March 27, 2015

I love lists, Friday!



  1. Oh gosh. I would eat a whole plate of these Carrot Cake Cookies and OMG this cake!
  2. I love this photo so much.
  3. These jellyfish/airplants are so pretty.
  4. My husband would love these spring rolls.
  5. I have so many daydreams of buying an airstream and seeing the country.
  6. Can someone please name their baby Louella? Thanks.
  7. Cooool. You collaborate with bees.
  8. I really want our driveway to say something funny.
  9. Been reading all about being an INFJ this week. What’s your personality?
  10. People had regrets.
  11. Oops.
  12. How to live a happy life.
  13. Advice every women in her 20s should know.
  14. Two words: DOUGHNUT POPCORN & Doughnut glazes!
  15. This is a whole lot of inside information from couples.
  16. My dad always talks about Egg Creams. It’s time I make him one.
  17. Casey convinced me to buy a French Butter Crock it’s been a game changer. Thanks, Casey.
  18. Something fun to do in SF. I think we’re gonna go.
  19. I have major sister envy.
  20. Hawaiian Sweet Rolls are my gateway drug.
March 26, 2015

Fruit with Honey Lime Yogurt Dip

Fruit Skewers + Honey Lime Yogurt Dip // shutterbean

Sometimes you need to employ a few tricks as a mom. And by sometimes…I mean ALL.THE.TIME.  Here’s the thing–I can’t get Cooper to put fruit IN his yogurt, but I CAN get him to DIP fruit in yogurt. But I don’t call it yogurt…I call it Honey Lime Dip. I take about a cup of plain Greek Yogurt and mix it with a tablespoon of honey, the zest from one lime and a quick squeeze of lime juice. I put some fruit on a skewer and watch him go to town. It’s also a great way to prolong the act of eating if you’re a grown adult. I don’t know about you but I always wish my bowls of yogurt were bottomless. Especially when granola’s involved… Sigh…

To see more of my Thursday Snack Ideas, follow my Pinterest Board!

March 25, 2015

Gluten Free Fudgy Brownies

Deliciously Fudgy Brownies that happen to be Gluten Free with the help of Cornstarch! Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com !

There was a bake sale at school last week. We got a notice that there would be gluten free/nut free options for those with dietary restrictions and it got me to thinking that I don’t really have a gluten free baking prowess to flex. I’m not seasoned veteran with gluten free baking because I don’t have the arsenal of flours in my pantry. I do have quite an assortment of hot sauces though…which only helps a select few. Gluten-Free Fudgy Brownies to the rescue! 

Gluten Free Fudgy Brownies // shutterbean

I saw this recipe on Martha Stewart website the other day and was intrigued. No flour. Just cornstarch. I also saw that I had every ingredient in the ingredient list so OF COURSE I had to make them.

Gluten Free Fudgy Brownies // shutterbean

Annnnnd YES. They’re totally fudgey. Perfectly intense with good hit of chocolate. They’re both chewy and crisp on the edges. You wouldn’t really know they were gluten free. They definitely passed the taste taste in our house! I’m glad I have something good to offer future bake sales…of course I’ll make them without walnuts but in my house, a brownie isn’t a brownie if there’s no nuts in them 🙂


March 23, 2015

Chorizo Potato Hash

Chorizo Potato Hash makes a fabulous weekend Brunch or quick weeknight dinner. Check out the recipe on Shutterbean.com !

Check out this Chorizo Potato Hash!

Someone asked me what my favorite thing to make was and I said breakfast. Mostly because it’s something easily served family style and if I’m eating breakfast, there’s usually time to sit down and savor the morning. As working parents, my husband and I often say “Uggh, I can’t wait to enjoy coffee this weekend.” And when we say enjoy, it means we’re not just gulping down the fuel we need to race out of the house for school drop off and the work hustle.

Chorizo Potato Hash || shutterbean

So with our second cup of coffee, we have breakfast. This is what we had yesterday.

If meat and potatoes are involved my husband is ALWAYS all in.  I’m in it for the sour cream.

Let’s be honest.

Chorizo Potato Hash || shutterbean

With a few simple ingredients we have an incredible breakfast (for dinner!) option. The potatoes are crispy perfection…spiced to the max with the smokey chorizo. The green pepper, onions and jalapeños have somehow added a nice sweetness to the hash while the eggs, cheese and cilantro are the fancy accessorizes needed to complete this dish.  Another one to throw in the our meal rotation!


March 22, 2015

And I Quote:

Believe you can // shutterbean


We don't make mistakes // shutterbean

March 21, 2015

My Everyday Life: Week 12

Here’s what this past week looked like:

Casey and I went to Alcatraz this week with family! Not a bad view from the rock.

my everyday life week 12 || shutterbean

Alcatraz is full of hidden treasures.

my everyday life week 12 || shutterbean

Hello up there!

my everyday life week 12 || shutterbean

It’s fun being a tourist in your hometown.

my everyday life week 12 || shutterbean


my everyday life week 12 || shutterbean

Mine! Mine! MINE!

my everyday life week 12 || shutterbean

The library of Alcatraz feels like it’s full of ghosts.

my everyday life week 12 || shutterbean

It’s all kind of eerie.

my everyday life week 12 || shutterbean

I can’t imagine what it was like at night when inmates were there.

I would seriously never sleep.

my everyday life week 12 || shutterbean

Keys for days.

my everyday life week 12 || shutterbean


March 20, 2015

I love lists, Friday!



  1. This guy makes me giggle when I watch him eat bacon crust pizza.
  2. Love in the Time of Binge Watching
  3. How to live like an Instagram Fashion Girl
  4. 22 Things Creative People Do Differently 
  5. Famous Photos Recreated through Dioramas.
  6. Paintings made with coffee. Now I know what to do with leftovers..
  7. If men were able to get pregnant…
  8. Love this IKEA hack. Been wanting a mirror like that for awhile.
  9. Sheep cat is so fluffy!!
  10. GORGEOUS Easter Eggs.
  11. Added Real Sweet to my cookbook arsenal. Gonna bake you something soon!
  12. Just watching this makes my eyes water.
  13. The dressing on this salad looks killer.
  14. Kelly Clarkson’s cover of Give Me One Reason is so good.
  15. I’m thinking that these splatter napkins would be a good project for Cooper & I.
  16. My first order from Thrive Market comes this weekend and I’m excited!
  17. Insincere 5 Star Ratings on Uber are the biggest hidden problem
  18. These Lemon Meringue Pie Ice Cream Sandwiches look amazing.
  19.  Negativity Online-An Essay Inspired by 200,000 comments
  20. This is MY LIFE.