I love lists, Friday!
- I freaking love Amy Poehler.
- Why It’s Impossible to Make Plans Anymore.
- Old Timey Life Hacks that still work to this day.
- Mind blown also OMG gimme these burgers.
- I wonder if this is how Cooper feels.
- These DIY notebook tea cloths are adorable.
- Just donate money.
- I want to make one of these!
- If Guys Acted like Girl BFFS. Hilarious.
- The ending of Sopranos still has me thinking.
- I am a functional introvert. What about you?
- Let’s make popsicles before the Summer ends.
- This sorbet looks scrumptious.
- So much yes to this– School lunches from the 70s vs. 2014.
- Do you sleep with your phone?
- I can’t wait to transform our kitchen someday!
- Mmmm. Spicy Sausage Rolls.
- Email is killing us.
- The anthropologie catalog had it coming.
- YES.
On the latest episode of the Joy the Baker podcast, we talk about the weird people at the gym (and how we have names for them!), bragging about yourself & our thoughts on people who type with two fingers. Check out Episode #128: Hunt & Peckers.
Avocado & Banana Chocolate Pudding
We just survived Cooper’s first day of Kindergarten!!! It’s funny how a date can sit on your calendar for MONTHS and then JUST LIKE THAT it comes and goes! New beginnings. New friends. New routines. New clothes. New teachers. New routes to school. New lunchbox. New haircut. New backpack. EVERYTHING IS NEW.
As someone who loves change (when I have some semblance of control!) it’s been nice to be able to say that we made it through! There were no tears (including me!) and Cooper DID NOT want to go home from Kindergarten. In fact, he was like, “Waaaaaaaait. Why are you picking me up so early? I was just getting to know my new best friend.” I did have a mild panic attack when I thought I left my dang checkbook at home and didn’t have a sweatshirt for him like I was supposed to. We made it through and that’s all that matters!
One of the main things that’s new for us this year is school lunches. At Cooper’s preschool they served the children hot meals each day so I didn’t have to pack lunches for him. It was NICE not having that stress every evening. This means I have to beef up my school & after school snack game! I think I might add this Avocado Banana Chocolate Pudding recipe to our rotation because I got Cooper to eat AVOCADOS without a fuss. To fancy it up, I added coconut whipped cream and a sprinkle of chopped roasted peanuts. It’s creamy, chocolatey and DECADENT! It’s the perfect recipe to make when you have a few too many avocados and bananas lying around…and we always have too many cuz I love both with a passion.
10 Ways to Enhance Annie’s Mac & Cheese
So, here’s the thing. My son, Cooper doesn’t like Mac & Cheese. ISN’T THAT CRAZY??! There’s something about pasta he doesn’t like (are we even related?!!) and he’s kinda finicky about melted cheese (only on pizza and sometimes quesadillas). I’m hoping/praying it’s just a phase. We shall see. BUT!! Casey, on the other hand loves pasta in ANY form. Whenever he’s is working late and Cooper has already eaten dinner and gone to bed, I usually whip up a box of Annie’s Mac & Cheese for us adults. It’s very rare that I make a box on its own because I love the challenge of coming up with new additions. I think Casey definitely appreciates the effort!
Every Monday Annie’s shares a new creative Mix-In idea on their twitter, Instagram & Facebook pages. Today I teamed up with Annie’s to show you some of MY favorite Mix-Ins (I created 10 recipes total!) on this fine MONDAY. Let’s get into it!