Whenever we see an Affogato on a dessert menu, Casey and I simultaneously blurt out AFFOGATO GIVE YOU SOMETHING. It’s a silly little line we picked up from the TV show Kitchen Confidential (Bradley Cooper was in it…not Anthony Bourdain). We just can’t help ourselves! Affogato Speciale!
We have an espresso espresso machine, espresso beans, and a big bottle of Amaretto just hanging out in our liquor cabinet but we rarely have ice cream (cuz we eat it all) and we almost NEVER have chocolate stout at home. But when I saw this recipe I was intrigued. Chocolate stout??? And amaretto? Extra items were immediately procured. Let’s seriously elevate the affogato! What we have here is a grown up root beer float! It’s bitter. It’s sweet. It’s slightly chocolatey and super foamy because of the stout! It would be a real crowd pleaser if you’re looking to impress guests at a party. I highly suggest you say- Affogato show you this cool recipe I found on Shutterbean.