March 26, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 12

Here’s what this past week looked like:  My Everyday Life Week 12

Remembering my grandparents through their glasses.

My Everyday Life: Week 12 on Shutterbean.com

A collaborative project between mother + son.

My Everyday Life: Week 12 on Shutterbean.com

Comfort food #1

My Everyday Life: Week 12 on Shutterbean.com

Cat portraits by Cooper.

My Everyday Life: Week 12 on Shutterbean.com



My Everyday Life: Week 12 on Shutterbean.com

Comfort food #2

My Everyday Life: Week 12 on Shutterbean.com

Comfort food #3


My Everyday Life: Week 12 on Shutterbean.com

Sitting in traffic has its own perks.

My Everyday Life: Week 12 on Shutterbean.com

Dandelion on my car hood.

My Everyday Life: Week 12 on Shutterbean.com

Comfort food #4

My Everyday Life: Week 12 on Shutterbean.com

This week we were driving to school and Boyz II Men – I’ll Make Love to You came on.

It’s a very awkward song to sing in front of your 8 year old son. Do not recommend.

My Everyday Life: Week 12 on Shutterbean.com

Yes and no. I think it’s the nose.

My Everyday Life: Week 12 on Shutterbean.com

Took a detour. Found a church with 70s vibes. So pretty.

My Everyday Life: Week 12 on Shutterbean.com

It’s amazing what you can find if you just take a new road.

My Everyday Life: Week 12 on Shutterbean.com

A whole new perspective!

My Everyday Life: Week 12 on Shutterbean.com

Attack cat helping me fold laundry.


My Everyday Life: Week 12 on Shutterbean.com

And who also got out of the house….

Can you find her hiding under our deck? I almost had a heart attack.

My Everyday Life: Week 12 on Shutterbean.com

Spring is pretty.


My Everyday Life: Week 12 on Shutterbean.com

He wanted me to take a picture so I could make it my wallpaper on my phone.

My Everyday Life: Week 12 on Shutterbean.com

I had him take one of me while we were at it.

My Everyday Life: Week 12 on Shutterbean.com

This is the one I settled on.

My Everyday Life: Week 12 on Shutterbean.com

His skin has healed.

My Everyday Life: Week 12 on Shutterbean.com

Zen cat.

My Everyday Life: Week 12 on Shutterbean.com

You can cut a banana however you want to.

My Everyday Life: Week 12 on Shutterbean.com

Making things.

My Everyday Life: Week 12 on Shutterbean.com

Conjuring things.

My Everyday Life: Week 12 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 12 on Shutterbean.com

When the dishes in your sink have their own color palette.

My Everyday Life: Week 12 on Shutterbean.com


March 24, 2017


Shut up kiss me hold me tight/ I LOVE LISTS on Shutterbean.com

Welcome to I LOVE LISTS! Let’s see what’s up with the internet this week:

  1. People are smart.
  2. Amazon is taking over the world.  I’m actually a huge fan of Amazon Fresh.
  3. The world is beautiful from above. 
  4. I still think about #17 all the time.
  5. Neil Patrick Harris gives some travel packing tips. 
  6. Whoa! Look at this house.
  7. Parents need a day off. AMEN.
  8. My ideal lunch looks like this.
  9. Oddly comforting.
  10. Ina’s got a new show!
  11. Do you think she looks like an alien? I love her but Casey doesn’t. 🙁
  12. Spend more $$ on these things and save $$ in the long run.
  13. Here’s a timeline of your life.
  14. Is this really happening?
  15. Buffet Strategies.
  16. New favorite show: The Feud
  17. Doing soon: Kitchen Spring Cleaning
  18. My food choices at the store mean I want to travel. No kidding.
  19. A look at the past.
  20. I would love to make soap like this one day.
  21. Apparently, I am brave according to my food choices. HAH. Is it cuz I said goldfish?
  22. An ode to the Dankso clog.
  23. Weekend reading: DO THE WORK

currently obsessed with this song:

Bullet Journal Layout Ideas

Bullet Journal Layout Ideas - see more on Shutterbean.com!

I recently shared some of my favorite Bullet Journal Supplies. As promised, I’m gonna show you some of my favorite Bullet Journal Layout Ideas!

Tracy from Shutterbean.com shares her favorite Bullet Journal Supplies!

It’s an evolving process, but here’s what I’ve got going on in the notebook  I started last September.

Bullet Journal Layout Ideas - see more on Shutterbean.com!


Yes, I wrote out a two-year calendar spread by hand. It was quite the challenge, but I have somewhat of a sense of pride when I look at it. I just don’t look too close. I highly recommend doing it if you need chillout time. Make sure you start in pencil first then follow up in pen. Using the dotted grid on my journal made it so much easier to figure out spacing.

Bullet Journal Layout Ideas - see more on Shutterbean.com!

The year calendar lives in the front of my journal, right behind my index.

Bullet Journal Layout Ideas - see more on Shutterbean.com!


The month takes up two pages. I mostly use this to keep track of blog posts. All of the other calendar stuff, like appointments and such go in my google calendar online.

Remember how I use tab dividers? That’s how I separate months. In each month, we have our week spreads. With each week spread, we have a weekly to-do list (more on that in a sec!).

Tracy from Shutterbean.com shares her favorite Bullet Journal Supplies!

Bullet Journal Layout Ideas - see more on Shutterbean.com!


This week view calendar spread above was my first attempt at configuring. It crammed my week up and I didn’t like seeing the dates stacked like that, so after weeks of tinkering, I worked out a spread that my brain likes.

This is what I draw every Wednesday or so to forecast the week ahead of time.

Bullet Journal Layout Ideas - see more on Shutterbean.com!

Three days of the week fill each page in columns with the weekend stack on the right edge. I spent several weeks trying to track my meal plan in the columns and just couldn’t get into it.

As for how I fill up the columns, sometimes I put things in the morning time in the morning/afternoon towards the bottom. I still need to settle in on how I fill that out, but I’ve found that coloring certain things or drawing on the pages helps certain things stick out.

Below, I was trying to figure out how to incoporate meal planning into the schedule.

I didn’t do a good job keeping it up.

Bullet Journal Layout Ideas - see more on Shutterbean.com!

So I now create a list of dinner options based on what we have in the fridge.

Bullet Journal Layout Ideas - see more on Shutterbean.com!

These are things I fill in on a Sunday.

Bullet Journal Layout Ideas - see more on Shutterbean.com!

Sometimes I decorate…. Sometimes I forget my own rules.

Sometimes I forget to write things in. Sometimes I forget to look at my calendar. That’s when my life falls apart.

Sometimes I can close my eyes and remember something because I can see a picture of it written down in my brain.

This how my photographic memory works.

Bullet Journal Layout Ideas - see more on Shutterbean.com!

Here above I made all of the posts for Shutterbean (the blog you’re reading!) in ORANGE.

The times I went to yoga were highlighted in pink. That was a good yoga week.

Bullet Journal Layout Ideas - see more on Shutterbean.com!


The two-page spread AFTER the week is what I like to call my brain dump.

I make lists. There’s always an errand list/blog list/research/housework list.

You know how much I love lists. 

Bullet Journal Layout Ideas - see more on Shutterbean.com!

This is where my system deviates a bit from the traditional bullet journal concept. I didn’t like making check marks and creating a list day by day.  But,  I do really like crossing things off…and whatever is left on this spread gets put on the top of my to-do list/brain dump for the next week.


Bullet Journal Layout Ideas - see more on Shutterbean.com!


Basically what I refer to when I need to come up with dinner. I started writing down my family’s personal favorites so I know what I’m working with.

Bullet Journal Layout Ideas - see more on Shutterbean.com!


Remember when I wrote that Whole 30 Snacks post?

This is the list that turned into this—

Thinking of doing the Whole 30? Let these snacks keep you motivated. Check out Whole 30 Snack Ideas on Shutterbean.com!

Snack lists are great to remember when you’re hungry and you need a good/healthy idea.

And then we have this list, also in the back:

Bullet Journal Layout Ideas - see more on Shutterbean.com!


Which turned into this Whole 30 Meal Ideas post.

Feeling bored with your Whole30 routine? Check out these Whole 30 Meal Ideas from Shutterbean.com!

And we finish with one of my most used lists:

Bullet Journal Layout Ideas - see more on Shutterbean.com!


So I have something to reference when I’m packing. It helps so much!

That’s the system I’ve been working with for the past six months.

Stay tuned for more soon!

Tracy from Shutterbean.com shares her favorite Bullet Journal Supplies!

Don’t forget to check out my favorite Bullet Journal Supplies! 

March 20, 2017

Breakfast Sausage Pretzel Rolls

Breakfast Sausage Pretzel Rolls are perfect for a weekend brunch! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

Breakfast Sausage Pretzel Rolls from Joy the Baker’s latest/greatest/AMAZING new cookbook, Over Easy. It comes out tomorrow and you’re going to looooove it.  I already spilled butter on it.

I already spilled butter on it.


First recipe down:

Breakfast Sausage Pretzel Dogs

Hummina hummina hummina. We have a legit crowd pleaser.

As in, we had none left.

My parents (who were part of my pleased crowd) told me they preferred the breakfast sausage to the regular hot dog/pretzel dog situation. I agree, parents!  Maybe it’s gotta do with sweet/savory combo of dipping one in maple syrup!

Breakfast Sausage Pretzel Rolls are perfect for a weekend brunch! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

Pretzel dough is wrapped in sausage, then boiled, egg-washed, salted and baked.

Breakfast Sausage Pretzel Rolls are perfect for a weekend brunch! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

And then it’s dipped in your choice of maple syrup, ketchup or mustard.

Heck, put some honey and hot sauce out while you’re at it!


March 19, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 11

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life: Week 11

Happy Anniversary to us! Casey and I celebrated our 11 year anniversary yesterday.

He gifted me this beautiful ceramic rendition of our wedding cake! (from here)

My Everyday Life Week 11 on Shutterbean.com

A collection begins.

My Everyday Life Week 11 on Shutterbean.com

Playing with chalk.

My Everyday Life Week 11 on Shutterbean.com

I love reading the little notes people make when they’re testing pens.

My Everyday Life Week 11 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life Week 11 on Shutterbean.com

Cats are the sweetest when you’re not feeling well.

My Everyday Life Week 11 on Shutterbean.com

On a walk I was reminded that there’s always sun above the clouds.

My Everyday Life Week 11 on Shutterbean.com

M A K E   A   W   I  S  H

My Everyday Life Week 11 on Shutterbean.com

Testing ink at the art store.

My Everyday Life Week 11 on Shutterbean.com

I loved how this bush was trimmed around the mailbox.

My Everyday Life Week 11 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life Week 11 on Shutterbean.com


March 17, 2017


Change the Way you Look at Things! More on I LOVE LISTS on Shutterbean.com

Welcome to I love lists! It’s Friday. Let’s see what’s up with the internet this week:

  1. Have you ever seen such pretty Jell-O?
  2. I want to celebrate Persian New Year.
  3. Peanut butter & jelly doughnuts…..OMG
  4. Number 15 made me snort.
  5. Green & Blush– what a pretty color combination!
  6. Some good advice for first-time moms.
  7. I had no idea all that Keanu Reeves has been faced with.
  8. Lego tape….whoa!
  9. This made me legit LOL.
  10. Umm. WHAT. Kitten fur perfume??
  11. Time travel flashback: Spring Break in the 2000s.
  12. I’ve been trying to convince my brother of this but it’s not working.
  13. Some BUJO insight if you’re looking to start one.
  14. I LOVE this idea of an alter ego party. I’d show up as Frankie from Grace & Frankie.
  15. Can we turn these minty meringues into an Eton mess situation? YES.
  17. When shopping online goes wrong. I just snorted.
  18. On turning 49. (LOVED THIS)
  19. This will be us one day.
  20. This veggie burger looks awesome.
  21. Spring closet update time!  I’m currently rebooting my spring capsule.
  22. I would like to use one of these in person, please.
  23. The 6 Secrets of Self-Control

RIP AMY KROUSE ROSENTHAL, your work will carry on in all of us who saw your light!


Questions for you:


have a great weekend!


March 16, 2017

Put an Egg on It

Looking for some egg inspiration? Check out this collection of Quick & Easy Egg Recipes on Shutterbean.com

It’s only Thursday and I’m  already thinking about breakfast for this weekend. At least one of our weekend breakfasts has something with eggs in it. There’s nothing like a leisurely breakfast with eggs and coffee.  If you’re already thinking about breakfast this weekend or you’ve (always) got eggs in your fridge, here are some of my favorite ways to


Looking for some egg inspiration? Check out this collection of Quick & Easy Egg Recipes on Shutterbean.com

Avocado toast….with an egg on top! Salt & pepper please.

Looking for some egg inspiration? Check out this collection of Quick & Easy Egg Recipes on Shutterbean.com

Breakfast nachos….I MEAN.

Looking for some egg inspiration? Check out this collection of Quick & Easy Egg Recipes on Shutterbean.com

Scrambled eggs with spinach and a nice sprinkling of grated Parmesan.

See how easy it is to make Chilaquiles at home! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

Eggs on top of chilaquiles. COME TO MAMA.

Looking for some egg inspiration? Check out this collection of Quick & Easy Egg Recipes on Shutterbean.com

Toast with pesto & cheesy fried eggs. (I put cheese on the top of it at the very end of cooking time to melt).

(I put cheese on the top of it at the very end of cooking time to melt).

Looking for some egg inspiration? Check out this collection of Quick & Easy Egg Recipes on Shutterbean.com

Fry some tortillas up, add eggs, salsa, cilantro and top with sour cream and cheese.

Looking for some egg inspiration? Check out this collection of Quick & Easy Egg Recipes on Shutterbean.com

Bacon + egg sandwiches. Throw a tomato in there. Better yet, make it a B L A T with egg!  That A in BLAT stands for avocado.

Looking for some egg inspiration? Check out this collection of Quick & Easy Egg Recipes on Shutterbean.com

Eggs on Hashbrown Waffles.  That’s right. You read that correctly.

You can make hashbrown waffles. 

Try this Egg-In-A-Hole Pesto Pizza made with pita bread for a healthy breakfast. Recipe on Shutterbean.com!

This is what happens when you combine a pita, pesto, cheese, arugula & egg.

Egg-in-a-hole pesto pizzas!

It’s the perfect thing to throw together for a weeknight dinner.

Looking for some egg inspiration? Check out this collection of Quick & Easy Egg Recipes on Shutterbean.com

Roasted asparagus with some Parmesan served with a fried egg on toast & a side of bacon.

Looking for some egg inspiration? Check out this collection of Quick & Easy Egg Recipes on Shutterbean.com

Scrambled eggs with broccoli cheddar and hot sauce served on toast.

FYI I donated my toaster 4 years ago and we strictly use a panini press in my house.

Best decision ever. We use it almost every single day.

Looking for some egg inspiration? Check out this collection of Quick & Easy Egg Recipes on Shutterbean.com

Speaking of panini…. I made a cheesy omelet here and threw it into a grilled tortilla.

Instant breakfast quesadilla.

Looking for some egg inspiration? Check out this collection of Quick & Easy Egg Recipes on Shutterbean.com

Don’t forget the power of a frittata.  I love making them because we have leftovers for future lunches throughout the week.

Looking for some egg inspiration? Check out this collection of Quick & Easy Egg Recipes on Shutterbean.com

You can make an enchilada casserole for breakfast. It serves a nice group of people. It’s really good paired with fried eggs.

Looking for some egg inspiration? Check out this collection of Quick & Easy Egg Recipes on Shutterbean.com

Sausage and peppers & fried eggs!  Don’t forget the toast!

My grandma used to make me sausage, egg & pepper sandwiches on a french roll.

Man, I miss my grandma.

Looking for some egg inspiration? Check out this collection of Quick & Easy Egg Recipes on Shutterbean.com

Leftover pizza + fried eggs are what hangover breakfast dreams are made of.

Almost worth the hangover.

Looking for some egg inspiration? Check out this collection of Quick & Easy Egg Recipes on Shutterbean.com

Roasted vegetables + eggs for breakfast = happy healthy brain

Looking for some egg inspiration? Check out this collection of Quick & Easy Egg Recipes on Shutterbean.com

Don’t look at that piece of toast with the peanut butter.

Look at the two toasts with arugula, egg & cheese.

Look at how I added green to that plate! See, you can totally slip some health into your breakfast.

Looking for some egg inspiration? Check out this collection of Quick & Easy Egg Recipes on Shutterbean.com

All of my favorite things.

Sauteed spinach, bacon, roasted potatoes & a side of toasty bread and jam. Don’t forget the egg!

My Everyday Life: Week 9 on Shutterbean.com

Nevermind my insatiably hungry cat, Ella.

Check out this brussels-sprout hash situation with a fried egg on top.

My Everyday Life: Week 9 on Shutterbean.com

When in doubt, just hard-boil some eggs and add a little salt.

Perfection!  Also, I’m loving hard-boiled eggs in my new Instant Pot.

High pressure/manual for 6 minutes with 1/2 cup water (and the eggs on top of the basket). Manual release and immediate ice bath. The shells peel off like A DREAM.

My Everyday Life: Week 8 on Shutterbean.com

This is my current warrior breakfast.

A whole wheat English muffin with scrambled eggs (and cheese), a soy sausage patty and Tapatio.

My Everyday Life - Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

I was reading somewhere lately that someone puts salami in their eggs.

OMG. YOU NEED TO TRY IT. If you fry it up a bit before you put the eggs in, it tastes like bacon.

I paired it with leftover broccolini panini that I reheated in the panini press. YUM.

Dinner is just a few minutes away with this Mushroom Ramen recipe made with Imagine Broths & Soups. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com!

Don’t forget you can put an egg in ramen!

I’ve got a good mushroom ramen recipe and a salmon one as well in my archives.

Here's what the past week looked like on My Everyday Life- a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.

Simple is sometimes best.

Scrambled eggs with toast & jam is such good comfort food.

Here's what the past week looked like on My Everyday Life- a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.

Go ahead, throw some hard-boiled eggs on your favorite potato salad.

CALL IT DINNER while you’re at it.

My Everyday Life Week 50 on Shutterbean.com

Brussels Sprouts + Bacon on top of polenta with an egg on it at my favorite breakfast place- Topsy’s in Petaluma. Don’t worry. I am going to recreate this one soon.

There you have it!

Don’t forget:



When in doubt, Put an Egg on It! Check out some easy egg ideas on Shutterbean.com

For more breakfast ideas, check out #shutterbeanbreakfast on Instagram