May 1, 2017

Intentions for the Week:

Intentions for the Week - May 1, 2017 on Shutterbean.com

It’s Monday! It’s a new month. HELLO, MAY!! How are we feeling about May?  I like that the first day of the month is on a Monday. Doesn’t seem like that happens often enough.

Today I am going to be getting my brain in the game for May by working on my Intentions for the Week. I can’t believe we are almost halfway through the year. WHERE DOES THE TIME GO????!!!

I have to finish drawing up my April spread in my bullet journal and then I’ll be able to post my April currently post.  All of the traveling in April threw off my schedule (in a good way!), so I am working hard to get myself back on track/catch up. Stay tuned for that.

Let’s see what’s in store for this week…..

This Week’s Intentions:

  • keep working on the 100 days project
  • return library books
  • return Old Navy dress
  • grocery shop
  • kick ass at laundry and get to ground ZERO
  • make a new recipe/map out May calendar
  • send out letters
  • research more garden stuff
  • put all of my books away (I have so many stacks around the house!)
  • order more bags from ThredUp
  • catch up on emails
  • catch up on bookkeeping
  • catch up on social media
  • finish vision board
  • put away winter clothes
  • packaging supplies for Etsy
  • yoga  x 2
  • baseball x 2
  • plan for BBQ/sleepover? on Saturday
  • post my April 2017 currently post/share April drawing

Last Week’s Intentions:

  • get home safely from trip to Nashville/New Orleans (I’m here! safe!)
  • laundry (always) (working on currently)
  • unpack suitcase  (my rest of my family still needs to unpack from Monterey!)
  • yoga x 2  (once in NOLA and once at home and a hike too!)
  • water plants
  • work on garden/trip to the nursery
  • send out letters (got thrown off course, catching up soon!)
  • art class on Friday (I TOTALLY SPACED AND FORGOT OMG)
  • make a recipe (I haven’t been home much, just making eggs. Fixing that!)
  • write a Currently post for April
  • draw a spread for April in my journal
  • baseball games x 2
  • finish vision board (almost done)
  • catch up on emails (must carve out more time)
  • clean out the fridge 
  • post pancake recipe    posted!
  • drop off library books (dropped off half. have like 5 more to go back)
  • get packaging supplies for prints (back on the to do list for this week)

What about you? What are you up to this week?

Share your intentions in the comments! 

April 30, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 17

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 17


My Everyday Life Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Trip to Nashville to visit Joy and see her give a demo and host a book signing at the Country Living Magazine fair.

That night we went to a fancy pop-up dinner for an upcoming restaurant– Henley.

My Everyday Life Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Tequila shots behind the bar.

My Everyday Life Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Food that looked like art. Art that looked like food.

My Everyday Life Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Followed by too many drinks. I drank beer??! WTF. At least I didn’t eat late at night…

My Everyday Life Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

My new friend Brian, giving a kissy face to his husband Mikey!

My Everyday Life Week 16 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Five Guys in Alabama. ROAD TRIP!

My Everyday Life Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

I finally got to see Joy’s house in New Orleans!!! The light is exquisite.

My Everyday Life Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Night time spirits.

My Everyday Life Week 16 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Morning light.

My Everyday Life Week 16 on Shutterbean.com


April 28, 2017


I love lists // shutterbean]

Welcome to I LOVE LISTS!! It’s Friday! Let’s see what’s up with the internet this week:

  1. Hello, iceberg. So nice of you to stop by.
  2. Cute jacket for spring.
  3. Apparently I’m very mature according to my candy bar choices. haha, try again.
  4. A good way to surprise someone.
  5. All of these paintings excite me.
  6. I heart Jeffrey Tambor.  Lol, debut.
  7. There’s fiber in coke now….sigh.
  8. Is this too much tech??
  9. You know you’re an adult when….
  10. Tahini in a milkshake? Color me intrigued.
  11. How to build resilient kids even after a loss. 
  12. A campy camp!!! Too bad it sold out so fast. IT LOOKS AMAZING.
  13. For when you need to cure an artist block. 
  14. Want to be happy?
  15. True that.
  16. The cheapest cities to live in. (there goes the neighborhood!)
  17. The prettiest cake I’ve seen in awhile!
  18. To stay married, embrace change.
  19. Moms with a sense of humor (IT ME-#8)
  20. Btw- Unicorn is not a flavor.
  21. This makes me want to watch the movie again. (old fave!)
April 26, 2017

Ricotta Pancakes with Roasted Strawberries

Light and Fluffy Ricotta Pancakes with Roasted Strawberries- find the recipe on Shutterbean.com!

Cooper has been begging me to make pancakes and I always end up making waffles because I don’t want to be hovering over the stove manning a griddle. But you know, sometimes we have to push ourselves out of our comfort zones 😉

Light and Fluffy Ricotta Pancakes with Roasted Strawberries- find the recipe on Shutterbean.com!

I had ricotta from my baked ziti recipe to use up and when I looked through new/beautiful Simple Fare cookbook, I knew exactly what to do with it!! PANCAKES!

Here we have the lightest/fluffiest Ricotta Pancakes with Roasted Strawberries.

Light and Fluffy Ricotta Pancakes with Roasted Strawberries- find the recipe on Shutterbean.com!

Each stack is topped with a sweetened creme fraiche, roasted strawberries and maple syrup added in for good measure. I can’t wait for the weekend, what about you?


April 24, 2017

Intentions for the Week

Intentions for the Week- April 24, 2017 Shutterbean.com

Hello hello! I’m currently in New Orleans visiting my maj Joy. We’ve been having a great time. There was a road trip from Nashville to New Orleans thrown in the mix and I’ve met a few cats along the way!!!!

As I write this, I know I have a bunch of things to do when I get home (trying not to stress out about it).  I’m not at home so I can’t sit here on my laptop and stare at my house and figure out what to do. So, I am going to wing it and try to figure out what my week will be like when I get back tomorrow.

Intentions for this week:

  • get home safely from trip to Nashville/New Orleans
  • laundry (always)
  • unpack suitcase
  • yoga x 2
  • trip to the nursery
  • water plants
  • work on garden/trip to nursery
  • send out letters
  • art class on Friday
  • make a recipe
  • write a Currently post for April
  • draw a spread for April in my journal
  • baseball games x 2
  • finish vision board
  • catch up on emails
  • clean out the fridge
  • post pancake recipe
  • drop off library books
  • get packaging supplies for prints
  • continue working on

Last Week’s Intentions

  • hang out with family
  • ask my parents as many questions as possible (I tried! there are so many!)
  • write in journal/continue the #100daysmusiclyrics project
  • post penne recipe
  • unpack car from road trip
  • water plants
  • research plants for the front yard (worked on my pinterest board!)
  • finish vision board (almost done!)
  • grocery shopping
  • deal with RX/health insurance (UGGGH)
  • return library books (I FORGOT)
  • figure out what to do with old clothes (they are in the garage now so that’s something)
  • catch up on writing letters
  • post items on etsy/think of better name (gotta get that done!!)
  • get caught up on social media 
  • make some good food for boys to eat while I’m gone
  • work on two recipes 
  • exercise/go for a long walk or 2  (went on 1)
  • pack for Nashville trip (going to visit Joy!)
  • find white denim jacket (thrifted a white sweater!)
  • straighten up house
  • deep clean kitchen

WHAT ABOUT YOU??? What are you up to this week? Share your intentions in the comments! 

April 23, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 16

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 16

We spent some of Cooper’s spring break in Monterey Dunes.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

We were right on the beach.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

It was sunny the first day and then rainy the next few.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

The light in the place we stayed was unbelievable.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

I mean….

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

The sunset during dinner time.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

My mom made her linguine + clams!

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

The light in the morning.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Out to lunch at Phil’s Fish Market

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Definitely his.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

A walk by the Monterey Aquarium.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Stopped on the side of the road for strawberries + fried artichokes.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Introvert time.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

The color always blows my mind.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Mussels are my favorite

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

I love my sister-in-law.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Whiskey time. Thank you, brother.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Happy hour is an hour I excel at.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

We take vacationing seriously.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

I feel like I could be friends with the people whose house we stayed at based on their place settings. Also, I can see my brother’s foam roller under the table. HAHAHAAA.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Easter dinner on the coast.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

The blue of the night in the window above.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Toothbrushes that light up are our favorite.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

We draw at restaurants. No iPads on the table. EVER. That’s my rule.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

This bunny can’t hear you.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

My boys.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

I love when people make things on the beach.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Trip into Monterey.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Here comes the rain.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

My dad has the most beautiful hair.


My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Coastal Succulents.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Guestbook drawings.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

My parent’s in their zones.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Sleepy head.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Storm is brewing.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

It’s funny to be driven around by your parents when you’re an adult.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Calamari Parmesan at Monterey’s Fish House. SUPREME!

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

The buds were closed due to the rain.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Gracious living.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

From the vacation back into baseball mode.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

On the bleachers with my art buddy, Lila.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Cooper wrote this to Joy.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Best outfit I saw all week.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Trip to the post office. NEW STAMPS!

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Getting samples at Macy’s. The lady let me label my own containers.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

“Mom, will you make this your home screen?”


My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

A random flower!!

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

READING: At Home in the World by my friend Tsh.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Sometimes you just need to buy yourself SUNFLOWERS.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Up close.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

And personal.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Eight is pretty great.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Adventures in the neighborhood.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Those eyeballs. DANG BOY.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

On a plane!! TO NASHVILLE

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Time in Denver.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Assembly line action.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

Joy made her cinnamon rolls from her new book- Over Easy at the Country Living Magazine Fair.

My Everyday Life: Week 16 on Shutterbean.com

More soon!


Week 16 in 2016

Week 16 in 2015

Week 16 in 2014

Week 16 in 2013

Week 16 in 2012

Week 16 in 2011 

April 21, 2017


I love lists // shutterbean

Welcome to I LOVE LISTS!! Let’s see what happened on the internet this week:

  1. Hello, dream jacket.
  2. Did I already post this California super bloom? Well, here it is again!
  3. A new way to make granola- GRANOLA BARK! 
  4. If you need to motivate someone to deal with their clutter…
  5. This grilled cheese is a Spring dream! 
  6. What’s the deal with the unicorn frap??? and mermaid toast too!!
  7. Dream garden…..sigh
  8. Mistakes that candy companies have made. Blast from the past!
  9. Apparently, my food choices make me 54 years old. 
  10. These bean burritos look fab. Gonna add them to our meal prep.
  11. Kitchen tip! Toast your sugar.
  12. What happens when kids babysit pets.
  13. My daughter is a Tomboy.
  14. What does it mean when a celebrity chef disappears? 
  15. I want to run away to this.
  16. This just makes me want pizza. 
  17. This makes me uncomfortable. Leave food out of my washing machine.
  18. Casey and I are both self-employed. 
  19. Will we all eat bugs one day? Maybe.
  20. Dear, Camp Wandawega– I WANT TO VISIT YOU SO BAD!
  21. Whaaaaaaaat am I looking at? I like it.