June 27, 2016

Summer Capsule Wardrobe 2016

Summer Capsule Wardrobe on Shutterbean.com!

Ok. New season. New outfit choices. Thank the LAWWWWWD because I got really bored with my clothes and couldn’t wait to switch things up.

Let’s talk about my Spring Capsule Wardrobe. We had a love/hate relationship. I liked the ideas of some of the outfits but the weather was all over the place and part of me wasn’t ready to wear the skirts I selected.   I ended up wearing the same thing (jeans + tee)  a lot instead of working with the variety of pieces I chose.

Honestly, I really didn’t have a hold of my calendar and the last few months of the school year were hectic so I was just like mehhhhhhh whatever fits and whatever is clean WAS my fashion statement. I’m ready to start a new season with a new outlook.

These are some of the looks I pulled for this Summer to inspire my summer wardrobe.

I started a Summer Capsule Wardrobe Pinterest Board here.

Summer Capsule Wardrobe on Shutterbean.com!

My Summer fashion goals? COMFORT 100%.   I want easy breezy outfits with soft/lightweight material. No pants…but an occasional boyfriend jean situation if I need to run to the store or am working on a project. Nothing that clings and NO BODY CON stuff.  I can’t believe I just typed the words body con. Now that I think of it,  summer might be one of my favorite seasons to dress for because I can easily go back to the Modern Hippie vibe I love so much because it’s allllll about long skirts/dresses with statement piece necklaces. Simple/carefree/modern/hippie with comfort and ease.

Here’s some Modern Hippie Inspiration for you if you wanna know what I’m talking about.


June 26, 2016

My Everyday Life: Week 25

Here’s what My Everyday Life Week 25 looked like:


Ella and Rosie!


This is Rosie.

My Everyday Life Week 25 on Shutterbean.com

This is Ella.

My Everyday Life Week 25 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life Week 25 on Shutterbean.com

Trees that look like lollipops.

My Everyday Life Week 25 on Shutterbean.com


June 24, 2016

Chocolate Peanut Butter Popsicles

Chocolate Peanut Butter Popsicles made with chunks of peanut butter cookie, peanut butter cups and a drizzle of peanut butter in each popsicle! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

It’s #popsicleweek ! More like popsicle weekend…cuz I’m late!!  My submission? These Chocolate Peanut Butter Popsicles.  Not sure if they’re super photogenic but DANG they’re good.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Popsicles made with chunks of peanut butter cookie, peanut butter cups and a drizzle of peanut butter in each popsicle! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com Chocolate Peanut Butter Popsicles made with chunks of peanut butter cookie, peanut butter cups and a drizzle of peanut butter in each popsicle! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

Not only do they have pieces of peanut butter cups in them, but there’s also a swirl of creamy peanut butter, AND peanut butter cookies up in.  Have you ever had frozen cookies?

They’re the best. I always stash a few in our freezer for safe keeping. Here’s a little side note-  I saw a parent hack the other day where someone had put all of their candy stash in a frozen vegetable bag in the freezer because their kids would NEVER think to look in there. Genius, right?!  I am going to have to put a few of these in a bag of frozen corn we have. Actually…can someone just figure out how to hide them from me so I don’t eat them all? Please/thank you.


June 24, 2016

I love lists

I LOVE LISTS // shutterbean

Welcome to I LOVE LISTS FRIDAY! Let’s surf the internet together:

  1. The Intentional Summer
  2. These croutons sound AMAZING
  3. I am so impressed by this project/design/website. I want this VAN!
  4. The State of the Domestic Goddess. (I miss Nigella)
  5. Getting comfortable with saying NO.
  6. On keeping the illusion of Disney alive.
  7. I want to make coconut bacon.
  8. Packing for one week away.
  9. How could you not notice all the innuendos in kid’s shows? I’m on high alert!
  10. I freaking love camping hacks even though I don’t go camping.
  11. The cutest flag project. I want this on my wall!
  12. Summer Goal: Host Outdoor Movie Night
  13. To eat: Blueberry Slab Pie + Funnel Cake
  14. Stalking this website...curious about professional organizers! These ones are local.
  15. I love Aaron Sorkin- THIS LOOKS RAD!
  16. My spirit vegetable is a Chioggia Beet
  17. One person’s obsession with healthy living blogs.
  18. For bloggers wanting to know how much to charge, here’s a formula.
  19. Starting to take yoga classes online. My maj introduced me to this site.
  20. 2016 is the year of the Mac N’ Cheetos. AHHHH.

Things that caught my eye:

June 23, 2016

Currently: June 2016

Currently : June 2016 on Shutterbean.com!

Currently I am:

Wondering if you’d like to see my stream of consciousness in list form. HERE IT IS.

Tired from travel…getting back in the routine SLOWLY but surely.

Happy that I don’t have to wake up at 6:30AM until end of August.

Taking my time in the mornings. Not eating breakfast right away (it’s hard).

Fostering the love between two cats. THAT’S RIGHT WE HAVE TWO NOW.

Contemplating switching fonts on my blog. I don’t think this one suits me.

Dreaming about a legit vacation with my family involving a lake or beach.

Fantasizing about cherry pie filling…and ice cream.

Wondering if I’ll ever see a game at Fenway Park.

Trying to eat less carbs. The struggle is real. #ihadpizzalastnight

Finishing unpacking from my Aspen trip. I usually unpack the day of. #tired

Working my way out of a creative rut. Trying new mediums.

Figuring out how I can plan a monthly ladies craft night at my house.

Needing to wash the outside of my car SO BAD.

Drowning in paper piles. WHY DO I HAVE SO MANY?!!!

Getting more photo gigs and am excited about that.

Trying to finish working on my Summer Capsule Wardrobe….thinking about how nudists don’t make capsule wardrobes.

Enjoying my time on snapchat (name: tshutterbean). You get to see my weirdo brain there- also CATS.

Looking for a lighter robe situation for the summer/missing my winter robe.

Not feeling like cooking. Well…maybe I feel like grilling. Just grilling.

Working on a book proposal… second guessing myself.

Downloading software and apps to help the process but getting sucked in by new software.

Trying to stay on top of deleting photos off my phone I don’t need. Kinda failing.

Figuring out new ways to procrastinate….that don’t cost money.

Rearranging things on our deck to make a good hangout place.

Obsessively pinning things to these two boards: New Old House + Out Doors

Bleaching & dyeing all of the things.

Starting the new season of Orange is the New Black.

Researching: comfortable sandals, essential oils for bug bites, linen sheets, eye cream

Wondering why my husband and child have SO MANY BASEBALL HATS.

Measuring things out for a project. Wondering how I will shoot such a small space.

Dealing with a cat who pees all over the place. My past cats never did that.

Healing the gut of a cat who has IBS– also new to me.

Pondering the state of our country…WHY ARE WE HERE?!

Wondering what you’d like to see here and how I can be useful to you.

Remembering that my birthday is soon. AHHH.

Remembering that my child’s birthday is relatively soon and how it always sneaks up on me right after we start the new school year.

Trying not to eat all the popsicles I made for you this week for #popsicleweek.

Wondering when I will have time to write that post up. Look out, Saturday.

Again, trying not to eat carbs and realizing the popsicles have peanut butter cookies in them.

Writing out some classes I’d like to teach.

Excited for my brother & sister-in-law to visit this weekend.

Thinking about making an ice cream cake.

In awe that July is coming up.

-June 2016

Feel free to type up your currently stream of consciousness in the comments.

It feels good…like a nice brain massage for people who love lists.

June 21, 2016

Out & About: Aspen, CO

A trip to the Food & Wine Classic in Aspen. Check out Out & About: Aspen CO on Shutterbean.com!

Last Wednesday I flew to Aspen, Colorado to attend the Food & Wine Classic with my maj.

Joy was on assignment for American Express and I got the opportunity tag along. (YAY MAJ TIME!!!)  It was an incredible trip. There were moments of relaxation, mixed with work, altitude wooziness and non-stop laughter. Oh yes…there was also FOOD AND WINE.


But mostly, there was pause–pause from my everyday life. There was time to reflect on my life and what my current sense of home/place is. There was time to myself- something I don’t think I’ve had that in a really long time.

Ummm….I had 7 hours in a hotel room all to myself…with no one talking to me or needing anything from me.


My Everyday Life Week 24 on Shutterbean.com

Honestly, traveling is sometimes scary for me because I get anxiety about packing and getting to the airport on time. I get hung up on checking bags and not checking bags and then I always take a smaller suitcase to challenge myself to pack lightly but then I forget things… There’s a lack of control in traveling that’s both good and bad for someone like me. I’m a person who is early to the airport and loses my plane ticket every 5 minutes because I don’t put it back in the right pocket. Traveling is annoying and cumbersome at times,  but being away from home and experiencing something new is so good for my soul. It’s important for me to step out of my comfort zone, so I can have a deeper appreciation of my everyday life. Being away makes me miss my routine. It also recharges my creativity, which is something I have been struggling with lately. So YAY, VACATION. Even more YAY that I was able to have girl time with my best friend.

Aspen!  Here’s what I experienced:


June 20, 2016

Summer Bucket List 2016

Summer Bucket List 2016 on Shutterbean.com

It’s Summer Bucket List TIME!! Here’s what we plotted out on our bucket list last year. Remember that?

This year I had Cooper sit down and write his own bucket list with me. We talked about the summer, about our intentions, and what we wanted to do. Hopefully we can get it all done this summer and add a few more things along the way. I always love going back and seeing what we did together as a family during the summer.


Summer Bucket List 2016 on Shutterbean.com

  1. Beach adventures
  2. Outdoor movie nights
  3. Read 2 Books (I’m open to suggestions!)
  4. Trip to Tahoe
  5. Make recipes with Cooper (excited because he actually wants to!!)
  6. Make stop motion videos (with Cooper)
  7. Go through Cooper’s closet (I need to purge!)
  8. Cuddle cats (Ella’s sister will be coming home with us soon-squee!)
  9. Weekly library visits (especially the Mill Valley library)
  10. Last minute road trip (Oregon? Santa Cruz? Idaho? Who knows….)
  11. Art class with Cooper (we’re planning on taking something on Creativebug together)
  12. SFMOMA visit
  13. Create laundry room shelves
  14. BBQs at our house
  15. Baseball game (go Red Sox!)


Now let’s take a look at Cooper’s:

Summer Bucket List 2016 on Shutterbean.com

  1. Read (love that it’s #1)
  2. Make stop motion videos (he’s really into making them with his legos on our iPad)
  3. Have a lot of playdates
  4. Go to the Beach (yes!)
  5. Baseball camp
  6. Make recipes (he spelled it resipes- SO CUTE)
  7. Make home made ice cream
  8. Go to Scandia
  9. Play golf in a golf cart (hehe)
  10. Go to Circus Circus in Tahoe (it’s in Reno, boo)
  11. Go to Boston Red Sox vs. Oakland A’s game
  12. Go to Discovery Museum
  13. Go to Benny Hannah (Benihana) (I love when kids misspell things)
  14. Go to Hooters (he spelled it Hotters and OMG Casey took him and he LOVES their hot wings! HA!)

Hope this inspires you to write down your own list of what you plan to do this summer!