January 5, 2015

Carrot Orange Tequila Cooler

Carrot & Orange Tequila Coolers from Shutterbean made with Patron Tequila!

New recipe! Carrot Orange Tequila Cooler!

Let’s think about the weekend for a sec. It’s Monday. Wait… that’s all we’re thinking of, right?  Weekend plans make weekdays less stressful.  Let’s think about possibly working out (with friends?) and then having cocktail(s) afterward because that’s how weekends go. A balance of work and play. Keyword= balance.

The Retox/Detox Cocktail // shutterbean
I made this drink to balance out a really good workout. It’s a detox/retox combo!  The fresh carrot juice (Vitamin A & B Vitamins!) and orange juice (Vitamin C like whoa!) combine forces to bring you good health while providing the sweet juice base for our cocktail. The grated ginger will help ward off sickness (while packing a punch!) and the Silver Patrón Tequila (with smooth citrus notes & light pepper notes!) is the special reward you deserve for your hard work.  It’s both refreshing and thirst quenching. I’d even say it’s a good replacement for a weekend Bloody Mary (my husband agrees).


January 4, 2015

And I Quote:

My childhood maybe over // shutterbean

This one goes out to my Mom. It’s her birthday today 🙂  Happy Birthday, Mom! I LOVE YOU!

January 3, 2015

My Everyday Life: Week 1

Here’s what this past week looked like:

Thank you for this picture, Leslie.

My Everyday Life: Week 1

My goodness.

My Everyday Life: Week 1

I make it a goal to spend the first day of the year at the ocean.

My Everyday Life: Week 1


My Everyday Life: Week 1

Eff yes. It’s always fun to bring bourbon to the beach, isn’t it?

My Everyday Life: Week 1

Blessed be!

My Everyday Life: Week 1

Christmas looks good in your house, Les.

My Everyday Life: Week 1

Bloody Marys in vintage glasses. Pepperoncini for days.

My Everyday Life: Week 1


January 2, 2015

I love lists, Friday!

I love lists friday!

  1. Deepest Darkest Dreams- Illustrated!
  2. I want to dive face first into a bowl of this.
  3. 45 Most Powerful Photos of 2014
  4. Some interesting facts about San Francisco
  5. Sneak Peek vs. Sneak Peak
  6. Meyers Briggs New Years Resolutions. Ha!
  7. I’m in the mood for biscuits.
  8. Jellyfish are pretty.
  9. Kitchen Pantry Porn— oh man.
  10. How to build a capsule wardrobe.
  11. 9 ways to feel more positive when you’re feeling negative!
  12. I love this printable calendar. It’s going right in my Bullet Journal.
  13. Treated myself to a subscription to Cherry Bombe Magazine in 2015.
  14. A good way to keep motivated. Love these!
  15. This is How We Date Now.  Whoa. Is this really how it is?
  16. Food Predictions for 2015. I’m all for the gyro.
  17. Notable Deaths of 2014 🙁
  18. This made me laugh.
  19. Songs with Misunderstood Meanings
  20. If you’re looking for something to read….
December 31, 2014

Brussels Sprouts Salad w/ Pecorino + Oranges

Brussels Sprouts Salad with Pecorino & Oranges // shutterbean

Last day of the year! Hey. Hello! You wearing stretchy pants? I am.

I feel like I need to EASE into this healthy eating lifestyle in 2015.

Brussels Sprouts Salad with Pecorino & Oranges // shutterbean

I like to walk the line with salads…but add nuts and cheese as a BABY STEP into healthier eating. I find that if I don’t have those two requirements I’m not successful in reminding my body that vegetables are a worthier choice over cheese and crackers.

Brussels Sprouts Salad with Pecorino & Oranges // shutterbean

I do love vegetables. Especially ones that have crunch. This salad has all the things. Sweetness from the orange, crunch from the Brussels sprouts, saltiness from the Pecorino, crunch with the pistachios and BITE with the sliced red onion. It’s a lot like my Addictive Brussels Sprouts Salad but ENHANCED!


December 29, 2014

Most Popular Posts of 2014:

Shutterbean 2014 Recap

Can you believe that 2014 is almost over? The year went by so fast.  I’ve been thinking about my intentions for 2015 for both my personal & work life (here are last year’s) but I feel like I can’t do so until I see what this year looked like. I went through and found all of my most popular posts from 2014 and here they are!

Let’s look back!


December 28, 2014

And I Quote:

Fear is excitement // shutterbean

A lie has speed // shutterbean