I almost wrote 2016 when I typed April 2017. I’m also annoyed at myself that this is being posted in May and not in April. But, I’m trying to get over that. I think that sums up where my head is at right now!
The flowers here in California start popping off in April. We’ve had quite a show. The leaves are on most of the trees now and the birds are out chirping. The turkeys are chatting and the jackrabbits are running around on our hill.
April was a travel month for me! There was a lot of traveling which through my schedule off quite a bit. I haven’t been in the kitchen as much as I wanted, but I got to recharge, rest and regroup. Travel is the best way for me to keep my creativity alive.
So, let’s see. How was April?
Currently April 2017

Inspired By:
Travel always inspires me. I really need to see new surroundings or else my creativity suffers. Also, my MIND SUFFERS. I feel cagey when I haven’t had an adventure. It’s a byproduct of living in the house I grew up in. I want to GOOOOOOOOO EXPLORE!
This April I went to Monterey with my family for Easter and then flew to Nashville (to visit Joy!) and road-tripped to her house in New Orleans. There was a lot of movement in April! I’m normally not away from home for that long, so April kind of went by in a blur. It was great to be with family near the beach. We did something new and it was FUN!!!!!!!!

During my trip to Nashville, I made an effort to talk to strangers.
I convinced Marguerite from Montreal at the airport bar in Denver to try ginger beer. She loved it. I also found out that I went to the same art school as a bartender named Nick who served me a few “Punch Drunk” cocktails in New Orleans.
The world is small even though it doesn’t feel that way sometimes. These are the things I like about travel.

During this trip, I used a new backpack and my roller suitcase for my flights.
How did I ever travel without a backpack? My shoulders were like WHAAAAAAAAT IS THIS??? We’re not sore???!! The best part about this backpack is that I knew where everything was when I needed to get items out. The straps didn’t cut into my shoulders. It cut down so much travel anxiety!

Pen-pals– you guys!!! I am so touched by all of your postcards and letters. THANK YOU! I am so honored that you have all taken time out of your schedule to do something nice for someone else (me!). A lot of you have mentioned that you started writing more letters to other people as a result. <— AMAZING!
I’ve been getting letters from Norway! New Zealand! France! England!!! Honestly, that is just unreal to me. There are also so many awesome people from all over the US that have written me too. A big should out to all of the readers from the Bay Area who have written! I think we should probably figure out a get together soon. How does that sound?
Here’s my address:
Tracy Shutterbean
P.O. Box 604
San Anselmo, CA 94979
I occasionally share some of the cool letters I get on my Instagram Stories.
You can follow me @shutterbean

Big Little Lies. Did you watch it?!!?? It haunted me for a few weeks. I really love the soundtrack. We went to Monterey (where it’s filmed) a few days after we finished watching the series.
I’m behind on The Feud & Girls. Again…TRAVEL.
I checked out too many books at the library this month. I also didn’t return a lot. DANGIT. I’d like to get better at what I check out…I mean, actually reading things on time instead of having to renew too many time before it’s too late.
Currently on my nightstand:
Mindful Games
Do the Work
Trader Vic’s Kitchen Kibitzer
I Hate to Housekeep
I’m super excited about this new David Sedaris book that comes out this month. I love when he reads from his diaries on his book tours. His observations are comic gold.

Thinking About:
My head’s in the clouds for Summer. We go to Tahoe every year with my family. I CANNOT WAIT FOR THAT. I think we’ll try to go to Santa Cruz and LA. Can I make it up to Oregon or Idaho in the Summer? That’s the question I’m figuring out. I’m also anxious to start working out in my front yard garden.
Thinking about doing some Instagram Live/Facebook live sessions.
(what would you want to see?)
I’ve been experimenting with Instagram Live. I randomly turned it on one morning recently and had people tell me their names and spent about 30 minutes writing them live (with commentary). People asked questions. I told people what associations I had with their names. It was fun! I did it standing up which was weird, so I have to figure out a better setup. That picture above there shows all of the names I wrote on my first session and here’s my second session:
(press play)
Listening To:
Agnes Obel. September Song (is my fave) is from the show Big Little Lies and it’s a good one! I’ve had her on non-stop for the past few weeks.
Also— love her songs Familiar and Stone.
Also if you are having writer’s block, I suggest listening to a little Harry Belafonte. It puts my brain in a good mood.
Finished listening to S-Town!!!! SO good. Did you finish it too? Can we talk about it??
Also- Listening to George Carlin (checked out from the library). It’s amazing to see how much his stuff still stands up after t
Dream Life:
I had a dream when I was on my Nashville trip that a tree fell down on our hill. It hit nothing….but it came out of nowhere. Like, I didn’t even remember a tree being there to fall down in that spot. Dreams are weird. I also woke up that night to a gigantic thunderstorm, so maybe that had something to do with it. There’s definitely some Oregon streets in my dream life. Sometimes my subconscious gets stuck in old college stories.
I went through a few nights with some crazy night sweats. Whoa, dude. 37-year-old hormones are interesting. Is this TMI? I don’t know. Can’t we just be real and not pretend like our bodies don’t age? Also, will someone please tell me if electrolysis is something worth doing? K, thanks, BYE.

I ate/drank too much on my trips but you know what? THAT’S COOL. YOLO.
Asparagus season!!!!!! My favorite way to eat asparagus is simple! Roasted…with parmesan and a squeeze of lemon. But maybe I’ll make an asparagus soup when I have a surplus and I need to make something fast with them.
I’m starting to switch to gin in my cocktails. Bourbon is taking second place.
GRILL SEASON HAS BEGUN. Time to grill some pizza.
Here’s a page from my bullet journal:

A self-portrait for April:

SO! Tell me what’s up with you!
How was your April?
What do you want to do in May?