May 16, 2015

My Everyday Life: Week 20

Here’s what this past week looked like:

Bacon bubbles.

My Everyday Life: Week 20

Edamame hairs.

My Everyday Life: Week 20

Happy Hour is (always) playful.

My Everyday Life: Week 20

I found this when I needed to. Thanks, Cooper!

My Everyday Life: Week 20

He made me a mother.

My Everyday Life: Week 20


May 15, 2015

I love lists, Friday!


  1. New drinking game! Drink whenever you hear Owen Wilson Say WOW
  2. San Francisco’s Top 100 Restaurants.
  3. Honeycomb ICE CREAM?!!! Yes please.
  4. Our next tacos are going to have pickles in them! I can’t wait to try this.
  5. A panzanella with asparagus! Love this idea.
  6. I will miss reading the Mad Men recaps on Vulture each week.
  7. These fixed potholes are incredible.
  8. Is this how Mad Men will end?! 
  9. Can you imagine having Alice Waters as your mom?!
  10. F-That!
  11. Life is like these animated gifs.
  12. Things to think about if you’re having a bad day.
  13. This dress! with these shoes! WANT.
  14. Why there’s a hole in the airplane window.
  15. This cocktail has my name written alllll over it.
  16. Foods cut into perfect cubes. This pleases me to no end.
  17. Why you should be tracking your habits.
  18. A cafe designed by WES ANDERSON?!!!
  19. A quick summary of how smartphones have changed our photography.
  20. Are you daydreaming while reading this list?
  21. If you’ve ever been to a playground with your kids, this will make you laugh.
May 14, 2015

Spicy Edamame

Spicy Edamame // shutterbean

I almost always order edamame when we’re out to dinner for sushi and I almost always forget that I can just make them at home! Now, I have a bag of frozen edamame in the freezer for when the mood strikes. I take a microwave safe bowl, fill it with a little bit of water and then pour out a serving of frozen edamame. Cover the bowl with a paper towel and heat for about a minute, check, heat for another 30 seconds and then done. Drain the water, drizzle toasted sesame oil on top, a few sprinkles of red pepper flakes and a nice dose of kosher salt and black sesame seeds. Simple, quick, healthy and no need to wait until I go to a restaurant to enjoy spicy/salty edamame.

To see more of my Thursday Snack Ideas, follow my Pinterest Board!

May 13, 2015

Mushroom & Caramelized Onion Quesadillas

Mushroom & Caramelized Onion Quesadillas with pepperjack cheese & arugula. A perfect, hearty vegetarian dinner. Find the recipe at Shutterbean.com!

New recipe alert! Mushroom & Caramelized Onion Quesadillas

Sweet dreams are made of these. Who am I to disagree?

Mushroom & Caramelized Onion Quesadillas // shutterbean

That song is currently playing while Casey’s upstairs getting Cooper ready for his bath. Oh, wait. Now the Red Sox game is on. Dang. I was just getting into the groove here. It’s nighttime while I type this. I’m eating what’s left of these quesadillas. They’re actually cold because I made them earlier. Still delicious and I’d say it’s a few steps up from eating popcorn for dinner.  No judgment on that. Seriously.  You can taste the sweetness of the caramelized onions, the pepperiness from the arugula, and the meatiness of the portobello mushrooms in this cold quesadilla I’m eating.  My only regret is that I skimped on the pepper jack in this particular quesadilla. Dang it. Oh well.

Mushroom & Caramelized Onion Quesadillas // shutterbean

I did eat my fair share this afternoon, and they were hot then.  This recipe comes from the new cookbook What Katie Ate on the Weekend. Boy, is this book one heck of a cookbook. The paper quality is supreme and so are the photos. If you want to daydream and have serious wanderlust, then get yourself a copy. The recipes are just as wonderful as the pictures! Bravo, Katie! Now excuse me, I have a Red Sox game to lower the volume on and a few last bites of quesadilla to eat.


May 11, 2015

Cheddar Chive Cornmeal Pancakes

Cheddar Chive Cornmeal Pancakes made with yogurt! A perfect weekday dinner or fancy weekend breakfast. Just add an egg! Recipe on Shutterbean.com

New recipe! Cheddar Chive Cornmeal Pancakes

I’ve never had breakfast in bed. I’ve also never had a surprise birthday party thrown for me.

Parts of me feel slighted by this….

Cheddar Chive Cornmeal Pancakes // shutterbean

And then I feel cool about it. Because having crumbs in my bed…and spilling coffee all over my sheets (which HELLO! that’s a given for a klutz like me) while trying to read the paper that I don’t normally read is not my idea of a good time. Also, if I’m not wearing the cutest outfit or have good makeup during this hypothetical surprise birthday party situation, you best believe my attitude is going to ruin the night. Not in a diva way, it’s just that you might not get the satisfaction you desire from throwing a surprise birthday party from me.

Cheddar Chive Cornmeal Pancakes // shutterbean

I made these cornmeal pancakes on Saturday for my blog and we had leftovers for Mother’s Day breakfast. No, I’m definitely not bitter that I didn’t get breakfast in bed. But maybe I am a little bitter I had to make my own coffee 😉  However, my boys did spoil me with plants + planters and that’s all this crazy plant lady needs. These savory cornmeal pancakes were one of the best things about Mother’s Day (besides spending the day with my Mama!). Waking up to cheesy, chivey, crispy and DELICIOUS cornmeal pancakes with bacon, Greek yogurt (I used full fat!) and smashed avocado & egg was sheer perfection. And! I didn’t even have to worry about getting food on/in/between my sheets.


May 10, 2015

And I Quote

A mother is // shutterbean Call your mother // shutterbean

May 9, 2015

My Everyday Life: Week 19

Here’s what this past week looked like:

Thank you for your peonies, Trader Joe’s

My Everyday Life: Week 19

They’ve turned into my favorite flower.

My Everyday Life: Week 19

So much depth. I love their scalloped petals.

My Everyday Life: Week 19

And I even love when they’re on their way out and the color is gone.

My Everyday Life: Week 19

Last weekend I went on a wine tasting with moms from Kindergarten! Limo! Wine! Cheese! Moms!

My Everyday Life: Week 19

Followed by a wonderful dinner at Kendall Jackson in their culinary garden with Lauren Kelp!

Lauren is a gem!

My Everyday Life: Week 19

Beautiful oyster leaves (grown by culinary gardner Tucker Taylor) with caviar & a mignonette gel.


My Everyday Life: Week 19