear Husbands:
  19. These are my favorite reusable grocery bags. THEY HOLD A TON.
  20. What an artist’s dream!
  21. If you want to be inspired by sketchbooks.
  22. If you feel lonely
  23. Affirmations for your astrological sign (I’m a leo)
  24. Movie props and the stories behind them! 
July 19, 2017

How to Make an Epic Cheeseboard (with Trader Joe’s Items!)

How to Make an Epic Cheeseboard with items from Trader Joe's! See more on Shutterbean.com

For the past few years, I have cheese board duty whenever my parents have a big get-together at their house.


Once you make an epic cheeseboard, you can pretty much count on being the one who brings one to every party you attend.

It’s important to make a good cheese board because that’s what gets a party started! You need a variety of things…all spread out because we all need a little space when we’re hovering around a table, mindlessly eating before someone figures out how much of the good salami we’ve eaten.

Let me show you:


July 17, 2017

Intentions for the Week:

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:Happy Monday, friends. Are we ready to get into this week? I was in Carmel over the weekend for a mostly girls weekend for my friend’s birthday. It was FUN and relaxing. So much talking and laughing…my abs are aching.  When I got home from my trip, I spent 3 hours cleaning up/straightening the house and getting my head ready for the upcoming week. IT FEEL GREAT!  If there’s anything you can do to get ahead of the week, DO IT.

This Week’s Intentions:

  • write/post about cheeseboard
  • make kombucha
  • make a meal plan
  • work on book(s)/zines
  • photograph products Etsy shop
  • tackle Inbox/DELETE like a mad woman
  • finish tax stuff
  • make waffles
  • do meal prep
  • finish skillshare course on making zines
  • listen to this podcast for the first time
  • yoga x2 / walk
  • delete photos on phone
  • work on art with Cooper
  • spend less (wasted) time on the internet/social media
  • go for a night time walk with family
  • eat outside
  • make plans for a BBQ
  • research a good watering can
  • mindful eating- track with MyFitnessPal?
  • keep the house clean/go slow
  • do nighttime reading
  • dye my hair
  • work on
  • drink water
  • write letters (definitely getting behind on this)


Last Week’s Intentions:

  • book Dentist appointment    (YAY I DID IT!!!)
  • pizza cookie recipe/draft cheese board post
  • make a meal plan
  • clean out fridge/ research new shelves for fridge (didn’t have time)
  • straighten up workspace
  • get guest room ready for guests
  • catch up on social media
  • prep for work appointments
  • wash yoga mat + towel 
  • finish some tax stuff (need to block out a night to do this)
  • update media kit
  • make a recipe with blueberries I need to use up (ate them raw)
  • download new fonts for inspiration
  • work on letter writing (SO BEHIND!) working on it this week
  • play around with my new label maker
  • take photos for etsy shop (started on it)
  • do some meal prep
  • continue working on book stuff
  • wear my Fitbit  this week to be aware of my movement
  • track as many days of food as I can on MyFitnessPal (did 3 days in a row)
  • chill on the peanut butter
  • convince Cooper to get haircut (I did a little trim job myself-needs help)

And I Quote // shutterbean


What about you?


Share your intentions in the comments & let’s help you get your head in the game for the week.

July 16, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 28

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 28

I hope so!

My Everyday Life: Week 28 on Shutterbean.com


Trip to Japantown with my niece & Cooper

My Everyday Life: Week 28 on Shutterbean.com

We started to wait in a terribly long line for ice cream but I wasn’t having it.


My Everyday Life: Week 28 on Shutterbean.com

Height check with Cooper & Mom!

My Everyday Life: Week 28 on Shutterbean.com


Business meeting in Sausalito.

My Everyday Life: Week 28 on Shutterbean.com

I worked at the library this week.

My Everyday Life: Week 28 on Shutterbean.com

The view is unreal.

My Everyday Life: Week 28 on Shutterbean.com

Dress envy at Anthro. It’s on sale too!

My Everyday Life: Week 28 on Shutterbean.com

In the shipyard… at anthro. Lol.

My Everyday Life: Week 28 on Shutterbean.com

A very good dinner.

My Everyday Life: Week 28 on Shutterbean.com



July 14, 2017


I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com

  1. Good news for all of my friends who sew!
  2. If you want to take pictures of your place for airbnb, here are some tips.
  3. Yeah, what did you bring into the world?
  4. Whoaaa, I can’t imagine what it’s like to date people these days.
  5. A very good reminder: you don’t have to be good
  6. Everyone is a curator.
  7. how to make a distraction free phone
  8. Financial Independence for millennials. Is it possible?
  9. This taco bowl situation looks right up my alley.
  10. A goal for our 20th anniversary.
  11. Sometimes I think I’m on the same frequency as Woody Harrelson
  12. Where we are at now.
  13. I love a cute smock top.
  14. Bars with a sense of humor
  15. Millennial Pink. GOD HELP US.
  16. Something I’m grateful for/saves me $$ shopping online- Thrive Market
  17. I was seduced by the title. Not gonna lie. Also, this made me lol.
  18. Panoramic fails!!
  19. I am so excited to see how this yard is coming along.
  20. What photographers deal with on Instagram.
  21. So, you’ve decided to write.
  22. Books on my nightstand:  What She Ate / Active Dreaming /Hot Dog Taste Test

This made me smile BIG. Hope it does the same for you:

have a great weekend!