October 31, 2015

My Everyday Life: Week 44

Here’s what My Everyday Life : Week 44 looked like-

Pumpkin patch with friends.

My Everyday Life - Week 44 // shutterbean

Gorgeous sky. I see faces. I always see faces.

My Everyday Life - Week 44 // shutterbean

Sometimes you just need to look into the eyeball of a horse.

My Everyday Life - Week 44 // shutterbean

Carnations for the season.

My Everyday Life - Week 44 // shutterbean

Pumpkin party.

My Everyday Life - Week 44 // shutterbean

Steve & Lisa <3

My Everyday Life - Week 44 // shutterbean


My Everyday Life - Week 44 // shutterbean


October 30, 2015

I love lists Friday!

I love lists Friday // shutterbean

Welcome to I Love Lists, Friday! Let’s see what the internet was up to this week:

  1. A week in the life of Maira Kahlman 
  2. How to make your own zodiac necklace! 
  3. If you feel like you’re not where you think you should be, watch this.
  4. A project I’d like to attempt.
  5. Worry is the mother of invention? GOOD TO KNOW
  6. An unbelievably beautiful photo. 
  7. Look at this little guy!
  8. How I wish I could help style this Food Typography!!!
  9. Last minute meal ideas when you don’t want to cook anything.
  10. How much counter space do you need? I need more…
  11. Some gym realness for you.
  12. Brutally Honest Illustrations that Sum Up Adulthood. #8!
  13. This dress/tunic (in green) with this necklace  these leggings  this bag and  these boots.
  14. The Ultimate Green Beauty Product Guide!
  15. Gimme cookies & a smoothie please!
  16. The recipe for one of my favorite veggie burgers. Gotta make this!
  17. I would make naughty words out of these….
  18. The animated gif at the end of this styled bookshelf post pleases me.
  19. Go from FOMO to JOMO
  20. I love 90s roundups.
  21. Pet costumes. THE END.
October 29, 2015

Persimmon Grape Pomegranate Salad

Persimmon Grape Pomegranate Salad // shutterbean

To satisfy the crunchy snack I was craving, I made this Persimmon Grape Pomegranate Salad yesterday. It was definitely not chips, but still really satisfying. I squeezed a little bit of fresh lime on top of all the cut fruits and enjoyed this immensely. This might be my go-to snack this Autumn because all three of the fruits are currently in season. YAY.

To see more of my Thursday Snack Ideas, follow my Pinterest Board!

October 28, 2015

Roasted Delicata Squash Kale Pizza

Roasted Delicata Squash Kale Pizza with sausage, caramelized onions and candied walnuts! Recipe on shutterbean.com

When I made the pork enchilada casserole last week, a few of you responded that you’d love to see more Everyday Eats on Shutterbean. Thank you for your feedback! And thank you for leaving comments. Sometimes it feels a little lonely out here.  If you like recipes that can be made with Trader Joe’s items, this one’s for you!

Roasted Delicata Squash Kale Pizza with sausage, caramelized onions and candied walnuts! Recipe on shutterbean.com

Yesterday I walked into Trader Joe’s with a mission to make something Autumn like. I knew I wanted to use their pizza dough…and then I saw a delicata squash and the sausage in my cart and here we have this pizza. There was obviously a few steps in between but there’s pizza in the end so does it really matter?

Roasted Delicata Squash Kale Pizza with sausage, caramelized onions and candied walnuts! Recipe on shutterbean.com

We layer cheese and kale on store bought pizza dough. We top with more cheese, roasted delicata squash, caramelized onions and sausage and dollop goat cheese on top. To push it over the edge, I added candied walnuts on top. Red pepper flakes are added for spice. This Roasted Delicata Squash Kale Pizza is Autumn’s best. Next time I’m added gorgonzola because I think it will be soooooo good with those walnuts!


October 26, 2015

Books to Inspire – October 2015

Books to Inspire - a collection of books that will help inspire you creatively!  Find them on Shutterbean.com

Happy Monday! Hope you’re slowly easing into the week. Today I wanted to share some of the books that I picked up recently to help inspire me. My creative brain thrives on new information.

I’m currently feasting on these Books to Inspire:

Rising Strong– Currently reading this one. Already into it. After over a decade of research, Brené Brown writes about how we must lean into the discomfort of the in- between space before we can rise above our struggles. No one ever talks about that messy in-between space but her she does! She breaks it down with The Reckoning The Rumble & The Revolution. I picked this book up after I watched Brené on Super Soul Sunday (love that show!)

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear  Picked this one up and am looking forward to reading it this winter. As a creative person, I’m hoping it will help me with my own creative process. I’m alllllll ears.

Finding Yourself in the Kitchen Currently reading this one as well. I’ve been reading a chapter before bed and loving it. I’m definitely interested in exploring my relationship with cooking since I spend so much time in the kitchen. 

The 4-Hour Workweek– Someone recommended this book to me and it comes to my house this week. I’m always trying to find ways to optimize my time and do more in less time. As a mom who is self-employed, I could use alllllllll the help I can get!

1 Page at a Time– This one is FUN. This book has a lot of great prompts to get you writing/drawing/thinking creatively. There are a lot of pages I want to do with Cooper. I’m looking forward to rainy day drawing sessions coming soon.

Fringe Hours: Making Time for You– Like I said before…time management is something I’m always trying to work on. I’m hoping that I might find some new strategies in this book so I can claim a little time for myself each week.

How to Be an Explorer of the World: Portable Life Museum  – I feel like I spend a lot of time exploring through My Everyday Life series, but I want to be inspired to see MORE and see things DIFFERENTLY. I thought this book looked fun when I was looking through the Amazon photos.  There are a lot of cool lists in the book and you know how I feel about lists…It comes this week and I’m excited to look through!

What I Know for Sure – I read this book at the beginning of the year and loved it. I want to go back and look at all of things I highlighted on my first reading. I wonder what has changed in my life since I read it last. Should be interesting.  Also…maybe I just miss Oprah.

The 5 Love Languages– A few years ago I went online and read all about love languages. It comes up a lot in conversations, so I thought that I would do a little more research and actually read the book. When Casey and I figured out what our individual love languages are, it helped both greatly to see things from each other’s perspectives. FYI- My love language is Acts of Service & Quality Time 😉

October 25, 2015

And I Quote:

And I Quote // shutterbean And I Quote // shutterbean

October 24, 2015

My Everyday Life: Week 43

Here’s what My Everyday Life – Week 43 looked like:


My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

Morning light.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

The spaces in between.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

Store bought.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean


My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

I never have enough counter space.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

Two days.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

Two different cloud situations.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

The light is shifting during this time of year.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

I see faces in the steam.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

My little reader. His grandmothers are avid readers. He’s carrying on the tradition.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean


My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

Getting hairs cut.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

I feel like a new woman.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

Bougainvillea love.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

Hello, Fall.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

Mercury is all up in my business lately.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

I love how I can make images from my phone look like paintings…

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

More bougainvillea. Life goal- have my own plant.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean


My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

Pumpkin Patch Field Trip for school! I love going on the school field trips.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

I always wear my converse.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

Too cool for school.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

This is a goat named Sarah. She runs the show.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

A calf that was like a dog…. according to the farmer.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

Getting lost in a corn maze.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

Sarah won’t be caged….

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

Making eye contact with sheep.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

Sarah and the paparazzi.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

Which one will you pick?

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

Get up in there.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

A sea of wheelbarrows.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

The cutest little thank you note.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

Food styling with my friend Lisa.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

I should have known that taking a picture of nuts in the morning at the grocery store would mean my day would be NUTS. Friday was NUTS. Glad it’s over.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

He lost a tooth. We talked all night about the tooth fairy. ALL NIGHT LONG.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

Making myself a color cheat sheet for my brush pens.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

Photoshoot turns into dinner.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean


My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

This morning was delicious.

My Everyday Life: Week 43 // shutterbean

have a great weekend!

Thanks for reading Shutterbean!  If you’d like check out my everyday life, follow me on Instagram and be sure keep in touch via Facebook, Twitter,  Bloglovin,  Pinterest, or subscribe via email to get new posts delivered to your inbox.

Week 43 in 2014

Week 43 in 2013

Week 43 in 2012

Week 43 in 2011