July 12, 2017

Sugar Cookie Fruit Pizza

Small Batch Sugar Cookie Fruit Pizza -makes enough for 2-4 people. Recipe on Shutterbean.com

My father-in-law was visiting recently and I wanted to make something special for him. He’s just like my husband in that he LOVES treats. He also likes to watch what he eats, so I went with this small-batch Sugar Cookie Fruit Pizza recipe from Sweet & Simple.

Christina, you had me at cream cheese frosting, girl.

Small Batch Sugar Cookie Fruit Pizza -makes enough for 2-4 people. Recipe on Shutterbean.com

And of course, it was PERFECT for the 4 of us. Everyone got a piece!

No leftovers.

No extra bites and “samples.”

(even though we all WANTED to eat more because this cookie is GOOD)

Small Batch Sugar Cookie Fruit Pizza -makes enough for 2-4 people. Recipe on Shutterbean.com

I could really get used to this small batch lifestyle.

Also still obsessed with:  small batch chocolate cupcakes!


July 10, 2017

Intentions for the Week:

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Happy Monday, friends! How are we doing this fine Monday? I still have laundry from yesterday in my room to put away. Time to change that. How can we make this week more productive? With a list, of course Here are my Intentions for the week!

Intentions for the Week:

  • book Dentist appointment
  • pizza cookie recipe/draft cheese board post
  • make a meal plan
  • clean out fridge/ research new shelves for fridge
  • straighten up workspace
  • get guest room ready for guests
  • catch up on social media
  • prep for work appointments
  • wash yoga mat + towel 
  • finish some tax stuff
  • update media kit
  • make a recipe with blueberries I need to use up
  • download new fonts for inspiration
  • work on letter writing (SO BEHIND!)
  • play around with my new label maker
  • take photos for etsy shop
  • do some meal prep
  • continue working on book stuff
  • wear my Fitbit  this week to be aware of my movement
  • track as many days of food as I can on MyFitnessPal
  • chill on the peanut butter
  • convince Cooper to get haircut


Last Week’s Intentions:

  • make an epic cheese board for my parent’s party (see picture here)
  • take pictures of cheeseboard/write a post about said cheeseboard
  • watch fireworks with my family (we had to leave early to wake up for camp the next day but saw a few!)
  • keep gathering items for our trip to the dump (working on it!)
  • help my child get back to looking/feeling like himself   (all done with poison oak. YAY!)
  • photograph prints for sale (hashed out part of them)
  • LAUNDRY (never ends)
  • yoga x 2 / long walk (3 long walks/no yoga) (can’t NOT do yoga again)
  • make a MEALS this WEEK list
  • think about website redesign
  • update media kit
  • refill containers in bathroom
  • send out batch of letters  (got behind after dedicating time making zine)
  • empty car/clean it out/wash it?
  • wash fridge drawers
  • set my Fitbit up again
  • do some meal prep  (didn’t do it and it made my fridge a disorganized mess)
  • make chicken wings (made burgers instead)
  • drop donation off at thrift store (compiled stuff from my prop closet organizing fest)
  • schedule dentist/annual exam (yay! annual scheduled)
  • visit to the library
  • edit photos/post pizza cookie recipe (didn’t make enough time for this)
  • dye denim bag
  • etsy stuff
  • continue to be mindful when eating & drinking this week (had a few missteps but otherwise good!)

What about you?


Share your intentions in the comments & let’s help you get your head in the game for the week.

July 9, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 27

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life: Week 27

Cheese board for 4th of July!!!!!!!!!

My Everyday Life: Week 27 on Shutterbean.com

We saw a few fireworks!

My Everyday Life: Week 27 on Shutterbean.com

We ate well!

My Everyday Life: Week 27 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 27 on Shutterbean.com

Writing with a ballpoint pen feels weird sometimes.

My Everyday Life: Week 27 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 27 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 27 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 27 on Shutterbean.com

Putting Quesadillas back in the rotation.

My Everyday Life: Week 27 on Shutterbean.com

I like having flowers on my side of the bed.

My Everyday Life: Week 27 on Shutterbean.com


July 7, 2017


My Everyday Life: Week 25 on Shutterbean.com

Welcome to I Love Lists. It’s Friday! Let’s surf the internet together:

  1. The world sometimes looks like Wes Anderson movies.
  2. Amelia Earhart possibly survived her crash?
  3. What a fun project!
  4. This is sad.
  5. Very inspiring. I wish him the best!
  6. I love spotting little details in movies.
  7. Music festival food is getting fancy.
  8. Researching: Self Publishing Pros + Cons
  9. My favorite brownies + my favorite brownie pan
  10. Reading through: Camping Tips from a Park Ranger
  11. To Do this weekend: take a watercolor class
  12. Let’s all make some jam hand pies this summer.
  13. I got sage.
  14. This caught my attention.
  15. Oh gosh. I am still figuring out if I’m a cruise person…
  16. Google image searches: Brigitte Bardot
  17. Hair goals: Flower braids
  18. Don’t forget: The people in reality tv are REAL people.
  19. Summer goals: ice cream sandwiches
  20. Something pretty cool.
  21. Don’t walk + text.
  22. Drones are annoying, but they produce amazing shots.
  23. Meatballs: An Oral History (we loved this movie as kids)
July 5, 2017

Creating Healthy Eating Habits

Creating Healthy Eating Habits is easier when you have a home base and know what works for you! See more on Shutterbean.com

Note to self:

You hovered over the cheese board a little too long this weekend.

You had too many hot dogs.

You feel like you might be part hot dog right now.

Maybe you drank too much or went a little overboard when it came to s’mores. Putting SUPER CHUNKY peanut butter on that s’more was a good call. High five on that one.

You’re living!

But, it’s time to get yourself back on track.

It’s cool, you got this.

You just need to remember how good it feels to eat healthy foods.

Your body needs to be reminded of how well it works with leafy greens and summer fruits.

Here are some Healthy Eating Habits to help counteract any “damage” you might have done this weekend.


You must drink water.

Drink as much as you can. If you’re feeling bored with water, try bubbly water. Add flavoring to it. Citrus is great or some frozen fruits are always fun. Maybe a dash of lemonade?


Sometimes you confuse thirst with hunger. You’re most likely thirsty!

Add greens to whatever you can this week.

Maybe a little arugula in your tuna salad sandwich?

Serve it open face to make it fancy and spare yourself and the extra piece of bread.

My Everyday Life: Week 24 on Shutterbean.com


July 3, 2017

Intentions for the Week:


Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Happy Monday! If you’ve got the day off, I hope you’re enjoying the long weekend!

If you’ve been watching my Instagram stories, you’re already aware that I’m deep in a cleaning zone in my house right now. With Cooper being down for the count with poison oak, we have been homebound this weekend. Instead of going out and partying, we’ve all been working on projects around the house.  Casey is working on a wine project. Cooper is building legos & perfecting his basketball skills. I’m reorganizing spaces in my house and getting rid of a bunch of things that no longer serve a purpose. I am RESETTING MY BRAIN.


I’m getting there.


One day I will get rid of all of my artwork from college.

I’m still not there yet.

I will be soon. 

I tracked a whole week’s worth of meals on MyFitnessPal this week.

I lost 4 lbs. in the process.

It was hard at times. I don’t know how I feel about micromanaging my intake, but I can see results and I feel better, so there’s that.  I would like to keep it up…but 4th of July is tomorrow SO….

We’ll see.

Every day is a new beginning.

Intentions for this Week:

  • make an epic cheese board for my parent’s party
  • take pictures of cheeseboard/write a post about said cheeseboard
  • watch fireworks with my family
  • keep gathering items for our trip to the dump
  • help my child get back to looking/feeling like himself
  • photograph prints for sale
  • LAUNDRY (never ends)
  • yoga x 2 / long walk
  • make a MEALS this WEEK list
  • think about website redesign
  • update media kit
  • refill containers in bathroom
  • send out batch of letters
  • empty car/clean it out/wash it?
  • wash fridge drawers
  • set my Fitbit up again
  • do some meal prep
  • make chicken wings
  • drop donation off at thrift store
  • schedule dentist/annual exam (HOW CAN I MOTIVATE TO DO THIS?)
  • visit to the library
  • edit photos/post pizza cookie recipe
  • dye denim bag
  • etsy stuff
  • continue to be mindful when eating & drinking this week

Last Week’s Intentions:

  • empty car/clean it out (it’s been used for Home Depot runs. No use cleaning)
  • follow up on shipping
  • oil change? (decided to put this off another week)
  • dentist/annual exam <—- PUT ON YOUR CALENDAR, TRACY
  • deep clean fridge (cleaned out/need to wash drawers)
  • deep clean kitchen
  • LAUNDRY like a mofo
  • work on my June Currently post    POSTED JUNE CURRENTLY
  • get up-to-date on bookkeeping
  • transplant succulent from the front yard into a container on the deck
  • yoga if I can  (I NEEDED IT and IT WAS AWESOME)
  • schedule a date night (didn’t/sighhhhh)
  • do a drawing class online with Cooper   (I’ll share more soon!)
  • Cooper haircut  (couldn’t/poison oak)
  • move files over to hard drive/ delete photos a LOT of photos from phone
  • work on house cleaning list (spent a lot of time cleaning/organizing linen closet)
  • eat outside as much as possible
  • catch up on letter writing (I have so many international ones to do!)
  • be mindful of what I’m eating – perhaps see how many days I can track my food? (I use MyFitnessPal on my phone) 

What about you?

What are you up to this week?

Let’s see what you’ve got planned!

July 2, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 26

Here’s what this past week looked like on My Everyday Life: Week 26

Last weekend we went camping!


This is the second time we went camping in Manchester.

Coloring club in my tent!


A trip into town for the “world’s best sandwiches.”

They were not.

My Everyday Life: Week 26 on Shutterbean.com

Day one: make a floral bouquet for our camp site.  My niece Abby, in her red velvet “camping” dress.


My Everyday Life: Week 26 on Shutterbean.com


She made me a daisy crown.

My Everyday Life: Week 26 on Shutterbean.com

I always think of my friend Riley when I see blowfish.

My Everyday Life: Week 26 on Shutterbean.com

My cup for the weekend:

My Everyday Life: Week 26 on Shutterbean.com

You can see all of the things we ate here:

Tracy from Shutterbean.com shares her Camping Meal Ideas to liven up your camp life!