January 5, 2014

My Everyday Life: Week 1

Here’s what this past week looked like:

On the first day of the year I was determined to smell fresh ocean air. My Everyday Life: Week 1


January 3, 2014

I love lists, Friday!


  1. If you’re having trouble gathering your thoughts about 2013, this will help!
  2. Also related— how to start of the new year (when you want to live simply)
  3. Thinking of trying out this salad soon.
  4. Things to Leave Behind in 2014.
  5. I might employ some of these tricks this year.
  6. This is why I’ve been craving almond croissants for the past week.
  7. But really I should be eating these.
  8. Heart shaped cake! This is how you make one.
  9. I really like the idea of having a cheese night and making one giant salad. Meal planning tips!
  10. There’s a recipe from this book coming your way on Monday. Stay tuned!
  11. I will watch anything by Laura Miller. FACT.
  12. I bought this dress with a Xmas gift card this week and LOVE IT. OMG.
  13. This juice made me salivate!
  14. Most Eagerly Awaited SF Restaurant Openings of 2014. Hope to make it to some of these!
  15. 27  Clever New Ways to Use Kitchen Appliances.
  16. Moms can literally do EVERYTHING.


Mikasa Su Casa made my Crunchy Peppermint Bark (hi jenny!!! xo)

Uproot From Oregon  adapted my Spinach Tortellini Soup

Happiness is a Warm Bun made my Bourbon Salted Caramels

January 1, 2014

Ten Intentions for 2014

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I had a great 2013 (I hope to recap soon!) and I wanted to share my intentions for 2014. I find it’s best to set intentions instead of resolutions. It seems a little bit easier for me to lay a foundation of how I want the year to look instead of expectations and resolutions I’m pressured into keeping. Turns out I have 10 of them. An even number for an even year. I love those even numbers. Cheers to that!

  1. Challenge myself photographically. I’d like to use my DSLR more this year. I got into the habit of leaving it at home when I go out (it’s heavy!) so I’ve been researching a good point & shoot camera to keep in my purse. Hopefully I’ll make a decision on that soon. In 2013 I used my iPhone more than I’d hoped for My Everyday Life series. I think it’s been great for spur of the moment shots and the quality is pretty good but there are definite limitations. The biggest problem is that I’m not very good at deleting photos on my phone so it gets cluttered easily and that stresses me out. 
  2. Work harder at organizing my technology. This is somewhat related to #1. I have so many dang photos to delete from my hard drive and phone. I need to back things up and start fresh!  Also….ahem my EMAIL and my Aperture library both need some serious sorting. I hope to make more time for this in 2014 before it REALLY overwhelms me.
  3. Write more in my journal. I don’t even know what my handwriting looks like anymore. It was sad how much my hand was cramping when I wrote out our holiday cards. I’d like to take more time to gather my thoughts on paper this year. I completed an entire journal in 2013 and I’m hoping to do that again in 2014. It feels so satisfying!
  4. Incorporate meditation into my everyday life. Meditation has always intrigued me, mostly because I have a hard time stopping my brain. I don’t allow my head to clear enough and get into trouble as a result. I’d like to carve out a small chunk of the day or a little part of the week to do so. In a way, my walks have been my own form of meditation but I’m hoping to delve a little further into this in 2014. Maybe a retreat would do this brain some good?
  5. Write a book proposal. I’ve been toying with the idea of writing a cookbook for a few years now. I think I finally figured out what my focus could be and I’m nervous/excited to get started on it. I hope this will be the year when I start living out my dreams and putting all this hard work to good use. Onward march!
  6. Update my website. There are things I’d like to do around here. Maintenance!  I hope to tidy things up and make it easier to search for recipes/posts in the archives. Shutterbean will get some minor work done. We’re not talking a major facelift…probably the blog equivalent to Botox & fillers 😉
  7. Less structure, more play. I’d like to shake things up around here and not be so rigid with my posting. I’m not sure what that will look like, but I hope to do more personal posts related to travel, dining out, organizing, around the house, etc. I haven’t shared as much as I could have because my work schedule hasn’t permitted me to. Hopefully a little bit of wiggle room will help.
  8. Read more books. I say this every year and I really hope that it sticks this year! I’m a person who devours self help books and really enjoys learning new things but I think a little fiction would do me some good. I also want to finish a WHOLE book instead of reading 4 books (and never finishing them) at once.
  9. More family dinners.  I think we’d all benefit from that. I need to make more of an effort this year in the kitchen during dinner time. I’d also like to get together with family more; even if it’s just casual/simple eating!
  10. Build the momentum on projects around the house- After living in this house for over a year, I think we’re ready to start making some changes around here. But in the process, we’re going to have to simplify and save!  I’m excited to pull the trigger on some painting projects and I’d love to get a vegetable garden going this year. I hope to share that in this space soon.

That’s it for now. 2014, BRING IT ON! 

December 30, 2013

My Everyday Life: Week 52

Here’s what the LAST WEEK OF 2013 looked like!

Balance. Always in search of it…but then last week, I found it on a street.

My Everyday Life: Week 52


December 27, 2013

I love lists, Friday!


  1. Then & Now pictures of the 1906 Earthquake in SF. Fascinating!
  2. I can’t wait to listen to this while I take a walk this weekend.
  3. This post makes me super jealous.
  4. For the animated gif lover…
  5. There are some gems on this list!
  6. This is incredible. I’ve always been fascinated by what’s under the sea.
  7. Cookbooks I just added to my collection: One/Two/Three
  8. 10 Signs You’re a Total Capricorn. This is for my mom.
  9. In 2014, I’d like to make more crepes.
  10. Chai Honey Old Fashioned? I’ll take 2 please/thank you.
  11. This is the most enticing smoothie I’ve seen!
  12. 5 Essential Tips for Baking Bread.  I need this.
  13. Hello, DREAM MAC & CHEESE.
  14. The kind of pancakes I dream about.
  15. This salad looks like it would be a good reset button after the holidays.
  16. It’s resolution time! It’s all about accountability.

but wait theres more

There’s a new Joy the Baker podcast. It’s our last one of 2013!  Just Lift Everything!


The Little Bite added marshmallows to my  Flourless Chocolate Coconut Drop Cookies

The Peach Bellini made my Crunchy Peppermint Bark

Lucy the Baker also made my Crunchy Peppermint Bark

The Kitchen Paper made my Bourbon Salted Caramels 

December 24, 2013

Christmas Decor 2013

Christmas Decor 2013 // shutterbean

I realized that I didn’t share my holiday decorations last year like I do every year. Bad Tracy!! Our house was in such a crazy state last year since we had just moved in a few months before the holidays and were still in the process of sorting & moving my parent’s things into other parts of the house. This year I’m going to show you what’s up! I decorated three parts of our house for the holidays. The living room (where the Christmas tree is), the dining room and our family room mantle.


December 22, 2013

Salted Rocky Road Fudge

Rocky road is hands down one of my favorite ice cream flavors. It’s not the chocolate or the marshmallows I crave. Nope. For me, it’s all about the toasted almonds. They seal the deal. Every year my mom makes a batch of Rocky Road Fudge and her famous coffee cake for Christmas dessert. I generally allocate my calories towards the coffee cake because HELLO. It’s COFFEE CAKE. Who can resist? This means I usually pass on the Rocky Road. Sad face.

Salted Rocky Road // shutterbean

This year I (forcefully) stepped in and volunteered to make her Rocky Road recipe. But I’m doing something I’ve always dreamed of doing….swapping the raw cashews of my mom’s traditional recipe with SMOKED ALMONDS.

Now we have Salted Rocky Road Fudge!

Salted Rocky Road // shutterbean

It adds the perfect amount of salt to balance the sweetness of the chocolate. Before I’d only have one piece of fudge–if that. Now? I’m like 4 pieces in…willing myself to walk away. It’s the almonds! They add incredible depth because they’re roasted & smoked. You get the creaminess of the fudge, the pillow puffs of marshmallows with delightful crunches of almonds. Watch out coffee cake, there’s a new guy in town. I can’t wait to see what my family thinks.