I’m always trying to take flavor combinations my child likes and apply them to other things. Like, my little man loves orange chicken and he also loves ribs. So, let’s turn ribs into an orange chicken hybrid with this Orange Soy Glazed Rib recipe. Seems like it will work, right?

Instead of starting from the ground up and making our own BBQ sauce, we enhance our favorite BBQ sauce with orange zest, fresh orange juice & soy sauce. Sesame seed addition to the end because we’re fancy.
In retrospect, I should have left a few pieces without sesame seeds, because the boy did not approve.
He loved it all except for the sesame seeds.
Life’s not fair, man. Sometimes you just have to eat them.

To be totally honest, I really just made these ribs because I CANNOT WAIT FOR WARMER WEATHER AND TO START GRILLING SEASON. There… I said it. I mean, I am glad we’re getting rain (we need it!), but I am kinda getting excited for the leisurely outdoor dinners coming up soon.
For now, I will turn on my oven broiler and pretend my feet are freezing and eat these while wrapped up in my fluffy robe. Anyways- make these! It’s a new/flavorful spin on an old favorite. Discerning husband & picky child approved.