June 20, 2014

I love lists, Friday!


  1. Crimes against design...I always love these.
  2. Who doesn’t love a good life hack?
  3. The perfect way to slice a cake...Am I the only one who thinks a rubber band around a cake is weird?
  4. Orange is the New Black characters that have been on  Law & Order. Holy crap!
  5. What to bring to vacation rental kitchen this summer.
  6. Aida!! You had me at chipotle!
  7. This Raspberry Polenta Cake looks scrumptious.
  8. 15 Lessons Learned from 20 Years at The French Laundry (love!!!)
  9. This video makes me want to go on vacation SO BAD.
  10. Maybe I don’t wanna go camping this summer….
  11. If I get some free time, I’d love to make these sparkly plant pots.
  12. These babies are THE CUTEST. They’re lucky to have such a funny Mama.
  13. I want to eat the Most Ridiculous Breakfast Sandwich Ever. Who doesn’t??
  14. Loved seeing a Day in the Life of Jeni Britton of Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream.
  15. If you’re obsessed with David Sedaris like me, you’ll love this interview & this video!
  16. You should check out St. George Spirits! I went there with Honestly Yum last month.
  17. I am too immature to watch this commercial.
  18. What a fun/informative interview with Jen Gotch.  I love ban.do.
  19. Some really good Ikea hacks. I love seeing what people come up with.
  20. I mishear lyrics ALL the time. These are hysterical.


What in Your Fridge?! Food Blogger Edition! You can see mine here.

On the latest Joy the Baker Podcast, we talk about BLOGGING and the word WHEELHOUSE. We answer all of your questions about the subject and we figure out what Orange Is the New Black character I am…  Check out episode #22 here. ENJOY!


Neelu’s Journal made my Spiced Orange Popovers


June 19, 2014

Spicy Salmon Sushi Bites

Spicy Salmon Sushi Bites // shutterbean

When I posted the Avocado Sushi Bites, I got a couple of suggestions to add smoked salmon to the mix. WHAT A BRILLIANT IDEA! So, here it is! We double up on roasted seaweed sheets, add a slice or two of smoked salmon on top with a little bit of green onions and sriracha. Next time  I make myself this delicious snack, I’m going to put avocado on top (I was out!!). These would be fantastic appetizers at your next party or a little afternoon pick-me-up to tide you over til dinner.

June 18, 2014

Lemon Icebox Cupcakes

Lemon Icebox Cupcakes // shutterbean

Lemon Icebox Cupcakes!

I had goldfish crackers for dinner Monday night. Please don’t imagine me with a small ramekin of fishy crackers because I was definitely not eating them one by one in some a dainty feminine fashion. The reality is that I stood in my kitchen making a snack for Cooper and my giant man hands forced them into my mouth by the handful.  And then like 15 minutes later Cooper was all, “MOM!! I’M STARVING!!” forcing me to wake up from my cracker binge coma.  All this to say that I don’t have the energy to do much cooking/baking in the Summer.  Sometimes I can’t be bothered turning on the stove or oven. Sometimes we have goldfish for dinner (with apples and red peppers) and if Casey’s away, it’s always cereal. We’re all just trying to keep it real, aren’t we?

Lemon Icebox Cupcakes // shutterbean

I made these little beauties for my family on Father’s Day because the last thing I wanted to do was turn the oven on and bake a cake. They are absolutely NO FUSS. I’m sure you could add a little more work for yourself if you make your own lemon wafer cookies and lemon curd, but then you’d have to turn on the oven and your stove. Not advised when the temperature is pushing 90F.  I compiled ingredients at Trader Joe’s the morning of our party like it was no big deal. Because it wasn’t.

Lemon Icebox Cupcakes // shutterbean

Can I tell you the ONE drawback to serving these?? People were too shy to eat more than one. I think because they’re in individual cupcake wrappers, people assume that having two would be equivalent to having 2 cupcakes.  If I had made an entire cake of them, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have had any leftovers.  Since I didn’t want to have any leftover (I can’t be trusted with these in my fridge!)   I dug into a few and made people “split” another cupcake with me. Safety in numbers, folks.  Make your life easier this summer and make these. Also, if you don’t want to eat goldfish crackers by the fistful, don’t be a dummy (like me) and buy a case at Costco. I would be in serious trouble if I bought Cheez-Its…


June 16, 2014

Peaches Roasted in Amaretto

Roasted Peaches in Amaretto // shutterbean

I often fantasize about writing a post that’s just photos. No words. Photos only.


Roasted Peaches in Amaretto // shutterbean

Because sometimes a recipe is sooooo dang good, it needs none.

But, here I am writing…so I guess it didn’t happen.

One day. Just wait.

Roasted Peaches in Amaretto // shutterbean

I haven’t been this excited about roasted fruit since my ROASTED STRAWBERRY obsession. Amaretto and peaches??? I mean…


June 15, 2014

My Everyday Life: Week 24

Here’s what this past week looked like:

Hey bee.

My Everyday Life: Week 24


June 13, 2014

I love lists, Friday!


  1. Birds with Human Arms. Just take a look…
  2. Things You Didn’t Know About Bill Murray
  3. These job titles will make you giggle.
  4. Tot Dog. I’m not mad at it.
  5. Who doesn’t want a Power Salad?!
  6. Pickled Grapes! (I freaking love them)
  7. I really want to make these.
  8. Dumbest things that have ever happened….oh boy.
  9. Kale in a Taco Salad?! YES.
  10. This has to be true!
  11. Any recipe that has OMG in the title will catch my attention.
  12. What it’s like to be a younger sibling…  (I survived having two older brothers)
  13. You got served! I really love this series.
  14. Working out sucks. Yes. I agree.
  15. Graham Cracker Crust is my favorite.
  16. I can’t wait to add peaches to my summer rotation
  17. Swimsuits used to be so glamorous!
  18. I’m sure Cooper can relate to this. Also hahaha.
  19. This Coconut Pistachio Ice Cream looks dreamy
  20. I want a yoga body. Seriously.
  21. Let’s analyze your emoji usage!


The Baking Yogi made my Strawberry Coconut Ice Cream

Sarcastic Cooking was inspired by my Banana Nut Waffles

June 12, 2014

Watermelon + Lime

Watermelon + Lime // shutterbean

CONFESSION TIME!! I didn’t really like watermelon until a couple of years ago. I mean…I loooooved watermelon Jolly Ranchers but that’s about it. Crazy, right?  All it took was this salad to change my mind about watermelon and then this one sold me for life. So…how do YOU like your watermelon? I love squeezing mine a little bit of fresh lime juice on top.  Some people love putting salt or chili powder on theirs (both good calls!). But for me, watermelon and lime is absolute perfection. I like the tang the lime brings to the party. It’s especially delicious when the watermelon is super cold on a hot summer day. Picture perfect emoji + watermelon emoji + lime emoji + twinkling star emoji + heart emoji.