February 14, 2016

My Everyday Life: Week 6

Here’s what My Everyday Life Week 6 looked like:

We said goodbye to Pinot on Friday night. My heart broke.

My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

I see signs of cats everywhere now. I almost cried when we were walking past the pet section at Target today.

My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

This was the last picture I took of her… She had heart failure. We had two more weeks with her than we expected. She was so tough. I loved her with all of my heart and I’d give anything to hold her right now 🙁

My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

We adventure in the thicket.

My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

Lettuce party.

My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

Casey was trying to show Cooper how to draw a wine glass on our driveway.

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Proof that there’s beauty in the every day.

My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

I only went for a salad for lunch….and then my basket somehow managed to fill up.

Story of my life.

My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

It wasn’t me.

My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

Spring is springing.

My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

I volunteered at school this week.

My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

We made stained glass windows out of wax paper & tissue paper.

I loved the color combinations the kids came up with.

My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

This one was particularly good.

My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

Victoria hosted a Galentine’s Frangelico Party in SF this week. 

My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

She sure knows how to throw a party.

My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

Loved this little corner.

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My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

Frangelico tiramisu!

My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

The funny thing is… I went to the event on the wrong day… because I messed up my calendar. So I was in the city two nights in a row. #brainfart #ugh

My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

I fried plantains for the first time ever this week!

My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

A tofu shoot for One Potato. 

My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

I bought Valentines from the store and I realized we didn’t have enough….

So we made our own.

My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

And they reminded me of the shirts my dad wears. So I put one up to my dad’s heart.

Totally like his shirt, huh?

My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

I can’t wait for coffee tomorrow morning.

My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

Here comes trouble.

My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

What I’ve been having for breakfast all week.

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Friday morning detour.

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Alcatraz buried in fog.

My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

I had to stop.

My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

Squishy snuggle face.

My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

I had an awesome visit with my friend Helen Jane this week. So awesome that my phone was away and the only picture I took that day was a picture of the pillows she gave me.  Thank you HJH. Love your face! Love your contest entering spirit.

My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

The reason why I make potatoes in my meal prep. 


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Pure joy.

My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

We went to the beach today.

My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

73F in the Bay Area.

My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

I can’t believe these two jumped in the water.

Wait. I totally can. They’re fearless.

My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

A trip to Target with my boo.

My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

I got my bag personalized 😉  It makes me so happy. Like ridiculously happy.

My Everyday Life Week 6 on Shutterbean.com

You should really make these Spiked Coffee Milkshakes. They’re so good.

Spiked Coffee Milkshakes made with Humboldt Creamery Ice Cream. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

have a great weekend!

Week 6 in 2015

Week 6 of 2014

Week 6 of 2013

Week 6 of 2012

Week 5 of 2011

February 12, 2016

I love lists Friday!

I Love Lists Friday on Shutterbean.com

Welcome to I Love Lists Friday. Let’s surf the internet together!

  1. The Earth is made of two planets? What.
  2. Magnified sand is pretty amazing.
  3. Are you addicted to your phone? Maybe you’re even reading this on your phone….
  4. This is a cute way to surprise your valentine.
  5. I would like to make this vegan cheese.
  6. How to Snapchat like Teens. Good grief.
  7. Etsy love: this plate, this print , this mug, this vase, these earrings, this bag
  8. Can you imagine being on the Titanic II?!
  9. What Marcia Clark thinks of the People vs. OJ Simpson series.
  10. You’ll never look at chopsticks the same.
  11. This color infographic is pretty neat.
  12. What do women want on Valentine’s Day? I love a good card.
  13. Starbucks food in other countries. Interesting.
  14. Who killed sriracha?  Wait. It’s dead?
  15. The work & craftsmanship behind a Steinway Grand Piano is amazing.
  16. Work Sleep Family Fitness. Pick three!
  17. Release the stress!
  18. What happens to your Facebook after you die?  #morbidcuriosity.
  19. If you love planners….you’ll love seeing this.
  20. Most romantic movies on Netflix (for your Valentine’s Day!)


February 11, 2016

Spiked Coffee Milkshakes

Spiked Coffee Milkshakes made with Humboldt Creamery Ice Cream. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

Here’s the thing about Valentine’s Day. Casey and I always bypass going out to dinner and we make a special dinner at home. I don’t know why I typed WE because I’m the one that makes the dinner. He’s the one that picks out the wine/does the dishes/puts the boy to bed.  It’s a guarantee that we’ll always eat too much dinner and then we’ll end up in food comas. We’re usually so tired that we can barely watch a movie. It got me thinking…why don’t I just make dessert with espresso in it so we can get a jolt of energy?  Let’s make it so that we can actually Netflix & Chill.  Did I use that term right? I dunno. You know what I’m saying 😉

Spiked Coffee Milkshakes made with Humboldt Creamery Ice Cream. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

This milkshake has three coffee additions. First we start with a base of Humboldt Creamery Organic Coffee Ice Cream (which is so good btw!), we mix it in the blender with chocolate covered espresso beans AND Kahlúa because we’re grown ups.

Spiked Coffee Milkshakes made with Humboldt Creamery Ice Cream. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

We top with additional chopped chocolate covered espresso beans and ENJOY that little surge of energy. Now what are we going to have for dinner?  How about some steaks and some twice baked potatoes?!


February 10, 2016

Shutterbean Kitchen

See how Tracy of Shutterbean transforms her taupe kitchen cabinets to BLACK. Around the House: The Kitchen After photos are on Shutterbean.com!

Let’s look at where we started from:

kitchen BEFORE photos

More before photos here!

And this is where we are now. What a difference, right?!

It definitely feels like a Shutterbean Kitchen.

See how Tracy of Shutterbean transforms her taupe kitchen cabinets to BLACK. Around the House: The Kitchen After photos are on Shutterbean.com!


February 8, 2016

Shutterbean Meal Prep – Week 2

See what the whole week looked like with Shutterbean Meal Prep - Week 2 on Shutterbean.com!

Back on the meal prep train. I was  out of my normal schedule with the kitchen painting stuff. Don’t worry, I am editing photos and should post pictures of my kitchen sometime this week. Stay tuned on that! This week was a really busy week. I shot recipes for One Potato, which meant we had a ton of food in the house. But I wanted to create a foundation so that I could make some things on the fly.

Let’s look at the week:

See what the whole week looked like with Shutterbean Meal Prep - Week 2 on Shutterbean.com!



Here we have kale caesar (used the dressing!) with rice & roasted sausage.

All three of us ate the same thing which made me super happy.

See what the whole week looked like with Shutterbean Meal Prep - Week 2 on Shutterbean.com!

Peso on fettuccine with Caesar salads! BOOM.

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

I got a lot of use out of the pesto this week. Here’s a breakfast with pesto toast, cheesy eggs & broccoli.  I turned it all into an open-faced sandwich.

See what the whole week looked like with Shutterbean Meal Prep - Week 2 on Shutterbean.com!

Work from home lunch meant grated zucchini sautéed with rice and pesto. Lots of red pepper flakes and a fried egg on the side. Delicious.

See what the whole week looked like with Shutterbean Meal Prep - Week 2 on Shutterbean.com!

A few weeks ago, Cooper and I wrapped up some bananas and put them in the freezer. Pulled them out and made a blueberry banana smoothie with them.

Love having frozen bananas in our arsenal.

See what the whole week looked like with Shutterbean Meal Prep - Week 2 on Shutterbean.com!

Casey and I were working from home so I made us a gigantic salad with the potato salad, lettuce I prepped, caesar salad dressing & croutons. There’s also broccoli cheddar soup with croutons.

Grilled cheese for Casey… He’s so lucky.

See what the whole week looked like with Shutterbean Meal Prep - Week 2 on Shutterbean.com!

This was another awesome breakfast. I sautéed asparagus and red peppers in a spoon full of the Caesar dressing and finished with a scoop of pesto. Served with eggs and toast. Amen.

I liked how the garlic and vinegar brought out the sweetness of the peppers in the mix. It had such a good umami flavor.

See what the whole week looked like with Shutterbean Meal Prep - Week 2 on Shutterbean.com!

Pesto + Arugula + Chopped Almonds + Chicken = Happy Tracy

See what the whole week looked like with Shutterbean Meal Prep - Week 2 on Shutterbean.com!


Cooper and Casey plowed right through the banana bread, like I knew they would. I’m glad we had carrots & red peppers in the house because I got through the Monday munchies unscathed thanks them. I’m notorious for eating well on Monday during the day and then the second I get home from work I’m like GIVE ME ANYTHING and GIVE ME IT NOW.  Carrots helped while I made dinner.

I’m so glad I thought to make Caesar dressing because Cooper ate a TON of salads during the week and that made me happy.

Casey enjoyed the limeade with a few cocktails this week. It’s great with rum.

I made a batch of Kombucha– flavor = Pineapple Mango

Week 2 was a success. I didn’t have any leftovers!


Hope this inspires you to do some meal prep this week.

If you need more inspiration, follow my #shutterbeanmealprep hashtag on Instagram.

Curious about meal prep? Read my post here! 

February 7, 2016

My Everyday Life: Week 5

Here’s what My Everyday Life Week 5 looked like:

We made a smoothie together.

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

After we bought a butter croissant.

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

Agreed. Don’t talk to me before I’ve had mine.

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

JOY spotting #1

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

Too soon?

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

The Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich with bacon!

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com


I took him to CB2 to pick something up and he immediately found the chess set.

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

And then he played…. while several couples admired the table.

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

“Mom! The water is pink!”

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

JOY spotting #2

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

We errand. The parking meter looks like another head.

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

Casey put these hairpin legs on our ikea bookshelf. I love it.

He’ll probably get mad because I took a picture before he put all the records back.

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

We went out to lunch. He was mesmerized by the basketball game on TV and I was so fascinated by the family behind him. They didn’t talk to each other for 30 minutes.

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

Blue Steel.

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

She’s still got fight left in her.

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

He goes right into the mix.

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

Pot Pie.

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

This room is becoming one of my favorite parts of the house.

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

I put this together from a breakfast/salad bar.

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

Legit dinner.

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

This soup is back in the mix. So good if you want to get rid of a bunch of broccoli.

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

Afternoon chai for two.

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

This MAPS book is our favorite.

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

Little piles.

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

Pinky orange yellow sunrise.

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

This breakfast was awesome.

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

He mixes cereal. He can’t not do it.

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

Moving onto bigger bowls of cereal and a new size of pants…and SHOES.

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

Dinner for 3.

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

Little scores at Salvation Army.

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

Beet/kale/apple juice at Whole Foods while I wait for emails to come in.

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

I made overnight oats and mixed sunflower seed butter & raspberry jam in.


(I heat the oats in the microwave for like 40 seconds before I add the other stuff in)

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

Loves to people watch. Takes after me.

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

Lost a tooth.

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

When you realize their feet have grown.

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

Doughnut crumbs and dollar bills.

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

More dinners like this please.

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

My favorite movie theater candy:

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

Casey has been pulling all the weight on our puzzle.

I sort and make piles.

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

Late morning light.

My Everyday Life - Week 5 on Shutterbean.com

have a great weekend!

Week 5 in 2015

Week 5 in 2014

Week 5 in 2013

Week 5 in 2012

Week 5 in 2011

February 5, 2016

I love lists Friday!

I love lists Friday on Shutterbean.com


Welcome to I love lists Friday! Let’s surf the net together:

  1. These peanut butter granola bars are perfection.
  2. This necklace caught my eye…
  3. Making the Perfect Super Bowl ad is tougher than it looks.
  4. Ina doesn’t believe in making goals.
  5. Next time we go to Ikea, I’m picking up some food.
  6. I would love one of these Valentines.
  7. Love these plant illustrations.
  8. Before the winter ends, let’s indulge in simple things.
  9. This chicken recipe looks fantastic.
  10. It’s funny because it’s true
  11. Here’s a reminder: YOU’RE BLESSED
  12. Oh my goodness. This is too good!
  13. I’ve had a lot of crappy avocados lately. I’m not the only one.
  14. My brother would be into this.
  15. Such a beautiful photo.
  16. The pressure is too much.
  17. Like…stop saying the word LIKE. (it’s hard!)
  18. Take be back to Tuscany. Bucket list- spend an entire Summer there.
  19. No more $5 foot long song to get stuck in your head now.
  20. If you need me, you can find me hovering over this bowl with a drank.
  21. Autocorrect hates you. It’s so ducking true.