The Easter bunny included a bag of lemon drop flavored popcorn in Cooper’s Easter basket this year thinking he would love it…because it tasted like lemon cake batter. The Easter Bunny clearly didn’t know that Cooper wouldn’t be a fan of lemon flavored popcorn. But… somehow the Easter Bunny knew that I (yes, ME!) would like this particular flavor of popcorn (how thoughtful!) and so I proceeded to eat a whole bag on our drive through Oregon. Thanks, Easter bunny!
You inspired me to make Orange Creamsicle Popcorn!
I’ve had visions of orange creamsicles floating in my recipe brain lately. I decided to combine two things I love- creamsicles and popcorn to make my own rendition of Cooper’s easter popcorn, and here we are. Orange infused white chocolate gets drizzled on half of the popcorn and the rest is salted so within a handful you’ll get a few saturated pieces….mixed with some salty goodness. The power of salty sweet is unreal!
I shouldn’t have been surprised that Cooper wasn’t down with this recipe. But you know, more for me 🙂
In fact, I ate all of it. No shame in my game.