I really love going over to other people’s houses for dinner because I usually find new tips & tricks from other people’s cooking repertoires. A few years ago I sat in my neighbor’s kitchen, drinking a gin & tonic and watched her fry up polenta rounds to accompany roasted meat & vegetables for dinner. It never occurred to me to buy pre-made polenta and fry up rounds as a starchy side. I saved that one to the memory bank….
My Everyday Life: Week 34
Here’s what this past week looked like:
We finally got around to hanging up our outdoor string lights. Only took us all summer 😉
Breakfast Tacos
This post has been a looooooong time coming. I feel like there have been a BAJILLION pictures of breakfast tacos on My Everyday Life series but like a jerk, I’ve never shared with you what I put in my Breakfast Tacos. My sincerest apologies for my occasional jerk ways. Somehow I carry the jerk gene. I think it skipped a few generations…
If I have time to make eggs in the morning then I’m almost guaranteed to have a good day. But now that I think about it, this recipe takes less than 10 minutes to whip up and WHY DON’T I MAKE TIME FOR THIS EVERYDAY? Oh, cuz I value sleep and I have an almost 5 year old. These things, I forget.
The best part of these tacos is that they are super easy to improvise & riff off of. Sometimes I add soyrizo. Sometimes there’s no avocado (BLASPHEMOUS, I know). Sometimes there’s no EGG! (ummm who needs to do some shopping?!) Occasionally it’s just hot sauce & cheese. The point is…TACOS FOR BREAKFAST.
Mint Iced Tea
Sometimes it’s the little things that make the most impact. The little things like….making a batch of mint iced tea from scratch for a husband who has a crazy store bought bottled iced tea obsession. It’s a part love and part OMG BOTTLED ICED TEA IS SO DANG EXPENSIVE WE SHOULDN’T BE BUYING THIS WHEN I CAN MAKE IT thing.
Either way, I’ve added homemade iced tea to our popcorn obsession at home and it’s definitely been well received.
This simple iced tea is refreshingly minty, perfectly sweet and the best option for people in my house (ahem husband!) who don’t like drinking plain water. Bonus points for it being caffeine free because this lady goes crazy if she imbibes caffeine after 12PM!
Don’t worry, we tried some with the vodka and some with bourbon for your sake and it was deeeeeelish.
My Everyday Life: Week 33
Here’s what this past week looked like:
This is why it’s important to always look up.
I love lists, Friday!
- 15 Things You Didn’t Know About Apple. You’re right. I didn’t know that.
- Why Take Self Portraits of Your Feet? This pretty much sums it up.
- If you need a pick me up, Orson Welles is LIT.
- For all of you book lovers out there…
- 9 Mind Blowing Ephiphanies That Turned My World Upside Down. Whoa this makes my brain hurt.
- My maj looking maj while making a maj cherry pie!
- I loved reading this commencement speech. Fantastic advice for EVERYONE.
- How To Be a Great Dinner Party Guest. YES to this!
- Yes. Eyebrows totally make a difference.
- Power Washing Porn. Homeowners know what I’m talking about! So gratifying.
- A pretty awesome DIY for pencil holders.
- I love any sweets that have tahini in them.
- Pimms AND Tonic? Twist my arm!
- Are you a Breaking Bad fan? You’ll love this.
- Mmmm. Peach Slab Pie. Mmmm.
- I personally missed watching Oprah Give Away a New Car!
- POPSICLE WEEK! will fulfill all your popsicle needs this weekend.
There’s a new episode of the Joy the Baker Podcast!!! Thanks for your patience! This week, we talk about my BIRTHDAY MONTH! TV shows we love & we get serenaded by Billy of Wit & Vinegar. You should listen…especially if you love Mariah Carey.
Thank you to Brit & CO. for featuring Shutterbean as one of their readers Top 10 Favorite Makers Chefs & DIY-ers!
I want to THANK all of you who have signed up for the Beginning Food Photography/Styling Workshop I’m teaching with my friend Denise next weekend. We have one spot left if you’re interested in attending. It’s gonna be fun!
(the drawing above is a picture Cooper drew of me. Totally adorable, riiiiiight?!)
Everything Emily Eats adapted my Banh-Mi Sandwiches into bowls!
Cooking My Way Through Life adapted my Honey Banana Smoothie