February 19, 2014

Affogato Speciale

Affogato Speciale // shutterbean

Whenever we see an Affogato on a dessert menu, Casey and I simultaneously blurt out AFFOGATO GIVE YOU SOMETHING. It’s a silly little line we picked up from the TV show Kitchen Confidential (Bradley Cooper was in it…not Anthony Bourdain). We just can’t help ourselves! Affogato Speciale!

Affogato Speciale // shutterbean

We have an espresso espresso machine, espresso beans, and a big bottle of Amaretto just hanging out in our liquor cabinet but we rarely have ice cream (cuz we eat it all) and we almost NEVER have chocolate stout at home. But when I saw this recipe I was intrigued. Chocolate stout??? And amaretto? Extra items were immediately procured. Let’s seriously elevate the affogato! What we have here is a grown up root beer float! It’s bitter. It’s sweet. It’s slightly chocolatey and super foamy because of the stout! It would be a real crowd pleaser if you’re looking to impress guests at a party. I highly suggest you say- Affogato show you this cool recipe I found on Shutterbean.


February 17, 2014

Lemon Chicken

Lemon Chicken // shutterbean

My brother and I like to have these conversations about what dishes we enjoyed the most while growing up. My mom’s Lemon Chicken always comes up in the top 5 because THE SAUCE OMG THE SAUCE. We would fight over the crispy burnt onions on the edges of the glass baking dish; my mom never had to work hard to scrub the pan. Having a sibling who also loves crispy bits was a just a weeeeee bit dangerous. Fights ensued and then came taunting. Growing up is fun!

Lemon Chicken // shutterbean

Now, I’m the only person in my family that likes crispy bits (totally awesome!) but Cooper and I BOTH are pizza crust people so I guess there’s that…We fight over Casey’s crust…

Lemon Chicken // shutterbean

Let’s get back to the sauce. It’s dreamy/tangy and the onions are mostly soft while some of them are crispy!  My parents were out of town and I didn’t want to bug my mom asking her for the recipe so I came up with my own interpretation.  First I used olive oil instead of butter. If you want to sub butter for olive oil, she uses about 1 stick. Or– you can go half & half. Either way, it makes a delicious sauce. The olive oil is just as good.  My mom also uses chicken thighs on the bone while I go boneless. Casey doesn’t like having to cut around the bones (I don’t blame him!) so we almost always go boneless.  She also dredges the chicken in flour before she bakes it. Doesn’t do much for the texture but I assume it thickens the sauce? I also added a bit of parsley at the very end to garnish and some sliced lemons in the mix. Fancy!

Any who- this is a pretty quick/easy recipe with a big impact. I almost always serve it with rice and a side of broccoli. I hope one day you’ll have people talking about how it’s one of your top 10 meals. Enjoy and thanks, Mom!


February 15, 2014

My Everyday Life: Week 7

Here’s what this past week looked like:

Made a special breakfast for Cooper. Was told he didn’t want jam on his bread and was upset that he got strawberries instead of banana. Kids!!

My Everyday Life: Week 7


February 14, 2014

I love lists, Friday!


  1.  PEP TALK!  Do you need one? I do!
  2. Celebrities read mean tweets. I always love these.
  3. I love lists. You love lists. LOOK AT THESE LISTS!
  4. Have you seen Walter White’s Lookback Facebook Video?  Hehe.
  5. I got FUTURA. What font are you?
  6. Must get air plant. Must make color blocked pot.
  7. This Cafe Caramel looks DREAMY!
  8. Stock photos that hope to change the way we look at women. 
  9. I want to bury my face in a bowl of this.
  10. Guess I have to buy at ticket to NOLA, STAT.
  11. Cool parents are cool!
  12. Soooooooo ummmm. I want to make these Reese’s Rice Krispy Treats. Yum.
  13. This story warmed my heart.
  14. Need some UN-INSPIRATIONAL quotes??
  15. “Some years we coast, some years we do the work.”
  16. These little heart shaped bird feeders are super cute.
  17. I would have LOVED one of these after project bins when I was a kid.
  18. Another reason to love Post-Its.
  19. I’ve been curious about the one-pot pasta dishes. Look at this Thai Coconut Shrimp one!
  20. Dumb Starbucks. Have you seen this?? I’d like to order a dumb latte.



Don’t forget to enter my giveaway with Chairish! Enter for a chance to win a $250 gift card. You can also see a little bit of our house in the post 😉


Apples Under My Bed adapted my Flourless Pumpkin Pancakes

Pale Yellow made The Painkiller Cocktail

Corrin Renee made my Almond Pizzelles.

Foodie Tots adapted my Bacon Doughnuts with Maple Glaze

The Pip Inquiry made my Maple Bourbon Cider

February 12, 2014

Heart Shaped Cinnamon Tortilla Chips

Heart Shaped Cinnamon Sugar Tortilla Chips are a cute way to celebrate a loved one on Valentine's Day!

Heart Shaped Cinnamon Sugar Tortilla Chips

I got a comment the other day from a SUPER old post saying that I should make these Cinnamon Tortilla Chips heart-shaped for Valentine’s Day. Comment noted. Action COMPLETED. I love my readers (thanks for the idea, Sandi!). Also, that note that I wrote my 7-year-old self in that post cracked me up. I need to write a note to 31-year-old Tracy. There’s a lot she needs to know.

Heart Shaped Cinnamon Sugar Tortilla Chips // shutterbean

If you’re looking for a super last minute sweet treat for Valentine’s Day, this is IT. Look no further.

You can complete this recipe the night before your Valentine’s date or even while you have a movie going and your significant other is chilling on the couch.

Heart Shaped Cinnamon Sugar Tortilla Chips // shutterbean

If you haven’t noticed, the sugar gets all melty and hard which creates a cinnamon-y caramel-like coating!

It reminds me a lot of these Caramel Brioche Croutons. I’ve been meaning to make those and dip them in white chocolate…or maybe dark chocolate. I dunno. I digress. 34-year-old Tracy is easily distracted.



February 10, 2014

Baked Ginger Glazed Doughnuts

Baked Ginger Glazed Doughnuts // shutterbean

I watched an Oprah interview where she talked about how she much she loved rainy days because there’s less pressure to run around and get things done.  To her, rainy days are for good books and tea. That made me love her even more. When it’s raining I want to make a hearty soup with crusty bread, watch movies, and bake.

Baked Ginger Glazed Doughnuts // shutterbean

These doughnuts were a product of a particularly enjoyable (read:LAZY)  rainy Saturday afternoon. Cooper was taking a nap (still does! so thankful) so the house was nice and quiet. Doughnuts seemed like the perfect afternoon snack for us.

Baked Ginger Glazed Doughnuts // shutterbean

These doughnuts are slightly reminiscent of gingerbread but without the density & super spicy kick. The cinnamon, ground ginger and the bit of molasses give it just enough oomph. What really makes them tasty though, is the vanilla glaze and bits of candied ginger on top. They add a small element of chewiness that I love so much.


February 8, 2014

My Everyday Life: Week 6

Here’s what this past week looked like:

It’s raining. We love it. Except our roof is leaking.

My Everyday Life: Week 6