August 9, 2013

I love lists, Friday!


  1. Dibs on one of these Moscow Mules!
  2. Hmm. What comes with your new Fiat…. Suspicious 😉
  3. More introvert posts for you!
  4. Try NOT to smile with this one.
  5. And this one too! Kids. Vine. Need I say more?
  6. You will never look at Ball Pits the same.
  7. What’s in your coffee? No, seriously!
  8. I had some Red Quinoa on a salad this week and it was amazing. Here’s how to cook it!
  9. I’m probably/definitely going to make THIS this weekend.
  10. Or maybe these waffles? I do LOVE coconut & raspberries…
  11. Make feathers out of washi tape! Now off to translate it…
  12. Some REAL TALK about Hot Yoga. HAHAHA.
  13. Did you see Joy’s new workspace? Amazing. Also look at my crazy face while you’re there.
  14. Ooooh a Sungold Zinger. I like the sound of that drink.
  15. 10 Rules of the Internet. This is good.
  16. Aaaaaaand because it’s Shark Week!

but wait theres more

We have a few spots open in our Beginning Food Photography/Styling workshop in Oakland this month. We’d love to have you!

Also- a new Joy the Baker podcast should be up this weekend. Thanks for your patience with our Summer Hours! xo


Domestocrat made her own version of my Grilled Greek Panzanella Salad

Grub with Love made my Blueberry Yogurt Cake

Pale Yellow made my Boozy Frozen Peach Pops

Goblogle veganized my Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting

Cheater Bites made my Honey Banana Smoothie

August 7, 2013

Burrito Bowls

Burrito Bowls // Shutterbean

I’m starting a new series here called EVERYDAY EATS  because I really want  to show you my quick/easy/go-to meals that we enjoy on weeknights at home.  These posts won’t be photographed step-by-step like my other formal recipes because Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That!  The best part is that most of these meals will take less than 30 minutes to make. My goal is to give you some meal inspiration while I keep track of what we enjoy at home. It’s easy for me to forget what we’ve enjoyed, so it’s my hope that by the end of the year I’ll have a whole lineup of weeknight meals I can reference. Let’s do this!


August 6, 2013



What are you doing on August 24th? Coming to my Beginning Food Photography/Styling Class that I’m teaching with my friend Denise from Chez Us?!


Important information for you:

When: Saturday August 24th 10am-3PM (lunch included!)

Where: Oakland, CA

Why: Cuz you wanna learn some techniques and make your photography even better! Plus, we get to hang out!

Check out additional information & sign up HERE 


August 4, 2013

Broccolini Panini

Broccolini Panini // shutterbean

One part bread. One part vegetable. One part cheese. One awesome panini that rhymes.

Broccolini Panini // shutterbean

One sandwich that tastes like a vegetable laden/crispy pizza when dipped into marinara sauce.

Broccolini Panini // shutterbean

One more reason I’m obsessed with my panini press. Seriously. Is there anything it can’t do?!!

Oh. It doesn’t make popcorn. Dang.


August 3, 2013

My Everyday Life: Week 31

Here’s what this past week looked like:

I switched things up with my walking plan and have been walking after dinner instead of early AM.

My Everyday Life // week 31


August 2, 2013

I love lists, Friday!


  1. Bears having a hoedown!! This made me smile.
  2. I love when assumptions are proven wrong.
  4. The straw thing is pretty cool. I LOVE tips for traveling.
  5. Introvert Myths! This is for my Dad who doesn’t believe I’m an introvert.
  6. Why am I so amused by this?
  7. Thank you, Kate Middleton!
  8. Megan is so dang clever, I can’t deal!
  9. Did you watch Orange is the New Black? You’ll love this.
  10. Panzanella with a Basil Vinaigrette? Sign me up!
  11. Joy blew my mind with her version of a Violet Crumble!
  12. Oh ICE CREAM…I love when you’re slightly melty.
  13. No Bake Summer Peach Tart. You had me at No Bake.
  14. I’ve always wanted to make my own Thai Iced Tea.
  15. Money/Food/Happiness. They’re all intertwined.
  16. 11 Things I Wish Every Parent Knew (what a good read!)
  17. This song is my jam this week.


Friends! I’m teaching a Beginning Food Styling Class with my friend Denise from Chez Us in Oakland later in August. If you’re looking for tips & tricks to beef up your Food Photography skills, we’re here to help! I’d love for you to join us!



Wit & Vinegar made my Cheddar Cheese Bread with jalapeños & turned it into croutons!

Batch 22 made my Peanut Butter Frozen Yogurt with Nutella!

Katie Lou Who made my Blueberry Pudding Cake 

Scrumptious and Sumptuous made my Mango Lassi Popsicles

Good Dinner Mom also made my Mango Lassi Popsicles with ginger!

The Ashley Davis Project made my Grilled Greek Panzanella


July 31, 2013

Tomato & Watermelon Salad

Tomato Watermelon Salad // shutterbean

I feel like I’ve seen so many versions of Tomato & Watermelon salads out there. They’re usually made with some variation of feta, mozzarella, basil and mint. But as I was passing through this recipe from Dr. Andrew Weil’s (love him!) True Food Cookbook, I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw goat cheese & roasted cashews. Now THAT’S different. I just had to.

Tomato Watermelon Salad // shutterbean

I expected it to be simple, not Earth shattering. In my head the watermelon would balance out the acid of the tomatoes. The cashews would be crunchy and the basil would give it that oomph it needed. In reality, the flavors were complex. They were different. They intrigued me!  I couldn’t stop eating!

Tomato Watermelon Salad // shutterbean

This is the type of inspiration I would get from ordering something at a fancy restaurant…yet I sat in my kitchen eating this.

It’s summer in a bowl, folks. And summer is so dang FANCY.