Here’s what My Everyday Life – Week 43 looked like:

Morning light.

The spaces in between.

Store bought.


I never have enough counter space.

Two days.

Two different cloud situations.

The light is shifting during this time of year.

I see faces in the steam.

My little reader. His grandmothers are avid readers. He’s carrying on the tradition.


Getting hairs cut.

I feel like a new woman.

Bougainvillea love.

Hello, Fall.

Mercury is all up in my business lately.

I love how I can make images from my phone look like paintings…

More bougainvillea. Life goal- have my own plant.


Pumpkin Patch Field Trip for school! I love going on the school field trips.

I always wear my converse.

Too cool for school.

This is a goat named Sarah. She runs the show.

A calf that was like a dog…. according to the farmer.

Getting lost in a corn maze.

Sarah won’t be caged….

Making eye contact with sheep.

Sarah and the paparazzi.

Which one will you pick?

Get up in there.

A sea of wheelbarrows.

The cutest little thank you note.

Food styling with my friend Lisa.

I should have known that taking a picture of nuts in the morning at the grocery store would mean my day would be NUTS. Friday was NUTS. Glad it’s over.

He lost a tooth. We talked all night about the tooth fairy. ALL NIGHT LONG.

Making myself a color cheat sheet for my brush pens.

Photoshoot turns into dinner.


This morning was delicious.

Thanks for reading Shutterbean! If you’d like check out my everyday life, follow me on Instagram and be sure keep in touch via Facebook, Twitter, Bloglovin, Pinterest, or subscribe via email to get new posts delivered to your inbox.
Week 43 in 2014
Week 43 in 2013
Week 43 in 2012
Week 43 in 2011