July 1, 2015

Arnold Palmer Popsicles

If you have a little bit of lemonade leftover, brew some tea and make Arnold Palmer Popsicles! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com

I’ve been on an Arnold Palmer kick the past week. I love the combination of half lemonade and half iced tea. Sometimes I throw in a little bit of bubbly water to make it spritz-y. Sometimes bourbon makes an appearance…especially after work…  I had a little bit of lemonade hanging out in my fridge and freshly clean popsicle molds on the kitchen counter and then before I knew it I was brewing tea and had  Arnold Palmer Popsicles in the freezer.

Arnold Palmer Popsicles // shutterbean

We had these Arnold Palmer Popsicles the past weekend and they were SUPER good. Casey and Cooper were playing baseball outside and it was hot and I was gardening and we all stood on the deck with the popsicles dripping down our hands enjoying every bite. It was a delicious way to cool off from the heat. You have a little bitterness from the tea but it’s balanced out by the sweet tangy lemonade. My only regret was not dunking them in a glass of vodka. Next time… oh yes. Next time. Definitely after work.


June 29, 2015

Apricot Raspberry Ice Cream Cake

Having a get together and need an easy/show-stopper dessert? Make an ice cream cake! The recipe for this Apricot Raspberry Ice Cream Cake is on Shutterbean.com !

I’m back in the Ice Cream Cake Game. My first ice cream cake was Cookies & Cream  followed by a Raspberry Mango situation and my last one was this wonderful autumnal Pumpkin Gingersnap Ice Cream Cake.  I’ve been dreaming up combinations and plan to make a banana split cake this summer but I had fruit to roast for my weekly meal prep and so I jumped out of the gate with this beautiful Apricot Raspberry Ice Cream Cake. Ice cream cakes are so easy to make, I’m not sure why I don’t make a new combination every week…Oh. I’d probably eat it all. Yeah…

Apricot Raspberry Ice Cream Cake // shutterbean
The apricots and raspberries are roasted with honey, vanilla and a pinch of salt. Graham cracker crumbs are tossed with salted butter….layered on the bottom of the cake, followed by melted vanilla ice cream, the roasted apricot raspberry mixture and finished with another layer of vanilla ice cream.

Apricot Raspberry Ice Cream Cake // shutterbean
It’s delicate and rich. I couldn’t stop myself at once slice…. Go ahead, try it. You’ll see what I mean.


June 28, 2015

And I Quote:

The free soul is rare // shutterbean Frieds are those rare people // shutterbean

June 27, 2015

My Everyday Life: Week 26

Here’s what this past week looked like:

I took my niece to the California Academy of Sciences  this week.

My Everyday Life: Week 26

Our highlight was the planetarium.

My Everyday Life: Week 26


My Everyday Life: Week 26


My Everyday Life: Week 26


My Everyday Life: Week 26

Waiting for a decent landing.

My Everyday Life: Week 26


My Everyday Life: Week 26

Selfies with a tourist photobomb.

My Everyday Life: Week 26


My Everyday Life: Week 26


June 26, 2015

I love lists, Friday!


  1. If you’re roadtrippin’ this summer here are the LEAST unhealthy things for fast food
  2. House of my dreaaaaaaams.
  3. Why make crudités when you can make DOPE crudités??
  4. Some things you didn’t know about Laverne & Shirley.
  5. Deep Fried Big Mac?  Whoaaaa. No? Yes?
  6. We all should be making more compound butter.
  7. I love any post that has a good STORAGE roundup!
  8. This camping situation looks coooooool.
  9. Love seeing people do good things.
  10. Food packaging is legit annoying. This list makes me happy.
  11. Then vs. Now  (AHHHHH)
  12. Does anyone have a Searzall??? Tell me everything about it. I want one.
  13. Also- kind of related. I got a spiralizer and am looking for good recipes. TELL ME ALL.
  14. Knowing me, I’d probably eat some baby’s breath but DAMN these cocktails look PRETTY.
  15. Lately I’ve been craving grapefruit. This recipe gets my craving.
  16. I want to draw like the illustrator of this children’s book.
  17. Male vs Female Brains. I think #7 is BS. You should see how I load the car on a trip….
  18. Women say sorry too much. 
  19. Well…. I was thinking of going purple this Summer…Hmm.
  20. This picture pleases me greatly.
  21.  I miss loft life sometimes.
  22. Vending Machine Intel.  Spoiler Alert: Cheetos & Elfin Crackers always GET STUCK!
June 25, 2015

Chocolate Dipped Apricots

Chocolate Dipped Apricots with Pistachios // shutterbean

I went a little overboard with melting chocolate (a handful of chocolate chips with a teaspoon of coconut oil melted in the microwave) last week for the Indoor S’mores, so I dipped some fresh apricots with it! I then chopped up some pistachios and ate all four. SNAAAAAAAACK ATTACK. Pretty healthy too.

To see more of my Thursday Snack Ideas, follow my Pinterest Board!

June 24, 2015

Cantaloupe Lassi

If you've got a surplus of cantaloupe, cut it up and pop it in the freezer. You'll be seconds away from Cantaloupe Lassis! Check out the recipe on Shutterbean.com!

I had a coworker who would pour himself a huge bowl of yogurt and toss cantaloupe in it for breakfast.  In my head, I thought it was kind of weird and later on I found out that my other coworkers agreed.  It must have been a texture thing. But blending the two together? Well, you’re onto something there.

Cantaloupe Lassi enters the picture! 

Cantaloupe Lassi // shutterbean

This recipe is an adaptation of my friend Cheryl’s Pineapple Lassi recipe from her latest book- Yogurt Culture.

I didn’t have pineapple…..

Cantaloupe Lassi // shutterbean

It’s light. It’s refreshing. There’s a little spice to it with the cardamom. The saffron on top makes it fancy and it’s a wonderful way to use up all that cantaloupe you overbought. I know you. You’re just like me.

Just cut it up, put it on a baking sheet and toss it in the freezer. You’ve got yourself frozen cantaloupe. And you’re one step closer to making Cantaloupe Lassis.