November 16, 2015

Roasted Grape Sage Pizza

Roasted Grape & Sage Pizza should be added to your Autumn TO DO List! Find the recipe at Shutterbean.com

We’re about to finish the first season of Friday Night Lights. It’s kinda what I’m living for right now. Whoa… that sounds dramatic. But really, it’s the only thing that is motivating to get all my work done before 9PM every day.  Why did we wait so long to watch this show? I’m like A DECADE BEHIND in this Tim Riggins crush thing. I get it ladies, I TOTALLY GET IT.  As a result of all of this hoopla, we’re having a hard time not watching three episodes in one night and our sleep the past few weeks has been all messed up because of it. Oh…Netflix…you sure do mess with my life…not that I’m complaining or anything.

Side note: Netflix & Chill

I just learned that term this Halloween when I met someone dressed as that (!!!!).

Roasted Grape & Sage Pizza should be added to your Autumn TO DO List! Find the recipe at Shutterbean.com

Now that we’ve gotten my current TV-binge viewing situation out of the way, I’m sharing this fabulous Roasted Grape Sage Pizza I made last week. I had a few grapes sitting around and some sage leftover from this heavenly sandwich so BANG! We have pizza.

I was inspired to do so when I saw this recipe on my Pinterest feed.

Looks super delicious, right?

Roasted Grape & Sage Pizza should be added to your Autumn TO DO List! Find the recipe at Shutterbean.com

The grapes are coated in sage infused brown butter and get roasted with walnuts, mozzarella, and gorgonzola on the pizza dough. We garnish the baked pizza with crispy fried sage and drizzle a little balsamic on top! It’s a sweet savory extravaganza.


November 15, 2015

And I Quote:

Here’s some inspiration for your weekend with- And I Quote:

And I Quote // shutterbean

And I Quote // shutterbean

November 14, 2015

My Everyday Life : Week 46

Here’s what My Everyday Life – Week 46 looked like:

Wood is cool.

My Everyday Life : Week 46 // shutterbean

Casey and I were shopping for wood for a project at home.

My Everyday Life : Week 46 // shutterbean

I have so much appreciation for people who work with their hands.

My Everyday Life : Week 46 // shutterbean

Hot sun + palm leaves.

My Everyday Life : Week 46 // shutterbean

The differences of color made by light.

My Everyday Life : Week 46 // shutterbean


My Everyday Life : Week 46 // shutterbean

At a stop sign.

My Everyday Life : Week 46 // shutterbean

I love the gradient.

My Everyday Life : Week 46 // shutterbean

Christmas time at Target.

My Everyday Life : Week 46 // shutterbean

With my friend Luke. I never notice how many lights there are in Target until I take a photo.

My Everyday Life : Week 46 // shutterbean

This guy came home with me. He might turn gold. I dunno.

My Everyday Life : Week 46 // shutterbean


November 12, 2015

Pumpkin Pie in a Mug

Pumpkin pie is just minutes away with this Pumpkin Pie in a Mug recipe. Check it out on Shutterbean.com!

I’m working through a bunch of paper piles in my house. Yes, that’s right. As organized as I seem, I am a person who has a ton of paper piles around my house. I JUST AM SORTING. I wish I could explain that to my husband. Also. WHY IS THERE SO MUCH PAPER IN MY LIFE?! 

In one of my piles was this recipe for a Pumpkin Pie in a Mug from last year.  I needed to figure out a snack for today and I had all of the ingredients and my sweet tooth was like HEYYYYYYY so HERE WE ARE. Serendipity.

To be honest, I was super skeptical. How can you make a pie in a mug??! But, holy cow….YOU CAN. If you love pumpkin pie filling and gingersnaps, this snack is for you. It’s really a dessert…but I had it for snack yesterday. I can imagine it would be really good for breakfast too. It reminds me of the Flourless Pumpkin Pancakes I love because it’s light and fluffy.  Pair it with some whipped cream, coconut whipped cream, or ice cream, an extra cookie & some cinnamon sprinkled on top and you’re good to go! For breakfast, I would drizzle a little bit of maple syrup and throw some granola in the mix.


November 12, 2015

I love lists Friday!

I love lists friday ! // shutterbean

Welcome to I Love Lists Friday! Let’s surf the internet together!

  1. There is beauty in the cracks. 
  2. The most important photo shoot.
  3. My husband’s favorite candy turned into a cake! 
  4. People will judge your personality based on these 7 small things.
  5. Listen to Your Elders- Thanksgiving Edition. (LOVED THIS)
  6. This is sad/cute. I bet Casey would do something funny like that.
  7. Isn’t it Ironic? Don’t You Think?
  8. Least visited states in the US. GO VISIT!
  9. This pasta….Ugh. That looks so good.
  10. A Willy Wonka Reunion happened!
  11. A forest of crooked trees in Poland. Intriguing!
  12. These sketchbook drawings make me want to travel & draw.
  13. San Francisco in the 40s + 50s.
  14. I currently have 17 tabs open. 
  15. All of the crazy gadgets from James Bond movies.
  16. This must be incredible to experience in person.
  17. I am currently obsessed with ferns & cacti
  18. YAY! A new Missy Elliot single!! 
  19. The whole red cup debacle explained. 
  20. The best foods to donate to food banks during the holidays.
  21. 15 Habits That Will Increase Your Productivity.   Always start with a clean desk.
  22. If you’re creative, you’ll understand this.
  23. Is Fat Stigma Making Us Miserable? 
  24. The Internet is What You Make It
November 11, 2015

Turkey Bacon Cranberry Sandwich

Turn your Thanksgiving leftovers into an amazing sandwich! Check out this Turkey Bacon Cranberry Sandwich made with Dave's Killer Bread on Shutterbean.com

When Casey and I were first dating we used to get a burrito at Whole Foods that was called an American Wrap. We’d take it back to his place and share it while watching movies. This was like 14 years ago… and I obviously haven’t gotten over its disappearance.  Inside the burrito was everything you’d have at your Thanksgiving table (sans pumpkin pie!). It was incredible; we still talk about it to this day.  I wanted to take that idea, but make a sandwich out of Thanksgiving leftovers and here we have a Turkey Bacon Cranberry Sandwich. I added bacon because….. WHY NOT?

turkeycranberrysandwich 004

We start our sandwich with Dave’s Killer Bread  as our foundation.  I used their Seeded Honey Wheat because I thought the sweetness of the honey in the bread would pair nicely with the savory fried sage in the sandwich (it did!).  Besides the fried sage, we have roasted turkey, crispy bacon, red onion, whipped sweet potatoes, peppery arugula and a mixture of hot mustard and cranberry sauce.  This sandwich is the perfect way to stretch Thanksgiving leftovers into another meal. If you happen to have some leftover brie from your cheese plate, throw that in there too! Can we add mashed potatoes? Sure!  Go for broke! It’s the holidays and we’re meant to enjoy them.


November 9, 2015

Kale Soyrizo Tacos

Kale Soyrizo Tacos for a quick vegetarian weeknight meal! Find the recipe on shutterbean.com

I wish I could remember who first introduced me to Soyrizo; I’d really like to thank them. Soyrizo is chorizo made out of tofu and I freaking love it. It’s spicy and delicious and the good news is that Casey & Cooper are super into it too. The texture and the spice can’t be beat.

Kale Soyrizo Tacos for a quick vegetarian weeknight meal! Find the recipe on shutterbean.com

In an effort to switch things up a bit with our taco game, I cleaned out the fridge and made these Kale Soyrizo Tacos. You see…I almost always have soyrizo in my fridge. It’s one of those staples that I’m always picking up at Trader Joe’s. I always want an taco/potato hash situation throughout the week. It lasts much longer than regular meat, so soyrizo becomes a weeknight staple, that’s for sure.

Kale Soyrizo Tacos for a quick vegetarian weeknight meal! Find the recipe on shutterbean.com

The kale adds a little texture to the mix. It’s not super present– which is good because I have a 7 year old to fool. But if you want more kale, by all means GO FOR IT. And if you’re not feeling tacos, put the kale soyrizo blend over rice and make yourself a burrito bowl. A tasty weeknight meal is right at your fingertips!