April 22, 2015

Orange Creamsicle Popcorn

Salted Popcorn gets a tasty drizzle of creamy orange infused white chocolate in this Orange Creamsicle Popcorn. Check out the recipe on Shutterbean.com !

The Easter bunny included a bag of lemon drop flavored popcorn in Cooper’s Easter basket this year thinking he would love it…because it tasted like lemon cake batter.  The Easter Bunny clearly didn’t know that Cooper wouldn’t be a fan of lemon flavored popcorn. But… somehow the Easter Bunny knew that I (yes, ME!)  would like this particular flavor of popcorn (how thoughtful!) and so I proceeded to eat a whole bag on our drive through Oregon.  Thanks, Easter bunny!

You inspired me to make Orange Creamsicle Popcorn!

Orange Creamsicle Popcorn // shutterbean

I’ve had visions of orange creamsicles floating in my recipe brain lately.  I decided to combine two things I love- creamsicles and popcorn to make my own rendition of Cooper’s easter popcorn, and here we are. Orange infused white chocolate gets drizzled on half of the popcorn and the rest is salted so within a handful you’ll get a few saturated pieces….mixed with some salty goodness.  The power of salty sweet is unreal!

Orange Creamsicle Popcorn // shutterbean

I shouldn’t have been surprised that Cooper wasn’t down with this recipe. But you know, more for me 🙂

In fact, I ate all of it.  No shame in my game.


April 20, 2015

Creamy Asparagus Bacon Soup

Smoky bacon and tangy creme fraiche combine forces with asparagus for this silky Creamy Asparagus & Bacon Soup. Find the recipe at Shutterbean.com!

Creamy Asparagus and Bacon Soup is here to brighten your Monday. Oh Monday….ooof.

My Everyday Life: Week 16

Whenever I see asparagus for a good price at the market, I stock up! Whenever I see asparagus I also think of the song from Alf. Here I found a clip for you.…it’s all jacked up but you can see why I have it stuck in my head. Asparagus Asparagus…it’s good for your table…Asparagus Asparagus whenever you are able…. Oh gosh what have I done?

If you hadn’t noticed, I bought too much asparagus this week. TWO POUNDS.

Creamy Asparagus & Bacon Soup // shutterbean

Smoky bacon is the real star in this soup. We crisp some up set it aside for your topping pleasure. Then we cook the onions, garlic and asparagus in the bacon fat and make a soup from it. Creme fraiche is added at the very end for the creamy component. Because creme fraiche is a little tart, it adds the perfect balance. Asparagus Asparagus (soup) whenever you are able. Oh man…I gotta show Cooper an episode of ALF now.


April 19, 2015

And I Quote:

The quickest way // shutterbean

The flower that blooms // shutterbean

April 18, 2015

My Everyday Life: Week 16

Here’s what this past weed looked like:


My Everyday Life: Week 16

Grapefruits are so pretty.

My Everyday Life: Week 16

Thyme suspended.

My Everyday Life: Week 16

A pretty color palette.

My Everyday Life: Week 16

In between two buildings in SF.

My Everyday Life: Week 16

Matchy matchy.

My Everyday Life: Week 16

Driving through Tahoe.

My Everyday Life: Week 16


April 17, 2015

I love lists, Friday!



  1. I love that it’s so easy to make homemade watercolors for kids.
  2. Some wise words from Jeni Britton. 
  3. Chicken & Dumplings going on the TO DO list.
  4. My friend Jen makes the coolest things. Love these mugs.
  5. I love reading what technology people use to manage their lives.
  6. A portrait in a portrait in a portrait in a portrait…
  8. Advice on how not to be rude- retail wise!
  9. What the White House looked like completely gutted.
  10. Photographic proof that we need to be better to the environment.
  11. If you’re moving here are some tips to make the endeavor easier.
  12. 9 Rules of Swearing for My Children– thought this was really good.
  13. This 86 year old woman is getting some Instagram fame. 🙂
  14. MMMMM. Sesame Steak Salad.
  15. Why I love BLACK ROOMS.
  16. I know I’ve said this a bunch of times but I think I’m gonna finally make kombucha.
  17. A tasty recipe with strawberries. YUM.
  18. Things you will never get used to as an adult. This is all too real.
  19. Palm Springs love. Here and here.
    1. I wish my teacher knew:
  20. Time’s 100 Most Influential People— I love seeing who wrote the blurb for each person.
  21. Bon Appetit’s very opinionated guide to weddings.
April 16, 2015

Pesto Egg + Avocado Sandwich

Pesto Egg & Avocado Sandwich // shutterbean

I had a few hard boiled eggs leftover from Easter so I decided to make an open faced sandwich! I toasted a small piece of bread, smashed 1/4 of an avocado on top with a little bit of salt. Then I placed a few slices of egg on top and drizzled them with pesto. I added a little cilantro for garnish and a little extra salt.  Deeeeeeelish! Just enough something something to get you through the afternoon before dinner.

For a good pesto, try this Arugula Pesto recipe. It’s incredible.

To see more of my Thursday Snack Ideas, follow my Pinterest Board!

April 15, 2015

Grapefruit Thyme Cocktail

A magical combination of thyme simple syrup, fresh grapefruit and gin. Check out this Grapefruit Thyme Cocktail on Shutterbean.com!

It recently dawned on me that don’t have enough grapefruit in my life. It’s probably because I spent so many years with a grapefruit aversion. I blame that one time my dad was on a diet and I tried eating a grapefruit for breakfast with him.  I didn’t understand why anyone would want to have something so bitter…..and then I grew up and now I’m drinking  a Grapefruit Thyme Cocktail.

Grapefruit Thyme Cocktail // shutterbean

I suppose I’ve turned into one of those adults who thinks things are TOO SWEET; hence my love newfound love for grapefruit. Plus the smell is just so intoxicating.

Grapefruit Thyme Cocktail // shutterbean

Here we have a citrusy/herbal cocktail with the combination of thyme simple syrup, fresh grapefruit juice and a spritz of sparking water. I added a grapefruit sugar rim for those moments when you’re not so sure about the bitterness of grapefruit. Not only will it make your kitchen smell great, it will give you a nice refreshing buzz. Enjoy!