June 7, 2017

Pressed Italian Sandwiches

Italian Pressed Sandwiches for your Summer picnics! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

I was standing in line at a grocery store the other day and got a whiff of the deli case and the combination of cured meats and pickled things reminded me of my childhood summers.

My summers didn’t involve outdoor picnics and Pressed Italian Sandwiches, though.

Italian Pressed Sandwiches for your Summer picnics! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

Every summer my brothers and I would spend our days stuffing envelopes, filing papers, playing with paperclips (+ Post-Its!) in my dad’s office.  My brothers would spend their time breaking into the kitchen vending machine, while I had chatted with ANYBODY who walked past me while I was making photocopies. I’m pretty sure we drove the office crazy.

Every day my dad would give us enough money for sandwiches and possibly a soda (if we ordered right). For a long period of time, I dreamt of a future career of being a bubbly receptionist with long lee-press-on- nails in front of a telephone switchboard.

I was in it for the daily deli sandwiches, mostly.

Italian Pressed Sandwiches for your Summer picnics! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

Perhaps this could be the Summer of Italian Pressed Sandwiches and outdoor picnics? Or maybe you can make you and your coworkers some of these sandwiches and get outside for a lunch/office/picnic situation?  Eat outside whenever you can during this season!  Good weather should be celebrated with food that is easy to make and packed with flavor. And when it’s hot outside and you don’t feel like cooking, a really good sandwich can do the trick.


June 5, 2017

Intentions for the Week:

Happy Monday!  This is the last week of school (which is mostly half days!) for us, so we have a bunch to do before the break starts.  I am going to spend a chunk of time with my calendar this week to sort out our Summer. I’m looking forward to not having to rush out of the house like a maniac every morning and figuring out what to pack for lunch every day!

Let’s see what’s up this week:


  • make dentist appointment (FINALLY)
  • get my child a haircut
  • make dinner for Kris & Bob
  • make a loaf of banana bread
  • yoga x 2 and a hike thrown in would be great
  • do meal prep & make kombucha 
  • post Summer bucket list
  • write teachers thank you notes & gifts
  • confirm summer camp stuff
  • LAUNDRY like a boss
  • fix succulents in front yard
  • straighten up closet 
  • make a list of daily/weekly chores for Cooper for Summer
  • straighten up bookshelf in living room/put books back
  • edit photos (sandwiches & wings)
  • make an ice cream cake
  • return to Target
  • go through prop closet & sort
  • start list for camping trip


Last Week’s Intentions:

  • try to be off the computer on Memorial Day + enjoy family time
  • yoga x 2  and maybe a hike?   Yoga x 3!!!
  • clean out freezer
  • post summer bucket list (coming this week- stay tuned!)
  • post Currently- May 2017 wrap up   post currently May here
  • edit honey mustard wings
  • straighten up guest bedroom
  • Cooper haircut (happening soon!)
  • catch up on letter writing (still have many international letters to write!)
  • drop off library books
  • donate clothes to thrift shop
  • clean keyboards
  • make kombucha/meal prep (made ginger brew kombucha-need to make adjustments)
  • straighten up pantry situation  (make list of things needed)
  • trip to the dump (still in gathering stage)
  • trip to Target
  • do a face mask/eye mask situation
  • figure out returning bookshelves
  • get as much done as I can before school break starts! (still on the list!)

What about you?  What are you up to this week?

Leave your intentions in the comments- I love seeing what you’re up to!

June 4, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 22

Here’s what this past week looked like on My Everyday Life- Week 22:

A new perspective.

A new workspace.

I am hoping it changes some of my habits for the better.
My Everyday Life: Week 22 on Shutterbean.com

It means I have more space to do stuff like this without having to move it so we can eat dinner….

Hey Christina!

My Everyday Life: Week 22 on Shutterbean.com

I love when Casey joins in.

My Everyday Life: Week 22 on Shutterbean.com

Cheesesteak & word searches.

My Everyday Life: Week 22 on Shutterbean.com

A trip to the nursery.

My Everyday Life: Week 22 on Shutterbean.com


June 2, 2017


I love lists // shutterbean.com

Welcome to I LOVE LISTS! It’s Friday- Let’s surf the internet together!

  1. A blast from the past if you’re around the same age as me.
  2. If you need dinner inspiration- #shutterbeandinner
  3. Summer look: This jumper with these birks , a white tank underneath & a hat.
  4. Photo flashback: Subway 1970s grit.
  5. A playlist for the classic novel, Lolita
  6. What I want to eat all summer long.
  7. The most beautiful doughnuts are here.
  8. Don’t always trust what you see!
  9. I never really gets old, does it?
  10. Another la croix tribute- La Croix Boi
  11. Whoa this PUZZLE!
  12. This looks like a good summer book list.
  13. Mental break: photos of humpback whales
  14. If only I could re-write my college essay….
  15. Google searches this week:  Elizabeth Montgomery
  16. I made monkey brain during yoga this week.
  17. The business of breakfast. 
  18. Currently listening to: Making Oprah (while typing this)
  19. Cutest pool floats.
  20. Baking Real Talk
  21. What it costs to live small.
  22. My friend Bev has a good summer playlist on her site.
  23. If you want to plan your weekend around a netflix binge.


May 31, 2017

Currently: May 2017

Currently May 2017 on Shutterbean.com - check out a roundup of the month by Tracy Benjamin

Last day of May! YAY. Cooper has about a week left of school and then we’re done for the year. WHERE DOES THE TIME GO? I feel like this school year went by so dang fast and there’s so much to be done in the next week it’s like WHOAAAAAAAA.

June will probably be the last month that I have in my current bullet journal (I started it in September!) It took me a few months to figure out how much space I needed, so I’ll be much more considerate in my next one. Will I get another orange one??? Hmmm. Something to look forward to this Summer, and you know how much I love a project!

Sidenote- in June, I will have been doing this “Currently” series for a whole year. WOW!!!!!!!!!

WOW!!!!!!!!! It’s been a really good way of getting my head in the game for the next month by reviewing what just happened. I can’t wait to go back and see what I was doing in past years…that is if I am good at keeping up this habit!

I digress….


Currently May 2017 on Shutterbean.com - check out a roundup of the month by Tracy Benjamin

Inspired By:

Pen pals!

Seriously 100% INSPIRED.

Having a P.O. Box has the been one of the best things that has ever happened to me.  Thank you to everyone who has sent me mail. You have no idea how much it has helped pull me out of a MAJOR funk. Your kindness, magic and heartfelt letters have been so good for the soul.


Here’s the address:

Tracy Shutterbean

P.O. Box 604

San Anselmo, CA 94929

I volunteered about 8 hours of my time at my local church thrift store this month. It has been such a delightful experience. I daydream of having a store one day filled with cool finds. But for now, I have been living vicariously through this store. It is so gratifying to see some of the displays that I create help sell items. It’s actually kind of a thrill!

The best part is spending my time with the older women who work there. They’re so delighted to have someone who is willing & able (me!) to teach them about technology and make their work life simpler. They also love the fact that I’m tall (compared to them) and can reach things that are high up on the shelves.

Volunteer your time in any way you can, if you can!  It makes you feel good and others are left feeling grateful and happy.



This month we’ve been into Master of None. For those of you who aren’t sure about Aziz Ansari—he has totally grown on me!  I thought he was kind of annoying on Parks & Rec but DANG he is funny, observant, and an amazing story teller. His book Modern Romance totally changed my mind!  How cool is that he gets to write himself into such cool positions like being a host of a food tv show with trips to ITALY.  Are you watching it?  We have Cooper singing, “Eating in Italy is my Favorite Thing!”

We’re getting excited to start House of Cards soon (goodbyeeeeeeeeeee week of life while we binge on it!). No, but seriously I am a little nervous because my internal clock has been changing a bit. I’m waking up earlier these days, and as a result, I crash a lot earlier at night which means I ALWAYS FALL ASLEEP while are watching tv shows.

I guess it prolongs series, huh? There’s the silver lining!

Also really enjoying Abstract: The Art of Design (on Netflix)   I was up late the other night (tooooo much coffee) and I watched a couple episodes. I can’t wait to watch more!  I love the way the filmmaker chooses to deliver information. It definitely catches the attention of my visual brain. Plus it’s helping me to see design in a different way.


I definitely haven’t made enough time for leisure reading lately. I do have If Walls Could Talk on my nightstand that I’ve been reading slowly. It’s pretty fascinating to see how much things have evolved in our homes over the past few hundred years. You get to see where some of our expressions like “hit the hay” come from. This kind of stuff fascinates me to no end.

Any summer reading you’re excited about?

Thinking About:


Cooper is signed up for one camp so far. I am going to have to shuffle my schedule a bit, so I am trying to figure out what our daily schedule will be like this Summer. I suppose he is going to be in #shutterbeancamp this summer!!!  Last year we cooked from How to Cook in 10 Easy Lessons  together and we still have many more recipes to accomplish.

I’d love to take him on some adventures around the Bay Area and maybe up north. Getting away from home inspires me (with all the new things too see & experience) and it helps me appreciate our routine.

Summer Bucket list is coming up soon! I am just waiting on Cooper to finish his and we’ll be all set.

Listening To:

This month I’ve been listening to a lot to Dorothy Ashby. One of my followers on Instagram gave me the tip (THANK YOU!). It’s the perfect soundtrack to my life right now. It definitely makes me feel happy and less stressed! Sometimes it reminds me of the movie Sideways and makes me daydream about being on a road trip. Sighhhhhhh.

Also back into the mix listening to Uhh Yeah Dude. I need their sense of humor in my ear holes right now.


Dream Life:

Back in Tahoe! This time I’m at some hotel. I think it might be at this hotel I went to when I was young for my dad’s business conference when I was a kid. I keep remembering stairwells. I wonder if something traumatic happened there and I am trying to relive it in my dreams?

I also had a dream that I was involved in an emergency plane crash. We landed in snow…..like buried in a snow bank.  I woke myself up before I had a chance to see if we made it out alive. I gotta take it easy on my dream life right now. GEEZ.


Thinking of cutting out bread (here we are again!).

Thinking of doing a cleanse (ugggh. juice or food??!).

Thinking of having a reset so I can start the summer with some good health intentions. (always the case!)

Maybe I just need a salad. (or not to eat bread)

I bought some string cheese for some protein snacks and I’ve been pairing it with pretzels and inadvertently turning said snack into DINNER and then my family is like WHAT IS FOR DINNER and I have to be like….”OH CRAP, what can I make them and not be tempted to eat cuz I just ate my weight in pretzels and string cheese???”

String cheese = yes.

Pretzels = NO

I can’t stop eating pretzels when I start.

Must remember some of these healthy snack options! 

On the flipside, I added this Ginger Brew to my meal prep routine so HOORAY.

Love ginger beer? You can make your own concentrate for drinks & cocktails. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

This month’s self-portrait:

New hair. Same sass. I am always in the freaking car these days.

Also, want to buy my favorite sweater in every single color.

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Journal spread for May:

Currently May 2017 on Shutterbean.com - check out a roundup of the month by Tracy Benjamin

Lots of events in May. BRING IT ON, JUNE.

SO! Tell me what’s up with you! 

How was your MAY?

What do you want to do in JUNE?

Leave your stream of consciousness in the comments below. It’s fun!

May 29, 2017

Intentions for the Week

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Happy Monday, friends! If you have the day off like we do, I HOPE YOU ENJOY IT.

I spent most of Sunday cleaning up and organizing a workspace so that I can write letters/mail prints this Summer.

Stay tuned for more information on the prints soon!  

 It feels so good to have all of my stuff in one place. Now I don’t have to worry about having art supplies all over our kitchen table anymore. I can’t tell you how annoying it was to have to move stuff in order to get dinner on the table. No wonder I’ve been so disorganized. I have stuff spread throughout the house and never in the place where I need it / when I need it.

I hope that creating this new space helps me FOCUS (my word last week)

and brings


to my WORK and mental clutter!

Tracy Shutterbean's workspace // shutterbean


  • try to be off the computer on Memorial Day + enjoy family time
  • yoga x 2  and maybe a hike?
  • clean out freezer
  • post summer bucket list
  • post Currently- May 2017 wrap up
  • edit honey mustard wings
  • straighten up guest bedroom
  • Cooper haircut
  • catch up on letter writing
  • drop off library books
  • donate clothes to thrift shop
  • clean keyboards
  • make kombucha/meal prep
  • straighten up pantry situation  (make list of things needed)
  • trip to the dump
  • trip to Target
  • do a face mask/eye mask situation
  • figure out returning bookshelves
  • get as much done as I can before school break starts!
  • DELETE iphone photos- make space!



  • post my summer bucket list (here’s my summer bucket list from last year)
  • work in the kitchen on recipes (anything you want to see?)
  • LAUNDRY/dye tablecloth
  • look for an outdoor rug (still on the hunt!)
  • clean out fridge/meal prep
  • make a folder for envelopes so I can write on the go
  • no paper piles left in house  (I have like one small pile!!)
  • yoga x 2 
  • try to meditate at least twice (I spent time with my cats sans phone, does that count?)
  • oil cutting boards/spring cleaning 
  • eat lighter/cleaner  (I ate less this week for sure!)
  • book dentist appointment (still need to do this)
  • sort out library book situation   (found rogue books!!!)
  • letter writing
  • haircuts for cooper & me  (need to get Cooper’s haircut!)
  • catch up on emails/social media
  • no weeknight drinking   (I did it!!! It was kind of challenging)
  • art with Cooper
  • prune some of the plants outside
  • do some leisure reading if possible (didn’t get to that- boo!)
  • DRINK MORE WATER instead of eating   (worked hard at this!)


Word of the week on Shutterbean.com

Let’s see if saying this (LOUD + TO MYSELF) helps!


What about you?  What are you up to this week?

Leave your intentions in the comments- I love seeing what you’re up to!

May 28, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 21

Here’s what the past week looked like on My Everyday Life-WEEK 21:

I forgot about cherries! So nice to see them again in the market.

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Impromptu family adventure up to Calistoga.

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Visiting family/cats.  Cats that are family…..

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Cooper and his cousin Abby playing with her cat, Lily. My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

What a sweet cat!

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Roadside attractions

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Before it got dark.

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Art class volunteering this week! My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

This color story reminded me of Saved by the Bell.

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

This week was a bit scary for us. Our cat Rosie went into anaphylactic shock after we came home from baseball. We saw this spider in a puddle of bile. She barely made it up the stairs and was totally limp and moaning in pain. Casey rushed her to the hospital where she was treated and stayed overnight.

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com

Poor buggy. She’s just fine now.

IT WAS SO SCARY and it triggered this feeling of when Pinot was sick last year.

Having a pet almost die is really traumatic.

My Everyday Life: Week 21 on Shutterbean.com