January 11, 2016

Meal Prep: Week 1

See what the whole week looked like with Shutterbean Meal Prep - Week 1 on Shutterbean.com!

Shutterbean Meal Prep – Week 1!

We’ll see how often I can do this/keep it up BUT I wanted a place to put all of my meal prep stuff, so here we are. I’d like to talk about the things I learned each week I do meal prep (like…what’s realistic for our family and what’s not). Chances are I won’t be doing meal prep EVERY single week, but at least I have something motivating me to keep up the routine I love so much.

Meal Prep- Week 1 on Shutterbean.com


  • 4 salads
  • chorizo tortilla soup
  • batch of brownies (I used Trader Joe’s GF brownie mix)
  • tuna salad for sandwiches + salads
  • cooked potatoes (in microwave) for hashes
  • wrapped up bananas in foil for the freezer
  • a bowl of almonds + raisins for snacking
  • chorizo spinach + quinoa saute
  • lettuce washed for sandwiches + salads
  • carrots + cucumbers for snacks
  • sliced oranges for snacks


Chorizo Tortilla Soup for dinner with tortilla chips, cheese, sour cream, hot sauce & cilantro. I made up the recipe on the fly and ended up freezing most of it in single serving containers. There’s only so many times Casey is cool with eating soup for dinner; he’s not a huge soup fan like I am.  I plan on bringing some to work in the near future.

Meal Prep- Week 1 on Shutterbean.com

Tuna salad for lunch at work.  Little did I know that Casey was going to get into the tuna salad while he was working from home. I planned to put a scoop on all the salads I made this week for extra protein. Womp womp. Here’s my lunch last Monday. It was goooood.

Meal Prep- Week 1 on Shutterbean.com

Chorizo spinach quinoa with a fried egg + avocado for dinner.

Meal Prep- Week 1 on Shutterbean.com

Chorizo spinach quinoa with scrambled egg, salsa, + sour cream for breakfast.

Meal Prep- Week 1 on Shutterbean.com

Salad and toast for dinner. I added parmesan + tomatoes.

Meal Prep- Week 1 on Shutterbean.com

This week I made roast beef for One Potato, so I used the leftovers with the cooked potatoes and made a hash for breakfast. I added onions & jalapeños and fried some eggs to go with.

Meal Prep- Week 1 on Shutterbean.com

The Roast Beef hash leftovers for lunch with cut up avocado.

Meal Prep- Week 1 on Shutterbean.com


We did really great with the snacks this week. There were no vegetables & fruit left at the end of the week. We did have a few leftover brownies (what?!) so I wrapped a few up and popped them in the freezer for future late night cravings. I would have prepped a little bit more if I didn’t have a few photo shoots this week. Our fridge was kinda packed, so what I did prep helped filled in the gaps for the week.

Hope this inspires you to do some meal prep this week.

If you need more inspiration, follow my #shutterbeanmealprep hashtag on Instagram.

Curious about meal prep? Read my post here! 

January 10, 2016

My Everyday Life: Week 1

Here’s what My Everyday Life – Week 1 looked like:

This sunflower display at anthro brightened my day.

My Everyday Life : Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

Waiting in line last night at Cobb’s.

My Everyday Life : Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

Epiphany at lunch.

My Everyday Life : Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

Sometimes the best notes are written on the back of envelopes.


My Everyday Life : Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

YOU GUYS!!! I’m cleaning out my closet and pairing down like WHOA.

Stay tuned for that!

My Everyday Life : Week 2 on Shutterbean.com

Casey’s been making good ice lately.

My Everyday Life : Week 2 on Shutterbean.com


January 8, 2016

I love lists Friday!

Weekly web inspiration - I love lists Friday on shutterbean.com!

Welcome to I Love lists Friday!  Let’s surf the net together!

  1. Food styling tricks from advertising experts.
  2. Cat has secret family!
  3. 21 Benefits of Having a Cat
  4. Make Your Partner Feel Important So Your Relationship has a Chance
  5. This soup looks incredible.
  6. I’ve been craving hot chocolate lately. Here’s how to make the best hot chocolate!
  7. Realistic Mom Goals for 2016. 
  8. Dude. These cookies. WANT. All of them. Now.
  9. Netflix Hacks for 2016
  10. These boots caught my eye same with this top
  11. I love seeing how others use the Bullet Journal System!
  12. Holiday Decoration Organization! We’re so close to be done with putting ours away.
  13. If you’re into Making a Murderer, you might like these other documentaries. 
  14. Also if you’re watching the show, this is a good read. I didn’t even think about what it feels like from her perspective. Wow.
  15. Currently working on pairing down my wardrobe. This post was inspiring.
  16. These muffins with these lattes. Please/thank you.
  17. I love Conan. This bit made me laugh so hard.
  18. My latest Pinterest search followed by this query.
  19. It’s amazing what an  iPhone can do.
  20. Most expensive homes in every state! Whoa.
  21. It’s fascinating to see what Tom Brady + Gisele eat.
  22. How to clean a dutch oven!
  23. 52 Ways to Awaken Your Playful Spirit. 

Thanks for the inspiration, Marvin Gaye

January 6, 2016

Habit Forming

Habit Forming for 2016 on Shutterbean.com

My friend and I were talking about habits yesterday and what we would like to add to our daily routine this year. It’s a fun conversation to have because you can see how everyone differs. For example, my friend is in the habit of emptying  the dishwasher first thing when she wakes up, while I’m in the habit of waiting until I have too many dishes piled up on the counter before I empty mine. On the flipside,  I MUST MUST MUST make my bed first thing when I wake up but she’s not in the habit of doing so. These habits make us all unique. I find them kind of fascinating.

We are going to be having our kitchen cabinets painted this month, which means it will be out of commission for at least a week and I can’t waaaaaaaaaait to take everything out and put it back in again. Is that weird?  I’m in this headspace of editing the crap out of my life right now because all of the stuff I have is OWNING ME. I just want simplicity. I want better habits. I want a better foundation & routine.

This first week of the new year, I’m looking into my everyday habits and trying to figure out what I want to add and what I want to keep. I am also trying to be super realistic about this because life gets in the way and some habits never stick and some die hard.

Let’s talk about some of my habits and how I plan to change them…..


January 4, 2016

Highlights of 2015:

Highlights of 2015 on Shutterbean.com

It’s the first Monday of the new year. It’s also my Mom’s birthday. Happy birthday, Mom! I owe you some profiteroles  Instead of getting stressed about all we want to do and accomplish today/this week/this month/this year, let’s give ourselves a moment to look back at 2015. Go easy on yourself today. If you’re feeling a little anxious, go through some pictures of last year and find the moments that defined the year. The good/the bad…. all of it.

Here’s how my 2015 went:

Cooper lost 6 teeth this year. He has big kid teeth now. It’s crazy.

We experienced a lot of good sunsets- this one stood out the most.

Meal prep! If you look at #shutterbeanmealprep tag on Instagram, you can see all of the weeks I meal prepped. I kinda fell off the wagon during the last few months of the year because of work but I’m hoping to create more space and time to do it in 2016 as it only benefits my family and saves me time throughout the week. You can read more about meal prep here.

I volunteered a lot at Cooper’s school this year. Highlight- bingo night.

This year I wanted to dedicate more time to making art. I got Cooper involved. It’s something I am going to continue doing in 2016. I’d like to spend at least one night a week working on art together.

I wrote a post about my favorite coloring books and shared some of my favorite books for drawing in 2015.

I spent a chunk of time analyzing/figuring out how to organize my purse system. I wrote a whole post about it. The only thing that’s changed is that I have gotten rid of the folders and created a binder/ calendar system to keep my life in check. Once I have my system nailed down, I’ll share it with you. I’m still experimenting.

I had a nice visit with Maj! She came for a weekend and we went to the beach.

We stopped podcasting this year because of our work schedules. I’m not sure if we’re going to start up again. I miss it a lot, but I am not sure how I ever made time for it in years past! We’ll see what 2016 will bring.

I went up to Portland- wrote a post about dining up there and got to hang out with two of my best friends from college time.

Traveled with my mom to Los Angeles for my sister-in-law’s bridal shower!


January 2, 2016

My Everyday Life: Week 53

Here’s what My Everyday Life: Week 53 looked like:

My top 9 Instagram photos for 2015:

My Everyday Life: Week 1 from Shutterbean.com

We stayed up late to watch the fireworks. Well, three of us did!

My Everyday Life: Week 1 from Shutterbean.com

Cleared out my mantle today. This is what’s left.

My Everyday Life: Week 1 from Shutterbean.com

We repotted this Japanese Maple in the summer and it’s so happy….still!

My Everyday Life: Week 1 from Shutterbean.com

Errands in the rain.

My Everyday Life: Week 1 from Shutterbean.com

Trip to the East Bay with Lisa & Casey.

My Everyday Life: Week 1 from Shutterbean.com

Styled at a consignment shop.

My Everyday Life: Week 1 from Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life: Week 1 from Shutterbean.com

We came home with two sconces from CB2. I’m so lucky my husband’s so handy.

My Everyday Life: Week 1 from Shutterbean.com

I should make this for my blog.

My Everyday Life: Week 1 from Shutterbean.com

Shooting images for One Potato.

My Everyday Life: Week 1 from Shutterbean.com


January 1, 2016

I love lists Friday!

I love lists Friday // shutterbean

Welcome to I Love Lists Friday!  We’re currently hibernating at my house this week. It’s been really nice to relax and play board games. My brother bought Cooper the Star Wars Boxed Set  and we’ve been working our way through it as a family so we can take Cooper to see the new movie. I’m sad to take down our Christmas decorations this weekend, but I’m super excited about having a clean slate for 2016.  I’m going to spend some time figuring out my intentions for the New Year. I just realized I didn’t do it last year.  How was that possible? Where does the time go? Seriously.

Anyways, HAPPY NEW YEAR and let’s see what the internet is up to this week.

  1. Takeout Food Styling
  2. Best Cat Moments of 2015
  3. He’s so my type.
  4. 26 Tiny Things to do for YOURSELF this year
  5. This is too real.
  6. Really Thought Provoking Stuff
  7. Nursing Your Holiday Spending
  8. 10 Mistakes We Make While Grocery Shopping
  9. Find the Panda!
  10. The Worst Internet Hoaxes of 2015.
  11. A good reminder
  12. The New Old House
  13. Omg. These DADS. 
  14. Awesome photos from 2015 + these too!
  15. Good things happened this year.
  16. Deep Thoughts.
  17. My goal in 2016 is to go to New Orleans.
  18. 2016 is the year of high top converse & disco balls…. according to me.
  19. I’m curious to see what they eat!
  20. What it’s like to give up alcohol for New Years
  21. Oprah sends the internet on an emotional roller coaster.