I wrote a post on Books to Inspire Healthy Eating and you know what? I’m starting to eat healthier!
I totally put starting in italics.
I typed that right after taking a sip of a turmeric carrot juice, ginger beer bourbon concoction from a flimsy paper straw that looks like graph paper. #cryforhelp #retoxdetox
Back to this health thing.
First recipe I tried from the Bondi Harvest cookbook is a success.
Did it trigger that part in my brain that likes green things? YES IT DID.
One of my favorite things about broccoli is that it does a great job of soaking up whatever sauce/dressing it’s tossed with.
I always add them into stir fry situations for that very fact. That’s also why I hog the broccoli and my family only gets the beef part when we order Broccoli Beef. Sorry family! I have a feeling they’re secretly thanking me.
This dressing is a citrus ginger explosion. There’s a little bit of heat with a jalapeño. It helps round out flavor profile. The creamy avocado and the crunch almonds give this salad some great depth. So many flavors. So many textures. Coconut oil seems like a lot, but it works! You’re suddenly in a trance and you think french fries are a bad idea. You’re all healthy in this moment. This moment of eating this big ole green salad.
It might be the Reset Button Salad of 2016 because HOLY CALIBRATION, Batman. My body is like YES because my taste buds are activated and satisfied.
That could also be the bourbon talking.