Here’s what this past week looked like:
Getting ready for the day. Coffee. Magazine. Deep breath.
Here’s what this past week looked like:
Getting ready for the day. Coffee. Magazine. Deep breath.
Think Fruitful made Garlic Herbed Breadsticks
Re-Re Reader was inspired by my Vietnamese Noodle Salad
Hello Dear made my Vanilla Walnut Shortbread
You’re either into Nutella or you’re not. This one is for those of you on Team Nutella! We take one sheet (is that what we call it??) of graham cracker and break it into 4 segments (don’t you love the built-in perforated lines?!). We then dunk the tips of each graham cracker into Nutella and top with toasted coconut (you could use a knife if you’re fancy). Because you’re doing a light dip and not covering the entire piece in Nutella, it’s just enough to give you a dessert fix. I also like that you can start with indulgence with your first bite and finish with the plain part of the graham to seal the deal. If you start the opposite way, then I can insert the mullet joke of business in front, party in the back. Ok, I’m out!
After we spent the weekend in Los Angeles, I was so ready to get back in my kitchen yesterday. There’s something so nice about being home from a trip. Home is where my plants are. It’s where Cooper’s room smells like Cooper and where stacks of books rest precariously on my nightstand. Home is where my laundry pile stays a constant disheveled pile and where I scorn how much laundry I have to do EVERY dang DAY. Home is where my routine lives and as much as I’m happy to be away, I find an incredible amount of comfort in my everyday routine.
To get myself back in kitchen/cooking mode, I decided to make 4 recipes at once. I made some popsicles (coming soon!), a batch of simple syrup (which fell on the floor), raw blueberry ice cream (that tasted too much like cashews-Boo!) and this Strawberry Coconut Ice Cream recipe (because I had all of the ingredients!!). I also cleaned my pantry for a good 4 hours (post soon!) and didn’t bother to check my email once during that time (it was liberating!).
After all of that, I picked Cooper up from school where he proceeded to hound me with questions about dessert. There were negotiations (you must eat your dinner!) and some reminders to be patient, but at the end of the night we enjoyed small bowls of this Strawberry Coconut Ice Cream after dinner. It’s a creamy strawberry ice cream that’s mildly tart, and you’d have no idea it’s made with coconut cream unless someone told you. I set myself up for Cooper not liking it, but then he asked for a second helping and THAT MY FRIENDS, was the icing on the cake yesterday. Well…that and my clean pantry. It’s good to be home.
When I was young, we always had an influx of gift baskets during the holidays seasons (my dad has always been in sales). I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love EVERY second of it. How could I not?? Besides gift cards, gift baskets are my favorite thing to receive. The thought put into the combination of flavors…the themes…the basket itself and the additional accessories (cutting boards! plastic wine glasses! cheese knives! napkins!) ALL OF IT excites me. If I could tell my childhood self that I’d be touring the factory of Harry & David one day, I’m sure little Tracy would FREAK OUT. You mean, I get to see how the baskets are crafted and shipped? COOL!!
There’s a new Joy the Baker Podcast! Check out Episode # 120 BLASTING MY ABS. We talk about our unhealthy obsession…with Instagram fitness accounts.
Hippocratic Cupcake made my Crispy Smashed Potatoes.
Forbidden Rice Blog adapted my Corn Zucchini Pizza
Parsley Sage Sweet added my Whipped Coconut Cream to her Raspberry Egg Cream