August 15, 2014

I love lists, Friday!


  1. How to be Polite.  Love.
  2. The gym can be annoying. Here’s proof.
  3. I can’t look away. What is all this stuff??
  4. These brownies. YUM.
  5. Here are some sandwich stereotypes for you.
  6. This salad is on my TO MAKE list
  7. Craving: CUPCAKES!
  8. Cobbler for two….more like ONE, if I’m eating it. 🙂
  9. If you’ve ever waited in line for that new thing, these are the people you encounter.
  10. Why it’s so hard to remember people’s names.
  11. This made me laugh. I totally ghost sometimes. You just gotta.
  12. Been thinking about making my own kombucha. I mean…it’s probably worth it.
  13. I forgot how much I love to make ghee.
  14. Things I need to do include: organize freezer  (it’s kinda bad right now)
  15. This ice cream sounds really good.
  16. Guilty as charged! 
  17. What a good son! This made me teary.
  18. Who was there to be Robin Williams for Robin Williams?
  19. 13 Things No One Tells You About Being a Woman  (amen)
  20. 30 is NOT the new 20.




On the latest episode of the Joy the Baker podcast, we chit chat about having a cast (and getting things stuck in it), Minnie Riperton, calligraphy, eyelashes, style blogs AKA RANDOMNESS!

Check it out here.





Gimme Some Oven made my Chocolate Sour Cream Bundt Cake with Greek Yogurt.

August 14, 2014


Turkey + Lettuce Sandwiches // shutterbean

This is a perfect snack for when you feel like having a sandwich but you’re currently in between meals.  It’s enough to tide you over to the next meal because it has protein, crunch and a little mustard.  You could add a little cheese if you feel so inclined 🙂  Now…. what are we having for dinner?

August 13, 2014

S’mores Cupcakes

S'mores Cupcakes // shutterbean

Let’s just say this together. S’mores Cupcakes.  SAAAAAAHMORES CUP-CAAAAKES.

S'mores Cupcakes // shutterbean

You might need to sit down for this.  Wait, why are you not sitting? Standing in line for the train? Cool.

I’ll wait.

S'mores Cupcakes // shutterbean

Graham crackers are mixed into buttery cake batter to form an amazing cupcake base. The cupcake is then topped with a rich ganache and jeweled with a toasted marshmallow crown on top of that.

Hummina hummina hummina. Yes please, thank you, OMG I CAN’T STOP EATING THEM GET THEM OUT OF MY FACE, The end.


August 11, 2014

Thai Chopped Salad with Tofu

Chopped Thai Salad with Tofu // shutterbean

New post! Thai Chopped Salad with Tofu

Sometimes I forget about tofu. I don’t really mean t. It’s just that I’ve gone through periods of not liking it.  One bad dish and I’m out. I forget that a good dish can put it back in my grocery staple column.

Chopped Thai Salad with Tofu // shutterbean

I am currently in a period of liking tofu and I owe it all to this recipe from Vibrant Food: Celebrating the Ingredients, Recipes, and Colors of Each Season.  My friend Kimberley of The Year in Food has created a gorgeous cookbook that I’m super excited to have in my cookbook arsenal.  The photography is stunning and I want to make almost every single recipe. (Excellent job, Kimberley!)

Chopped Thai Salad with Tofu // shutterbean

It was the crispy tofu and the lime dressing that seduced me into trying this recipe.  Besides all of the wonderful ingredients within the salad (look at all that green & red!), the the tofu and the dressing are the real stars. I WANT TO DRINK THE DRESSING; it’s that good.  If you’re looking for a hearty salad with a lot of different textures and flavors, THIS IS IT.  Casey was a fan too (and wants beef on the next round). We’re filing this one in the weekly rotation.


August 10, 2014

My Everyday Life: Week 32

Here’s what this past week looked like:

My happy place on our deck.

My Everyday Life: Week 32


August 8, 2014

I love lists, Friday!


  1. Apparently someone taught this kid the word APPARENTLY
  2. The map to my heart.
  3. Her writing is so good it makes me want to punch something.
  4. I would like to meet this lady.
  5. This is incredible!!
  6. Some Bill-Murrayisms
  7. Campers are the worst.
  8. As someone is almost always early (if I’m traveling alone) I can so relate.
  9. Of course Oprah carries this in her purse!
  10. I love looking at celebrity look-a-likes.
  11. I’ve never thought to put corn in a panzanella salad. This looks supreme.
  12. We’ve been contemplating a budget kitchen renovation. This post is helpful!
  13. This post triggered memories of how obsessed I used to be with Marilyn Monroe.
  14. I hope to have a vintage portrait in my house one day…. I’ve been on the lookout for one.
  15. The guys from South Park share their #1 Writing Rule. 
  16. Read this and then look at this because PIE!!!!
  17. Barack sings Iggy. Can’t stop/won’t stop.
  18. These photos please me greatly.
  19. Let’s upcycle some plates, yo!
  20. You had me at PISTACHIO, Deb.




I took the Picky Eater Challenge this week and recorded a podcast with Melissa Lanz of The Fresh 20. You may already know that Cooper is a picky eater, so I share some of my strategies at meal time in this podcast. You can have a listen here.   If you have a picky eater in your life, you’re not alone!  🙂





The Ugly Green Chair made my Mango Lassi Popsicles dairy free!

Lemon Jelly Cake made my Honey Lime Drumsticks

Green Eyes was inspired by my Indian Carrot Salad

Whatever Gets You Through the Day adapted my Lemon Cake with Raspberries & Pistachios

The Seasonal Veg Head adapted my Spicy Corn Tomato Salad 


August 7, 2014

Bananas + Cinnamon + Honey

Banana + Honey + Cinnamon //shutterbean

Why eat a plain banana when you can eat a banana with cinnamon & honey??!  There’s something so satisfying about slicing up a banana, drizzling a small amount of honey on top and finishing with heavy dose of cinnamon.  I find that when I make food bite sized and I serve it on a plate, my impulse to scarf it down all at once subsides.  Bananas deserve a little more reverence, you know?