February 1, 2016

Around the Home: Closet Organization

Around the Home- Closet Organization- Before & After Photos on Shutterbean.com

Remember when I was talking about Habits at the beginning of the year? I had this really bad habit of leaving piles of clothes everywhere in our bedroom. It annoyed the heck out of me but I couldn’t ever figure out what to wear and I never made the time to put things back where they belong. I really wanted to see if I could do a capsule wardrobe this winter and in doing so I created so many new/good habits!  I owe it all to the foundation I created in my organized closet.

After living this way for 3-ish weeks I can now say:

  • I put my clothes back where they belong
  • I don’t have piles of clothes all over the place
  • I haven’t felt like I’ve got nothing to wear & I’m not wasting precious time in the morning trying clothes on
  • I’ve managed my shopping impulses and only buy things I need- which is almost nothing
  • I love walking into my closet because it’s clean & I have focus
  • My head is filled with less clutter because I have less to manage

So, let me show you the before. BTW- I am not really good at taking before photos. I realized this a few years ago because when I get an impulse to clean, I just right in and then I’m always like OH CRAP! We’re doing this. I forgot to take pictures!

So this “before photo” is right before I created my winter capsule wardrobe—


January 30, 2016

My Everyday Life: Week 4

Here’s what My Everyday Life – Week 4 looked like:

I love cacti.

My Everyday Life Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

A trip to the nursery after school.

My Everyday Life Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

We met a cat named Azriel.

My Everyday Life Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

On the way to Ikea.


East Bay sunset.

My Everyday Life Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

Hoping I don’t get splashed.

My Everyday Life Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

First thing I made in our newly painted kitchen.

My Everyday Life Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

Second thing I made in our kitchen. CHILI.

My Everyday Life Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

It was goooooood.

My Everyday Life Week 4 on Shutterbean.com


January 29, 2016

I love lists Friday!

I love lists Friday on Shutterbean.com

Welcome to I Love Lists Friday! Let’s surf the internet together:

  1. My dad is…
  2. Hello, dream bathroom.
  3. Growing up with siblings. Too real!
  4. Organizing tips I’m reading through right now.
  5. His reaction made me laugh.
  6. I can’t believe it’s been 30 years since the Challenger Space Shutter Disaster 
  7. Love this planner download design & was cool to see what other planners people like.
  8. What a clever/simple way to decorate treat bags.
  9. I want this for my library book bag.
  10. These photos make me want to travel.
  11. When you know your maj is family. 
  12. Best job ever.
  13. I want to make these this weekend.
  14. These drone photos look like the movie Inception.
  15. Whoa. THIS CLOUD.
  16. Vacation Goals.
  17. This home is lovely.
  18. The Most Beautiful Building in Every State
  19. I know a few people who have been telling me this for years….
  20. Instagram has changed the way Chefs think about food.
  21. Apparently I have a photographic memory (A+)
  22. # 5!!!  I kinda figured that but I totally forgot.
  23. Superbowl + hot wings = true love
  24. How to Basically Freeze Anything! Bookmarking this one.
  25. Regret not.
January 27, 2016

The Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich

What makes this The Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich? The hash browns that sandwich homemade breakfast sausage, egg & cheese. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com!

On the weekends I crave breakfast sandwiches. Sometimes I sit on the couch with my coffee and try to will one to appear. Actually, I am trying to send Casey some mental vibes…like in my head I’m yelling GET ME A BREAKFAST SANDWICH (in a sweet voice, though).  It never works. I take that back. It only works when we’re hungover but then we have to motivate each other to get in the car and pick one up. And then there’s this mental warfare of like should I? Shouldn’t I? How am I gonna feel? Is that stuff really food?  I suppose that’s why it’s a no brainer to get a breakfast sandwich when we leave on road trips. You just carry on with your business and don’t have wrappers in your trash at home…staring at you all day.

What makes this The Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich? The hash browns that sandwich homemade breakfast sausage, egg & cheese. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com!

I was looking through the latest Bon Appetit magazine and this recipe for Homemade Breakfast Sausage caught my eye… It’s an ingredient to their “Best Breakfast Sandwich.”  Well, yes. Thank you for luring me in like a moth to a flame, BA.

What makes this The Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich? The hash browns that sandwich homemade breakfast sausage, egg & cheese. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com!

So, when I’m sitting on the couch fantasizing about breakfast sandwiches, I often think about omitting the bread and sandwiching sausage, cheese & egg in between two crispy hash brown patties. Here it is and IT IS THE ULTIMATE BREAKFAST SANDWICH. Don’t fight me on this.  Welcome to Indulgentville. Population 2.  We’re saving this beauty for special occasions….like I drank too much bourbon on a Friday night and it’s Saturday morning and I want something super savory and need you to make me a coffee before I talk to you k thanks bye, occasion.


January 25, 2016

Turkey White Bean Chili

Turkey White Bean Chili for those long winter nights! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

Our kitchen is done and I can’t wait to show you! Here’s the BEFORE if you don’t know what I’m talking about. Yesterday I spent all day putting things away. It almost felt like we moved and we were unpacking. I traveled to the grocery store to fill up our cabinets with essentials for the week, hoping to escape the wrath of the Patriots game. Ugh. But I came home with the ingredients to make this Turkey White Bean Chili and somehow it lessened the blow.


Turkey White Bean Chili for those long winter nights! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

Chili is just an excuse to eat alllllllll the toppings.  I love them all.

Turkey White Bean Chili for those long winter nights! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

This chili will only get better as days go on. For day one, I was super impressed. If you like hearty, spicy chili, this recipe is for you. Now if you need me, I’ll be sitting here staring at my kitchen cabinets.


January 24, 2016

My Everyday Life: Week 3

Here’s what My Everyday Life Week 3 looked like:

Yes. Yes. Thank you for this reminder, universe.

My Everyday Life : Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

Foggy morning hike with Lisa.

My Everyday Life : Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

We took another route and it paid off.

My Everyday Life : Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

Like a painting.

My Everyday Life : Week 4 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life : Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

SO HAPPY to be there.

My Everyday Life : Week 4 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life : Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

I had to coach him through it, but he did it. I knew he could.

My Everyday Life : Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

He comes up to me for snuggles.

My Everyday Life : Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

I love it so much.

My Everyday Life : Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

No more wire hangers.

My Everyday Life : Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

Happy Happy HAPPY Joy.

My Everyday Life : Week 4 on Shutterbean.com

Hell yeah.

My Everyday Life : Week 4 on Shutterbean.com


January 22, 2016

I love lists Friday!

I love lists Friday on Shutterbean.com!

Welcome to I Love Lists Friday!  Let’s surf the internet together.

  1. These displays are sooooooooo pleasing to the eyes. Ahhhhhh.
  2. This home is in my area and I’m gonna look for it. It’s gorgeous.
  3. What’s new in dietary guidelines?
  4. If only I looked this cute when I cleaned….
  5. This little girl’s room is so freaking cute.
  6. Marriage & sleep schedules.
  7. Chai CUPCAKES!!!!!!
  8. I enjoyed reading Emily’s thoughts on current kitchen trends
  9. Bought a few of these printables for my binder. Love the design.
  10. I can really see the panda when I scroll down.
  11. Habits of people who have kept weight off.
  12. Starting to think about Valentine’s Day…..love this.
  13. The Addams family living room was actually pink. Crazy.
  14. I secretly love reading stuff like this.
  15. Grown ass ladies making tiny homes!
  16. Cool photography tricks.
  17. I was super into Kevin Arnold as a kid…..
  18. Make sure to catch a glimpse of the sky this month
  19. What are you binge watching right now? 
  20. This made me wanna hug my mom tight.
  21. Soooooooo many dots. I love it.
  22. How to Organize a Fridge. I’m working on my own system currently.
  23. History of Medicine — Today it’s just me on the phone for almost an hour because my health insurance’s website doesn’t work.