September 28, 2013

My Everyday Life: Week 39

Here’s what this past week looked like:

Waiting for a soda date.

My Everyday Life: Week 39


September 27, 2013

I love lists, Friday!


  1. If Cooper had a lisp, I’d probably do this.
  2. I tweeted “This is me on Bourbon.”  And it’s totally true.
  3. Orange is the New Black- CAT VERSION!!!! 
  4. The internet exploded with this clip from Louis C.K.  I love him.
  5. I really love seeing how people store their spirits. 
  6. This is just the sweetest video.
  7. #hashtag  #omg #justintimberlake #youhavetoseethis
  8. The ways Dexter went wrong…so true.
  9. Ever wonder how I would accept an Emmy? This would be my speech.
  10. You had me at World’s EASIEST Cinnamon Rolls.
  11. BatDad. Nuff said.
  12. Oh…if I was a teacher, I’m pretty sure I’d pull stunts like this.
  13. Gaby is my snack spirit animal. 
  14. This Photographer is a High Class Hoarder. This pleases me greatly.
  15. I love Andrea’s view of Summer. See why foot shots are sooooo good?
  16. Currently listening to Dad is Fat on my commute. SO FUNNY! I’m almost finished Rob Lowe’s Book too!


NEW PODCAST ALERT!!! We talk about Connecting! Good ice breakers…couple’s costumes…obgyn jokes.  Saying I LOVE YOU FIRST. Should you do it?


Bake Good was inspired by my Raisin Focaccia 

Pale Yellow turned my Fig Prosciutto Panini into a salad.

Cooking Madly adapted my Fig Prosciutto Panini too!

Little Bits Of  adapted my Chocolate Sour Cream Bundt Cake

September 25, 2013

Banana Walnut Granola

Banana Walnut Granola // shutterbean

The problem with making banana bread is that I eat banana bread. I’m not talking about just having a slice… One slice turns into one HALF and then Casey takes the other and we have demolished a whole loaf in less than 12 hours. If I put nuts in the bread, Cooper won’t eat it…so sometimes I put nuts in the bread because I’m greedy and don’t want to share with my picky eater son. LEARN TO LIKE NUTS, is all I’m saying… That’s the story of my banana bread life.

Banana Walnut Granola // shutterbean

I had two bananas sitting on the counter giving me the stare down last week. Do I feel like eating half a loaf of banana bread? Do I feel like putting nuts in it?  Decisions decisions…A quick glance into the cereal section of our kitchen cabinet and a practically empty jar of killer granola said… ME! ME!! REFILL ME!

Problem solved. Banana Walnut Granola it is. Now I don’t have to eat half a loaf of  banana bread…

Banana Walnut Granola // shutterbean

Bananas get mixed in the wet mixture of this granola base. The toasted walnuts and cashews with that sweet banana cinnamon hint will have you thinking you’ve baked a banana bread. The crazy part is that my kid LOVED this granola…nuts and all. And after I gave him one of these banana yogurt granola parfaits he asked, “Mommy, can you make me one of those banana BARFAITS for dessert tomorrow night?”  My picky eater son is just plain ridiculous.


September 24, 2013

OUTFITTING: Transition to Fall

OUTFITTING: Transition to FALL

It’s FALL!! It’s my favorite time of year simply because I LOVE layering clothes and don’t get me started on infinity scarves…I kinda went crazy last year. This outfit I put together is something I’d wear in a heartbeat. I love a long (boyfriend?) cardigan paired with a maxi dress.  My transition to Fall channels all my rock n’ roll/hippie/graphic designer sides. That accent of mustard in the infinity scarf gets you noticed! Trust me. And that bag?? GIMME.


September 23, 2013

Sriracha Mac & Cheese

Sriracha Mac + Cheese // shutterbean

It was always a treat when my mom made her TO-DIE-FOR Macaroni & Cheese when we were growing up. My dad (who was always on some type of crazy diet) would always cave and eat her mac & cheese. I mean…how could you not? It’s pure love!

Sriracha Mac + Cheese // shutterbean

My own child? Not a fan. Doesn’t matter what kind of noodle you make it with, the kid has weird melted cheese issues. Apparently it’s fine on pizza but totally questionable on pasta and in grilled cheese sandwiches. I think we need to get some genetic testing. There seems to be quite an abnormality there.

Sriracha Mac + Cheese // shutterbean

Fortunately my husband loves Mac & Cheese because Carbs + Cheese= our love language. Add a heavy helping of spicy/creamy sriracha sauce & extra crispy panko bread crumbs? We’ve taken loving to a whole new level. It’s really a shame that Cooper can’t get in on this action. But it’s not like we don’t have our own love language…in the form of waffles.


September 21, 2013

My Everyday Life: Week 38

Here’s what this past week looked like:

Joy came to visit this week!!!!! Any week that includes Joy is a GOOD week!

My Everyday Life: Week 38



September 20, 2013

I love lists, Friday!


  1. Thank you, Food52 for featuring my Instagram egg shot! 
  2. On the TO DO list this Fall: MAKE MOLE.
  3. They’re totally right. She is my new hero.
  4. Who doesn’t love a good food hack?
  5. Aaron Paul + Dogs= BI*CH!
  6. Cooper and I loved watching this 6 year old girl dance.
  7. Pear Crisp for Two. How about for one? I could eat all that…
  8. I had a good laugh over this commercial this week. (thanks, maj!)
  9. This post about Surviving Whole Foods made me snort.
  10. Totally related. 21 Ways Supermarkets Control Your Mind.
  11. The Edible Room series on sfgirlbybay makes me happy.
  12. You had me at 15 Minute Doughnut Hole.
  13. I’m cooking from the Mac + Cheese cookbook this weekend. Stay tuned!
  14. I currently have a head of cauliflower in my fridge. I might make this SOUP or this PIZZA.
  15. Note to self. Make salads in jars. I mean…I have a TON of jars, why not??
  16. I really enjoyed reading WHAT IS RUINING OUR KIDS.
  17. Also… No one is Super Mom!  


Ann the Adventurer made my Kale Slaw w/ Cabbage & Carrots

Anne the Adventure also made my Grilled Peaches & Blue Cheese