September 23, 2014

Outfitting: Huckleberry

Outfit Inspired by the Huckleberry Cookbook! //shutterbean


Now that it’s officially Autumn, I’ve been daydreaming about scarf weather, fireplace living, and coffee dates with baked goods. I kinda can’t wait to hibernate.  You feeling it too?? I’ve had a copy of the Huckleberry: Stories, Secrets, and Recipes From Our Kitchen by Zoe Nathan sitting on my coffee table this week and I’m so excited to start baking from it this Fall! The book itself is absolutely beautiful.  The graphic design/layout is equally breathtaking as the photographs (shot by my friend Matt Armendariz!).  Wait til you see the spine of the book! It’s yellow & white polka dotted!!!!

I’m using this cookbook as inspiration for my fall wardrobe because LOOK AT THAT COVER. Gorgeous, right?  I put together an outfit that has a base of black, a hint of stripe (to be layered under the dress), pops of plum and I’ve added little bit of yellow to add some visual interest. I bet it would be cute with a pair of bright colored tights or maybe a cute cardigan for layering when the weather gets chilly.

September 22, 2014

Stracciatella Soup

Stracciatella Soup // shutterbean

With the colder weather coming up, my brain is craving childhood comfort foods like whoa- hence the Pizza Bagels and now this soup. Before I left for college many many MANY years ago, my grandmother taught me how to make her Stracciatella Soup.  It was always something she made me when I was over at her house and HUNGRY (which was all the time). She’d give me extra cheese because she is my grandma and that’s what grandmothers do.  I ended up eating this soup a lot in college because it rained so much in Oregon and it was CHEEEEEAAAAP. Also it’s ridiculously easy. So, basically this soup wins.

Stracciatella Soup // shutterbean

Four simple ingredients— chicken broth, spinach, eggs and Parmesan combine forces and turn into this amazing soup. It’s ALLLL about the Parmesan if you ask me. The more, the merrier.

Stracciatella Soup // shutterbean

Thanks for the life skills and the extra cheese (always), Grandma!


September 21, 2014

And I Quote:

I eat // shutterbean

No Snooze Button // shutterbean

Be Kind // shutterbean

Find Something Good // shutterbean

The Greatest Gift // shutterbean

September 20, 2014

My Everyday Life: Week 38

Here’s what this past week looked like:

I traveled to Arizona (briefly!) this week.
My Everyday Life: Week 38


September 19, 2014

I love lists, Friday!


  1. Love this clever video. 
  2. 12 Ways to be the Meanest Mom IN THE WORLD.
  3. Surviving Whole Foods.
  4. If I didn’t have a child in the house, I’d wear most of these tees.
  5. These shoes have a funny name…and it makes me want them more.
  6. Starbucks Spelling. Yup. There’s a whole tumblr.
  7. This is a good life skill to have.
  8. I’m thinking of having a Sex and the City marathon…look at these facts.
  10. It says I’m great.
  11. My brother photo-bombed one of my wedding photos.
  12. What a pretty dish!
  13. How you’re supposed to eat sushi. (Hey Ryan- Yasuda!)
  14. Congrats, Bakerella on your new line of products! I LOVE the alphabet & the gem molds!
  15. Saying this word kills your credibility.
  16. Yes. TO THIS. 
  17. Two of my favorite things. Ever. Marzipan + Challah.
  18. I enjoyed listening to my two friends chat.
  19. I totally have a crush on this blog. 
  20. This is a MUST READ.






On the latest episode of the Joy the Baker podcast, we talk about the Essential Oils class I recently took.  There’s also some ghost action in Joy’s apartment. AHHH!!

Check out episode # 130– Comfort Ladies





The Gourmet Housewife made my Grilled Zucchini Roll-Ups

Jessica Rodarte made my Breakfast Pizza French Bread Pizza

Love Laurie made my Baked Pumpkin Pecan Doughnuts 

Mom. Fashion. Lifestyle adapted my Pasta Fagioli Soup

Forbidden Rice Blog adapted my Raspberry Peach Buckle

September 18, 2014



My brain wants there to be three extra slices of apple off to the side of the frame here.  Then I could make these slices of apple with peanut butter and granola into little sandwiches. Wouldn’t that be nice? I wouldn’t even mind the peanut butter that oozed out of the sides. Make sure you pop the seeds out of the apple…or even core it of you feel so inclined. It turns them into little apple doughnuts…sorta.

In this little snack of mine, I used one of my favorite granola recipes for the top. It adds just enough crunch to balance it all out.  This is one of those good breakfast/after-school/OMG when is  itgoing to be time to GO HOME from work already?!!! situations.

September 15, 2014

Homemade Pizza Bagels

Make Your Own PIZZA BAGELS!! // shutterbean

New Post- Homemade Pizza Bagels! 

My niece was visiting this summer from Massachusetts (Hi Cam!) and we were having a conversation about what she likes to eat and  I was surprised to find out that pizza bagels were high up her list. Pizza Bagels! I totally forgot about pizza bagels. How could I forget about pizza bagels??!

Make Your Own PIZZA BAGELS!! // shutterbean

In the attempt to create an easy/make ahead meal that’s great for school lunches, I bring you PIZZA BAGELS. Much like my freezer burritos and breakfast burritos recipes, these pizza bagels are great to have in your weeknight arsenal. They’re a freezer staple! They’re also good for those nights when Casey and I want to eat food Cooper doesn’t like. I’ll just throw a few of these pizza bagels in the oven and he’s easily taken care of.

Make Your Own PIZZA BAGELS!! // shutterbean

Don’t feel like making a whole pizza?  Don’t feel like cooking…really? Just take out a few pizza bagels from the freezer, heat up your oven and 14 minutes later dinner is served. It’s all so simple. Crunchy, doughy, bite-sized goodness.

I split this batch into two different types of pizza bagels because I’m not a huge fan of pepperoni like Cooper is. I do love a good Greek Pizza so we both have our favorites.

Pizza bagels are now filed under:  WEEKLY MEAL PREP IDEAS and Lunchbox Favorites, and good for Football Season Bites!