April 17, 2017

Intentions for the Week

Intentions for the Week - Shutterbean.com

Hey! Happy Monday! We’re on break from school this week, so my schedule is going to be a bit thrown off. I’ll have Cooper with me at home and I am traveling later this week, so maybe some of these restrictions will help me be better at organizing my time? We’ll see!

Last week’s intentions:


  • take a hike (def need some headspace!)
  • yoga x 2 (definitely feel off because I didn’t go)
  • finish S-town
  • finish up tax stuff
  • straighten up bedroom closet
  • call insurance co. for the 6th time re: overbilling
  • catch up on social media work (I need an assistant)
  • figure out the menu for this weekend
  • dye Easter eggs
  • put together Easter basket
  • Etsy shop- keep working on it (working on prints so there’s that)
  • mail birthday package to Camden (ugh not done yet!)
  • library visit – return books/pick up new ones (didn’t have time)
  • mail letters to readers
  • return GAP order (it’s in my car…)(IT WILL BE DONE I PROMISE)
  • drink more water 
  • eat healthier (hahahaa. OOPS)
  • finish laundry
  • catch up on blog work
  • shoot/post recipe this week
  • delete photos from my phone (lagged on this)
  • water plants
  • continue working on the 100 days project/ post

This Week’s Intentions:

  • hang out with family
  • ask my parents as many questions as possible
  • write in journal/continue the #100daysmusiclyrics project
  • post penne recipe
  • unpack car from road trip
  • water plants
  • research plants for the front yard
  • finish vision board
  • grocery shopping
  • deal with RX/health insurance (UGGGH)
  • return library books
  • figure out what to do with old clothes
  • catch up on writing letters
  • post items on etsy/think of better name
  • get caught up on social media
  • make some good food for boys to eat while I’m gone
  • work on two recipes
  • exercise/go for a long walk or 2
  • pack for Nashville trip (going to visit Joy!)
  • find white denim jacket
  • straighten up house
  • deep clean kitchen

What about you?? What are your intentions for this week?

Type them out, let’s see! 


April 16, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 15

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life: Week 15

Playing around with double exposure.

My Everyday Life: Week 15 on Shutterbean.com

Sun roof….more like rain roof.

My Everyday Life: Week 15 on Shutterbean.com

Planning a part of our garden.

My Everyday Life: Week 15 on Shutterbean.com

20 year old Tracy.

My Everyday Life: Week 15 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 15 on Shutterbean.com

Favorite meal. No one complains.

My Everyday Life: Week 15 on Shutterbean.com

Stink eye.

My Everyday Life: Week 15 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 15 on Shutterbean.com

We rode our bikes this week. IT HAS BEEN YEARS SINCE I RODE A BIKE!

My Everyday Life: Week 15 on Shutterbean.com

Cracklin’ Chicken from Nom Nom Paleo. SO GOOD!

My Everyday Life: Week 15 on Shutterbean.com

I served it with kale (from the Instant Pot ) and some sesame noodles.

My Everyday Life: Week 15 on Shutterbean.com

We tried out the meal kits from Good Eggs this week!

This is how the ingredients arrive.

My Everyday Life: Week 15 on Shutterbean.com

This is the mint pistachio pesto penne!

I loved it so much that I tried to recreate it a few days later. I’ll share my results soon.


My Everyday Life: Week 15 on Shutterbean.com

My friend Jessica was in town this week and I had her help me with my closet!

She had me try on all of my clothes through the process we put 40+ new outfits together.

The best part is that I have given new life to some of my old stuff and I also got rid of a few bags of clothes that don’t serve me any longer. Thank you, Jessica, for teaching me so much about proportion and shoe pairing. Your brain is full of goodness, I appreciate you! I have a list of items to help complete my wardrobe and some homework to do. I am secretly excited!

My Everyday Life: Week 15 on Shutterbean.com

Ink art.

My Everyday Life: Week 15 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 15 on Shutterbean.com

POPPY TIME in California.

My Everyday Life: Week 15 on Shutterbean.com

These are my favorite. What are these?

My Everyday Life: Week 15 on Shutterbean.com

Clematis too.

My Everyday Life: Week 15 on Shutterbean.com

Charming houses are CHARMING.

My Everyday Life: Week 15 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 15 on Shutterbean.com

The day after the rain.

My Everyday Life: Week 15 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 15 on Shutterbean.com

Jessica is the best.

My Everyday Life: Week 15 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 15 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 15 on Shutterbean.com

This week I went on Instagram stories LIVE and wrote people’s names for 30 minutes.

I also wrote words that I like writing because someone asked me that.

It was fun! I’ll do it again.

My Everyday Life: Week 15 on Shutterbean.com

Here comes the sun!

My Everyday Life: Week 15 on Shutterbean.com


Week 15 in 2016

Week 15 in 2015

Week 15 in 2014

Week 15 in 2013

Week 15 in 2012

Week 15 in 2011

Thanks for reading Shutterbean!  If you’d like to check out more of my everyday life, follow me on Instagram and be sure keep in touch via Facebook, Twitter,  Bloglovin,  Pinterest, or subscribe via email to get new posts delivered to your inbox.

April 14, 2017


I love lists // shutterbean.com

Welcome to I LOVE LISTS! Let’s see what happened on the internet this week:


  1. Small batch burger buns. YES! We never need a whole package.
  2. How to become a cat.
  3. Put a peep in it.
  4. I could eat a whole tray of these.
  5. Uhh. please no.
  6. My favorite kind of cookie at Whole Foods is the almond horn.
  7. My style.
  8. There are some free things to do in SF. Also the best bakeries. 
  9. This dress with these sandals and this necklace. 
  10. The hippies are taking over the food world (yay)
  11. Old photos colorized. Whoa. What a trip.
  13. I am very close to starting a new bullet journal! WOOT!
  14. What exactly is Cream of Wheat??
  15. This is a problem.
  17. Pulling out the tape this weekend….
  18. How to clean the brown stuff off your baking sheets.
  19. These scarves are so pretty.
  20. Hello, perfect food.
  21. I wish I could draw like this.
  22. I’d love to have a few of these in my home. 
April 12, 2017

Easter Brunch Recipes

Easter Brunch Recipe Ideas from Shutterbean.com!

If you are celebrating Easter this weekend and you have NOOOOOO idea what you’re gonna make (ahem, ME), let’s dip into my archives and brainstorm together! Here are some good things that you might want to add to your arsenal this weekend.

My favorite Easter Brunch Recipes include:

This Grapefruit Yogurt Cake tastes like a citrus crumb doughnut. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com


Think pound cake with a grapefruit flavor explosion. I’d slice some up and have it out on a plate during my brunch feast.

Shake up your breakfast game with these Cinnamon French Toast Muffins. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com!


Kids love these muffins. It’s like a cross between bread pudding and french toast but in muffin form.

Almond Joy Rolls with coconut cream cheese filling & chunks of melted chocolate melted inside. Check out the recipe on Shutterbean.com!


I feel like these would be an instant hit…who doesn’t love an almondy cream cheese filling melty chocolate?

Baked Ginger Glazed Doughnuts // shutterbean


Doughnuts are portable. Grab one and heat out for the Easter egg hunt!

Rhubarb Coffee Cake // shutterbean


For some reason people are impressed by rhubard. Oooh! Rhubarb! Fancy!

This coffee cake is delightful. Be prepared to talk about rhubarb. I found out last week that the leaves are poisonous. Who knew??!


We have some of these in our freezer right now. Hello weekday staple! Once you have a good waffle base, you can totally have a waffle party. What would you put on your waffles?

A blueberry muffin doughnut hybrid. Look at that crumb topping! Check out the recipe at Shutterbean.com !


When I made these, I couldn’t decide if I wanted a doughnut or a muffin so I made both. If you’re not sure what you wanna make, perhaps these blueberry crumb donuts will help?

Bacon gets enhanced with a rub made of crystalized ginger, brown sugar & maple syrup. After baking in the oven it becomes Candied Ginger Bacon. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com !


Do I really need to say more?

Breakfast Sausage Pretzel Rolls are perfect for a weekend brunch! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com


I mean….we are celebrating, RIGHT???

Let potato hash become your new obsession with this Bacon Pesto Pea Hash on Shutterbean.com !


There’s something about this dish that feels so fancy. Maybe it’s the peas? What about the pesto? Either way, this is a flavor profile that I can’t resist during this time of year.

Hash Brown Omelet! A new take on breakfast. Inside you'll find fried eggs, tomatoes with oregano and bacon. Recipe on Shutterbean.com


If you’re eliminating bread/gluten, might I suggest these hash brown omelets?

Hash Brown Waffles // shutterbean


While we’re talking about potatoes…..did you know that you can put them in a waffle maker and make waffles out of them? DO IT.

Shaved Prosciutto & Asparagus Pizza with EGG! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com!


If you’re not celebrating Easter, you should celebrate any day this next week with this pizza!!!! Because ASPARAGUS!!

For an easy appetizer, try Herbed Goat Cheese. Recipe on Shutterbean.com


If you’re looking for me, I’ll be the one huddled around the herbed goat cheese….

A magical combination of thyme simple syrup, fresh grapefruit and gin! Check out this Grapefruit Thyme Cocktail on Shutterbean.com!


All while drinking this amazing cocktail.

Do you already have your menu set?


April 10, 2017

Intentions for the Week

Intentions for the Week of April 20, 2017- More on Shutterbean.com!

Let’s see what last week was all about:

  • invoice food network
  • return gap order (I have no idea why I haven’t)
  • return library books
  • send out letters
  • paint toenails (can’t deal with chipped polish anymore)
  • put away winter clothes + say hello to spring capsule (slowly working on this)
  • make a list of things I take to baseball practice/games
  • delete 1000 images off my iPhone (I deleted 500 off my computer)
  • work on book project  (Need to get back on track)
  • start mapping out lady portrait wall (make mock up?) (I didn’t have time)
  • backup photos/delete some/ make space on hard-drive
  • figure out if I have one eyebrow or two- act accordingly
  • send out packages to: camden + emma + erin (sent one to Joy too!) (have to finish Camden’s package)
  • drink more water. SERIOUSLY DON’T FORGET. 
  • clean out the back of my car
  • figure out Etsy shop stuff, fall down a CONTACT US rabbit hole. (almost there!)
  • finish S-town (I have 3 episodes to go!)
  • make a video for Instagram- figure out music
  • make ziti/edit photos/write a blog post about it
  • figure out more recipes to add into meal rotation (didn’t get into cookbooks during the week)
  • get caught up on social media stuff
  • go to yoga at least twice
  • take a hike (it rained- boo!)
  • finish laundry
  • work nights doing tax stuff/get caught up on bookkeeping (ugh)
  • rest/regroup/recharge (I tried to take my time. Does that count?)

YAY!! I finally sent off a package to my niece.

My Everyday Life: Week 14 on Shutterbean.com

Playing around with packages….

My Everyday Life: Week 14 on Shutterbean.com


  • take a hike (def need some headspace!)
  • yoga x 2
  • finish S-town
  • finish up tax stuff
  • straighten up bedroom closet
  • call insurance co. for the 6th time re: overbilling
  • catch up on social media work
  • delete 1000 photos from phone
  • finish S-Town
  • figure out the menu for this weekend
  • dye Easter eggs
  • put together Easter basket
  • Etsy shop- keep working on it
  • mail birthday package to Camden
  • library visit – return books/pick up new ones
  • mail letters to readers
  • return GAP order
  • drink more water
  • eat healthier
  • finish laundry
  • catch up on blog work
  • shoot/post recipe this week
  • delete photos from my phone (as many as possible)
  • water plants
  • continue working on the 100 days project/ post

What are some of your intentions for the week?

Leave a list in the comments!

April 9, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 14

Here’s what this past week looked like: My Everyday Life- Week 14

April showers are bringing some flowers already.

My Everyday Life: Week 14 on Shutterbean.com

Dyed our outdoor tablecloth to get ready for outdoor eating. Then it rained.

My Everyday Life: Week 14 on Shutterbean.com

A little meal prep action!

My Everyday Life: Week 14 on Shutterbean.com

I forgot to get the Vodka.

My Everyday Life: Week 14 on Shutterbean.com

Spending time going through my journal. Recapping March.

My Everyday Life: Week 14 on Shutterbean.com

Little thief.

My Everyday Life: Week 14 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 14 on Shutterbean.com

Tuna sandwich and some email sending.

My Everyday Life: Week 14 on Shutterbean.com

Sending out a letter to Emily.

My Everyday Life: Week 14 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 14 on Shutterbean.com


Baked Ziti with Creme Fraiche & Spinach- perfect for a crowd /weeknight dinners. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com!


April 7, 2017


I love lists // shutterbean

Welcome to I LOVE LISTS! Here’s a list because I love them:

  1. My hair stylist told me to try sea salt spray for my hair. Here’s a DIY!
  2. Yoga poses to ground yourself.
  3. I love her use of color.
  4. Helpful food hacks. I wish I had this in college.
  5. This test is a lie. I am not a dog person.
  6. This cobbler is bonkers. I had it last weekend!
  7. Artists create book covers of their favorite books. Love this.
  8. Cat photobombs!
  9. My friend Gaby has her own salsa line at Williams Sonoma! YAY!!!
  10. Tartine Manufactory is all the rage. I tried to go, gave up after 30 mins of trying to park.
  11. The second to last one is my favorite.
  12. Wardrobe/snack. This series pleases me.
  13. Abandoned Houses of God.
  14. Why your room is messy.
  15. This dress with these shoes for something fun.
  16. Pixar’s new short film is cute.
  17. This works for me. (not for long though)
  18. These are actual things. I cannot believe it.
  19. World’s Best 50 Restaurants for 2017.
  20. Started doing the #100dayproject this week!! Follow it on Instagram.
  21. Passports from around the world.   <— Ryan!
  22. Success Mantras from strong female leaders.