March 14, 2017

Coconut Quinoa Coleslaw

If you're looking for a good reset, check out this Coconut Quinoa Salad from Naturally Nourished. Recipe is on Shutterbean.com!

Thank you for all of your food rut suggestions. If you’re experiencing one yourself and want to get back on track to eating healthy, I suggest you pick up Naturally Nourished and work your way through it. Cuz, that’s what I’m doing!

It’s helping me to remember that I love eating healthy foods… and that dinners made up of pretzels and cheese don’t always make me happy.

If you're looking for a good reset, check out this Coconut Quinoa Salad from Naturally Nourished. Recipe is on Shutterbean.com!

My first stop? This Coconut Quinoa Coleslaw.

If you're looking for a good reset, check out this Coconut Quinoa Salad from Naturally Nourished. Recipe is on Shutterbean.com!

It’s a hearty coleslaw. One that keeps your attention! Sarah is right, the toasted coconut in the slaw gives it a subtle sweetness and that minty tahini dressing on top is out of this world.

My tastebuds are ready to go now!


March 12, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 10

Here’s what this past week looked like of My Everyday Life- Week 10:

Casey turned 40 on Monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cooper was in charge of the cake decorations.

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

Family dinner with Casey’s brother, Aunt and her fiance.

Last minute meatloaf dinner!

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

His and Hers.

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

Made eye contact with a fluffy deer this week.


My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

Notes from a Marie Forleo episode. 

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

40 beans.

One for each year Casey has been alive.

This is the year when we’ve finally known each other longer than we haven’t known each other.

We have been looking forward to this moment forever!

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

Birthday linguine & clams. His favorite. Always his birthday dinner.

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

A doodle while we waited. I told Cooper how lucky he was that he had two O’s in his name.

See why?

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

Trip to the city.

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

HI $

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

This caught my eye.

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

I loved the reflection of the tree in the window and the colors on the building.

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

I thought of Cooper.

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

Avocado toast & dates from Good Eggs. 

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

Got a chance to see Sarah Britton from My New Roots (love her!) speak about her new cookbook Naturally Nourished and her experience feeding her own child. Very inspiring. I’ve already made a recipe from the book. I’ll share it next week.

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

Cool plant arrangements at Stable Cafe.

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

The Mission is always filled with colors.

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

And treasures wherever you look.

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

This lady found me this week.

I am so glad she did. She seems like she was very strong.

I wonder how old that baby is now… Or if that baby is still alive!

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

Found in an old cookbook. Love the last line.

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

Whiskey hour.

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

The face I see when I am eating food and somebody wants some.

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

Cat loaf.

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

Spaghetti & Meatball dinner. I pulled meatballs from the freezer in a pinch.

Thanking my past self for being so thoughtful.

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10


My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10


My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

We get our toothbrushes ready for each other.

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

Daydreaming about an old space for lease.

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

Yogurt date!

My dad took us out to yogurt all the time as kids.

I’m keeping the tradition alive.

Cooper noticed an extra punch in my yogurt card and was a little jealous….

I took my dad out for yogurt last week 🙂

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

Lemon Chicken dinner!

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

The framing of this is very annoying.

That scone was also super dry.

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

Wonton soup is such a good last minute meal.

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

Such intensity.

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

Posion oak is almost all gone. #yay

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10


My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

They really bring me so much joy.

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

Note on self:

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

Ahhhh. A clean kitchen!

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

Cat bowl.

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

Looking through the Joy the Baker Over Easy Cookbook. 

YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE IT. Pre-order a copy now!

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

This week’s creative challenge:

My Everyday life is a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin. Here's what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life : Week 10

I lasted 40 minutes and filled my journal with 4 pages worth of notes!


Week 10 in 2016

Week 10 in 2015

Week 10 in 2014

Week 10 in 2013

Week 10 in 2012

Week 10 in 2011

March 10, 2017

I love lists

Change Nothing and Nothing Changes as seen on I love lists //shutterbean.com

Welcome to I Love Lists!   It’s Friday. Let’s surf the internet together!

  1. Number 7 made me laugh.
  2. A lazy day is a good excuse to make blondies.
  3. What writers do when they write.
  4. A beautiful photo series.
  5. What do you do?  I try to avoid it as much as I can.
  6. If only the Oscars’ people were better at fonts.
  7. Taxing people on soda in Philly is working so well taht…
  8. People living until 150? Oh gosh.
  9. Hitchcockian is fun to say.
  10. Pinworthy: chicken nuggets / cat squadfood pins
  11. I have a crush on this dress. 
  12. Note to self:
  13. What a pretty cake!
  14. I got 36 at heart...
  15. Also I’m between 37-43 according to my food preferences.
  16. Aaaaaaand I have perfect color vision. BAM. Last part was hard!
  17. Good idea alert: tater tots in the waffle maker
  18. Wait. People dip pizza into milk????? WTF.
  19. Casey and I like puzzles….
  20. I seriously LOL’ed at some of these.
  21. Ahhh! All of these are so good.
  22. You’ll never look at cashews the same way again. (dramatic)
  23. Security camera hack turns into art.
  24. Banksy opens a walled off Hotel.

Questions for you:

Has anyone started their own little free library? How did it go?!

Any good weekend plans?

What are you eating lately? I’m totally in a food rut and need ideas.

Bullet Journal Supplies

Tracy from Shutterbean.com shares her favorite Bullet Journal Supplies!

Last September, I started a new bullet journal. I was a little apprehensive starting one in September since most calendars start in January, but I really didn’t want to wait! I wanted to start experimenting with a system that works for my brain. One that will keep me from having calendar burnout….where I buy into a new calendar system after giving up my old one after 4 months. Can anyone else relate?

I’ve been using this journal for the past 7 months (kind of a record for me) and it’s mostly because I decided to treat this journal differently.

This journal is my experimental journal.

Tracy from Shutterbean.com shares her favorite Bullet Journal Supplies!

I’m constantly inspired to see how people make the bullet journal system work for THEM, since it’s really not a one-size-fits-all system.

My intention is to use this journal to figure out what system works for ME.

Did you know that they’re referred to as bujos?  So, from now on I will refer to it as my bujo for the remainder of this post!

There might be some of you who are wondering….

What’s a bullet journal?

You can see more about it here.

If you’re interested in starting your own bullet journal,  here are some of my supply recommendations:

I’ll share some of my favorite experimental spreads with you soon!

Let’s go through my setup!

Tracy from Shutterbean.com shares her favorite Bullet Journal Supplies!


If you don’t LOVE your notebook, you’re never going to be motivated to use it. I did A LOT of research on books.  One of the hardest things for me to decide is if I want lines, graph paper, or plain pages in a notebook. This Leuchtturm 1917 dotted notebook has been wonderful.   That’s right! The pages are dotted and they’re numbered too. You can focus on the dots if you need help measuring out a spread or drawing a straight line.  The dots are not offensive to the eyes. Using a dotted journal doesn’t make me wish I had a plain journal or a graph paper journal so I feel like that’s a huge win. That was one of my excuses for abandoning so many past journals.

For this book, I wanted something that would:

  • get my attention
  • be able to spot in a sea of other journals
  • lift my mood
  • inspire me to write in

which is why I deliberately picked the color


for my bujo.

The funny thing is….. I used to hate orange and now I love it.

Go figure. 

Tracy from Shutterbean.com shares her favorite Bullet Journal Supplies!

There’s a pocket in the back. That’s where I keep my address labels & stamps so I can write letters and mail bills if I’m on the go (and have my bujo with me).   The dimensions are  5.75″ x 8.25″ so it fits in my purse. 

Tracy from Shutterbean.com shares her favorite Bullet Journal Supplies!

Pens are super important to me.

I try to stay away from super inky pens (read: SHARPIE) that have a tendency to bleed through.

Tracy from Shutterbean.com shares her favorite Bullet Journal Supplies!


If you want to see some of my favorite pens, I suggest you read:

Besting Writing Pens (Part 1)

Best Writing Pens (Part 2)

When I’m setting up my spreads, I use a Mechanical Pencil

I also use a:

Tombow brush pen for when I feel like writing fun.

Micron 08 to get the job done.

Papermate Flair is my favorite for list making.

Pentel Brush Pen for drawing my calendar spreads.

For the times when I only have pens and I make a mistake, I use correction tape.

Tracy from Shutterbean.com shares her favorite Bullet Journal Supplies!

I bought myself a little Pen loop for the journal. It helps hold pens/pencils

Tracy from Shutterbean.com shares her favorite Bullet Journal Supplies!

Very handy!



On my first bullet journal, I used washi tape to separate the sections. It worked, but the dividers weren’t as sturdy as I wanted. I bought myself some tab dividers and I LOVE THEM. They’re pretty durable and it’s so much easier to go to the current month because of them.

Tracy from Shutterbean.com shares her favorite Bullet Journal Supplies!

Washi Tape

Washi tape can add a lot of character to a page. It can also double as a page marker.

I put a big strip of washi tape down the center of this page so that I could easily spot it when I’m flipping through. See above!

Tracy from Shutterbean.com shares her favorite Bullet Journal Supplies!

Brush Pens/Highlighters:

How I add color! When I’m working on my bullet journal at home, I use my brush pens. When I’m on the go, I always keep a highlighter in my purse so I can embellish my journal when I need to.

Right now I’m really into Sharpie Retractable Highlighters.

Tracy from Shutterbean.com shares her favorite Bullet Journal Supplies!

Binder Clips

I always have one or two binder clips hanging onto my bujo. It’s a good way to mark a section in your bujo. I also clip receipts/important things to a binder clip in the back so I can find them easily.

Tracy from Shutterbean.com shares her favorite Bullet Journal Supplies!

I play around a lot with graphics.

Whenever I stamp this star stamp on my bujo, it means I worked out!


Tracy from Shutterbean.com shares her favorite Bullet Journal Supplies!

Index Cards

Here’s something I like to do….make lists that are portable! I like to use colored index cards for this. They end up turning into bookmarks…and I tuck them into the current week so I have a visual cue of something I need to accomplish.

Tracy from Shutterbean.com shares her favorite Bullet Journal Supplies!



Tracy from Shutterbean.com shares her favorite Bullet Journal Supplies!


There you have it!

I hope this inspires you to make/embellish your own bullet journal! 

March 5, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 9

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life: Week 9

Happy Birthday to my Mother in Law!!!!  We surprised her for her birthday up in Idaho.

My Everyday Life: Week 9 on Shutterbean.com

She gifted me these extra crystals from one of her chandeliers while we were there.

SO PRETTY!!!!!!!

My Everyday Life: Week 9 on Shutterbean.com

I always make sure my father-in-law takes me to get a doughnut 😉

My Everyday Life: Week 9 on Shutterbean.com

My sister-in-law did a fantastic job on her dining room!

My Everyday Life: Week 9 on Shutterbean.com

Family trip to the store to get beef jerky supplies.

Of course, we took a detour in the bulk candy bins.

My Everyday Life: Week 9 on Shutterbean.com

Working on the road.

My Everyday Life: Week 9 on Shutterbean.com

We got to visit my nephew’s dorm room!

My Everyday Life: Week 9 on Shutterbean.com

Boise State has intense colors!

My Everyday Life: Week 9 on Shutterbean.com

College kids still decorate their windows.

My Everyday Life: Week 9 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 9 on Shutterbean.com


March 3, 2017

I love lists

Keep Breathing- as seen on I love lists by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Welcome to I love lists! It’s Friday. Let’s see what’s up on the internet this week:

  1. We live in the Age of Rudeness.
  2. Instant Pot  recipe I want to make: kale + carrots
  3. I can make your handclap.
  4. Purchasing Your Peace of Mind
  5. You might be able to find serenity in these food photos.
  6. I’d probably buy the fruit by the foot.
  7. Military Packing Systems– I employ quite of few of these tricks!
  8. Everything is so beautiful in here.
  9. If you want to change your tech wallpaper for March.
  10. Invest in yourself.
  11. Hi-tech parenting these days. 
  12. A brief history of Food as Art.
  13. If you want to impress make a hot toddy in a french press. (here’s a good recipe)
  14. Some really good costumes up in here.
  15. A whole lotta smiles.
  16. What SF looked like when my mom grew up there.
  17. You can clean your whole kitchen in 30 minutes.
  18. What a beautiful kitchen!!
  19. I’m totally going to do architectural lettering exercise.
  20. This is helpful if you want to check in with yourself.
  21. A few ways to brighten someone’s day.
  22. Hallelujah. You can make a small batch of focaccia! 
  23. How about some waffles for your weekend?

have a great weekend!

March 2, 2017

Easy French Toast

Making French Toast from scratch with kids is a great way to empower them to continue learning in the kitchen! See more on Shutterbean.com

My love affair with cooking started when I brought home my first cookbook (ordered from the Scholastic books fair at school, naturally).  It was the Better Homes & Gardens New Junior Cookbook!  The image of a red checkered cover with two children on the front will forever be burned into my brain. 

Making French Toast from scratch with kids is a great way to empower them to continue learning in the kitchen! See more on Shutterbean.com

There were a few times I found myself talking to other people in college about this cookbook.

Everyone always said they tried the snickerdoodles recipe.

For me, it was the french toast.

Making French Toast from scratch with kids is a great way to empower them to continue learning in the kitchen! See more on Shutterbean.com

This here french toast recipe changed my life.

Making French toast at 8 years old was a major life skill to have. A skill my brothers had not yet figured out. A skill that would serve me well in life, but most importantly throughout my childhood,  when I had to barter/bribe my older brothers.  French toast, while we were watching Saturday cartoons, could get me out of washing my dad’s car sometimes. I imagine I easily weaseled my way out of clearing the dishes with a batch of French Toast. We’re Italian. Food is our everything. 

I have to say, that I had a few things preventing me from reaching my french toast potential as a youth. We only ever had whole wheat bread in our house and margarine was the preferred spread of choice. French bread with and butter was reserved for when my parent’s had people over. And BOY DID WE INDULGE.

Now, our french toast is mostly made from sourdough bread (my husband’s favorite bread) and we use real butter.

One Friday night, with a little extra bourbon in my glass, I inadvertently found my first cookbook on for sale Etsy.  It arrive last week!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feast your eyes on some of the illustrations from the book!

Making French Toast from scratch with kids is a great way to empower them to continue learning in the kitchen! See more on Shutterbean.com

I posted a video of this on my Instagram stories and a few of you also cooked from this book too!

Do you remember it too??? LOOK AT THE R in FRUIT!!!

Making French Toast from scratch with kids is a great way to empower them to continue learning in the kitchen! See more on Shutterbean.com

Super sandwiches!

Making French Toast from scratch with kids is a great way to empower them to continue learning in the kitchen! See more on Shutterbean.com
Cooper has been at home this week from school with a really bad case of poison oak. Our schedules have been thrown off and we’re busy doing a lot of catching up with school work. 

I thought that it would be fun to throw a Shutterbean cooking lesson in the teaching plan while we’re at it.


Making French Toast from scratch with kids is a great way to empower them to continue learning in the kitchen! See more on Shutterbean.com

(This is an old picture. I would never put a picture of him with poison oak online!)

Yesterday morning we made French Toast together and he said it was one of the best french toasts he’s ever had! It’s an Easy French Toast recipe. Totally simple and uncomplicated.  We’re cinnamon lovers in my house so I add a little bit extra on top of the final result.

It’s a special thing to teach Cooper how to make one of his favorite breakfasts. The best part is that we live in the house I grew up in, so we get to be in the kitchen where I learned how to cook.  We stand in the same exact spot where my mom taught me so many important life skills I use to this day (Thanks, Mom! I owe you!!)

My hope is that he remembers these moments of magic in the kitchen when he takes these skills with him into adulthood. Maybe eating french toast on sourdough bread in his first college apartment will remind him of staying at home and spending quality time with his Mom, who did whatever it took to help him heal and feel better.

One can only hope.