January 4, 2015

And I Quote:

My childhood maybe over // shutterbean

This one goes out to my Mom. It’s her birthday today 🙂  Happy Birthday, Mom! I LOVE YOU!

January 3, 2015

My Everyday Life: Week 1

Here’s what this past week looked like:

Thank you for this picture, Leslie.

My Everyday Life: Week 1

My goodness.

My Everyday Life: Week 1

I make it a goal to spend the first day of the year at the ocean.

My Everyday Life: Week 1


My Everyday Life: Week 1

Eff yes. It’s always fun to bring bourbon to the beach, isn’t it?

My Everyday Life: Week 1

Blessed be!

My Everyday Life: Week 1

Christmas looks good in your house, Les.

My Everyday Life: Week 1

Bloody Marys in vintage glasses. Pepperoncini for days.

My Everyday Life: Week 1


January 2, 2015

I love lists, Friday!

I love lists friday!

  1. Deepest Darkest Dreams- Illustrated!
  2. I want to dive face first into a bowl of this.
  3. 45 Most Powerful Photos of 2014
  4. Some interesting facts about San Francisco
  5. Sneak Peek vs. Sneak Peak
  6. Meyers Briggs New Years Resolutions. Ha!
  7. I’m in the mood for biscuits.
  8. Jellyfish are pretty.
  9. Kitchen Pantry Porn— oh man.
  10. How to build a capsule wardrobe.
  11. 9 ways to feel more positive when you’re feeling negative!
  12. I love this printable calendar. It’s going right in my Bullet Journal.
  13. Treated myself to a subscription to Cherry Bombe Magazine in 2015.
  14. A good way to keep motivated. Love these!
  15. This is How We Date Now.  Whoa. Is this really how it is?
  16. Food Predictions for 2015. I’m all for the gyro.
  17. Notable Deaths of 2014 🙁
  18. This made me laugh.
  19. Songs with Misunderstood Meanings
  20. If you’re looking for something to read….
December 31, 2014

Brussels Sprouts Salad w/ Pecorino + Oranges

Brussels Sprouts Salad with Pecorino & Oranges // shutterbean

Last day of the year! Hey. Hello! You wearing stretchy pants? I am.

I feel like I need to EASE into this healthy eating lifestyle in 2015.

Brussels Sprouts Salad with Pecorino & Oranges // shutterbean

I like to walk the line with salads…but add nuts and cheese as a BABY STEP into healthier eating. I find that if I don’t have those two requirements I’m not successful in reminding my body that vegetables are a worthier choice over cheese and crackers.

Brussels Sprouts Salad with Pecorino & Oranges // shutterbean

I do love vegetables. Especially ones that have crunch. This salad has all the things. Sweetness from the orange, crunch from the Brussels sprouts, saltiness from the Pecorino, crunch with the pistachios and BITE with the sliced red onion. It’s a lot like my Addictive Brussels Sprouts Salad but ENHANCED!


December 29, 2014

Most Popular Posts of 2014:

Shutterbean 2014 Recap

Can you believe that 2014 is almost over? The year went by so fast.  I’ve been thinking about my intentions for 2015 for both my personal & work life (here are last year’s) but I feel like I can’t do so until I see what this year looked like. I went through and found all of my most popular posts from 2014 and here they are!

Let’s look back!


December 28, 2014

And I Quote:

Fear is excitement // shutterbean

A lie has speed // shutterbean

December 27, 2014

My Everyday Life: Week 52

Here’s what the last week of 2014 looked like:

Our tree this year. We’ve had it for 7 years (?) now.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

Half of my house was in white/blue/green.  The other half was a red/green combination.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

My dad digging into the pate on Christmas Eve.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

Remind me to use glitter more often…and to be more careful next time.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

A little piece of my table.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

It was a super mellow Christmas this year. My brother & his fiancee came up from Los Angeles and my parents came from the city. We had a sleepover and a sit down dinner.  Normally we have Casey’s family over for dinner, but family members have moved and things have shifted a little bit. We’re in the in between…figuring out new traditions. Life is like that, you know?  I did really miss all of the cousins. I know Cooper did too.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

I made this herbed beef tenderloin  with an impromptu mushroom sauce.

We had roasted potatoes & sweet potatoes and a side of my creamed spinach.

Of course we started with my Mom’s Green Salad 🙂

My Everyday Life: Week 52

I’m working on a project with Patron Tequila and they sent me bottles that have SHUTTERBEAN engraved in them. How cool is that??! It was nice to see my dad take a few shots of tequila. Good sign, good sign.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

Opening presents.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

Leisurely morning with my parents. My mom and I were team egg/bacon/toast.

Everyone else just dipped into my mom’s coffee cake. 

My Everyday Life: Week 52

Cooper was busy putting together legos ALL DAY.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

Sunny morning in our family room.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

Seeing my dad read a book on his phone… on my couch made me happy.  It meant he was relaxed.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

My cat was more friendly with less people around. It was weird!

My Everyday Life: Week 52

On Christmas day we ventured into the city for dim sum at Yank Sing. 

My Everyday Life: Week 52

We went for a long walk afterward.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

Checking out the tree in Union Square.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

It was weird to be in the city when all of the stores were closed.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

We popped into hotels looking for cocktails.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

Hot toddy adventure!

My Everyday Life: Week 52

Steamy windows.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

My parents watched Cooper this week and we had a one day stay-cation.

I made us hot toddies with Apple Infused Bourbon.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

Foggy morning hike.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

Day date in the city!

My Everyday Life: Week 52

Day dates remind me how nice it is to hold hands with my husband.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

Banh mi sandwiches at Bun-Mee.  I had this fried catfish situation with salt & pepper fries.


My Everyday Life: Week 52

A little detour into Jonathan Adler…my happy place!

My Everyday Life: Week 52

I want Christmas lights up YEAR ROUND. I’ve been enjoying coffee on the couch in the mornings with this view.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

Dinner at Delarosa with my family. This kid got a haircut after I saw this pic.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

Black, white, red & blue.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

I helped put together a puzzle this week. IT WAS AWESOME. More puzzles in 2015. Please/thank you.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

Testing out light with Joel.

My Everyday Life: Week 52


My Everyday Life: Week 52


My Everyday Life: Week 52

Photo by Joel Aron.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

Proof of my first kayak experience. Thanks for the pep-talk, Joel. I really thought I was gonna fall in.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

My brain makes the water animate.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

Testing out emotions.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

If I have a sharpie and your foot is near me…be careful.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

A moment of calm.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

Master builder on his new Lego table (thank you NINI!)

Also…watching A Christmas Story because THAT’S WHAT YOU DO ON CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!

My Everyday Life: Week 52

A grouping of my favorite things.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

Take your boo to work day ONE.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

Take your boo to work DAY TWO.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

Retox Detox recipes in the making.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

Party nail.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

Blue yellow orange.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

One last JOY shot. Bonus N.

My Everyday Life: Week 52

LAST WEEK OF THE YEAR!!!!!!!!!  I can’t believe how fast that went.

I’ll be continuing this series in 2015 because I really love looking back and seeing both the little/BIG moments throughout the years.