May 1, 2013

Coconut + Almond Caramel Corn

Coconut Almond Caramel Corn // shutterbean

Coconut Almond Caramel Corn aka How to Woo Your Hair Stylist/Mail Carrier/Preschool Teacher/Boss/Neighbor.  It is to be used when you really want to change someone’s mind about you…like WHOA!! He/She is AWESOME. I’m pretty sure you already are, but giving people delicious Caramel Corn can take your awesome status to a whole new level.

Coconut Almond Caramel Corn // shutterbean

Have you ever tried something that made you speechless? This is the case with this recipe. Crunchy popcorn meets crunchy toasted coconut meets roasted salted almonds meets caramel OMG. Light, buttery, salty toffee-like amazingness.

Coconut Almond Caramel Corn // shutterbean

And to think I was super impressed/dang proud of my Caramel Croutons…these might be my new favorite… I have visions of topping dulce de leche ice cream with crunched up bits of this Coconut Almond Caramel. Excuse me while I dream…BIG.


April 29, 2013

Tomato & Artichoke Penne

Tomato & Artichoke Penne // shutterbean

For a couple of years in college I went vegetarian (thaaaaanks, dorm food) and lived off a lot of stir-fry meals, pizza, Tillamook cheese  & hummus.  It took me about a decade to get back into the stir-fry game. I went a little overboard with my college wok…

Tomato & Artichoke Penne // shutterbean

When my friend, Riley moved in during our last year of college, he came with a nice repertoire of meals. He was the first person to introduce me to chilaquiles (which I LOVED) and he also made this Tomato Artichoke Penne Pasta dish that had me swooning. He was most certainly a welcome breath of fresh air food-wise/roommate-wise.

Tomato & Artichoke Penne // shutterbean

What I love about this dish was how easy it is to prepare and how it costs next to nothing to make. For a college student those two things are GOLD. For an adult who has no time to grocery shop and wants a meal with tons of leftovers throughout the week, it’s SOLID gold.  Sidenote: I find eating cold pasta to be way more enjoyable than hot. Is it just me? There’s just something about cold leftovers that satisfies me. Perhaps it’s how the flavors develop over time? Throw some feta in your pasta leftovers and you have a fantastic salad for an outdoor picnic.


April 27, 2013

My Everyday Life: Week 17

Here’s what this past week looked like.

I’m in love with my new shirt.

My Everyday Life // shutterbean


April 26, 2013

I love lists, Friday!


  1. Big cats love boxes too!! AHHHH
  2. Oh man…this bit on Jimmy Kimmel about Coachella had me laughing.
  3. There’s something so beautiful about abandoned places
  4. I love anything David Sedaris has to say.
  5. How to open a can with only a spoon!
  6. Remember that Dove video from last week? This is the dude’s version. HILARIOUS.
  7. SUCCESS! What it looks like.
  8. Things you would never consider if you’re not left-handed. 
  9. This DIY has my name all over it.
  10. Whoa. Sometimes I’d like to wake up to a cup of Green Eye.
  11. Nothing can heal the spirit like face time with someone you love. PREACH.
  12. Spilled Milk, a collaborative photo blog by parents has caught my eye!
  13. Technology Addiction. (so guilty of this)
  14. I’m freaking out over these pancakes!
  15. I couldn’t possibly think of a better way to use asparagus. 
  16. I added the Fresh 20 Cookbook and Absolutely Avocados to my collection this week!

but wait theres more

On the latest High Straightenance, I organized my jewelry collection! Don’t let me go into The Container Store unattended!

Friends! I’m teaching a Food Photography/Styling Class on May 18th with my friend Denise of ChezUs. If you’re looking to get some tips & tricks, I’d love to have you!

I also just wanted to thank you for all of your kind/sweet/thoughtful comments on my video post! I am so glad that you liked the video we made for Silk Soymilk. It means a lot to me to have your support so THANK YOU!

My Bites Around the Net:

Westie L.A. made my No Knead Walnut Raisin Bread

Grub with Love made my Rosemary Roasted Almonds

Cookie Chanel made my Farmstand Buttermilk Doughnuts

Noms and Notes made my Baked Cinnamon Sugar Doughnuts

April 24, 2013

Goat Cheese Guacamole w/ Pita Chips

Goat Cheese Guacamole // shutterbean

I am obsessed with avocados but I’m pretty sure you already knew that. I think 80% of my breakfasts in the past year have been some version of avocado toast. I can’t stop/won’t stop. Sometimes I wonder how many avocado toast pictures you can endure in  My Everyday Life posts…365?  Someone made a comment on one of my Instagram photos about how many Weight Watchers points are in an avocado and I thought to myself…thank god I’m not on Weight Watchers (been there, done that, it totally works, but I’m a food blogger and I’m not about to put points on this stuff. I just can’t……….fit into some of my jeans but whatever).

Goat Cheese Guacamole // shutterbean

Let’s talk guac! My dear friend Gaby just came out with an amazing new cookbook— Absolutely Avocados. It’s AB/FAB!  Gaby also has quite an obsession with avocados and this is just one of the many many things I adore about her. She’s a real gem/burst of sunshine if you didn’t already know. She’s also one of the few people I can dish on Bravo shows for DAYS.

I picked this guacamole as my first of MANY recipes to try because I can’t stop thinking about sun-dried tomatoes since I made that crazy Greek French Bread Pizza last week. I was also intrigued with putting goat cheese in a guac and OH BOY IS IT GOOD! You know when you get a CREAMY avocado and it’s like buttah? It’s like that times 1000. It’s so smooth and creamy, that you’re not sure if it’s the avocado or goat cheese that you’re eating. Not to mention the combination of  lemon with the sweetness of the sun-dried tomatoes & the tang in the goat cheese makes it…Earth shattering.

Just to reiterate, I am not on Weight Watchers…but maybe after eating all servings, I should reconsider…Ha!


April 23, 2013

Shutterbean + Silk Soymilk (VIDEO!)

Inspiration.  Some days I’m tapped into it and other days I’m not. Like right now…what do I type? This big blank box in WordPress is giving me the ultimate stare down.

It ‘s definitely a challenge to balance being a creative food blogger and a working mom, but it’s in the little moments of My Everyday Life where I find the most inspiration.



April 22, 2013

Broccoli Kale Slaw

Broccoli Kale Slaw // shutterbean

Remember when I was straight up obsessed with the Trader Joe’s Super Spinach Salad and decided to recreate it at home?  I have a new obsession— their Broccoli Kale Slaw.  It’s found a special place in my heart but the only problem is…well, I have some serious issues with it.

Broccoli Kale Slaw // shutterbean

First things first! I don’t like the creamy mayo based dressing it comes with (I haven’t even tried it and I don’t want to. Nope.) And sometimes when I bite into a piece of the chicken in the pre-packaged salad, it doesn’t taste fresh. Have you ever had a old piece of lunch meat? Yeah. That’s the taste I’m talking about. BUZZKILL. I also know it’s not organic chicken and that bugs me. Yeah, I said it.

Broccoli Kale Slaw // shutterbean

But now I’ve made those issues non-issues. I made my own catered-to-me version of this slaw and I think you’ll love too. It’s a colorful salad full of texture, sweetness, tang & crunchy. It’s a salad with substance….one that fills you up and leaves you satisfied. A salad that does a good job keeping my cookie cravings at bay….At least for a little while…