When I was a kid there were a few times when my mom took my brothers and I into the city to partake in some good ole market research testing. Yes, I do believe she let us keep all of the money. But I really didn’t need any because I had such a blast testing out different popcorn flavors and chocolate bars. I loved anything related to food when I was a kid and I had very clear opinions of how things should taste (nothing’s changed). Flash forward SEVERAL years and I found myself on a trip to Oregon to visit the Kettle Brand Chip factory. There was a wonderful dinner that was inspired by the Kettle Brand chip flavors and a tour of the facility where we got to see how chips are made from start to finish. I felt like I was in a hybrid movie of Willy Wonka and an episode of How It’s Made (we love that show!). It was fascinating!
Please, let’s not discuss how many potato chips I ate in a 24 hour period.

During our trip, there was a really fun breakout session with their “Flavor Architects” where we talked about all of their chip flavors- the ones that failed and the ones that have stood the test of time. We also got to mix our own flavors for chips. I think I made a wacko lemon pepper combination. It was good fun.
To be honest with you, I am kind of a chip purist. I always make fun of Casey for loving vanilla ice cream because I think it’s so basic, but I understand it now. In the way that you can measure how good an ice cream company is by their vanilla, you can measure a chip company by their base. In this case, I love Kettle Brand‘s Sea Salt. Although their Baked version is also ahhhhmazing and I wouldn’t say no to a bag (or three) of Pepperoncini.

I think it’s good to have a hot dip in your arsenal during the holiday season. When I think about the flavors of Christmas, I get nostalgic for my mom’s Baked Artichoke Squares. I wanted to take that flavor profile and turn it into Bacon Artichoke Dip. Same great taste like the artichoke squares, except it’s super creamy with a smoky infusion thanks to the bacon. Why not push it over the edge of deliciousness and serve this hot dip with some amazing chips?