August 14, 2016

My Everyday Life: Week 32

Here’s what My Everyday Life – Week 32 looked like:

Sunflowers on the table. Baseball game on TV. This is Summer in the Benjamin household.

My Everyday Life - Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

Thanks, trunk.

My Everyday Life - Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

I had a ladies craft night this week. I am going to be editing photos of that soon.

It was so much fun.

My Everyday Life - Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

Meow meows.

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Lil Ella.

My Everyday Life - Week 33 on Shutterbean.com

Recipe for One Potato. This is part of my grocery list.

My Everyday Life - Week 33 on Shutterbean.com


August 12, 2016

I Love Lists

I love lists // shutterbean

Welcome to I love lists! Let’s surf the internet together:

  1. This is the greatest news ever.
  2. I hope I can make Cooper a cool space like this one day.
  3. Some major inspiration from literature.
  4. I wish I could see this in person.
  5. Fat cats + cat puns
  6. I kinda want to make one of these.
  7. For future reference.
  8. Filing this cake under YUM.
  9. A wonderful studio transformation.
  10. Best things to eat in SF.
  11. Put this book on my to read list.
  12. Plant pot porn.  Sorry that sounds weird.
  13. I want this in Leo for my birthday. Also this too.
  14. Rescued Film Project
  15. This would be handy for an air plant.
  16. Buildings that represent what they sell.
  17. If you’re into makeup dupes
  18. OMG these cocktail pops look bonkers.
  19. The prettiest shave ice I’ve ever seen.
  20. When I was a kid I saved up for the Caruso Molecular Hair Curlers. They were my everything.
  21. I’ve saved $1k by doing a lot of my shopping at Thrive Market this year. CRAZY!

My friend Andrea posted this on her facebook wall. 

It made me laugh. I mean…have times really changed that much?

August 10, 2016

Gluten Free Blueberry Cornmeal Muffins

Gluten Free Blueberry Cornmeal Muffins for your weekday breakfasts. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com!

I don’t want to look at the calendar right now because it means we are really close to Summer coming to an end and the school hustle will set in and before you know it, I’ll have an 8 year old and then it’s Christmas and AHHHHHHHH.  I just had to pause and catch my breath. Oh, wait. My birthday is coming up. I will be in my late 30s. Closer to 40. Not freaking out about THAT or anything. Don’t want to talk about that week where I woke up drenched in sweat. Nope. Let’s not discuss that. Don’t want to talk about how my hair stylist cut too much hair off and now my dreams of having an a-line bob are shattered…until I grow all that hair back again. Not a bummer AT ALL.

Gluten Free Blueberry Cornmeal Muffins for your weekday breakfasts. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com!

Let me show you one of my coping mechanisms. It’s called BAKING! I don’t normally use this coping mechanism because it coincides with another one of my coping mechanisms- EATING and then all of sudden I’m working on two coping mechanisms at once and things are alllllllllllllllllllllll crazy up in my world. Willpower has to find its way in somehow….

Gluten Free Blueberry Cornmeal Muffins for your weekday breakfasts. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com!

Really, I’m fine. I swear. I wanted to have something to get excited about for breakfast this week. Enter these Gluten Free Blueberry Cornmeal Muffins. They’re actually made mostly with almond flour. They taste like a cross between a cornbread muffin, a blueberry muffin and a bran muffin. But there’s something about the egg that makes it kinda like a macaron.  The top is crispy and the insides are studded with juicy blueberries. I want to eat one warm, in a bowl with a dollop of Greek yogurt on top.

BTW, in this food fantasy, I’m not stress eating it. Just enjoying it…like a non stressed person eating a delicious muffin.


August 8, 2016

Raspberry Cornmeal Cobbler

Raspberry fans! This Raspberry Cornmeal Cobbler is for YOU! Check out the recipe on Shutterbean.com

Raspberries are one of my favorite fruits. I could seriously eat three pints in one sitting if given the chance.

I probably have.

Raspberry fans! This Raspberry Cornmeal Cobbler is for YOU! Check out the recipe on Shutterbean.com

I recently bought The Broad Fork Cookbook  after seeing Hugh Acheson talk at the Food & Wine event Aspen. ASSSSSSSPEN. I can’t say that word without an accent. I have mad respect for a chef who carries around a journal to write & draw in. Oh and he also wears crazy socks. So, yeah. Big fan. Also, this cookbook is all about vegetables so thanks for speaking my love language, Hugh.

Raspberry fans! This Raspberry Cornmeal Cobbler is for YOU! Check out the recipe on Shutterbean.com

This cobbler is exceptional. It’s alllllllll about the cornmeal. It’s like a cross between gooey cornbread and a cobbler and underneath you’ll find lemon scented juicy hot raspberries.  I know what you’re having for breakfast this week! Scoop a little into your Greek yogurt this week or just stand over your kitchen counter and eat the cobbler out of the pan with a spoon. It’s what I did.


August 7, 2016

My Everyday Life : Week 31

Here’s what My Everyday Life- Week 31 looked like:

Current mood. Actually I am so freaking tired because we went camping this weekend!

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

I can’t believe how much work is involved in camping!!!! SO MANY TO DO LISTS.

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

Here’s our site. We ended up in Manchester, California.

Not too shabby for being SO INCREDIBLY LAST MINUTE.

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

Bonus was that there was a beach near our campsite.

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

The con?  No showers. Oops. Thanks, dry shampoo!

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

Ahhhh. Fresh beach air.

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

We had so much fun camping with family. Casey’s dad was in town from CT and we went with Casey’s brother, his wife, his son & daughter.

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

We built a fort on the beach.

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

Father  +  Son shenanigans.

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

S’mores patrol.

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

I ate so many.

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

Don’t ask me to shuck corn. I am not good at it.

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

Dinner first night!

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

A little detail on the tablecloth I dyed for our trip.

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

My nephew drove me to the store. It’s so weird that he drives now!

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

Cocktails + campfires

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

Night time adventure walk in the fog.

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com



My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

Wildflower gathering with my niece.

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

We made our campsite pretty with bouquets!

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

I like to pop these seaweed things by stepping on them.

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

Reminded me of the moon.

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

The introvert corner.

Which actually just turned into the lady section of our campsite.

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

I spent the afternoon coloring with my niece. HEAVEN.

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

Worked with this color scheme.

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

And this one.

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

View from our tent.

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

I was in charge of tacos! AND FINALLY A SALAD!!!

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

The moon was pretty. Too bad I couldn’t capture it.

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

Stayed up late with the guys drinking whiskey.

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

Leftovers breakfast!

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

From a hike this week.


French toast is his favorite breakfast.

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

I love the shadows in the summer.

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

We watched a night time bike race!

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

And visited our old neighbors who hosted us and made us ceviche + margaritas!

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

So happy to be home.

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

Too sweet.

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

We only have a short time together before school starts. I am trying to savor it.

I will miss reading and having lunch together.

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

Bed head.

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

I am so excited to hear that so many of you made the Cold Sesame Noodles I posted last week!

I am so glad you liked it!

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

Up close.

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

My favorite fuzzy things.

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

Schmoops.  They’re still working on their relationship.

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

I have a fantastic raspberry recipe coming at you this week! Stay tuned.

My Everyday Life : Week 32 on Shutterbean.com

Let’s look into the past!


August 5, 2016

I love lists

I love lists // shutterbean


Welcome to I love Lists! Let’s surf the internet together:

  1. Some insight from a divorce lawyer re: marriage
  2. Must go to this art show.
  3. What do you think of Instagram Stories?  I was just getting used to snapchat!
  4. This one is for my brother.
  5. Some of these are actually funny.
  6. Mmmm this looks good.
  7. Love these writing prompts. Totes maj.
  8. Currently listening to this while working.
  9. You can put granola on salad! 
  10. Dresses that caught my eye: one / two / three
  11. We’re not going to drive ourselves in the future + this bus is real!
  12. Bad Moms is offensive to bad moms.
  13. Pretty towels & the most perfect wedding gift.
  14. I can’t believe how pretty this is.
  15. You must be over 40 to be an intern here. RAD.
  16. Note to self.
  17. We have a couple of maps in our house but I want more!
  18. Paper food!
  19. For when you need design inspiration.
  20. Breaking your worst work habits. Ugh. Too real.
  21. This pleases my OCD brain + this too!

Recipes for your weekend:

August 3, 2016

Cold Sesame Noodles

Cold Sesame Noodles are incredibly versatile. Pair them with your favorite protein. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

Can’t you picture Nigella Lawson eating Cold Sesame Noodles out of the fridge late at night on her television show? Remember Nigella’s show? She is probably one of the reasons I got into the food world in the first place. I binged watched her before we even had a DVR. That means I watched Nigella marathons… commercials & all.  Nigella always drew me in because I loved watching her cook and eat with reckless abandon. A total pioneer for us domestic goddesses. Yeah I just typed domestic goddess. Settle into it. I’m closer to 40 now. Why did I type that?!!

Cold Sesame Noodles are incredible versatile. Pair them with your favorite protein. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

I made this dish. I stood in the kitchen eating several forks full out of the bowls you see here. One bite turned into several and I think you know the kind of bites I’m talking about. The one where you’re “just checking the balance.”  Or the one bite with a little more cucumber and then the next with more carrots.  The bite where you drizzle a little sriracha on top.  The one where you take leftover grilled shrimp from the fridge to see how that goes. The bite that’s your last bite…the perfect bite…the one you wish didn’t ever have to end.

Cold Sesame Noodles are incredible versatile. Pair them with your favorite protein. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

This is one of those dishes that makes you so happy to see in the fridge…waiting for you after a long day at work. Although standing in front of the fridge in a silky robe while eating these noodles dish is entirely optional, I fully encourage you to give it a try.