May 26, 2017


I love lists // shutterbean.com

Welcome to I love lists! It’s Friday. Let’s surf the internet together!

  1. You should’ve asked.
  2. Billionaire bars.
  3. Obvious signs are obvious.
  4. A writer’s process
  5. Best places to eat in America
  6. Kitchen tricks that save time!
  7. Caught my eye: striped maxi/ cat sunglasses / metallic Birkenstocks
  8. How many books will you read before you die?
  9. These are all so beautiful. I love the braid one.
  10. Copycat In & Out Burger
  11. Tips for taking better pictures in museums.
  12. First new blue pigment in 200 years!
  13. I forgot how creepy this video was.
  14. Good Enough Mother
  15. These photos provide a good mental vacation.
  16. New to the food scene: spicy candy
  18. Camping with Kids
  19. Something I definitely needed to read. 
  20. Things to never do as a photographer.
  21. Who wears short shorts? Dudes from the 70s.
  22. Other People Are Hard

Weekend reading:

Salt Fat, Acid & Heat

Botanical Line Drawing

If Walls Could Talk

Memorial Day Weekend Recipe Inspo:

Honey Sriracha Grilled Bacon

Grilled Chicken with Tomato Parsley Salad

Sambal Chicken Skewers

Grilled Steak & Avocado Flatbread

Ricotta Pancakes with Roasted Strawberries

May 24, 2017

DIY Ginger Brew

Love ginger beer? You can make your own concentrate for drinks & cocktails. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

Most of my cocktail choices involve ginger beer because the spicy/sweetness pairs well with gin or bourbon (my two favorite spirits). Plus, I love that tingly mouth burn you get with ginger. Maybe that’s why I love kombucha so much?

I’ve made my own lemon ginger elixir before, but never my own ginger beer/ginger brew.

Love ginger beer? You can make your own concentrate for drinks & cocktails. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

Let me show you how easy it is to make DIY Ginger Brew. Your summer cocktail lineup just got a little more exciting.At least that’s what I’m hoping!


May 22, 2017

Intentions for the Week


Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

It’s Monday! It felt like the Summer over the weekend and I didn’t want it to end. As I was typing this list and getting myself ready for the upcoming week, our cat Rosie unexpectedly got sick. Casey rushed her to the emergency vet and is staying there overnight. Please send good thoughts!

Life is filled with unexpected events, isn’t it?

I just want my cat to be OK!!!

***Rosie update! She’s resting at home. She ate a spider and threw it up immediately and had quite a severe reaction to it. Thanks so much for the love!!!***



I’ve been feeling very scattered lately and I need to get myself back on track this week. Perhaps if I remind myself to FOCUS, I’ll be more apt to get in a better focusing zone.

How can I do that? Maybe set some timers throughout the week. I will give myself realistic timers to complete projects and I will try not to waste time and get distracted during the process.


Intentions for this week:

  • post my summer bucket list (here’s my summer bucket list from last year)
  • work in the kitchen on recipes (anything you want to see?)
  • LAUNDRY/dye tablecloth
  • look for an outdoor rug
  • clean out fridge/meal prep
  • make a folder for envelopes so I can write on the go
  • no paper piles left in house
  • yoga x 2
  • try to meditate at least twice (wish me luck)
  • oil cutting boards/spring cleaning 
  • eat lighter/cleaner
  • book dentist appointment
  • sort out library book situation
  • letter writing
  • haircuts for cooper & I
  • catch up on emails/social media
  • no weeknight drinking
  • art with Cooper
  • prune some of the plants outside
  • do some leisure reading if possible
  • DRINK MORE WATER instead of eating

Last week’s intentions:

  • wash car/detail the inside    I forgot how much I enjoy a clean car!
  • LAUNDRY  finished it abnormally early this week!
  • clean out fridge
  • work on birthday package for maj (compiling!)
  • go through package for Camden (compiling!)
  • plant flowers/water flowers
  • deal with paper piles (sorted through a bunch!)
  • make a new recipe (tested a few things)
  • post teriyaki chicken
  • email the tax man 
  • yoga x 2 (went once cuz I got a dumb cold)
  • stay on top of the dishes in the sink (did well until we were gone Sunday)
  • hike or dance class? (hike!)
  • book a dentist appointment/figure out insurance/ugh (got distracted on the internet when I went to look up my coverage. oops)
  • chicken teriyaki recipe- edit/write/post  here’s the post! 
  • trip to farmer’s market? (went on a trip up to napa instead)
  • delete photos off phone- AS MANY AS POSSIBLE- at least 1k.
  • finish summer bucket list 
  • clean out purse    the best feeling!
  • catch up on letter writing
  • tackle inbox (sorted out a bunch of spam and deleted stuff)
  • start doing some spring cleaning  (did a kitchen deep clean)
  • DRINK MORE WATER instead of eating (I didn’t do my best)

How about you?

What are you up to this week?
Leave your TO DO list in the comments!

May 20, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 20

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life- Week 20:

Happy Mother’s Day to my Mom! I made this for her:

My Everyday Life: Week 20 on Shutterbean.com

We had my parents over for dinner on Mother’s Day.  I made a Greek feast and we got a chance to dine outside because the weather was perfect.


And a little dessert to go with it.

My Everyday Life: Week 20 on Shutterbean.com

Working on my Bullet Journal/writing down my intentions for the week. 

My Everyday Life: Week 20 on Shutterbean.com

I love these plants. Especially when it’s breezy. They’re so prety and fuzzy.

My Everyday Life: Week 20 on Shutterbean.com

This week I went to Camp Covert at Covert Estate in Coombsville, Napa with a few other bloggers.

The day included harvesting vegetables, tasting wine, cooking together outdoors and feasting!

What a way to spend a Tuesday!!

My Everyday Life: Week 20 on Shutterbean.com

That’s me with some lettuce I picked.

My Everyday Life: Week 20 on Shutterbean.com


We got to take home some bay leaves.

My Everyday Life: Week 20 on Shutterbean.com

The chive blossoms were so pretty.

My Everyday Life: Week 20 on Shutterbean.com


May 19, 2017


I love lists // shutterbean.com

Welcome to I LOVE LISTS!! It’s Friday, let’s surf the internet together!

  1. You’re eating too damn much.
  2. Prettiest gifts- homemade bath salts.
  3. How to navigate a career change
  4. Big Sur is beautiful/it’s a hard place to run a restaurant
  5. Make your own crumpets!!
  6. Oh HELL NO.
  7. How much does your Insta-Perfect Van Life cost?
  8. I love this print/painting  and this one makes me want a drink.
  9. I hear this is pretty good if you’re looking for meditation recommendations
  10. The biggest movie the year I was born was Moonraker
  11. Maj, you should send Cooper some!!
  12. Shake Shack facts for all you lovers out there.
  13. Newsflash: men don’t belong in rompers
  14. Are you gonna watch this? I might be too distracted by the makeup.
  15. If I wore jumpsuits, I’d probably buy this one.
  16. I firmly believe that animals are very therapeutic for us. I LOVE MY CATS.
  17. My In & Out Order: Double double protein animal style with K & M instead.
  18. Whaaaaat. Google is blowing my mind.
  19. If you need some salad inspiration, this book looks great.
  20. Why we lie.
  21. SIGN ME UP
  22. I want to go to the Grand Canyon so baaaaaaaaaaad.
  23. What’s Tom from Myspace doing now? He’s a photographer!!
  24. Some wise words from Will Ferrell.

For all my blogger friends who are into Pinterest, if looking for a good way to schedule pins, I highly recommend Tailwind. They’re having a really good promotional deal this month if you refer your friends. That means you can set up your own tribe and essentially pay for your membership. If you’re not a person who schedules pins, then ignore! 🙂

May 17, 2017

Chicken Teriyaki

Looking for a good Chicken Teriyaki recipe? Look no further! Check out this recipe on Shutterbean.com!

Teriyaki is a word that my brain never wants to spell right. My brain also has a hard time spelling Marilyn. There’s something about the y and the i that throws my brain off. Brains are weird.

Looking for a good Chicken Teriyaki recipe? Look no further! Check out this recipe on Shutterbean.com!

Now that I have spelled teriyaki correctly (thanks, spellcheck!) I can tell you more about my new favorite Chicken Teriyaki recipe. Cooper loved it. Casey didn’t complain. It didn’t really take that much time and I was able to turn leftovers into fried rice so I feel like we might have something new to add to our meal rotation.

Looking for a good Chicken Teriyaki recipe? Look no further! Check out this recipe on Shutterbean.com!

This tastes like the kind of teriyaki chicken you’d get in a Japanese restaurant. The glaze is pretty tasty and the overnight marinade really makes the chicken flavorful. You might have some extra sauce with this recipe, but that’s great because it’s amazing on the leftovers! I’m curious how it would taste on salmon….


May 15, 2017

Intentions for the Week:

Looking to get your head in the game? Tracy from Shutterbean makes a weekly TO DO LIST called her Intentions for the Week. Here's what this week looks like:

Happy Monday! How’s it feeling for you today? I am not starting this week with a clean fridge or meal prep (Mother’s Day celebration!) so I am sure I am going to be a little thrown off this week. It’s cool. I’ll regroup. I feel like this week is going to be my tying up loose ends week. At least I hope it is!

Intentions for this Week:

  • wash car/detail the inside
  • clean out fridge
  • work on birthday package for maj
  • go through package for Camden
  • plant flowers/water flowers
  • deal with paper piles
  • make a new recipe
  • post teriyaki chicken
  • email the tax man
  • yoga x 2
  • stay on top of the dishes in the sink
  • hike or dance class?
  • book a dentist appointment/figure out insurance/ugh
  • chicken teriyaki recipe- edit/write/post
  • trip to farmer’s market?
  • delete photos off phone- AS MANY AS POSSIBLE- at least 1k.
  • finish summer bucket list
  • clean out purse
  • catch up on letter writing
  • tackle inbox
  • start doing some spring cleaning 
  • DRINK MORE WATER instead of eating


Last week’s intentions

  • make kombucha   (made mango orange flavored)
  • harvest kale/braise it 
  • drop off library book + cd
  • school field trip- clean up car/move stuff around
  • mother’s day cards + gifts
  • clean up laptop screen
  • catch up on invoicing
  • follow up on past dues
  • catch up on social media
  • make summer bucket list (almost done)
  • recipe testing/writing
  • collect items to donate to thrift store (didn’t have time)
  • follow up on Emma’s package (forgot)
  • volunteer at thrift store
  • write letters/send/pick up mail at P.O. Box
  • paint toenails
  • yoga x 2 (only went once)
  • hike
  • baseball x 2
  • finish camp sign ups (check out calendar!)
  • first communion & all the things that go with that! yay Cooper!
  • book haircut appointment
  • grocery shopping/plan for BBQ after baseball game
  • eat healthier/drink more water!!!!

How about you? What are you up to this week? Leave your TO DO list in the comments!