It’s POPSICLE WEEK!! Did you know that? My friend Billy from Wit & Vinegar started a thing. 26 of us food bloggers are making popsicles this week cuz it’s August and it’s totally time to get excited about popsicles as if we weren’t already. And OF COURSE my contribution to POPSICLE WEEK HAD to involve booze. Who’s predictable? This girl. I almost ALWAYS bring booze to the party. You should know this by now.
Some of you are looking me and saying CAMPARI??! Why, Tracy? WHYYY??
Cuz there’s nothing like it. Get over your bitterness for Campari! Seriously.
Cantaloupe is super sweet. Simple syrup is SUPER DUPER SWEET and Campari is the opposite of sweet. So together they make an incredible bitter melon-cocktail like popsicle!! I bet if you dipped these into a screwdriver (vodka + orange juice) you’d have a fantastic boozy combo. Let’s do that. Let’s also make sure we give our popsicle molds a few good spins around the block before we say so long and start binging on root vegetables and stuff.