April 22, 2014

Cilantro Hummus

Cilantro Hummus // shutterbean

New post! Cilantro Hummus! 

As a food blogger, I try really hard to balance what I eat. Some days are better than others. Sometimes my temptations get a hold of me and I fall prey to a big old fashioned doughnut. It’s totally normal; it’s what I refer to as LIVING!  What I’ve learned about health and balancing my diet is that one must arm oneself with good choices or else you’ll be more likely to grab a bag of pretzels over vegetables & fruit. All it takes is a little time upfront and you’re on your way.

Well…that and…WILLPOWER.

Cilantro Hummus // shutterbean

If you’ve followed my meal prep post or you’ve seen some of my weekly meal prep posts on Instagram, you’ll know that I almost always have fresh-cut vegetables in my fridge. It works out well for us because we have a five year old who loves to eat red peppers (sometimes carrots!) and cucumbers for his “appetizer.”  It also makes it easier for me to make good choices throughout the day.

Cilantro Hummus // shutterbean

But what do you do if you’re sick of eating vegetables plain? MAKE HUMMUS!  I’ve owned a Vitamix for a few years now and it’s become of my most used kitchen appliances (besides our panini press). Cooper has 4-5 smoothies (packed with kale & spinach!) a week and I use it to make a weekly batch of vanilla almond milk or fresh homemade pesto. I’ve added hummus to our weekly rotation because my Vitamix blends it up like a dream! Hummus is fine on its own, but why don’t we take it up a notch and add cilantro oil to the top? You’re probably wondering- Why not mix the cilantro IN with the hummus? Because a certain five-year old that I live with doesn’t like it…. But he WILL eat the hummus without it and that’s good enough for me. More cilantro oil for me!!

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April 21, 2014

Roasted Broccolini with Lemon Tahini

Roasted Broccolini with Lemon Tahini // shutterbean

After a weekend of croissants, cheese plates, Easter candy (why are Cadbury Eggs so GOOD?), strawberry rhubarb pie, ham & egg breakfast sandwiches, hot dogs, tater tots and GIN… this is what I need to eat for dinner tonight.

Roasted Broccolini with Lemon Tahini // shutterbean

Perhaps you are in the same boat. No worries. It’s cool. We can hit RESET and get this eating thing back on track. I made you this roasted broccolini recipe with the Lemon Tahini Dressing from the The Oh She Glows Cookbook.  (If you’re looking for a cookbook to inspire you to eat healthy, THIS IS IT! 100 Vegan Recipes!)

Roasted Broccolini with Lemon Tahini // shutterbean

The broccolini has a crunchy roast bite. The lemon tahini dressing? I want to top in on EVERYTHING. It’s tangy and creamy. You’re gonna love the tahini up in there. It’s got a hummus vibe but with sesame oil. Have this for dinner so we can back to raiding my kids Easter basket…


April 20, 2014

My Everyday Life: Week 16

Here’s what this past week looked like:

The chocolate eggs I painted at Harry & David arrived!  I want to hoard them.

My Everyday Life: Week 16


April 18, 2014

I love lists, Friday!


  1. I will make this dutch baby and I will eat it all by myself.
  2. For some reason I feel like I could watch molten lava all day. It’s so soothing.
  3. This burger…shrimp AND chorizo? My brother would love it.
  4. I’ve been intrigued by smoothie bowls. Gonna make one this weekend.
  5. This DIY Egg Shell Planter is perfect for baby succulents.
  6. Sooooo THAT’S why we want to squeeze cute things. Makes sense. Related:  Baby animals.
  7. Thoughts Everyone Has When They’re Trying to Eat Healthier. Haha #8= REAL
  8. All of my dreams came true with this dessert sandwich.
  9. Spring Pea Crostini. Say that three times fast.
  10. This Grape Float looks yum.
  11. Crying through Botox. I can’t look away.
  12. I want to dress like her when I grow up.
  13. Potacos. That’s fun to say. They look good too.
  14. Wait for it…wait for it… POP.
  15. I dream about cakes like this one.
  16. Put down your phone!
  17. Deb shared my bacon tip! Also I want to have Brunch at her place.
  18. I follow this girl on Vine and I’m OBSESSED with her.
  19. English isn’t as easy as you think.  I experience this while explain things to Cooper.
  20. These MRI scans of fruits & vegetables are MESMERIZING.


Tangerine Canteen made my Spicy Sweet Potato Fries

Liz Takes the World made my Grilled Turkey Meatballs

Forbidden Rice Blog made my Salted Caramel Macaroons

The Hippocratic Cupcake made my Chocolate Chip Cookie Energy Bars

Our Full Life made my Chocolate Cake with Strawberries & Cream

Leighto-Greato made my Crispy Smashed Potatoes with Purple Potatoes!

April 17, 2014

Cottage Cheese + Wheat Germ + Honey

Healthy Snack: Cottage Cheese + Wheat Germ + Honey

Cottage cheese creeped me out until Casey introduced me to this combination. It’s something he had when he was growing up. I think his grandpa introduced it to him?  Basically,  you take a good scoop of cottage cheese (I prefer the smaller curds) add a heaping tablespoon (or two) of wheatgerm and  top it off with a little bit of honey. If you’re not into wheatgerm, try ground flaxseed. Also good! It’s creamy, sweet and the wheat germ gives a little bit/depth. If you’re not a lover of cottage cheese, this might change you.

April 16, 2014

Rhubarb Coffee Cake

Rhubarb Coffee Cake // shutterbean

I suppose it’s time to stop procrastinating and think about what we’re making for Easter.  You ready?

I think I am I think I am. I think I am…going to eat all of these cadbury eggs…

Rhubarb Coffee Cake // shutterbean

To me, Easter is a very good excuse to eat ALL DAY LONG. My grandma used make an epic Easter spread with grilled lamb, salad, the CRISPIEST potatoes, green beans, you name it.  The highlight was always her amazing Italian Easter pie that was equal parts cheese, crust, sausage and egg.  My brother and I would park ourselves in front of a tray and eat wedge after wedge in between handfuls of nonpareils. I’m gonna hafta get that recipe and some nonpareils.

Easter is also about coffee cake. A cake you can eat before or after your epic meal. A cake that can be served with coffee or a big scoop of ice cream and fresh berries. A cake that gives you leftovers to send home with guests or eat hoard in your kitchen to snack on all week long…

Rhubarb Coffee Cake // shutterbean

I think this Rhubarb Coffee Cake is a good choice for Easter. The crispy cinnamon laden top stands upon a light and fluffy crumb cake studded with tart rhubarb chunks. I call dibs on an edge piece!


April 13, 2014

My Everyday Life: Week 15

Here’s what this past week looked like

I finally went to the Alameda Flea Market.  I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to go.

My Everyday Life: Week 15