February 28, 2015

My Everyday Life: Week 9

Here’s what this past week looked like:

Spent last weekend in Portland.

my everyday life week 9 || shutterbean

With two of my dear friends from college.

my everyday life week 9 || shutterbean

We ate our way through Portland (I’ll share more of that soon!)

One of the cool things we did was get our aura portraits by Radiant Human.

my everyday life week 9 || shutterbean

I have a red-orange aura.

my everyday life week 9 || shutterbean

: D

my everyday life week 9 || shutterbean


my everyday life week 9 || shutterbean


February 27, 2015

I love lists, Friday!


  1. The rubber band parenting method. I’d like to try it.
  2. It would be fun to do this project in my home.
  3. I’d love to see how she does Gwen Stefani. Next time!
  4. 15 things that Emotionally Strong People DON’T DO.
  5. These cinemagraphs are trippy.
  6. The only reason why I’d go camping (it’s for the food!)
  7. How Should I Teach My Kids About Money?
  8. A perfectly symmetrical Wes Anderson supercut.
  9. The Power of a Gimmick Free Gaga (her performance was unreal!)
  10. Have you done the 23andme? I’ve been contemplating buying a kit.  Because I love data.
  11. I totally had a crush on JC Chasez when he was in the Mickey Mouse Club. 
  12. Loved watching this!
  13. 34 Truths.
  14. Ages 1-100
  15. I want a camper!
  16. Guide to life by Claire Underwood. I’m excited for the next season of House of Cards!
  17. I finally finished What I Know For Sure this week and LOVED IT. Gonna read it again.
  18. What it’s like to be trapped inside your own head. Whoa. This really resonated with me.
  19. Hooray for makeup charts!
  20. San Francisco Commandments (hilarious/true)
  21. This makes me miss working in the darkroom.
February 26, 2015

Cinnamon Sugar Tortilla Roll-ups

Cinnamon Sugar Tortilla Roll Ups // shutterbean

When I was a kid I spent a few years with these twins named Jenae & Jennifer. Their grandma used to pack their lunches and the two of them had cinnamon sugar tortillas almost every day. Took me awhile to weasel my way into getting them to share one with me and from then on I was hooked. I remember coming home from school and trying my hardest to recreate them. Master of the microwave, I was not. They always ended up crunchy because I didn’t know you could microwave something for less than a minute.

This snack is now a part of Cooper’s childhood. Sometimes he has it for breakfast and sometimes as an afternoon snack for school. If our tortillas aren’t pliable I pop them in the microwave for like 8 seconds to soften them up. I spread salted butter evenly on top and sprinkle cinnamon sugar lightly over the butter, followed by an extra dash of cinnamon. Then I roll them up like little cigars and cut them up. I find that cutting  them into little bite sized rolls makes me think I’m eating mini cinnamon rolls…they’re doughy and delicious.

February 23, 2015

Cream of Spinach Soup

There's almost TWO pounds of fresh spinach in the Creamy Spinach Soup. Check out more on Shutterbean!

Cream of Spinach Soup! 

I found out recently, after almost 9 years of marriage, that my husband doesn’t really get excited over soup. WHAT?  I feel like we should have talked about this in our marriage prep class.  That doesn’t stop me from making it…and making him eat it.

Cream of Spinach Soup // shutterbean

I’ve been on a soup kick lately and he’s been along for the ride. First with the Sidekick Tomato Soup and now with this Cream of Spinach Soup! Really, I think I just want a good excuse to eat croutons…Which he’s not super into and that’s fine because it means more for Cooper and I (we both have the crouton loving/crust on pizza is the best part gene).

Next up, I think I’m going to make a batch of Pasta Fagioli. The cold weather practically BEGS for it.

Cream of Spinach Soup // shutterbean

Even though this recipe has cream and butter in it, I feel like it’s gotta be good for you. LOOK AT THAT GREEN COLOR. With almost TWO POUNDS of spinach packed in, it’s practically a salad. A creamy dreamy warm salad/soup…with croutons 🙂


February 22, 2015

And I Quote:

LIFE'S A BEACH!  --shutterbean

Sometimes you will never know // shutterbean

Doubt kills more dreams // shutterbean

KEEP GOING // shutterbean

I CAN/ I WILL -- shutterbean

February 21, 2015

My Everyday Life: Week 8

Here’s what this past week looked like:

Family day date up north. We hung out at Lynmar Estates– one of our favorite places!

My Everyday Life: Week 8


My Everyday Life: Week 8

Such a beautiful day.

My Everyday Life: Week 8

This is the pose he chose.

My Everyday Life: Week 8

Walking across the bridge.

My Everyday Life: Week 8

Teaching him about light & shadows.

My Everyday Life: Week 8

We had fun throwing rocks at the numbers. The bird was obviously gone when we did it.

My Everyday Life: Week 8


February 20, 2015

I love lists, Friday!


  1.  Twelve women who had the perfect response to sexist questions
  2. On the importance of drawing
  3. Dripping paint IS mesmerizing!
  4. I need this print.
  5. These burritos look amazing.
  6. Favorite back of the package recipes (we always use the pumpkin pie one!)
  7. The Burden of Being Flawless
  8. A kitchen that hasn’t been touched in 50 years.
  9. If you don’t wanna see how many calories you eat at Chipotle, don’t click on this.
  10. Oh gosh…guys can be so silly.
  11. School lunches from around the world.
  12. If I made this Stacked Eggplant Parmesan, I wouldn’t share!
  13. I wonder what the fashion of Mad Men’s last season reveal….
  14. What a pretty organized pantry!
  15. The origins of my favorite SNL digital short.
  16. Niagara Falls is frozen and it’s damn beautiful!   Baby, it’s cold outside!
  17. Molly makes the best cakes. Dang girl, DANG.
  18. We’ve been thoroughly enjoying The Book with No Pictures at my house.
  19. I’ve been really into the new Beck album this month.  #totallyrelaxing
  20. Who doesn’t love a good Oscar Themed Menu?
  21. World’s largest animated gif. THIS IS SO RAD.