May 3, 2014

My Everyday Life: Week 18

Here’s what this past week looked like:

A good reminder to look up.
My Everyday Life: Week 18


May 2, 2014

I love lists, Friday!



  1. Wes Anderson meets Forrest Gump (not really….but can you imagine?!)
  2. What I Wish I Knew After My MFA Ended. Writers! This is for you.
  3. Don’t you love looking into people’s fridges? Here’s Julia Turshen’s.
  4. In another life, I used to see Mike Rowe every week (I worked at a recording studio). He’s full of wisdom.
  5. I’ve been thoroughly enjoying reading through the new Blog Life Class at ABM. Highly recommend!
  6. Food packaging that got lost in translation.
  7. This might be the next alternative milk I make….
  8. 21 Best Pics of all time of the week volume
  9. Can this be MY birthday cake? Cooooool.
  10. A eulogy for twitter?
  11. Just had a treat yo’self moment with these silver sandals. Can’t wait to wear them.
  12. If you love fashion & interior design, you’ll love this new feature on Coco & Kelley. I do!
  13. Need to heat up butter? Try the tripod trick. This cracks me up.
  14. The fact that Emma Stone picked HOOK makes me think we’d be good friends IRL.
  15. Who doesn’t love a good Mad Men animated gif roundup? So many good parts I forgot about.
  16. I love anything ALMOND and these almond sweet rolls??! I WANT THEM ALL.
  17. Do you know what a froob is? Kristin will fill you in.
  18. Sometimes I forget you can make soup in a blender! This tortilla soup might hafta happen soon!
  19. I’ve been obsessed with the public playlists on Spotify. THIS ONE IS MY JAM.
  20. I got a 94 on LifeSkills.  Well…I think I could fix a leaking faucet & vacuum belt if I RTFM


Did you check out the latest Joy the Baker Podcast?? In episode #119, Joy gets interrupted by her crazy upstairs neighbors. We concur that she is the R.A. of her apartment building.


Forbidden Rice Blog made my No Knead Tomato Basil Pizza

Hippocratic Cupcake made my Arugula Pesto

the Rare belle made my Bourbon Salted Caramels

Kinsey Cooks made my Flourless Chocolate Coconut Drop Cookies

A Glass of Milk made my Sausage & Kale Stuffed Shells

Cook the Cover made my Sriracha Glazed Chicken

May 1, 2014

Strawberries+ Ricotta+ Graham Crackers

Roasted Strawberries + Ricotta + Graham Crackers // shutterbean

I bought too many strawberries the other day, forgetting how fast they can spoil. When this happens, I employ the good ole roasted strawberries trick. Within minutes, I have my own “strawberry jam.”  Instead of eating it by the spoonful, (which I normally do!) I decided to make a little snack of roasted strawberries, ricotta (you can make your own!!) & graham crackers. It’s like faking strawberry cheesecake. Make sure you drizzle some of the thick roasted strawberry syrup on top. A drizzle of balsamic vinegar is also a very good idea.

April 30, 2014

Spicy Sesame Guacamole

Spicy Sesame Guacamole // shutterbean

It’s kinda crazy that Cinco de Mayo and the Kentucky Derby fall on the same weekend. I feel torn because I really WANT to wear a big hat and drink mint juleps  but my heart of hearts tells me that I MUST go all out and celebrate Cinco de Mayo. Can I just wear a sombrero, eat guacamole, scarf down coconut tres leche cake, sip on cilantro limeade in between sips of juleps all while betting on a horse named Split Personality.  No?

Spicy Sesame Guacamole // shutterbean

Maybe I’ll just watch the Kentucky Derby highlights with a decorative headband and eat a gigantic bowl of this Spicy Sesame Guacamole with sesame crackers.

Actually… that doesn’t sound half bad…

Spicy Sesame Guacamole // shutterbean

In my Vitamix giveaway, I asked you what your favorite dip was and  SOOOO many of you said guacamole. You’re my kind of people. Did you know that Casey doesn’t like guacamole?! He’s generally not a fan of avocado (WHAT!).  So, when I make guacamole, I end up eating most (if not all) of it. I found myself in quite a predicament this week when I went to clean up my kitchen and had way too many avocados that were in full on RIPE mode.  I swear I thought I paced it so I would have a few days to dip into my stash.  I made a batch of  chocolate pudding from Sidesaddle Kitchen (love that site & that recipe!!) and then dipped right into Absolutely Avocados by my avocado guru friend Gaby to make a guac that might appease my husband.  This guacamole is a real winner.  I love the Asian vibe and SURPRISE…so did Casey.  I bet it would be super tasty with a fried wontons & Ahi Tuna Poke.  I served mine with chopped vegetables and sesame seed crackers. Totally not Mexican and definitely doesn’t fall into the Derby food category, but who cares. It’s just good eats for you guacamole lovers.


April 28, 2014

The Ultimate Veggie Sandwich

The Ultimate Veggie Sandwich // shutterbean

New recipe! The Ultimate Veggie Sandwich!

Did we already talk about how I was a vegetarian for three years in college? Back then, no one taught me how to properly be vegetarian so I ate A LOT of cheese, hummus, pizza, and oh boy did I overdose on stir-fry. Besides all the cheese, I used to make a really good veggie sandwich when I was in my first apartment sophomore year.  The sandwich always had hummus as a base with avocado smashed into toasted whole wheat bread and whatever vegetables I had on hand.  I ate so many of them throughout my college years that I had to stop eating hummus for awhile. Sad trombone.

The Ultimate Veggie Sandwich // shutterbean

Fast forward 13 (!!!) years and this is the ultimate veggie sandwich of my dreams. It’s kind of like the Reset Button Salad but in sandwich form. Present Tracy likes shredded beets & carrots in her sandwich. Present Tracy thought of cilantro hummus and made her own! Present Tracy knows that being vegetarian doesn’t mean eating blocks of cheese and mushroom pizza.

The Ultimate Veggie Sandwich // shutterbean

Present Tracy knows that the key to an Ultimate Veggie sandwich is flavor, crunch, mouth watering color and the perfect combination of ingredients that don’t smoosh out. Present Tracy also misses her college party overalls. Why did Past Tracy have to get rid of them??!


April 26, 2014

My Everyday Life: Week 17

Here’s what this past week looked like:

Blue skies in parking lots.

My Everyday Life: Week 17


April 25, 2014

I love lists, Friday!

i love lists friday

  1. Oh this recipe! And that letter! My heart is happy.
  2. Way to fancy up a drugstore candle. This is fantastic.
  3. I want to make my own hand-stamped necklace. Too cute.
  4. You had me at GARLIC KNOTS.
  5. Gonna make my own Italian Sodas this summer!
  6. This pinterest board cracks me up.
  7. Pea guacamole? Color me intrigued.
  8. It would be so nice to read a book during the afternoon at this house made of windows.
  9. Pranks can be awesome and smile inducing.
  10. These cupcakes look AMAZING. I love pistachio anything.
  11. Watching the Lindsay Lohan show was a guilty pleasure of mine so this cracks me up.
  12. People reveal the most WTF thing they saw at their friends house… (ugh!)
  13. I love this photo series of people & their cars.
  14. 40 Incredibly True Facts About Everyday Life .  Pretty funny.
  15. Louis C.K. is one of my favorites. I loved reading about him.
  16. Are you watching The Voice? This is like my favorite song EVER. Holy crap at 1:15

Did you catch the latest Joy the Baker Podcast? Joy has a ghost in her building and I accidentally mention Devil with a Blue Dress On. MY BAD. We also talk about blog burnout and my aching back! Good times. Good times.

My friend Danielle started a new series on her blog called  A Few Last Things. I’m the first person she interviewed. Check it out!

Another interview! This one is for Honestly Yum. Can you guess what I chose between wine, a cocktail or a cappuccino??  Thanks for including me on the Sites You Love!


Currently Craving made my Crispy Smashed Potatoes

Tangerine Canteen was inspired by my Taco Night Party from waaaaay back when.