July 18, 2014

I love lists, Friday!



  1. I adore Matt. I really really do. And of course…Gaby too!
  2. How colors play tricks with your mind {grapes}
  3. Let’s get our draaaaank on.
  4. Babies are masters of crime.  It’s true.
  5. I wonder if Pinot would like a cat tower
  6. Who doesn’t love a good Before & After roundup??
  7. That kid from Little People Big World is a great photographer.
  8. Raspberry Ripple Buckwheat Porridge looks good and is fun to say!
  9. I want to do this nail art with golden & black.
  10. This is the ice cream of my dreams! 
  11. Love reading these My Beauty Uniform Posts.
  12. I bet Cooper would go nuts for one of these.
  13. More lifehacks!   I’ve been employing that banana trick since I listened to Uhh Yeah Dude. 
  14. AMEN.
  15. Airbnb logos….  If you don’t know about the controversy here’s some info. 🙂
  16. Now THIS is a birthday party!
  17. 8 Things I Will Teach My Children (some good ones there)
  18. Photos that show what hasn’t changed about motherhood in 50 years.
  19. A food stylist’s secrets to creating a sexy burger.






There’s a new Joy the Baker Podcast! ONE SMART FELLOW….. While you’re on Homefries, check out the new site!

Thank you Mom.me for including me as one of your Top 50 Mom Food Bloggers!! 





July 17, 2014

Cheddar + Pretzel Sticks

Cheddar + Pretzel Sticks // shutterbean

Cheese + crackers = my ultimate comfort food.  Sometimes I like to imagine a cheese & cracker (or pretzel!) cleanse where all you eat is CHEESE AND CRACKERS. Can you imagine? SIGN ME UP. In an effort to make snack time fun for me and Cooper, I made up this little combination. A pretzel stick makes for a very nice edible toothpick, don’t you think?  For some reason poking something with a pretzel stick makes me eat less pretzels. I’d say that that’s a step in the right direction because #pretzelsaremygatewaydrug. Spear a little cube of cheddar with a pretzel stick. GO ON. DO IT.

July 16, 2014

Corn Tomato Shishito Pepper Pizza

Corn Tomato Shisito Pepper Pizza // shutterbean

New post! Corn Tomato Shishito Pepper Pizza

Ever since I made the Grilled BBQ Chicken Pizza a few weeks ago, I haven’t stopped thinking about all of the possible pizza combinations I’d like to attempt this summer. Confession: I have a separate google doc for that endeavor.  I wonder how well my grill will work during the winter….when I’m standing out in the rain with umbrella. I think the crunch and crisp of a grilled pizza is definitely WORTH IT. That reminds me…I need a good pair of rain boots.

Corn Tomato Shisito Pepper Pizza // shutterbean

I bought shisito peppers at the market with the sole intention of grilling them so they’re salty, supple and smokey. Have you had blistered shisito peppers? They’re exceptional!  But then I thought…wait can we make a whole meal out of them? I mean…if we eat enough, then YES. But why don’t we take them to the next level and PUT THEM ON A PIZZA.

Corn Tomato Shisito Pepper Pizza // shutterbean

So, I did just that. We exploit summer’s bounty and we add fresh corn, tomatoes and basil. There are several slices of garlic nestled into the cheese to pump of the flavor. And we finish with a squeeze of lime to brighten it up. Oh and I totally #putaneggonit !  Because #WHYNOT


July 14, 2014

Plum Ginger Coolers

Plum Ginger Coolers // shutterbean

The other day I was over at my mom’s house and she asked what she should do with the leftover ginger she had from another recipe and I immediately told her MAKE A GINGER SYRUP. That’s always what I do or I throw ginger into a fresh juice concoction. Plum Ginger Coolers // shutterbean

If you have a few rogue plums lying around you can make a Plum Ginger syrup with those!

Plum Ginger Coolers // shutterbean

And then you can make a refreshing drink with the beautiful tangy sweet magenta syrup. Sparkling water, lemon juice and gin (my favorite!) pair nicely with plum ginger syrup, you’re gonna want to make sure you always have leftover ginger in your house.


July 12, 2014

My Everyday Life: Week 28

Here’s what this past week looked like:

Thankful for this.

My Everyday Life: Week 28


July 11, 2014

I love lists, Friday!


  1. What kind of Coffee Addict are you? I’m a milk & sugars person.
  2. How San Francisco Neighborhoods Got Their Names.
  3. What it’s like to dump social media.
  4. Deb knows how to do ICE CREAM SANDWICHES right.
  5. You know they’re dead…  (can’t stop watching these)
  6. Take a quick trip down memory lane.
  7. Kinda freaking out over this TRIX CAKE. My brain wants it.
  8. I think Cooper would go nuts for this recipe.
  9. Katie Holmes has aged well!
  10. Number 17  always gives me the sads.
  11. Secrets behind Menu Design (SO GOOD)
  12. I want one of these. AHH THAT CARAMEL.
  13. These THEN & NOW Celeb posts always kinda freak me out.
  14. This is what happened when I drove my Mercedes to pick up food stamps.
  16. I believe this to be true.
  17. Congrats, JESSICA!! I can’t wait to see doughy baby pics on your Instagram.
  18. This cooler is really the COOLEST.
  19. What it means to be apart of the Facebook Generation (thought provoking!)


Did you listen to Episode #123 of the Joy the Baker Podcast??!  A POOL WITH A HOUSE.   We talk about the internet, what to serve at a bachelorette weekend in Napa, what to wear at a Beyonce confer and of course, you will see that my head is ALWAYS in the gutter…Sorry/not sorry.


Desire to Eat adapted my Raspberry Lemon Yogurt Popsicles 

Life by Aileen made my No Knead Pizza on the STOVE!!

From Kayla made my Lemon Chicken

A Girl Named Allyn made my Corn Zucchini Lime Pizza

July 10, 2014

Walnut Stuffed Dried Figs

Walnut Stuffed Dried Figs // shutterbean

Out of all the things to stuff in a fig, I sometimes forget that a simple nut can suffice. I love these bites because they’re like portable trail-mix. Cut a little sliver into a dried fig and stuff a toasted walnut it.  They make for a nice bite-sized, totally portable and a vegan/healthy/gluten-free way snack. I may just sneak a chocolate chip in there or maybe some goat cheese…I dunno.