January 11, 2017

Hippy Banana Bread

Hippy Banana Bread Shutterbean

I made our favorite banana bread during the holiday break and it didn’t last a full 24 hours in our house. We plowed through it in no time and I think it’s kinda light and fluffy so it’s very easy to go through. There’s nothing to slow you down. There’s no lingering. It’s just an EAT BANANA BREAD NOW and then cut another sliver until you realize there’s none left kind of situation.

Hippy Banana Bread Shutterbean

So I put my thinking cap on and made what I like to call Hippy Banana Bread. I need a banana bread with bite!  I need something hearty, something a little dense. Something with texture and bite!

Hippy Banana Bread Shutterbean

This banana bread lasted more than 24 hours in our house.  It’s been my breakfast for the past week and I looooooooove it.  What makes it “hippy?”  All the seeds (sunflower seeds & pumpkin seeds!), walnuts and dried cherries (that plump up after baking!).

You might find yourself buying extra bananas each week for this recipe. I’m already gathering ingredients for my next loaf…


January 9, 2017

Lemon Ginger Elixir

Soothe your throat & relax with this Lemon Ginger Elixir. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com!

I developed a habit of stopping at my local hippy grocery store for a Lemon Ginger Elixir. It was always in times of OMG I NEED TO CHILL THE F- OUT.

For some reason, this drink has been the answer.

Soothe your throat & relax with this Lemon Ginger Elixir. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com!

Honey, lemon and ginger in all of the right combinations.

More ginger than you’re probably used to.

Soothe your throat & relax with this Lemon Ginger Elixir. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com!

Your mouth and throat get treated to a spa day.

It feels like a nice warm hug. I think of it as a nice way to ward off colds and soothe an upset stomach. This is why I stock up on ginger during this time of year.


January 8, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 1

Here’s what the first week of 2017 looked like- My Everyday Life: Week 1

It rained most of the week, but there was sun one day and we exploited it.

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

We soaked it in.

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

All of us.

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

The light makes magical things happen.

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

She rests in front of the heater. Don’t get in her way.

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

Stirring up some magic with my new paints. 

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

Korean BBQ!!

We went to Jong Ga House with our friends.

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

Another date with my pal, Harper.

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com


What I’ve been doing all week.

Getting Organized for the New Year starts with a TO DO LIST! See more on Shutterbean.com

I’m currently down 7k photos. More to go!

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

I’ve been meaning to organize this space for months. So glad it’s finally done.


My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

Cooper got involved. He’s a great sorter.  I wonder where he gets that from…..

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

I would say I have shed about 15 bags of stuff.  Two trips to Salvation Army and I’m working on another one soon. I ordered a bag from ThredUp so I could sell some of my stuff. Has anyone used them before? I figured it was worth a shot.

I also got rid of my maternity clothes.

It’s amazing how many emotions can be wrapped up in things.

It’s also amazing how fast time flies.

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

Pairing down to basics.

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

Ella got her groove back.

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

This banana bread is so good.  The loaf didn’t last 24 hours in our house.

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

Rosie the Riveter/Instigator.

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

Playing Bananagrams with Coop.

Whoa. My subconscious is working through some stuff, huh?  lol

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

Testing out a new banana bread. It’s super hippy and I love it.

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

It’s the perfect breakfast treat. Recipe coming up soon.

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

This color scheme is my favorite lately.

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

Presents from Maj put into good use.

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

Working on my new sketchbook for the year.

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

And figuring out some new intentions while I’m at it.

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

Sandwich break in between organizing projects.

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

All lined up.

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

Simon & Garkfunkel.

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

Sprug and Tug.

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

I’m so glad I froze waffles. They came out of the oven in no time for a reheat!

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

I’m always attracted to the one that stands out.

My Everyday Life: Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

Let’s dip into the past!

Week 19 in 2016

Week 19 in 2015

Week 19 in 2014

Week 19 in 2013

Week 19 in 2012

Week 19 in 2011

Thanks for reading Shutterbean!  If you’d like to check out more of my everyday life, follow me on Instagram and be sure keep in touch via Facebook, Twitter,  Bloglovin,  Pinterest, or subscribe via email to get new posts delivered to your inbox.

January 6, 2017

I love lists

More on I Love Lists on Shutterbean.com

  1. Vegan recipes for people who aren’t vegan.
  2. I would definitely like to try these cookies.
  3. Think Days or as I like to call it, Mental Health Day
  4. Sniff sniff.
  5. The Best Restaurants in America are:
  6. Being sensitive can be hard.
  7. This song is supposed to reduce anxiety by 65% (I have it on repeat)
  8. I got Bart Simpson….
  9. This show is going to be so good.
  10. Can’t wait to make this recipe in my Instant Pot.
  11. Some ways to be happier in 2017.
  12. I think about this all the time.
  13. Best TED Talks of 2016
  14. Stranger Things is coming back! Here’s what’s up. (semi-spoilers?)
  15. I’d cozy up to a bowl of this soup in an instant.
  16. Some useful bullet journal tips.
  17. Stop setting goals you don’t actually care about.
  18. Puberty changes a lot of things.
  19. The Year of Conquering Negative Thinking
  20. Work Hard/ Rest Hard
  21. This is so funny.
  22. The Need to Read– loved this!
  23. What’s behind our fear of change?
  24. Gonna bring this kale & coconut rice dish back into the mix next week!

have a great weekend!


January 4, 2017

Getting Organized in the New Year

Getting Organized in the New Year. See how Tracy from Shutterbean does it!

It’s raining most of the week and Cooper is still on his winter break, so we’re stuck indoors. It’s cool because we’re getting so much stuff done around the house!!!

Last week I watched the Minimalism Documentary on Netflix and have been listening to their podcast this week while I work. It’s been super inspiring to start the New Year with some good intentions. Getting rid of this clutter is already helping my mental health  All of the clutter that I have tolerated for the past year is going away and I can feel stress lifting!  At times during this process, I’ve wondered how I let some areas in my house get so bad. Now that I am making time to figure out what should remain, I am more apt to making better habits for myself and family.

This is what I have on the docket this week:

Getting Organized for the New Year starts with a TO DO LIST! See more on Shutterbean.com

I’ve already been documenting my progress on my Instagram stories this week.

If you need some inspiration, follow me @shutterbean

I’ve loved seeing responses from readers who are also working on/motivated to work on decluttering their lives too. So many of you have been deleting photos off your phone with me and that is AWESOME. I’m pretty sure that I am going to be doing this again in a few months, so don’t worry. We’re in this together!

So many of you have been deleting photos off your phone with me and that is AWESOME. I’m already doing 6k (I knooooow) and I have so much more to go!  I’m pretty sure that I am going to be doing this again in a few months. So, don’t worry we’re in this together.

If you need a little more inspiration, here are some of my organizing posts from the past.

Around the Home- Closet Organization- Before & After Photos on Shutterbean.com

Closet Organization

Since I published this post, I moved a few things around. This week I got rid of some of the clothes I thought I might like during other capsule wardrobes this year.

Speaking of capsule wardrobes:

Winter Capsule Wardrobe 2016 on Shutterbean.com!

Winter Capsule Wardrobe

Doing the capsule wardrobe challenge really helped me hone in on my personal style last year. I find that restriction breeds creativity! I LOVED the challenge of coming up with many different outfits with a limited amount of articles.

Linen Closet Organization! See more on Shutterbean.com

Linen Closet

Who doesn’t like a nice stack of folded towels???!

Organized Makeup Drawer// shutterbean

Organized Makeup Drawer

Don’t forget to purge old makeup! I did this yesterday and it felt great.

ORGANIZED PANTRY // shutterbean

The Organized Pantry

My pantry hasn’t changed toooooo much since this post.

I’ve moved a few things around, but other than that I keep things pretty organized for the most part.  This week I am going through and tossing out expired foods.

Feel like you can never keep your purse organized? This post is for YOU! Check out a new way of thinking about organizing your purses so you don't have to waste time organizing your stuff. More on shutterbean.com!

Creating a Purse Organizing System

New year/new purse. This is the time of year where I go through my bags and clear out the random things that don’t belong in there.


Laundry Closet Makeover

See why I don’t mind doing laundry anymore because I created a zone I actually want to be in!


Kitchen Spring Cleaning with Seventh Generation on Shutterbean.com!

Kitchen Cleaning

If you have time to give your kitchen an overhaul, here’s some inspiration. It’s maintenance time.

See what the whole week looked like with Shutterbean Meal Prep - Week 1 on Shutterbean.com!

Meal Prep for the Week

If you’re curious how to set yourself up for success each week, try doing some meal prepping on a Sunday. It’s a must if you’re looking to get control of your diet/health during the year. Arm yourself with good choices!

Habit Forming for 2016  on Shutterbean.com

Habit Forming

Right now is the time to start evaluating:

  • good habits you already have
  • good habits to develop
  • bad habits that interfere with your life

I’m already starting a list in my new journal this week.

Hope you’re also Getting Organized in the New Year! Let’s make this new start a GOOD start.

Thanks for reading Shutterbean!  If you’d like to check out my everyday life, follow me on Instagram and be sure keep in touch via Facebook, Twitter,  Bloglovin,  Pinterest, or subscribe via email to get new posts delivered to your inbox.

January 1, 2017

My Everyday Life: Week 52

Here’s what this past week looked like-  My Everyday Life Week 52, the last week of 2016!


I spent today at the beach…after I walked off chocolate cake for breakfast.

2017 is already starting off right.

My Everyday Life: Week 52 on Shutterbean.com

So pretty.

My Everyday Life: Week 52 on Shutterbean.com

New bed!!

My Everyday Life: Week 52 on Shutterbean.com

I wear it well.

My Everyday Life: Week 52 on Shutterbean.com

Hunting for sconces….fell in love with this art.

My Everyday Life: Week 52 on Shutterbean.com

Still green.

My Everyday Life: Week 52 on Shutterbean.com

Although I think his eyes might end up hazel. They’re so pretty.

My Everyday Life: Week 52 on Shutterbean.com

Self care = bath during the day!

My Everyday Life: Week 52 on Shutterbean.com

I always look at the plants on display.

My Everyday Life: Week 52 on Shutterbean.com

On the hunt.

My Everyday Life: Week 52 on Shutterbean.com

Top deck of the Richmond bridge.

My Everyday Life: Week 52 on Shutterbean.com

Adventures during errands.

My Everyday Life: Week 52 on Shutterbean.com

Thank you notes are done.

My Everyday Life: Week 52 on Shutterbean.com

Pho craving was fulfilled.

My Everyday Life: Week 52 on Shutterbean.com


December 31, 2016

Currently: December 2016

Currently December 2016 on Shutterbean.com

Currently the last day of December.

Currently wondering how I ever went a whole month without eating bread.

Currently wearing yoga pants because they fit and they make me more motivated to clean my house. Is that weird? Probably. Sometimes I put my sneakers on because it also helps.

So, we’re home this Christmas break. We’re laying low, although Casey has been working a lot. No trips planned. If you’ve been following along on Instagram Stories (@shutterbean), we’ve been doing a lot of art around here and I’m slowly trying to get myself organized around the house. I’m in the process of rearranging our (MY) books and finishing up our bedroom. Just on the search for lights…and am having a hard time finding ones that we can both agree on.

This whole month my house has been a disaster zone, so I am looking forward to it being straightened up and organized. I’ve been putting Cooper to work while we’re stay-cationing. I’m making him earn screen time by doing chores and helping me organize. He’s really good at matching socks and that makes me sooo happy. That’s one of my least favorite things to do when it comes to laundry.

Next week, I plan on figuring out my Instant Pot situation, taking trips to Salvation Army (goodbye rice cooker and crock pot?) while I purge a bunch of stuff and pair down my closet. Dim Sum is in my future. I have a craving for it, so maybe we’ll make a weekday SF adventure for it.

I’m also wanting to make some intentions for 2017. I did it a few years ago and would love to be more intentional as we head into a new year.  I am ready for a clean slate/fresh start.

You to heed my advice-


I woke up. Took a sip of water and was like-

What is this in my mouth?

It feels like a nail clipping. WTF

And then I spit it out. Looked at my bathroom sink

and it was




Like a big gnarly white one.


I now have lids on every glass I drink from.

Currently December 2016 on Shutterbean.com

OK, let’s break it down.

Inspired by:  The book, Overview. The photography is so beautiful. Earth is AMAZING. If you’re like me and LOVE seeing the patterns on land & water while you’re on an airplane, you’ll love this book. The imagery is spectacular.

I’m inspired by light and rainbows right now. The winter light in my house is really beautiful.  There’s this haze in the morning that brings me back to my childhood.  Santa popped a rainbow maker in Cooper’s stocking so we’ve been obsessed with watching the rainbows fill up our family room when the sun comes up in the morning. The other morning Cooper woke me up because he saw the pinkest sunrise and he knew I would love it. Makes me happy to see that my love for nature is rubbing off on him. He is a light seeker.

Watching: I haven’t been watching much TV this month because I’ve been working at night. Although I did have a little Real Housewives Beverly Hills binge during my introvert session after Christmas. It was niiiiiice. I watched the movie Minimalism: A Documentary about Important Things. I thought it was really good. Now I want to travel and throw everything out.

I’m not sure what jogged my memory of the movie 12 Monkeys, but we watched it this week. I had been wanting to for awhile.  It’s as good as I remembered it to be in my early 20s. It was made in 1995!! It would be such a different movie if it was made now. Probably filled with CG. Brad Pitt was kind of my hero in my early 20s. I loved him in Fight Club and he was loony tunes in 12 Monkeys. He knows how to act crazy.

I forgot to tell you last month that we also went through the show- Good Girls Revolt. I highly recommend it if you’re looking for a little hit of Mad Men (I miss that show). I believe it’s on Amazon! The fashion/set design is pretty awesome. Cindy is one of my favorite characters (on TV, maybe ever).

Reading: On my nightstand, I have The Artist’s Way (which I am going to start next week), Voracious (which is a good read!) and You are a Badass because I could use a pep talk for 2017.

Thinking about: 2017 and minimalism. I didn’t really follow a capsule wardrobe in Autumn (after almost a year!) and it really threw me off. What was I thinking??!  (I wasn’t)  But it just reinforced the fact that my life suffers without plans and intentions. I want to spend 2017 coming up with systems and structures that make SENSE and make me WANT to keep them up because THEY WORK. The capsule wardrobe was a really good system because I was DELIBERATE about what I was doing. It’s time to figure out what I must/need to sacrifice so I can pair down all of the things I am managing in my life/in my brain. It could be as simple as going paperless. Action needed!

Listening to: I guess I have to quit it with the Christmas music. I made this Christmas mix last year and I’ve been listening to all season. Also, if you’re on spotify, you can get your 2016 mix of all the music you listened to (repeatedly) for the year. Mine is pretty random, just like me.  Shutterbean 2016 Mix.  I’ve also been listening to a lot of Vitamin String Quartet while I work. I love when they play a song I know.

Dream Life: Oregon…still. Woods…grocery stores. I do a lot of grocery shopping in my sleep. Weird, huh? Every now and then I will get a flashback of one of my dreams while I’m going about my everyday life. There’s a lot of deja vu happening lately. Life is interesting, to say the least.

Eating: All the bread. Thinking about doing Whole30 again for a nice reset. But to balance it out, I’ve been eating spinach like a mofo. It’s all because I got a giant bag of it at Costco and I’ve been working my way through it. I like it sauteed in olive oil with tons of garlic, red pepper flakes and a splash of vinegar at the end for tang. I just need to get myself into some better routines. The holidays threw me off.

Drinking: Lemon Ginger Elixir. It’s this concoction that I’ve had a local hippy grocery store called Good Earth. I’ll make it for the blog soon because it’s good. It’s got a kick but I believe it totally helps fight colds.

I’m also super obsessed with this Lemon Ginger Kevita. If I could have a tap of it at my house, I would. There’s just something about the mouth burn that I’m hooked on. So yeah, anything lemon + ginger and I’m there.

What have you been up to??

How was your December?

How are you going to make 2017 great? 

You know the drill. Leave your stream of consciousness in the notes!

See you next year!