June 3, 2013

Spinach Salad w/ Dates & Almonds

spinachdatesalad 040

I’ve had a lot of salads in my life so I feel like I can say (with some authority) that this salad ranks high up there as one of the best salads I’ve ever made. It has everything I love in a salad— onions that aren’t too sharp & potent, sweetness from dried fruits (dates!), crunchy almonds (that almost taste like bacon!) and crunchy flavorful carby pita chips!

Spinach Salad with Dates & Almonds // shutterbean

Who doesn’t love a salad that has toasted bread in it?!!  All of the flavors here marry into something remarkable. You might find yourself making this twice…or three times in one week.

Spinach Salad with Dates & Almonds // shutterbean

This is the first of MANY recipes I want to make from the Jerusalem Cookbook; I’m a little late on adding it to my cookbook collection.  Better late than never!  I think I have fallen in love with this book most similarly to how I fell hard for Heart of the Artichoke by David Tanis. Both cookbooks are filled with all the foods I want to eat all the time with the people I love.


My Everyday Life: Week 22

Here’s what this past week looked like:

During Memorial Day weekend, Casey & I had a day date. I love day dates. Cows under a tree!

My Everyday Life: Week 22


May 31, 2013

I love lists, Friday!


  1. 25 Things I Wish I Knew Before Moving to San Francisco. A very good read.
  2. This Cucumber Lemon Drop looks mighty refreshing!
  3. 7 Reasons Child Stars Go Crazy. Fascinating/Sad.
  4. I’d love to experiment with edible flowers this summer.
  5. Have you ever had parsley pesto? OMG it’s amazing.
  6. Has anyone tried this One Pot Pasta deal? I’m so intrigued.
  7. Do you freeze produce? I love this comprehensive post  on how to do it.
  8. I dream of having a picnic like this one. Awesome work, Megan!
  9. These Peanut Butter Pretzel Bars are PERFECTION.
  10. 33 Teachers Who Got the Last Laugh. HILARIOUS.
  11. I’m super impressed with this DIY Acrylic Frame Clutch.
  12. If you love makeup as much as I do, you’ll love Jessica’s Beauty Posts.
  13. I had Jello Shots at my college graduation (don’t ask). These mojito ones look awesome!
  14. It’s Friday. Let’s have Strawberry Jalapeño Margaritas!
  15. And let’s listen to this song while we’re at it. It’s totally my jam right now.


Forbidden Rice Blog made my Malted Waffles

The Cooking College Students adapted my Kale Mint Slaw &  Mango & Apple Salad w/ Lime Zest

I’ll Have Seconds made my No Knead Pizza Dough

Snaxilicious made Baked Espresso Glazed Doughnuts

May 30, 2013

Farro Salad

Farro Salad // shutterbean

I was invited to my friend Kasey’s birthday/picnic in Golden Gate Park over the weekend and I planned on making my favorite potato salad but then my parents came over and my mom brought me a taste of Ina Garten’s Farro Salad. I spent 15 minutes hovered over my kitchen counter spooning bite after bite into my mouth. It was tangy. It was hearty. It was crunchy. The peppers! The carrots! The balsamic and the sweetness of the red onions! The nuttiness of the farro! It’s as if you crossed farro salad with Giardiniera. And oh boy do I love Giardiniera!

Farro Salad // shutterbean

So, this is what I brought. I just HAD to. And in the morning of making it, I stood over the counter pouring scoop after scoop into my a little bowl for “tasting” purposes. Because one has to get everything just perfect before bringing a salad to a picnic, right?

Farro Salad // shutterbean

There’s no doubt this will be making several appearances in my summer get-togethers this year. Excited!


May 28, 2013

Lemon Buttermilk Bundt Cake

Lemon Buttermilk Bundt Cake // shutterbean

I love lemons. It’s no joke.If you ever asked me to make a list of my kitchen staples, lemons would be high on that list. You can almost always find a bag of them in my kitchen because they’re the ultimate flavor enhancer. Need to perk up some leftovers? Lemon is almost always my answer.  It’s also one of my most favorite smells of all time. If only you could take a whiff of this cake…

Lemon Buttermilk Bundt Cake // shutterbean

This Memorial Day weekend I was waffling back and forth about what to make in the kitchen. I wanted to make a bunch of things to get ahead of schedule but then I felt extremely lazy and decided that I’d just throw in the towel and call it a holiday. So, I sat outside with a coffee and an older issue of Bon Appetit and I realized I had all of the ingredients to make this Lemon Buttermilk Bundt Cake. I find in these moments to just go forth and create. I have no will power when I see that I have all the ingredients in a recipe. MUST MAKE. NOW.

Lemon Buttermilk Bundt Cake // shutterbean

I made this cake for my in-laws. We planned to eat it for dessert but s’mores got in the way (who can resist?!).  Instead it turned into a booze-fueled-late night-snacking cake and a morning picking-on-this-because-we’re-not-ready-to-eat-breakfast-but-we-still-want-something cake. It sat on the edge of the counter in my sister-in-law’s kitchen and slowly throughout the day it withered away, half piece by half piece. A slice is perfect with a scoop of ice cream or whipped cream & berries but it’s also good on its own…eaten without a plate en route to watching BBQ Pitmasters ALL DAY long (ahem, Casey).  If you love lemon, then you’ll most certainly love this bundt. The glaze is simply the best.


May 25, 2013

My Everyday Life: Week 21

Here’s what this past week looked like:

Dogwoods are pretty.

MY EVERYDAY LIFE // shutterbean



May 25, 2013

Happy Memorial Day Weekend {ROUNDUP}


Long weekends are for sleeping in. Long weekends are also for eating lots of food with friends & family. OUTDOORS.

If you’re looking for ideas on what to make this weekend, LOOK NO FURTHER! I have some wonderful suggestions for you.