February 28, 2017

Currently: February 2017

 Currently February 2017 on Shutterbean.com

Currently: February 2017

Last day of February. Blossoms are blossoming.

We’re getting a few sunny days sprinkled in with our rainy days!

As I write this, I’m sitting in the back of the car as we drive home from visiting family in Idaho to surprise my mother-in-law on her birthday. We had a blast! I ate and drank too much, but we were with family, so WHAT ELSE IS NEW?

Cooper has poison oak. It’s really bad. The worst of it is on his face. Poor guy.

I really hope it doesn’t scar!

Currently February 2017 on Shutterbean.com

Inspired by:


Cooper and I are still hooked on making our melted crayon art together. I’ve also been keeping up with taking classes on Skillshare and have been really enjoying that. My journal is keeping me sane.

Also! I had a Ladies Craft Night–Valentine’s Day.  I am going to try to put together another one soon. Thinking Easter candy might be a fun situation! Or maybe dyeing eggs?


We’re happy that Billions is back!  I’ve fallen asleep during the first few episodes. Sometimes my brain just checks out when there’s too much information to absorb late at night. But I have to say, I love falling asleep while watching something.

We’re also really excited to have new episodes of This is Us to watch. Are you watching it too??? The last episode had me bawling!!!!!

Another great show I watched this month— Z: The Beginning of Everything. Christina Ricci is so fun to watch. I’ve always loved her. The costumes and the set design are just dreamy!

Sneaky Pete has also been good. We’re working our way through it slooooowly.

Casey has been watching This Old House on youtube this month…..it’s always on in the background and I catch myself watching too.


Old cookbooks! Vintage cookbooks!  Been reading through old recipes to see how much has changed and how much has stayed the same. I’m fascinating out simple older recipes used to be. The directions are always a lot shorter with a lot less description of what you’re supposed to do. I also love looking at all the photography. So much has changed in the way people present/style food!

I picked up the book the Tao of Leadership at a thrift store this month. When I was in college, I studied Eastern Philosophy and really loved learning about Taoism. When I’m out thrifting, I feel like the books pick ME. This one has been quite enjoyable. The information is bite-sized, so I read maybe 1-2 pages a day. It’s a nice addition to my meditation practice.

Thinking about: 

Doing the Whole30 again. Or maybe just going without bread for awhile. I gotta work more on my self-control. I’m noticing that I can be disciplined when I give myself some rules. The problem is I’ll be like…. NO BREAD STARTING TOMORROW!! And then I have toast at breakfast. I’m trying not to be hard on myself, but I also gotta get REAL with myself.

Taking a floral class online.  I want my flower arrangements to be less boring. For some reason they always look the same even when I try to do something different.

I really need to color my hair and cut it. It’s overgrown!!!!!! I’ve gotta lot of gray!  I NEED A SHAPE.

See also: My Short Hair Pinterest Board

Listening to:  

I first fell in love with Philip Glass when I saw the movie The Hours (which is one of my favorites) and I listen to him a lot when I work. His music helps me focus and it’s super relaxing!

Cooper and I are also enjoying the song “Hand Clap” by Fitz & the Tantrums

Still going through all of The Minimalist Podcast episodes too!

Dream Life:

Nothing fun to report. I haven’t been remembering my dreams when I wake up.

But I am daydreaming a lot. Hopefully, I’ll make some of my daydreams happen.


I’ve been into eating arugula salads with feta, tomatoes, and marinated artichokes (see below!). Sometimes I throw some sunflower seeds up in there. I toss it with a lemon juice and olive oil. I think I’m gonna throw some chicken in this week.

My Everyday Life: Week 8 on Shutterbean.com

And I gotta get myself back on the kombucha making cycle. I traveled and was thrown off of my routine and I’ve just let my scoby GO/GROW!

SO! Tell me what’s up with you! 

How was your February?

Leave your stream of consciousness in the comments 🙂

February 26, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 8

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life: Week 8

Rosie’s shelfie.

My Everyday Life: Week 8 on Shutterbean.com

Cooper and I are into word search puzzles this week.


My Everyday Life: Week 8 on Shutterbean.com

Also doing more melted crayon art. 

My Everyday Life: Week 8 on Shutterbean.com

On my fridge this week:

My Everyday Life: Week 8 on Shutterbean.com

A tree I never noticed downtown. I think it might be a succulent?

My Everyday Life: Week 8 on Shutterbean.com

I’ve been very into wedge salads lately.

My Everyday Life: Week 8 on Shutterbean.com

Another batch of hippy banana bread.

My Everyday Life: Week 8 on Shutterbean.com

Ramen date with my boys.

My Everyday Life: Week 8 on Shutterbean.com

Trying on new specs.

I need a lint brush.

My Everyday Life: Week 8 on Shutterbean.com

The power went out for about 5 hours this week.

Made our bedroom really cozy.

My Everyday Life: Week 8 on Shutterbean.com


February 24, 2017

I love lists

I love lists!! A collection of random links on the internet by Tracy of Shutterbean.com!

Welcome to I love lists! It’s Friday. Let’s surf the internet together!

  1. Adulting school!!! It’s a thing!
  2. I want to make eggplant bacon.
  3. If you’re having an Oscar party.
  4. Here’s a bunch of life changing habits. I’m currently working on making yoga a habit.
  5. What do you think about the broth trend?
  6. If you also love reading other people’s morning routines.
  7. I really appreciated their discussion on Friends/Friendship.
  8. This color test was kinda hard.
  9. Hey Ryan, look at the name of this bar in SF!
  10. Wes Anderson references other movies in his movies.
  11. Internet searches: japanese stoneware mugs   gold vintage clocks / smock apron
  12. What happens when you go without the internet for a month?
  13. A reminder that we are tiny and insignificant.
  14. Old photos of children planning. Also cool- Photos from NYC in the 70s.
  15. These gifts from grandma are too cute!
  16. I could definitely see Cooper & Casey doing this.
  17. I still have fond memories of #5
  18. New favorite fonts: Aldine / Market Deco / Fifty-Five
  19. Way to go, Ree!
  20. Apparently, I was a Sagittarius in a past life. Who makes these tests??!
  21. Weekend Reading: Everything that Remains
  22. Pre-Order the new Joy the Baker cookbook- Over Easy!! Yay MAJ!

have a great weekend!

February 23, 2017

Melted Crayon Art

Looking for a fun creative project? Try making your own Melted Crayon Art! It's so much fun. See more on Shutterbean.com

A few months ago I came home with an old vintage heating tray.

Looking for a fun creative project? Try making your own Melted Crayon Art! It's so much fun. See more on Shutterbean.com

Just seeing the heating tray jogged so many good memories of making Melted Crayon Art when I was a kid.

I couldn’t wait to share this experience with my 8 year old son, Cooper!

Looking for a fun creative project? Try making your own Melted Crayon Art! It's so much fun. See more on Shutterbean.com

A random trip to the thrift store has provided hours of entertainment in my home.

He loves it just as much as I do!

Looking for a fun creative project? Try making your own Melted Crayon Art! It's so much fun. See more on Shutterbean.com

We’ve been spending at least one night a week after school playing around with colors.

We talk about our day.

We talk about colors.

We talk about how colors make us feel.

We relax together.

We laugh and make funny word combinations.

We learn from each other.

all while melting crayons.

It’s never about the end result for us. 

It’s about the journey along the way.

It’s about learning how colors change and shift.

It’s about learning what colors blend well together.

It’s about learning how to be patient and letting things develop.

It’s about trying new combinations. 

It’s about play.

It’s about creating magic with simple things.

It’s about quality time, with undivided attention.

It’s seriously one of my favorite things to do as a parent!

Looking for a fun creative project? Try making your own Melted Crayon Art! It's so much fun. See more on Shutterbean.com



You can find them on ebay, look out for them in thrift stores and you might be able to find some on Amazon.

I bet you could use an electric griddle too!

Just know that whatever you use, use good judgment. You don’t want crayon toxins in your food. My heating tray is just used for crayons. CRAYON ONLY!!!


Use the ones you’ve got!! My mom saved a lot of my crayons from my childhood and when my niece was little, so we have quite a ton to go through. If you’re looking for a particular color scheme, you can buy crayons in bulk on Amazon. I did it for my ladies craft night last month to get all of those Valentine’s colors.


Crayons have a lot of oil in them. If you’re not careful the oil will get into your heating tray. Before I turn on the heating tray, I place a piece of aluminum foil and wrap it around the top, making sure to cover the edges to prevent the crayon oil getting into the heating element. Put on the aluminum foil before you heat it up or else you’ll burn your fingers trying to put it on a hot heating tray.


This is what we melt crayons on. If you use regular paper (like we do sometimes) the oils will soak up in the paper. Using parchment paper makes a better print. It’s also really easy to use/makes for a quick cleanup.


Taking the wrappers off of crayons is a pain. Use an Exacto knife and cut the wrapper off.

(I find it to be VERY satisfying)


You’ll want to move around colors, but you’ll burn your hands if you’re not careful. Use sticks!


Keep a glass of water nearby. You never know when little impatient fingers will strike!! Dip your finger(s) that have wax on them in cold water. The wax will harden instantly, and you’ll prevent some burning from happening.  Watch your sleeves and clothes. Wax is hard to get out of cloth. Use common sense and be careful!


For our crayon projects, we always use a heavy cardstock or large index cards. You’ll want a paper with some weight. It will make the process a bit easier if your paper is thick.

Looking for a fun creative project? Try making your own Melted Crayon Art! It's so much fun. See more on Shutterbean.com

Ahhhh the smell of crayons.

Looking for a fun creative project? Try making your own Melted Crayon Art! It's so much fun. See more on Shutterbean.com

Speaking of crayons, you should watch this crayon video from my childhood:

Here’s my heating tray!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Looking for a fun creative project? Try making your own Melted Crayon Art! It's so much fun. See more on Shutterbean.com

So, I wrap it in foil.

Then I add parchment on top.

Looking for a fun creative project? Try making your own Melted Crayon Art! It's so much fun. See more on Shutterbean.com

I cut it to fit.  Heat up the tray. AND GO.

Looking for a fun creative project? Try making your own Melted Crayon Art! It's so much fun. See more on Shutterbean.com

Now you can melt the crayons on top of the parchment.

Looking for a fun creative project? Try making your own Melted Crayon Art! It's so much fun. See more on Shutterbean.com

Takes a few minutes for them to melt fully.

Looking for a fun creative project? Try making your own Melted Crayon Art! It's so much fun. See more on Shutterbean.com

Use a stick to mix it up.


Looking for a fun creative project? Try making your own Melted Crayon Art! It's so much fun. See more on Shutterbean.com

Swirls are fun.

Looking for a fun creative project? Try making your own Melted Crayon Art! It's so much fun. See more on Shutterbean.com

When you’re ready to make a print, place a piece of paper down.

We use big index cards!

Pull the paper up slowly. I find it’s best to pull from an edge.

Pretend you’re peeling back the back of a poloroid.


Looking for a fun creative project? Try making your own Melted Crayon Art! It's so much fun. See more on Shutterbean.com


We find that each color batch can produce 4 pretty good prints.

You can see that the bottom right is the last print pulled.

Looking for a fun creative project? Try making your own Melted Crayon Art! It's so much fun. See more on Shutterbean.com

The first prints are pretty dense.

Looking for a fun creative project? Try making your own Melted Crayon Art! It's so much fun. See more on Shutterbean.com

And sometimes you find beauty in whatever is leftover on the parchment paper.

Looking for a fun creative project? Try making your own Melted Crayon Art! It's so much fun. See more on Shutterbean.com

Time to make something old brand new again.

OLD: Framed fabric from Cooper’s nursery.

Insert crying emoji here _______.

Looking for a fun creative project? Try making your own Melted Crayon Art! It's so much fun. See more on Shutterbean.com

NEW: Melted Crayon Art!!!!!!!!!

I love how it turned out.

Looking for a fun creative project? Try making your own Melted Crayon Art! It's so much fun. See more on Shutterbean.com

More examples of crayon art:

Cooper’s Valentine’s Day cards:

My Everyday Life: Week 7 on Shutterbean.com

A nice orange/yellow/pink/red scheme

My Everyday Life - Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

I love how it can end up looking like topographical maps.

My Everyday Life Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

This was a crazy day and alllll of the crazy energy went into art making.

I am grateful for art making.

My Everyday Life Week 5 on Shutterbean.com


Here's what the past week looked like on My Everyday Life- a weekly photo series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.

This was my color scheme for January:

Currently January 2017 on Shutterbean.com!

Hope this inspires you to make some melted crayon art of your own!


February 19, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 7

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 7

Happy Valentine’s Day from Cooper. I love how these turned out.

My Everyday Life: Week 7 on Shutterbean.com

Small batch cupcakes!

My Everyday Life: Week 7 on Shutterbean.com

Curious cat.

My Everyday Life: Week 7 on Shutterbean.com

New ladies.

My Everyday Life: Week 7 on Shutterbean.com

I love seeing them in the window.

My Everyday Life: Week 7 on Shutterbean.com

My homemade Valentine’s Day card to Casey.

My Everyday Life: Week 7 on Shutterbean.com

Cooper helped me make fresh rolls for Valentine’s day!

My Everyday Life: Week 7 on Shutterbean.com

Little Ella sleeping in the back while Rosie derps out in the front.

My Everyday Life: Week 7 on Shutterbean.com

Looking up at a stop sign.

My Everyday Life: Week 7 on Shutterbean.com

Mom’s Night out!

My Everyday Life: Week 7 on Shutterbean.com

We went bowling!!

My Everyday Life: Week 7 on Shutterbean.com

Finding treasures in old books.

My Everyday Life: Week 7 on Shutterbean.com

On the phone with my mom.

My Everyday Life: Week 7 on Shutterbean.com


February 17, 2017

I love lists

I love lists - a collection of randomness around the internet. Find more on Shutterbean.com

Welcome to I love lists! It’s Friday. Let’s surf the internet together!

  1. Vacation. Maine. 1960s.
  2. A big bowl of this vegan caesar plz.
  3. Sriracha Stix. Definitely curious about those.
  4. I’m a fine artist.
  5. I’ve always wanted to go to a Wegman’s.
  6. I’d like to be in japan during cherry blossom season
  7. Tom Brady’s Diet is like…whoa.
  8. Kids, man.
  9. Pinterest searches: 1950s / Irish soda bread / a line bob
  10. How to avoid becoming a hermit when you work from home.
  11. Note to self: put coffee in my waffles
  12. Loved reading this list on 50 Lessons for Feeding Kids
  13. This makes me excited/uncomfortable.
  14. Romantic movies set in SF.
  15. Teas you can make from your pantry.
  16. If you are working on a media kit/one sheet, my friend Amy can help!
  17. Imagine a whole wall like this in your house.
  18. If you ever want to know if mercury is in retrograde. (I always think it is)
  19. Things that are cute: cat dish /  stained glass cacticoffee donations
  20. Apparently, there’s a lot of pressure to sell girl scout cookies!

illustration above by Helen Jane!