November 22, 2016

No- Knead Cloverleaf Rolls

No Knead Cloverleaf Rolls should be in your baking repertoire! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

Do you have dinner roll duty for Thanksgiving? I do.

No Knead Cloverleaf Rolls should be in your baking repertoire! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

I was thinking of buying rolls but then I saw this recipe and saw how easy it was to make my own No Knead Cloverleaf Rolls.  There’s no turning back now.

No Knead Cloverleaf Rolls should be in your baking repertoire! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

These rolls are fluffy, slightly eggy (which I love), squishy, soft, doughy with a browned crispy buttery salty top. I love how you can pull off each dough ball when you eat a roll. It reminds me a little of these monkey bread minis I made many many years ago, except savory!  Your table could use some carb love this Thanksgiving. More is more, right?!


November 19, 2016

My Everyday Life : Week 46

Here’s what this past week looked like on My Everyday Life – Week 46:

Highlight of the week was helping out during art class at school. It’s so my jam.

My Everyday Life: Week 46 on Shutterbean.com

Found a new yoga place this week. Can you figure out which one is mine?

My Everyday Life: Week 46 on Shutterbean.com

Waiting for the check.

My Everyday Life: Week 46 on Shutterbean.com

A wine moment.

My Everyday Life: Week 46 on Shutterbean.com

Supermoon (lit) selfie.

My Everyday Life: Week 46 on Shutterbean.com

Playground meetup. Lone truck.

My Everyday Life: Week 46 on Shutterbean.com

Impromptu baking.

My Everyday Life: Week 46 on Shutterbean.com

Little skamp.

My Everyday Life: Week 46 on Shutterbean.com

Morning light.

My Everyday Life: Week 46 on Shutterbean.com

Little signs. This one was at Neve & Hawk.

My Everyday Life: Week 46 on Shutterbean.com

Current vibe.

My Everyday Life: Week 46 on Shutterbean.com

I waited for a hug. No one was around.

My Everyday Life: Week 46 on Shutterbean.com



November 18, 2016

I love lists

I love lists // shutterbean

Happy Friday! Welcome to I love Lists. Let’s surf the internet together!

  1. My friend Kari makes the most amazing floral prints.
  2. You seriously don’t need to convince me to write things down.
  3. There’s one of these in SF. We tried it. It was weird.
  4. Movie accents- broken down.
  5. Thanksgiving tips!!
  6. Some really funny e-cards.
  7. My pinterest board filled with quotes
  8. How to make it look like you’re home when you’re traveling.
  9. I’ve had the uni at Swan Oyster Depot!
  10. NYC Escapes. Check this out, brother!
  11. A cute little DIY I’d like to try with Cooper.
  12. A butcher shop that’s been in business since the 1600s?!
  13. Fighting anxiety….with scrambled eggs?
  14. These whale photos impress me.
  15. Lol supermoon.
  16. Your Inner Critic is a Big Jerk  (also- the book!)
  17. I can’t believe how densely populated Hong Kong is.
  18. These Masala Chai Fig Buns = OMG.
  19. Deb has the right idea with this marbled cheesecake pumpkin slab pie.
  20. From above. Wow.
  21. I would like to start a Cookbook Club. 
  22. I got pumpkin pie.
  23. Speaking of pumpkin….put this recipe in your weekend lineup.
November 17, 2016

Thanksgiving Menu Ideas

A roundup of Thanksgiving Menu Ideas to add extra love to your Thanksgiving Feast! Find more on Shutterbean.com

One week away from the big day!!!!  I’m starting to put together my Thanksgiving menu.

Are you wanting to shake things up a bit and try some new recipes?


Here are a bunch of Thanksgiving Menu Ideas to help inspire your meal planning:


November 15, 2016

Pecan Topped Sweet Potatoes


We spent every Thanksgiving with my Auntie Marilyn and Uncle Bob. Half of the time we went to my Aunt’s house and then later, my mom later took over hosting duty. One thing never changed-the menu.

  • cheese + crackers (too many!)
  • vegetable platter + ranch sour cream dip
  • baked artichoke squares (my all time fave!)
  • Roasted Turkey + Gravy
  • Mashed Potatoes 
  • Sausage Chestnut Stuffing 
  • Pecan Topped Sweet Potatoes
  • Green Beans (later we replaced with creamed spinach)
  • Parker House Rolls
  • Cranberry Jell-o casserole (my guilty pleasure)

As kids, we were just as excited to see the sweet potatoes as we were to see my Aunt & Uncle. My aunt’s sweet potato contribution was truly a labor of love, and even at a young age we knew that to be true.

Over the years, she figured out how to adapt the recipe to help feed growing kids.  She was delighted when her experiment with using canned sweet potatoes instead of roasting her own paid off. 

When I was in high school, my aunt lost her battle with cancer. It was the first major death in my family. Our first holiday without her was hard and it continued to be hard until we learned how to be OK with new traditions while preserving as many as we could.

Every year after her death, my Uncle Bob continued to come to our Thanksgiving with the sweet potatoes. He stood in the kitchen placing every single pecan on top of the orange hued casserole dish to make it ever. so. perfect.  He paused after every few rows of pecans, choking back the tears. I always watched in awe, as my dreams of being a caterer and working in the kitchen transpired. When the Pecan Topped Sweet Potatoes came out of the oven and onto the buffet table, us kids would circle around it like hawks. We tried our hardest to see how big of a scoop we could get away with before my mom told us to stop.

Every year we’d say grace and at least 3 people would tear up. We ate the sweet potato casserole to remember my aunt and to remember how many Thanksgivings we were all lucky to share together. Food is incredibly powerful that way.

In the year right before Casey and I were married, my Uncle Bob died suddenly of a heart attack. There was another empty place at our table.  

Pecan Topped Sweet Potatoes for a traditional Thanksgiving Feast! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

In gathering my Uncle’s stuff, I was given his Sunset Magazine cookbook- the very one with the recipe my Aunt & Uncle used to make this sweet potato casserole.

It’s a Thanksgiving tradition I’ve upheld for the past 10 years.

(Hey Mom- is this Auntie Marilyn’s handwriting or Uncle Bob’s?)

Pecan Topped Sweet Potatoes for a traditional Thanksgiving Feast! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

There are definitely a lot of sweet potato casserole recipes out there.

I had no idea that people put marshmallows on their sweet potatoes until I was in college! 

What does that even taste like??!

Pecan Topped Sweet Potatoes for a traditional Thanksgiving Feast! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

You probably have your own family’s recipe.

This one is mine.

My Thanksgiving doesn’t taste the same without it.


November 13, 2016

My Everyday Life: Week 45

Here’s what My Everyday Life Week 45 looked like:

First day of Cooper’s art class. I showed up early to pick him up and found a pink sunset in a creek close by.

My Everyday Life: Week 45 on Shutterbean.com

Last day of Fall baseball.

My Everyday Life: Week 45 on Shutterbean.com

He falls asleep reading almost every night now and he has books all over his bed.

My Everyday Life: Week 45 on Shutterbean.com

Chasing rainbows on the bed.

My Everyday Life: Week 45 on Shutterbean.com

Ramen night.

My Everyday Life: Week 45 on Shutterbean.com

Everything feels pretty nuts right now.

My Everyday Life: Week 45 on Shutterbean.com


My anxiety boiled this week and I forced myself to go to yoga. It had been almost two years since the last time I went.

I need it. I don’t know why I don’t make the time to do it.

My Everyday Life: Week 45 on Shutterbean.com


November 11, 2016

I love lists

I love lists // shutterbean


Welcome to I love Lists. It’s Friday. Let’s surf the web together:

  1. Really makes you think. I should put my own playlist together.
  2. So excited for this coloring book! Love seeing the process.
  3. Some photo assignments if you’re looking to shake things up.
  4. I loved reading this perspective of a wedding photographer
  5. Currently craving this salad.
  6. How do people make things like this?? My big fingers can’t do things that precise.
  7. I was curious why Hillary was wearing purple too.
  8. Something to use for holiday get togethers- a big board for cheese plates!
  9. Confession: I suck at making pancakes
  10. Food related ballot results.
  11. I’ve been stress eating frozen fruit this week. I guess things could be worse.
  12. If you need a pick-me-up.
  13. Bad signs never get old.
  14. This is beautiful.
  15. These paintings make me hold my breath.
  16. New favorite etsy shop. Wow. her work stops me.
  17. Some books to sink your teeth into.
  18. Doughnut ATMS. HELLO 2016.
  19. I am not sure why, but this creeps me out.
  20. I love leftover hacks. Look what you can do with Indian food!
  21. Our world is beautiful. Let’s not mess it up.
  22. Thank you ladies, thank you.