Here’s what the past week looked like on My Everyday Life – Week 3
I wrote this on an index card last year and tucked it into a notebook.
It fell out and landed on my lap while I was cleaning this week.
Yes, universe. YES.

Spent a lot of time in the kitchen this week….cleaning…organizing…testing….

Impromptu trip to the nursery after school brought sunshine.

We are a team in the mornings. We hustle. We try to talk to each other nicely while we are scurrying about. We need each other’s cooperation to start the day off right.
He leaves me notes on my windshield when I get into the car. The morning chats and the afternoon chats in the car are my favorite.

Put this leopard situation back into the rotation. RAWR.

Rice cakes are also back on my radar.

Surrounded by joy.

Is this a pussy willow? I cringed just typing that.

Collecting ideas for my front yard.

6:45 AM.

9:00 AM.

11:00 AM

2:30PM with Helen Jane.

3:00 pm Paper Source inspiration.

I wrote this a few months ago.
I’ve had a much better relationship with technology since.

Mostly because I’ve been giving myself better boundaries and I’ve been making technology work for me.
This week after Cooper was asleep, I listened to this podcast about stress and wrote notes.
Time well spent!

Sunny morning.

This salad turned into this sandwich.



Made some flatbread pizzas.

Treasure hunting at an estate sale. This corner of a painting caught my eye.

This was actually a sculpture but I made it look like a painting with my phone.

Reminded me of when you can see a little blue sky between clouds.

And then I looked up.

It’s been raining. It makes me miss working outside on my succulent garden.

Crossing the street can look like modern art.

I always love seeing the black and whites.

Day date at Sushi Ran.

Uni lover.

I need more sushi in my life.

And then we went to a day movie!!
Have you seen La La Land? What did you think?
The colors were pretty amazing.

This cloud had a silver lining.

Friday night His & Hers.

Followed by Indian food delivery.

Alone time.

Bed time.

Organizing my brain time.

Let’s dip into the past:
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