October 23, 2015

I love lists Friday!

I love lists Friday // shutterbean

Welcome to I Love Lists Friday. Let’s surf the internet together!

  1. Google has some crazy offices.
  2. Dogs are Dorks!
  3. The secret ingredient to chewy cookies. 
  4. Terrifying Last Minute Costume Ideas 
  5. An old box of negatives was found in Antartica. So rad.
  6. 30 Qualities of a Good Home Cook
  7. My Writing Education- A Timeline
  8. This is sooooo real if you have kids.
  9. AHH. These cat nails are so cute.
  10. Hello, dream salad.
  11. Wishlist items: air plant holders / this shirtdress  / this sweater
  12. So…. apparently I’m supposed to be a sexy lion for Halloween.
  13. Quit these crippling habits by the time you’re 30. Lemme know how that goes.
  14. Most Popular Vegetarian Recipes shared by food bloggers.
  15. I was really homesick when we first moved into the house we live in now.
  16. How to Stop Acting Defensively When You’re Triggered. LIFE SKILL
  17. Mom, you should make this for Dad!
  18. Just a reminder that they’re so many things you can do in 30 seconds!
  19. What did Back to the Future get right?
  20. I love this soooooo much!  So clever.
  21. One day I will wake up an hour earlier…ONE DAY.
  22. 10 Ways to Treat Yourself— some of my favorites.

Found this TED TALK really interesting:

October 22, 2015

Quick Caramel Drizzled Apples

Caramel Drizzled Apples // shutterbean

When I was making the Caramel Apple Floats over the weekend, I had a big of leftovers with the toppings so I made some caramel drizzled apples for snack. Well… snack/dessert.  Heat a few squares of caramel in the microwave until melted. Drizzle on top of thinly sliced apples. Top with peanuts if you so desire. I’ll take all the peanuts. Please/thank you.  They lure me into eating caramel apples every time! Happy snacking!

To see more of my Thursday Snack Ideas, follow my Pinterest Board!


October 21, 2015

Pork Enchilada Lasagna

Weeknight meals are made EASY with this Pork Enchilada Lasagna. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

I wanted to show you a super simple/quick recipe with some of my favorite Trader Joe’s staples. Since the guys in my life are serious taco lovers, I usually have TJ’s carnitas in our fridge for those nights where I need to make something fast. They’re pre-cooked and I usually just cut them up in chunks and heat in a sauté pan. Some nights I microwave it…in a bowl with a paper towel covering it. I always have a jar of TJ’s salsa verde and at least 3 cans of their black beans in the pantry. There’s always shredded cheese and cilantro in the fridge. We always have salsa for those happy hour snacks and if we don’t have sour cream, there’s Greek yogurt to fill the void. Let’s be real. It doesn’t quite fill the void. Maybe in baking, but not on tacos.

Weeknight meals are made EASY with this Pork Enchilada Lasagna. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

Let’s go a step further. Let’s make something kinda fancy out of our staples. Let’s make something super filling….something that you can put toppings on because WHO DOESN’T LOVE TOPPINGS?!

Weeknight meals are made EASY with this Pork Enchilada Lasagna. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

I made this Pork Enchilada Lasagna by layering corn tortillas with salsa verde, cheese, pulled pork and black beans. It’s soft. It’s crunchy. It’s cheesy and it’s DANG GOOD. You spoon it out into bowls and put your favorite toppings on top. We’re definitely going to be eating this a lot this winter. I’m going to throw some roasted vegetables into our next batch for sure.


October 19, 2015

Caramel Apple Floats

Caramel Apple Floats

I think I linked to this 35 Pictures That Will Bring You Back to Elementary School last week and I really feel like Martinelli’s Sparkling Cider should be on the list.  It was a staple of my childhood. It was probably because my mom could buy it at Costco (Price Club!) and my brothers and I successfully convinced her that it was better for us than soda. Though we were only allowed to drink it on special occasions and when my parents had company over. But she bought us SPARKLING CIDER IN COSTCO SIZED PORTIONS and locked it up in our garage and we knew how to break in and sneak it all.  Nothing much has changed.

Shake up your dessert game with these Caramel Apple Floats. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com!

It always makes me wonder what Cooper will remember from his childhood. Will he remember that time we ate popcorn in my bed and watched movies all day long while Casey was out of town? Probably. Will he remember me making these Caramel Apple Floats before dinner and letting him drink it all with no questions asked? I sure freaking hope so.

Shake up your dessert game with these Caramel Apple Floats. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com!

What we have here is two tall glasses filled with sparkling apple cider mixed with a few scoops of vanilla ice cream. All of this is garnished with tart Granny Smith apples drizzled with caramel and covered in peanuts.  It’s creamy. It’s carbonated. It’s a winner this time of year because APPLE SEASON. I would have absolutely gone BONKERS for this as a child. If you threw in a Costco churro I would be yours forever.


October 18, 2015

And I Quote:

And I Quote: A little inspiration for your weekend

And I Quote // shutterbean

And I Quote // shutterbean

October 17, 2015

My Everyday Life: Week 42

Here’s what My Everyday Life: Week 42 looked like:

Apparently I took him here last Columbus Day.

My Everyday Life: Week 42

Quick trip up to Portland this week. Did you know that there’s a #pdxcarpet hashtag?

My Everyday Life: Week 42

Lunch at Harlow in PDX with my prettie.

My Everyday Life: Week 42

Portland is full of colors.

My Everyday Life: Week 42


My Everyday Life: Week 42

Later that night I watched an interview with Blossom about attachment parenting.

My Everyday Life: Week 42

It was so nice to FEEL the crunch of leaves. Autumn has hit the pacific northwest!

My Everyday Life: Week 42

Pinot in hotel rooms.

My Everyday Life: Week 42

Stay still.

My Everyday Life: Week 42

My friend Erin came to visit me from Eugene before my events started.

My Everyday Life: Week 42


October 16, 2015

I love lists Friday!

I love lists Friday // shutterbean

Welcome to I Love Lists Friday!  Let’s surf the internet together:

  1. What a beautiful patio makeover!
  2. Did you know that there’s a Will Ferrel themed bar???
  3. Some cute no carve pumpkin ideas!
  4. Inspiring Books that just came out:  Sage Living + Styled
  5. 35 Photos that Will Bring You Back to Your Childhood.  OMG yes.
  6. SORRY
  7. Honest Logos of Famous Companies
  8. Oh goodness. This dessert is a great way to repurpose your halloween candy!
  9. The weirdest things you can get Siri to say….
  10. This necklace is beautiful.
  11. How to Make a Hobo Dinner 
  12. Pluto Comes to Life!
  13. I had no idea that an address stencil existed!
  14. What beautiful photos of polenta + mushrooms.
  15. Some Costco fails for you.
  16. This is the sweetest thing.
  17. I dream of ricotta doughnuts.
  18. Brené Brown has a new book out! I just bought it- Rising Strong
  19. I love Jenny Slate’s brain.
  20. My favorite article of clothing this time of year.
  21. See all the popular songs the year you were born.
  22. Getting my brain ready to paint my kitchen cabinets.