September 20, 2016

Avocado Kimchi Toast

This isn't ordinary avocado toast. It's Avocado Kimchi Toast with a spicy tahini drizzle. Find recipe at Shutterbean.com

I’ve been doing this whole food blogging thing for almost 10 years (!!!) and I’ve seen my fair share of cookbooks. It’s not often that a cookbook wows me. Julia Turshen’s book, Small Victories definitely wows me. Like… really wows me.

This isn't ordinary avocado toast. It's Avocado Kimchi Toast with a spicy tahini drizzle. Find recipe at Shutterbean.com

Julia proves that the kitchen isn’t an intimidating place if you focus on all of the small victories (like pitting an avocado!) that happen day in and day out. It’s much like life, isn’t it?

This isn't ordinary avocado toast. It's Avocado Kimchi Toast with a spicy tahini drizzle. Find recipe at Shutterbean.com

I’ve been on a spicy/pickled kick lately and this avocado kimchi toast recipe definitely went on the MUST MAKE NOW LIST. It’s not your ordinary avocado toast. It’s extraordinary. Spicy kimchi is topped on avocado smashed toast. There’s a spicy tahini drizzle on top with cilantro and sesame seeds. I definitely had a hard time sharing…


September 18, 2016

My Everyday Life: Week 37

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 37

We drove down to Laguna Beach to celebrate Kara + Matt.

My Everyday Life: Week 37 on Shutterbean.com

It was so nice to be right on the beach. I’ve never had a room with a view like this before.



My Everyday Life: Week 37 on Shutterbean.com

I had the beef.  It was good.



My Everyday Life: Week 37 on Shutterbean.com

“Mom, never turn your back to the waves.”

My Everyday Life: Week 37 on Shutterbean.com



Shadows that caught my eye.

My Everyday Life: Week 37 on Shutterbean.com

The sunset makes the palm tree trunks bright orange.

My Everyday Life: Week 37 on Shutterbean.com

He set this one up for me.

My Everyday Life: Week 37 on Shutterbean.com

I threw my back out this week. Not fun when you spend 9 hours in the car.


September 16, 2016

I love lists

I love lists // shutterbean

Welcome to I love Lists!!! Let’s surf the internet together!

  1. Loved reading this re: creativity
  2. Cord Organizing Tips & Tricks
  3. I should have written this….dangit.
  4. Cooper and I watch Diner, Drive-Ins & Dives.
  5. Olive Oil Cake Cookies!
  6. I’ve been working on parenting downtime myself.
  7. Why we give teachers apples.
  8. Whoa these ladies are living.
  9. I used to LOVE finding gems in textbooks!
  10. I had no idea that California has a wild horse problem!
  11. This photo series is pretty cool.
  12. Magnet MAGIC!
  13. Kid’s drawings….can be somewhat QUESTIONABLE at times.
  14. Cooper and I watch these TED-Ed videos together. Love them.
  15. Intuitive Eating– I just really love that overhead shot.
  16. I miss Stacy London.
  17. For the book lover
  18. Is it too early to start looking at calendars? Who am I kidding? I’m always looking at them.
  19. This is pretty cool!
  20. My hometown is beautiful.
  21. I wish I was in London right now.
  22. Omg this cake.


September 15, 2016

Linen Closet Organization

Linen Closet Organization! See more on Shutterbean.com

I wouldn’t say the messiest closet in my house is the linen closet. It’s actually my prop closet, which I hope to tackle soon (another post! another time!). My closet in my bedroom is still going strong (yay!). The linen closet? Ummm. It’s probably the second messiest  closet because I’m constantly in there and when I’m in a rush, things get unkempt. I also have a few people in my house who go in and get bandages from the first-aid kit and leave wrappers on the floor…adding to the mess. Who could that be?! I wonder. 🙂


September 13, 2016

Veggie Cream Cheese Bagels


We’re baaaaaaaaaaaack in the mix with school. I’ve been making Cooper’s lunches the night before school so I am not rushing around in the morning like a chicken with it’s head cut off. That seems extreme, but if you have children, you know the morning chaos all too well. Hopefully I can keep up this habit!


Here’s a quick lunch idea. Mini bagels with veggie cream cheese! And look what you can do with the cream cheese. Put it on cucumber slices, crackers or even on celery! What I’ve learned about making lunches is that it’s all about shaking things up.


September 11, 2016

My Everyday Life: Week 36

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life: Week 36

Treat yourself to breakfast. You deserve it.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

The reason why I am late in posting this week’s photos.

Adult kickball with a lot of booze. Mama has been in slow motion today. Ugh.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

Finished last night at the Peso….which was probably a bad idea.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

Find Ella.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

There she is in a small patch of light.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

Sunday is my laundry day.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

Things lined up.

Processed with Snapseed.

I spelled calories wrong. Typewriters don’t have spell check.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

Here kitty kitty.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

Spent all Friday night working on a book.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

Lunch with my dad. We split a salad and a sandwich. My dad gave me a pep talk.

I really needed one. I also really needed all those fries.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

Popsicle + whiskey= Friday Times

Processed with Snapseed.

Afternoon sun.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

Back to School Night tradition.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

Those drinks were bomb.

Processed with Snapseed.

So golden.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

I didn’t take many pictures this week… but when I did it was mostly of my cats.

Look at how Rosie fills out that bowl.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

This is the same bowl with my robe in it. Look at how little Ella is.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

Walked through a cemetery.  Some of the people were born in the late 1800s.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

Teach them young.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

He’s not wrong about sharing food….with someone who is sick.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

I miss the rain….mostly because I love puddle reflections.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

Peachy smoothies for a play date.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

Last minute dinner situation.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

Early morning wake up.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

My work buddy.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

Inspiration at Jonathan Adler.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

I brought home some coasters.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

A smoothie bowl that should have just been in a cup. Too melty. But vibrant!

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

I know, Rosie. I know.

Processed with Snapseed.

Coffee date with Emily from Cupcakes & Cashmere.  

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

She’s even more awesome in person. I love that we both grew up in the same area.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

Standing on top of a table shooting a fallen pie. As one does.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

A moment of quiet.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com.

Lucky boy.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

Lucky me.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

He found the light in a hardware store.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

Play date with my friend Helen Jane. It was one of those days when I had so much fun that I didn’t take a picture because my phone was off in another room.

I love days like that. I need more days like that!

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

My babies from the Alameda Flea last week.

My Everyday Life: Week 36 on Shutterbean.com

Let’s take a trip down memory lane:

Week 36 in 2015

Week 36 in 2014

Week 36 in 2013

Week 36 in 2012

Week 36 in 2011

September 9, 2016

I love lists

I love lists // shutterbean

Happy Friday! I Love Lists! Let’s surf the internet together:

  1. I’ve had my fair share of introvert hangovers.
  2. Hello, handwriting porn.
  3. Acts of kindness. People never forget!
  4. Also students can be so sweet!!!
  5. I wish I could draw like this.
  6. Yup- I do that with Kit Kats (#20)
  7. Hello, dream home.
  8. This video. THIS VIDEO!
  9. I love looking at pictures of my friend Bev’s house.
  10. Burning Man in the 90s. OMG.
  11. Speaking of…. How was Burning Man??
  12. You can rent the Full House house for 14k a month….
  13. Give Negative Feedback Positively– always working on this!
  14. I am going to try to go camping this Fall.
  15. This dress is so pretty. Swoon.
  16. Cool websites: Rowan Made   Unsplash
  17. I love Tom Hanks.
  18. A pouch that is SO ME.
  19. Take me to this place.
  20. Raquel Welch is still a bombshell at 76
  21. I chuckled a few times while reading this.
  22. Some cool backgrounds to shake up your desktop.
  23. This is so rad. I want a pen pal. I miss pen pals. How do we pen pal??!
  24. Omg I laughed out loud with #7
  25. Ben & Jerry’s has a legit graveyard for retired flavors.