October 7, 2014

Outfitting: Seriously Delish

Outfit inspired by the Seriously Delish Cookbook // shutterbean


I had so much fun coming up with an outfit for the Huckleberry Cookbook, so why not make another one?  Today I bring you an outfit inspired by the Seriously Delish Cookbook. This beauty belongs to my friend Jessica Merchant of How Sweet It Is.  It’s a wonderful cookbook; I’ve already made the Sour Cream & Onion Popcorn recipe and it was AWESOME.

When I think of Jessica, I think of Kate Spade, stilettos, bold prints and bright shades of pink, blue and green. I also think of lip gloss, fun eyeshadow colors, and glittery nail polish. If you haven’t seen her monthly beauty posts, you totally should. They’re pretty comprehensive! Her cookbook cover is moody with jewel tones–which makes it a perfect color palette for Fall.  I’m looking forward to making an outfit inspired by Joy’s cookbook next!



October 6, 2014

Sweet & Sour Roasted Delicata Squash

Sweet & Sour Roasted Delicata Squash // shutterbean

If you haven’t tried delicata squash, YOU SHOULD. It’s one of my favorite things about Autumn. What I like most about them is that they’re pretty easy to roast. Cut off both ends, scoop out the seeds, slice them up and let the oven do the rest.  Maybe I just like that they’re cute and scalloped on the edges. Maybe I just like that you can eat them skin and all. I think that’s it.

Sweet & Sour Roasted Delicata Squash // shutterbean

A few years ago I fried Brussels Sprouts and man they were good. What made them so dang amazing was the honey lime sriracha sauce on top. I thought it might be a nice thing to add on top of roasted delicata squash so I tried it. Here it is and….

Sweet & Sour Roasted Delicata Squash // shutterbean

OMG it’s good. How could it not be? The sweetness of the squash! The sweet & sour tang of the sauce! A match made in haven.  I brought these to a ladies dinner and I turned a few people on….to delicata squash! They were instant fans and the serving dish was wiped clean. Honestly though, I could totally eat a whole batch myself. I find roasted delicata squash irresistible! There’s just something about they’re texture and sweetness that gets me.


October 5, 2014

And I Quote:

All sorrows are less // shutterbean

Imagination is the highest kite // shutterbean

Deep meaning often lies // shutterbean

Not until we are lost // shutterbean

There is more to life // shutterbean

October 4, 2014

My Everyday Life: Week 40

Here’s what this past week looked like:

Making pie crust for an apple pie…and then realizing I didn’t feel like peeling apples.

(it’s in the freezer now!)

My Everyday Life: Week 40


Casey’s favorite smoothie involves bee pollen.

My Everyday Life: Week 40

Family drive.

My Everyday Life: Week 40


My Everyday Life: Week 40


October 3, 2014

I love lists, Friday!


  1. Makes me wonder what Cooper will discover about us 🙂
  2. I am always hungry so I understand.
  3. Skills We’ve Lost to Technology. I don’t remember phone #s….sigh.
  4. Choose Happiness!
  5. I loved reading this essay on marriage. 
  6. Ira Glass! I want Cooper to be Ira Glass for Halloween. 
  7. I appreciate Grace’s positivity with Blogger Burnout. It’s a real thing!
  8. If you travel on an airplane, you can relate to this. Also- THIS.
  9. Speaking of airplanes… this looks pretty amazing.
  10. This pizza looks bomb.
  11. How to Store Food.
  12. 10 Things You’ll Learn in Culinary School.
  13. They’re right. This text response IS GOLD.
  14. Sweet potato noodles? Color me intrigued.
  15. How did I not know that Ben & Jerry’s had a Schweddy Balls flavor??!!
  16. Spider Doughnuts! What a clever idea.
  17. How yummy does this soup look?
  18. Grilled Cheese love for YOU and YOU!
  19. This oatmeal is calling my name.
  20. San Francisco: One Second Shots  (SO GOOD)
  21. Irish People Taste American Junk Food for the First Time. The commentary is hilarious.



Make Great made my Banana Walnut Granola

Hey! If you make a recipe from Shutterbean, will you post it to your Instagram and hashtag #shutterbean? I love seeing Shutterbean recipes all over the world! xo




October 2, 2014

Pesto Toast

Pesto Toast // shutterbean

Pesto + Sourdough Toast + Parmesan Cheese. You could really make a meal out of it, but sometimes you just need a little something something that satisfies your savory crunchy snack needs. When we have a loaf of sourdough, which is like almost always, I take the small pieces that don’t make for good sandwiches (because they’re soooo small!) and turn them into pesto toast. Sometimes they’re oh I just need a little bit of peanut butter on toast toasts. Anyways, don’t forget about pesto toast!

October 1, 2014

Pumpkin Spice French Toast

Pumpkin Spice French Toast // shutterbean

New post! Pumpkin Spice French Toast

I love french toast. I always have and always will.  I almost never order it when we go out to eat because I will eat all of it. It’s also because half way stuffing my face with french toast, my inner food voice is like WAIT we wanted savory for breakfast! What are you doing?!  And then there’s this little feeling of regret. Regret that I should have ordered a side of bacon.

Pumpkin Spice French Toast // shutterbean

Cooper is also Team French Toast; I love that about him. Even though he’s totally picky and won’t eat things like PASTA, I know that he does carry the bread gene and that makes me happy. Casey is not a fan of custardy egg things. Womp womp. He’s definitely warming up to mushrooms so there’s maybe there’s hope?

Pumpkin Spice French Toast // shutterbean

A few weeks ago I bought a loaf of brioche bread to make french toast. I’m surprised that I had the willpower to actually make french toast. Brioche and challah both make me weak in the knees. I grabbed a jar of pumpkin butter, added extra cinnamon and pumpkin spice to my french toast custard base and whipped up these hearty/eggy/pumpkin spice french toast slices. Because I like to push things over the edge of deliciousness, I made a batch of pumpkin cream cheese. A little dollop on top of the french toast  and a drizzle of maple syrup and all is right. Hello, dreamy Autumn breakfast! I am so into you.