February 14, 2017

Small Batch Chocolate Cupcakes

Small Batch Chocolate Cupcakes! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

I love baking. I love baked goods. Who doesn’t?

What’s the problem?

Ummm. I dunno….maybe SELF CONTROL?

No one can be trusted with full batch of anything in my house.

As a result, I don’t bake much. My dessert section has been suffering!

One cupcake turns into two and then I’m like:

Sweet & Simple- Dessert for Two, solves my baking needs.

Small Batch Chocolate Cupcakes with Vanilla Bean Frosting. Recipe makes only 4! Check out more on Shutterbean.com

Christina has figured out all of the formulas to downsize most baked goods into portions that serve 2-3. Small batch lifestyling!

There are 3 of us in my house.

This recipe makes 4 cupcakes.

Does that mean somebody gets two?

Small Batch Chocolate Cupcakes with Vanilla Bean Frosting. Recipe makes only 4! Check out more on Shutterbean.com

Either way, we all get one!  This recipe reminds me a little of that moment in Bridesmaids when Kristen Wiig makes that single cupcake. Wasn’t that scene kind of the best??

But here, there are four!  My whole family is taken care of with these Small Batch Chocolate Cupcakes with Vanilla Bean Frosting. Perfect for a last minute Valentine’s day baking session or a whip up a batch because it’s Tuesday and that’s how we live situation!


February 13, 2017

Simple Valentine’s Day Ideas

Simple Valentine's Day Ideas on Shutterbean.com!

There are little things you can do throughout the year to show the people you love that you care but on Valentine’s Day, we amp up that love!!!!!!!

If you want some last minute ideas on how to celebrate, here are a few Simple Valentine’s Day Ideas we employ at my house.

On Valentine’s day, we try to make all of our food shaped like hearts.

Strawberries can easily be turned into hearts. Toast too!

French toast can cut into heart shapes with a cookie cutter.

You can make heart shaped pancakes too!

The Cinnamon Sugar Tortillas  here are cut into heart shapes.  They’re crispy and they’d be a great snack in a lunch box or a simple dessert idea with ice cream and strawberries.

They’re ridiculously good. Watch out.

Blend some strawberries with milk and a little honey and you have pink milk!Simple Valentine's Days Ideas on Shutterbean.com!

Make a cake. Cut into a shape of a heart. Frost/decorate. ENJOY!

Valentine’s Day is the day when we have chocolate dipped strawberries, right?

I melted chocolate chips in a bowl in the microwave and dipped the strawberries into the melted goodness. Pretty, huh?  Took less than 5 minutes.


Simple Valentine's Days Ideas on Shutterbean.com!

Another really quick dessert idea- Raspberry Brulee. You can pick up some pound cake at the store and put this dessert together in no time.

Simple Valentine's Days Ideas on Shutterbean.com!

Also! Drinks! Don’t forget about the blood orange.

They can really enhance your cocktails/mocktails.

Simple Valentine's Days Ideas on Shutterbean.com!

Cherry Vanilla Hot Chocolate is also niiiiiice.

Cherry Vanilla Hot Chocolate // shutterbean

Let’s talk about ambiance now.

Here are things we do around my house to set the mood!

Balloons. They go a long way. Both adults and children get a kick out of them.

The best part is that they are super inexpensive!

Simple Valentine's Days Ideas on Shutterbean.com!

Better yet….put some in a bath tub. Who needs bubbles?

Also, maybe draw a bath. Romantic baths are fun. Just make sure you have enough towels.

Also remember that two bodies in a bathtub will displace water.

Lessons learned. 

Simple Valentine's Days Ideas on Shutterbean.com!

Get yourself a red light.  You can pick one up at a grocery store.

(It reminds me of my days in the darkroom)

(I never made out with anyone in a darkroom)

(I see a roleplaying opportunity in my future)


My Everyday Life - Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

Anyways…red lights! They really set the mood. Cats not included.

My Everyday Life - Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

What’s a Valentine’s Day without a love note???!!

I like to leave them around the house. You can put them on mirrors, hide some in my your loved one’s car. Maybe see if you can change the wallpaper on their phone to something naughty?!

Life is an adventure!

Simple Valentine's Days Ideas on Shutterbean.com!

Put hearts on your windows.

Leave them up all month and let the love in!

Simple Valentine's Days Ideas on Shutterbean.com!

Make your own Valentine’s cards.

It’s fun and unexpected!

Definitely not store bought!

Bonus points if you make one that matches your boo’s shirt.

Draw hearts with chalk on your driveway. It’s a nice surprise when someone is getting into their car.

Leave a note on your lover’s windshield. Tell them something nice like….you got the oil changed for them so they didn’t have to.

(this is my dream Valentine scenario)

Whatever you do tomorrow, just remember that you can do simple/little things to make sure that someone feels special. All the small things add up!  Don’t forget to tell someone how much you love them and WHY!!



February 12, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 6

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 6

A wild Friday night. LEO MOON!

My Everyday Life - Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

We’re both curious by nature.

My Everyday Life - Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

This week I watched an Albert Einstein biography and took notes.

This is how I like to unwind.

My Everyday Life - Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

A color scheme that changed my brain.

My Everyday Life - Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

A tree my dad planted.

My Everyday Life - Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

The weeds are coming.

My Everyday Life - Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

The puddles are flowing.

My Everyday Life - Week 6 on Shutterbean.com


February 10, 2017

I love lists

I Love Lists is a collection of random stuff on the internet. Find more on Shutterbean.com!

Welcome to I love Lists! It’s Friday. Pull up a chair and let’s surf the net together!


  1. I think my boys would love this for Valentine’s Day.
  2. What it’s like to be an artist.
  3. Oh,Fiona!
  4. Things I research on Pinterest: vintage grocery stores + vintage recipes
  5. Time travel machine- celebs in the 70s/80s
  6. If you want to go down a rabbit hole of wave photos.
  7. How do you recover from long ass flights?
  8. If dictionaries were honest.
  9. This made me lol.
  10. How to photograph an elephant, cuz I know you’re curious.
  11. Some good nuggets of wisdom in here.
  12. I think about this movie a lot.
  13. Valentine outfit: This dress with these shoes & this jacket
  14. Give me all these cookies and these brownies. K, thanks bye.
  15. Roast chicken hacks. Very handy!
  16. Selfies ruined….by reflections. This will make my mom LOL.
  17. A brilliant way to remove stickers off of things. I wish I knew this decades ago.
  18. You guys…I’ve been praising the trader joe’s soyrizo for years.
  19. I’m a nurturer when it comes to gardening. Also my word choices make me an introvert.
  20. You know what would be fun? If you paired this menu with Ladies Craft Night.
  21. Weekend reading: 7 Laws of Spiritual Success (I bought this awhile ago and never read it!)

(illustration above is a collab with helenjane.com)

February 9, 2017

Mushroom Ramen

Dinner is just a few minutes away with this Mushroom Ramen recipe made with Imagine Broths & Soups. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com!

Stop the presses!

My child eats noodles now.

Dinner is just a few minutes away with this Mushroom Ramen recipe made with Imagine Broths & Soups. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com!

He eats baked spaghetti with meat sauce and ramen noodles now so that means I have two options added to my weeknight meal lineup. Color me EXCITED.

He’s still quite particular about the noodle I use and not just any broth will do. The thing is, the flavor packet you get in his favorite ramen is filled with an ungodly amount of salt and there are chemicals in there I can’t pronounce. When I partnered up with Imagine Soups last year, I learned that they make their own organic ramen broth! It’s been a great alternative to the MSG filled flavor packets and he enjoys it, so we are all good.

We’re still working on adding toppings to his bowls of ramen, but for now, we celebrate his affinity for noodles.

Us adults are fans of toppings as you can see:

Dinner is just a few minutes away with this Mushroom Ramen recipe made with Imagine Broths & Soups. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com!

With this Mushroom Ramen, my goal was to create something hearty and healthy. Ramen is a great way to use up leftover vegetables in the fridge.  I sauteed mushrooms in garlic and added them to my ramen with handfuls of spinach, some broccoli, and an egg. To make it spicy, I add some sriracha and because I believe a good ramen has to have an acid component, I added kimchi. It gives it nice heat as well.  I love how something simple can be elevated with a few ingredients! CONTINUE READING

February 7, 2017

Ladies Craft Night: Valentine’s Day

Ladies Craft Night- Valentine's Day Edition. ART+FOOD+SPIRITS + LADIES! See more on Shutterbean.com

In 2016, I put together a ladies craft night with coloring books.  It was FUUUUUN and I was hooked on the magic we made.

I’m hoping that 2017 brings more and more ladies craft nights!

How do you plan a get-together??? You start with a TO DO LIST:

Ladies Craft Night- Valentine's Day Edition. ART+FOOD+SPIRITS + LADIES! See more on Shutterbean.com

ART + FOOD + SPIRITS + LADIES= Ladies Craft Night

Valentine’s Day edition!

Ladies Craft Night- Valentine's Day Edition. ART+FOOD+SPIRITS + LADIES! See more on Shutterbean.com




  • Valentine’s cards
  • poems
  • watercolors
  • paper fun!


February 5, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 5

Here’s what the past week looked like on My Everyday Life- Week 5

Einstein has been creeping in my life lately. I mean….I was him for Halloween and I keep seeing him. What does that mean?

My Everyday Life Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

Cooper’s current color scheme.

My Everyday Life Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

I’ve always got the greens.

My Everyday Life Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

Primary colors at grocery stores.

My Everyday Life Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

Finding light at Home Depot….of all places.

My Everyday Life Week 5 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

Under the table & dreaming.

My Everyday Life Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

His current after school snack request:

My Everyday Life Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

Good morning.

My Everyday Life Week 5 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life Week 5 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

The colors that I’m into:

My Everyday Life Week 5 on Shutterbean.com