November 10, 2016

The Best Writing Pens (part 2!)

Check out the Best Writing Pens on Shutterbean.com!

That’s right. Tracy, the pen enthusiast is back to talk about some of The Best Writing Pens!

I was super spoiled on one of my flights to Jamaica last week. There was an plug outlet in the seat in front of me AND TVs in the seats. I didn’t get much work done that flight, unless you consider watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians, work. Somehow I always seem to keep up with them while I’m flying over something. It’s their makeup. I’m hooked.

Then I went home from Jamaica and had a flight that sent me to Philly and then to CA. Instead of charging my laptop at the airport in Jamaica, I was like “Oh, I got this. They have outlets.”  And then they did not.

I had a 6 1/2 hour flight home with:

  • 30% phone battery life
  • 30% laptop life
  • no TVs in the seats
  • no TVs at all
  • not even the music on the arm rest thing worked
  • ummm crap. are we slaves to electrical power or WHAT?!

That’s when I pulled out my pens and started writing. Somehow, way up there somewhere high in the clouds, I had myself a little pen party in the sky. It was actually really fun. I think I killed at least an hour doing it.

So, yeah.  I’m that girl who brings out her whole bag of pens and starts playing with them on the flight. Yes, I’ll let you watch me write. I can already see your eyes on my page. Don’t act like you didn’t just pay close attention to how I draw my capital R. It’s cool as long as you don’t harumph when I ask to get by you to head to the bathroom (the only bad thing about the window seat for an introvert).

I wrote about my favorite pens in March and since then I have incorporated a few more into my arsenal.

Best Writing Pens

This is all fun until you do the title last and you screw up the capital R (someone was watching me!!!). Oh well. Not all lists are perfect.

Best Writing Pens

Pentel Stylo up above. Never mind the sharpie bleed through. Those dang Sharpies!!!

Best Writing Pens

Pentel Plastic Fountain Pen is really good if you are scared of metal nibs cutting through your paper…and you’re super messy with ink.

Best Writing Pens

Pilot Dr. Grip – I honestly have no idea how this pen arrived in my life. Somehow…in the back of my mind I think that it was my dad’s pen? I dunno. It pleases my giant man hands. They’re definitely not surgeon hands. Any doctors care to weigh in on what grip doctors need when using a pen? Thank you in advance.

(I just read the description and it says that the design makes it so you don’t have to grip the pen as hard, alleviating hand stress!) I guess it’s like Dr. Scholl’s for pens.

Best Writing Pens

Uni Jetstream 1.0 – Thank you, reader!

Best Writing Pens

Tombow Hard     All the heart eye emojis for this one.

Best Writing Pens

Tombow Soft is my new lover. It’s what I used to make this list with.

Best Writing Pens

Sharpie Brush Pen is so much fun!!!

Best Writing Pens

Sharpie Chisel Tip is still my #1 Sharpie boo. Always + forever.

Be sure to check out my other post because THE MORE PENS, THE MERRIER!

The Best Writing Pens- Tracy from Shutterbean.com shares what's in her pen case!


What are you favorite pens these days?

I love it when we get all pen nerdy here.


November 7, 2016

Bread Sausage Apple Hash

Bread Sausage Apple Hash is the perfect way to bring the flavors of Thanksgiving into breakfast. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

I’ve made several hashes in my lifetime. Heck, I made a ton with I was on Whole 30!  I was browsing through a Julia Turshen’s book- Small Victories Cookbook and thought this recipe for Bread Sausage Apple Hash would be the perfect thing to

  • break the whole30 with
  • whet your appetite for Thanksgiving meals
  • serve company for breakfast or breakfast for dinner!


Bread Sausage Apple Hash

So what’s a bread hash? It’s a lot like stuffing but a little less mushy.

Bread Sausage Apple Hash

This recipe has a sweet savory vibe. The sausage is balanced out with the tart/sweet apples and the flavors enhanced with a nice dose of sage.

Bread Sausage Apple Hash

Any excuse to have bread, sausage & eggs is fine with me!



November 5, 2016

My Everyday Life: Week 44

Here’s what My Everyday Life – Week 44 looked like:

Two big things happened this week- Halloween and a trip to Jamaica.

My Everyday Life - Week 44 on Shutterbean.com

Early morning flight is only worth it for sunsets.

My Everyday Life - Week 44 on Shutterbean.com

Rise above.

My Everyday Life - Week 44 on Shutterbean.com


I am so impressed by the color of your water.

I especially love how dark the horizon line is. I couldn’t get over that shade of blue.

My Everyday Life - Week 44 on Shutterbean.com

Pool glistens while Bob Marley plays in the background.

My Everyday Life - Week 44 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life - Week 44 on Shutterbean.com

Beach hair, don’t care.

My Everyday Life - Week 44 on Shutterbean.com

Synchronized swimmers out of water.

My Everyday Life - Week 44 on Shutterbean.com

Prolonged eye contact.

My Everyday Life - Week 44 on Shutterbean.com

This is Dalton. He supplied me with Doritos + gin.

He also asked me why I wasn’t leaving my room.


My Everyday Life - Week 44 on Shutterbean.com

Thinking about my family while I was gone.

My Everyday Life - Week 44 on Shutterbean.com


November 4, 2016

I love lists

I love lists // shutterbean

Welcome to I Love Lists. It’s Friday. Let’s surf the internet together!

  1. This is powerful.
  2. Our house is mostly this style- Rustic Modern
  3. I need to do a life audit.
  4. I’ve wondered about this as a lot of candy from my childhood tastes different.
  5. Make your own coconut yogurt at home. I wonder if it’s any good.
  6. Do you also wish you were married to Ina Garten?  She’d make us apple pie bars!
  7. It can totally wait.
  8. Melancholy.
  10. Martha + Snoop = AMAZING
  11. Another leopard jacket I have a crush on.
  12. This election is causing national anxiety.
  13. Millennials hate groceries? 
  14. I love Bill Murray 
  15. Could use one of these in our house and all of these things. #homebody
  16. My goal is to wake up early and do something like this.
  17. Some of these things…. I’m still learning.
  18. Wow. I didn’t know that was vegan.
  19. Vulnerability is super important.
  20. Listening to this mix as I type up this post.
  21. Dentists vs. Halloween Candy
  22. I got cheesecake. I don’t even like cheesecake.


October 31, 2016

Whole 30 Meal Ideas

Feeling bored with your Whole30 routine? Check out these Whole 30 Meal Ideas from Shutterbean.com!

OK. We talked Whole 30 Snacks last week. Today let’s talk about some of my Whole 30 Meal Ideas.

I have ideas for you. PLENTY OF THEM!!!

I’m pretty sure that if I do the Whole30 in another season, I’ll have a completely different set of options, but this is what I ate from mid September to mid October.  One of the things that changed during this process was how I ate. Instead of having three decent sized meals, I preferred to have one really large meal and two smaller meals with a few snacks thrown in to tide me over. It was a big adjustment eating more meat (we have it like twice a week tops).  The good thing about having more protein was that I was less hungry. Hence, the two smaller meals. Adjustments!

Here’s what a typical Whole30 meal looks like for me:

Meat, potato & greens.

Feeling bored with your Whole30 routine? Check out these Whole 30 Meal Ideas from Shutterbean.com!

Sometimes I just eat a bowl of greens.

Feeling bored with your Whole30 routine? Check out these Whole 30 Meal Ideas from Shutterbean.com!


October 30, 2016

My Everyday Life: Week 43

Here’s what this past week looked like

My Everyday Life: Week 43

Field trip!

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

This year the flowers were gorgeous at the pumpkin patch.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

The weather is always like this when we go. The clouds threaten with rain but they back off.

There are pumpkins to be picked.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

Don’t look inside the tunnel.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

Met a goat. Had a hard time taking pictures of it. Mostly because I didn’t want to drop my phone in there. Petting zoos freak me out. But I like goats.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

I’ve eaten my weight in persimmons this week.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

Umm. You’re not the centerpiece, Rosie.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

Take care!

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

Cooper’s babysitter made this cool watercolor.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

I tried to recreate it but I didn’t have the right paper.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

I haven’t been painting. I need to do that more.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

My fridge looked like this for half a day.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

Something I read about people with the INFJ personality type.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

Digging on roasted brussels sprouts these days.

I’ve got a few b-sprout recipes for you to try.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

Caramelizing onions.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

Adding mushrooms. This is the time of year when my body craves mushrooms.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

This face. I love this face.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

Made pulled pork this week. Turned it into tacos. I ate mine with lettuce. Still good though!

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

I’m only happy when it rains.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

I love what happens to my sun roof.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

I needed this after drop off.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

The one that got away.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

Treasures found at Salvation Army.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

The signs find me when I need them most.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

Got to meet Grace Bonney on her book tour!

In the Company of Woman is an incredible book. You gotta check it out.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

Home Sweet Home

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

Weekend Waffles for my crew.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

Spent all Saturday cleaning out my craft area.

I used to write on polaroids when I was in my early 20s.  Now there’s instagram.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

We made it so far!

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

Fog rolling in.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

On our way to get Chinese food.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

Testing out a new macro lens for my phone. Pretty crazy, huh?

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

There’s also a wide angle attachment.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

Visit to the nursery. Didn’t buy anything. Just window shopped.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

Put up a string of lights in my kitchen to make it extra cozy during rainy days.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

Started a gratitude board in my kitchen. Thank you Helen Jane!

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

I put my oven TO WORK.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

Fresh air after the rain. I thought the leaves looked beautiful…. like a painting.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 on Shutterbean.com

Let’s dip into the past:

Week 43 in 2015

Week 43 in 2014

Week 43 in 2013

Week 43 in 2012

Week 43 in 2011

October 28, 2016

I love lists

I love lists // shutterbean.com

Welcome to I love lists- It’s Friday! Let’s surf the internet together!

  1. Thank you for the tips, Ina!
  2. I’ve always wanted a cheetah coat.
  3. This is so flipping sweet.
  4. If you wanna be a zombie for Halloween this year, here’s how to do the makeup.
  5. This hotel is gorgeous. 
  6. This chipotle aioli would be so good with crispy smashed potatoes.
  7. I’m such an INFJ. A reader lead me to this and I love it.
  8. This van made me LOL.
  9. Currently refreshing my living room. Loved reading this post – this one too!
  10. This body is great. I defer to reality and order whatever size fits me best.
  11. A new Anthony Bourdain interview if you’re looking for one.
  12. This is relaxing.
  13. I had no idea.
  14. Way to go, France!
  15. Can’t wait to visit maj.
  16. Currently into this website: Motherwell
  17. 13 Rules of Female Friendships
  18. I would do this…but in black & grays
  19. My friend Sarah James wrote about Bullet Journals. Check  this out too!
  20. Kittens illustrated! Also more cats. 
  21. I love this perspective.
  22. Please say there will be a hot toddy in your weekend.